[SOLVED] CS代写 ‘name’: ‘Problem 8’,

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‘name’: ‘Problem 8’,
‘points’: 7,
‘suites’: [
‘cases’: [

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

‘answer’: ‘aa071c4b2e09ae38b3a6c2b46e35631b’,
‘choices’: [
‘The Ant instance that is in the same place as itself’,
‘The Ant instance in the place closest to its own place’,
‘A random Ant instance in the gamestate’,
‘All the Ant instances in the gamestate’
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: True,
‘multiline’: False,
‘question’: ‘Which Ant does a BodyguardAnt guard?’
‘answer’: ‘1e7b699e037562ebb2a4d021a1d46a64’,
‘choices’: [
‘By protecting the ant from Bees and allowing it to perform its original action’,
‘By attacking Bees that try to attack it’,
“By increasing the ant’s health”,
‘By allowing Bees to pass without attacking’
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: True,
‘multiline’: False,
‘question’: ‘How does a BodyguardAnt guard its ant?’
‘answer’: ‘a098286a9b3b3346f4903a9af0c61c61’,
‘choices’: [
“In the BodyguardAnt’s ant_contained instance attribute”,
“In the BodyguardAnt’s ant_contained class attribute”,
“In its place’s ant instance attribute”,
“Nowhere, a BodyguardAnt has no knowledge of the ant that it’s protecting”
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: True,
‘multiline’: False,
‘question’: ‘Where is the ant contained by a BodyguardAnt stored?’
‘answer’: ‘431c118bcc729d4300de549e48da117f’,
‘choices’: [
When exactly one of the Ant instances is a container and the
container ant does not already contain another ant
‘When exactly one of the Ant instances is a container’,
‘When both Ant instances are containers’,
‘There can never be two Ant instances in the same place’
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: True,
‘multiline’: False,
‘question’: ‘When can a second Ant be added to a place that already contains an Ant?’
‘answer’: ‘eba41010f7a59f4d3fb7587b44e4c595’,
‘choices’: [
‘The Container Ant’,
‘The Ant being contained’,
‘A list containing both Ants’,
‘Whichever Ant was placed there first’
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: True,
‘multiline’: False,
‘question’: r”””
If two Ants occupy the same Place, what is stored in that place’s ant
instance attribute?
‘scored’: False,
‘type’: ‘concept’
‘cases’: [
‘code’: r”””
>>> # Testing BodyguardAnt parameters
>>> bodyguard = BodyguardAnt()
>>> BodyguardAnt.food_cost
>>> bodyguard.health
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: True,
‘multiline’: False
‘code’: r”””
>>> # Abstraction tests
>>> original = ContainerAnt.__init__
>>> ContainerAnt.__init__ = lambda self, health: print(“init”) #If this errors, you are not calling the parent constructor correctly.
>>> bodyguard = BodyguardAnt()
>>> ContainerAnt.__init__ = original
>>> bodyguard = BodyguardAnt()
>>> hasattr(bodyguard, ‘ant_contained’)
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: False,
‘multiline’: False
‘scored’: True,
‘setup’: r”””
>>> from ants import *
‘teardown’: ”,
‘type’: ‘doctest’
‘cases’: [
‘code’: r”””
>>> bodyguard = BodyguardAnt()
>>> bodyguard.action(gamestate) # Action without contained ant should not error
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: False,
‘multiline’: False
‘code’: r”””
>>> # Bodyguard ant added before another ant
>>> bodyguard = BodyguardAnt()
>>> other_ant = ThrowerAnt()
>>> place = gamestate.places[‘tunnel_0_0’]
>>> place.add_insect(bodyguard)# Bodyguard in place first
>>> place.add_insect(other_ant)
>>> place.ant is bodyguard
>>> bodyguard.ant_contained is other_ant
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: True,
‘multiline’: False
‘code’: r”””
>>> # Bodyguard ant can be added after another ant
>>> bodyguard = BodyguardAnt()
>>> other_ant = ThrowerAnt()
>>> place = gamestate.places[‘tunnel_0_0’]
>>> place.add_insect(other_ant)# Other ant in place first
>>> place.ant is other_ant
>>> place.add_insect(bodyguard)
>>> place.ant is bodyguard
>>> bodyguard.ant_contained is other_ant
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: True,
‘multiline’: False
‘code’: r”””
>>> # Testing bodyguard performs thrower’s action
>>> bodyguard = BodyguardAnt()
>>> thrower = ThrowerAnt()
>>> bee = Bee(2)
>>> # Place bodyguard before thrower
>>> gamestate.places[“tunnel_0_0”].add_insect(bodyguard)
>>> gamestate.places[“tunnel_0_0”].add_insect(thrower)
>>> gamestate.places[“tunnel_0_3″].add_insect(bee)
>>> bodyguard.action(gamestate)
>>> bee.health
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: False,
‘multiline’: False
‘code’: r”””
>>> # Testing bodyguard performs thrower’s action
>>> bodyguard = BodyguardAnt()
>>> thrower = ThrowerAnt()
>>> bee = Bee(2)
>>> # Place thrower before bodyguard
>>> gamestate.places[“tunnel_0_0”].add_insect(thrower)
>>> gamestate.places[“tunnel_0_0”].add_insect(bodyguard)
>>> gamestate.places[“tunnel_0_3″].add_insect(bee)
>>> bodyguard.action(gamestate)
>>> bee.health
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: False,
‘multiline’: False
‘code’: r”””
>>> # Testing removing a bodyguard doesn’t remove contained ant
>>> place = gamestate.places[‘tunnel_0_0’]
>>> bodyguard = BodyguardAnt()
>>> test_ant = Ant(1)
>>> # add bodyguard first
>>> place.add_insect(bodyguard)
>>> place.add_insect(test_ant)
>>> gamestate.remove_ant(‘tunnel_0_0’)
>>> place.ant is test_ant
>>> bodyguard.place is None
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: False,
‘multiline’: False
‘code’: r”””
>>> # Testing removing a bodyguard doesn’t remove contained ant
>>> place = gamestate.places[‘tunnel_0_0’]
>>> bodyguard = BodyguardAnt()
>>> test_ant = Ant(1)
>>> # add ant first
>>> place.add_insect(test_ant)
>>> place.add_insect(bodyguard)
>>> gamestate.remove_ant(‘tunnel_0_0’)
>>> place.ant is test_ant
>>> bodyguard.place is None
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: False,
‘multiline’: False
‘code’: r”””
>>> # Testing bodyguarded ant keeps instance attributes
>>> test_ant = Ant()
>>> def new_action(gamestate):
… test_ant.health += 9000
>>> test_ant.action = new_action
>>> place = gamestate.places[‘tunnel_0_0’]
>>> bodyguard = BodyguardAnt()
>>> place.add_insect(test_ant)
>>> place.add_insect(bodyguard)
>>> place.ant.action(gamestate)
>>> place.ant.ant_contained.health
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: False,
‘multiline’: False
‘code’: r”””
>>> # Testing single BodyguardAnt cannot hold two other ants
>>> bodyguard = BodyguardAnt()
>>> first_ant = ThrowerAnt()
>>> place = gamestate.places[‘tunnel_0_0’]
>>> place.add_insect(bodyguard)
>>> place.add_insect(first_ant)
>>> second_ant = ThrowerAnt()
>>> place.add_insect(second_ant)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: Two ants in tunnel_0_0
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: False,
‘multiline’: False
‘code’: r”””
>>> # Testing BodyguardAnt cannot hold another BodyguardAnt
>>> bodyguard1 = BodyguardAnt()
>>> bodyguard2 = BodyguardAnt()
>>> place = gamestate.places[‘tunnel_0_0’]
>>> place.add_insect(bodyguard1)
>>> place.add_insect(bodyguard2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
AssertionError: Two ants in tunnel_0_0
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: False,
‘multiline’: False
‘code’: r”””
>>> # Testing BodyguardAnt takes all the damage
>>> thrower = ThrowerAnt()
>>> bodyguard = BodyguardAnt()
>>> bee = Bee(1)
>>> place = gamestate.places[‘tunnel_0_0’]
>>> place.add_insect(thrower)
>>> place.add_insect(bodyguard)
>>> place.add_insect(bee)
>>> bodyguard.health
>>> bee.action(gamestate)
>>> (bodyguard.health, thrower.health)
>>> bee.action(gamestate)
>>> (bodyguard.health, thrower.health)
>>> bodyguard.place is None
>>> place.ant is thrower
>>> bee.action(gamestate)
>>> thrower.health
>>> place.ant is None
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: False,
‘multiline’: False
‘code’: r”””
>>> # test proper call to death callback
>>> original_death_callback = Insect.death_callback
>>> Insect.death_callback = lambda x: print(“insect died”)
>>> place = gamestate.places[“tunnel_0_0″]
>>> bee = Bee(3)
>>> bodyguard = BodyguardAnt()
>>> ant = ThrowerAnt()
>>> place.add_insect(bee)
>>> place.add_insect(ant)
>>> place.add_insect(bodyguard)
>>> bee.action(gamestate)
>>> bee.action(gamestate)
insect died
>>> bee.action(gamestate) # if you fail this test you probably didn’t correctly call Ant.reduce_health or Insect.reduce_health
insect died
>>> Insect.death_callback = original_death_callback
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: False,
‘multiline’: False
‘scored’: True,
‘setup’: r”””
>>> from ants import *
>>> beehive, layout = Hive(AssaultPlan()), dry_layout
>>> gamestate = GameState(None, beehive, ant_types(), layout, (1, 9))
‘teardown’: ”,
‘type’: ‘doctest’
‘cases’: [
‘code’: r”””
>>> from ants import *
>>> BodyguardAnt.implemented
‘hidden’: False,
‘locked’: False,
‘multiline’: False
‘scored’: True,
‘setup’: ”,
‘teardown’: ”,
‘type’: ‘doctest’

程序代写 CS代考加微信: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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[SOLVED] CS代写 ‘name’: ‘Problem 8’,
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