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• What is a calling convention?
– generally: rules for subroutine interface structure
– specifically

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

• how information is passed into subroutine
• how information is returned to caller
• who owns registers

– often specified by vendor so that different compilers’ code
can work together (it’s a CONVENTION)

• Parameters for subroutines
– pushed onto stack
– from right to left in C
– order can be language-dependent

The Calling Convention (1)

©, ECE391

• Subroutine return values
– EAX for up to 32 bits
– EDX:EAX for up to 64 bits
– floating-point not discussed

• Register ownership
– return values can be clobbered by subroutine: EAX and EDX
– caller-saved: subroutine free to clobber; caller must preserve

– callee-saved: subroutine must preserve value passed in
• stack structure: ESP and EBP
• other registers: EBX, ESI, and EDI

The Calling Convention (2)

©, ECE391

• The call sequence

0.save caller-saved registers (if desired)
1.push arguments onto stack

2.make the call

3.pop arguments off the stack
4.restore caller-saved registers

Stack Frames in x86 (1)

©, ECE391

• The callee sequence (creates the stack frame)
0.save old base pointer and get new one

1.save callee-saved registers (always)
2.make space for local variables

3.do the function body
4.tear down stack frame (locals)

5.restore callee-saved registers

6.load old base pointer

Stack Frames in x86 (2)

©, ECE391

• Example of caller code (no caller-saved registers

int func (int A, int B, int C);

func (100, 200, 300);

Stack Frames in x86 (3)

PUSHL $300

PUSHL $200

PUSHL $100


# result in EAX

©, ECE391

• Example of subroutine code and stack frame creation
and teardown

int func (int A, int B, int C)
/* 12 bytes of local variables */

call func (100, 200, 300);

Stack Frames in x86 (4)

©, ECE391

Stack Frames in x86 (4)

(old frame)

stack on entry
to function

stack during
function body



©, ECE391

• Earlier assumptions
– some values start in registers (array pointer in EBX, length in ECX)
– could specify output regs (min. age in EDX, max. age in EDI)

As a C function, we could write…

void find_min_max (person* group, long n_people,

min_max* mm)

Subroutine Example Code

char* name
long age

long min
long max

©, ECE391

void find_min_max (person* group, long n_people, min_max* mm)

© 2021 Yih- . Redistribution prohibited.

Subroutine Example Code (cont.)

(no local vars.)

ret. address

Subroutine Example Code (cont.)

(no local vars.)

ret. address

void foo(char *str) {
char buffer[256];
strcpy(buffer, str);

void main() {
char buf[256];
memset(buf, ‘A’, 255);
buf[255] = ‘x00’;

void foo(char *str) {
char buffer[16];
strcpy(buffer, str);

void main() {
char buf[256];
memset(buf, ‘A’, 255);
buf[255] = ‘x00’;

void foo(char *str) {
char buffer[16];
strcpy(buffer, str);

void main() {
char buf[256];
memset(buf, ‘A’, 255);
buf[255] = ‘x00’;

void foo(char *str) {
char buffer[16];
strcpy(buffer, str);

void main() {
char buf[256];
memset(buf, ‘A’, 255);
buf[255] = ‘x00’;

void foo(char *str) {
char buffer[16];
strcpy(buffer, str);

void main() {
char buf[256];
memset(buf, ‘A’, 255);
buf[255] = ‘x00’;

void foo(char *str) {
char buffer[16];
strcpy(buffer, str);

void main() {
char buf[256];
memset(buf, ‘A’, 255);
buf[255] = ‘x00’;

void foo(char *str) {
char buffer[16];
strcpy(buffer, str);

void main() {
char buf[256];
memset(buf, ‘A’, 255);
buf[255] = ‘x00’;

void foo(char *str) {
char buffer[16];
strcpy(buffer, str);

void main() {
char buf[256];
memset(buf, ‘A’, 255);
buf[255] = ‘x00’;

void foo(char *str) {
char buffer[16];
strcpy(buffer, str);

void main() {
char buf[256];
memset(buf, ‘A’, 255);
buf[255] = ‘x00’;




void foo(char *str) {
char buffer[16];
strcpy(buffer, str);

void main() {
char buf[256];
memset(buf, ‘A’, 255);
buf[255] = ‘x00’;




mov %ebp, %esp

void foo(char *str) {
char buffer[16];
strcpy(buffer, str);

void main() {
char buf[256];
memset(buf, ‘A’, 255);
buf[255] = ‘x00’;



0x41414141mov %ebp, %esp

Buffer overflow example

void foo(char *str) {
char buffer[16];
strcpy(buffer, str);

void main() {
char buf[256];
memset(buf, ‘A’, 255);
buf[255] = ‘x00’;



mov %ebp, %esp

void foo(char *str) {
char buffer[16];
strcpy(buffer, str);

void main() {
char buf[256];
memset(buf, ‘A’, 255);
buf[255] = ‘x00’;




mov %ebp, %esp

%eip = 0x41414141




• How does a processor communicate with devices?

• Two possibilities
– independent I/O — use special instructions

and a separate I/O port address space
– memory-mapped I/O — use loads/stores

and dedicate part of the memory address space to I/O

• x86 originally used only independent I/O
– but when used in PC, needed a good interface to video memory
– solution?put card on the bus, claim memory addresses!
– now uses both, although ports are somewhat deprecated

Device I/O

©, ECE391

• I/O instructions have not evolved since 8086
– 16-bit port space

• byte addressable
• little-endian (looks like memory)

– instructions

IN port, dest.reg

OUTsrc.reg, port
– the register operands are NOT general-purpose registers

• all data to/from AL, AX, or EAX

• port is either an 8-bit immediate (not 16!) or DX

Device I/O

©, ECE391

• System software serves three purposes
– virtualization
– protection
– abstraction (particularly hiding asynchrony)

• virtualization:
– the illusion of multiple/practically unlimited resources

• protection:
– reduce/eliminate the chance of accidental and/or malicious

destruction of data/results by another program

Role of System Software (1)

• abstraction:
– hide fundamentally asynchronous nature of processor/device

– provide simpler and more powerful interfaces (integrated


Role of System Software (2)

else’s codeyour code

buf buf buf

neither can cross
protection boundary

• recall that subroutines allow a programmer
to encapsulate common operations

• the operating system
– want to provide an interface including

common operations
– BUT don’t want to re-link programs
– NOR rely on everyone having exactly

the same OS version

System Calls, Interrupts, and Exceptions (1)

• solution
– add a level of indirection!

• with indirection
– to rewrite OS, just change the table
– application code does not change

System Calls, Interrupts, and Exceptions (2)

or “handler

• in LC-3, we used the TRAP instruction; in x86, it’s the
INT instruction:
INT 8-bit imm. # (PUSH EIP), EIP ¬ table[imm8]

– the RTL is actually a little more complicated, as you’ll see
later in course

– called a trap (after instruction, or trap door through protection

– also called a system call (for operating system)

System Calls, Interrupts, and Exceptions (3)

• vector tables/jump tables
– i.e., tables of function pointers
– convenient abstraction for many procedure-like activities

• Question:
– What happens if software does something wrong, e.g.,

• accesses a non-existent memory location?
• issues an illegal/undefined instruction?divides by 0?

• What do we do to handle problems?
– state machine that you design for processor may have don’t cares
– state machine that you build will do something (may be unknown)
– so just let it run!(e.g., 6502 did so… and programmers used!)

System Calls, Interrupts, and Exceptions (4)

• a better solution: exceptions!
– processor maps each problem to a vector #
– calls procedure in vector table by #

• Where else might we use vector tables?

• Consider processor interactions with devices
– a disk access takes about 10 milliseconds
– new machines in lab: 10 ms = 32 million cycles

• should processor sit around asking, “Are my data here yet?”

System Calls, Interrupts, and Exceptions (5)

– analogous to posting a letter to a friend in Europe
– and checking your mailbox every minute for a reply
– instead, have your mail carrier ring your doorbell when it arrives
– in a processor, we call that an interrupt

• How can we use a vector table for interrupts?
– each device has a vector #
– call corresponding procedure in vector table when device generates

– uses one table for all three kinds
– called the Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT)

System Calls, Interrupts, and Exceptions (6)

• How does a processor support interrupts?

• Logically…

N=8 on x86 (and LC-3)

• How should we change a processor’s state machine
to incorporate interrupts?

Processor Support for Interrupts (1)

N which one?

Z. Kalbarczyk ECE391

LC-3 state machine
interrupt support

• x86 allows software to block interrupts with a status
flag (in EFLAGS)

• normal interrupts occur only when the interrupt
enable flag (IF) is set

• some interrupts are too important
– e.g., memory errors, power warnings, etc.
– these are NOT maskable, and use a separate input to

– called non-maskable interrupts (NMI)

Processor Support for Interrupts (2)

8 which (uses data bus)

• as mentioned earlier
– x86 uses a single vector table
– the Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT)
– hold vectors for interrupts, exceptions, and system calls

• note that this picture is partly OS-specific
– the exception vector numbers are specified by Intel – Why?

• A: generated directly by processor’s state machine

– programmable interrupt controller (PIC) will be discussed later;
• range of vectors generated is programmable, and is shown for

– note that a single entry is used for all system calls in Linux

Interrupt Descriptor Table

Descriptor Table

• How does a processor communicate with devices?

• Two possibilities
– independent I/O — use special instructions

and a separate I/O port address space
– memory-mapped I/O — use loads/stores

and dedicate part of the memory address space to I/O

• x86 originally used only independent I/O
– but when used in PC, needed a good interface to video memory
– solution?put card on the bus, claim memory addresses!
– now uses both, although ports are somewhat deprecated

Device I/O

©, ECE391

• I/O instructions have not evolved since 8086
– 16-bit port space

• byte addressable
• little-endian (looks like memory)

– instructions

IN port, dest.reg

OUTsrc.reg, port
– the register operands are NOT general-purpose registers

• all data to/from AL, AX, or EAX

• port is either an 8-bit immediate (not 16!) or DX

Device I/O

©, ECE391

程序代写 CS代考加微信: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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[SOLVED] 代写代考 ECE391
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