# Practical Assignment 1
**Dealine**: 26.02.2021
Please put your name here:
**Name:** .
## Problem 1.1
### Calculate Frames-per-Second (FPS) (Points 30)
1. Fork the current repository
2. Study the new framework-code of
3. Check that the code is running correctly: it should show the video stream from the web-camera of your laptop.
4. Calculate average fps and print it to console every 2 seconds. Compare Debug and Release versions.
### Note
MacOS users may need to launch the application with the administrator rights, to grant access to the web-camera.
## Problem 1.2
### Face detection (Points 70)
1. Read the OpenCV documentation about Viola-Jones face detector: [Cascade Classifier](https://docs.opencv.org/4.2.0/db/d28/tutorial_cascade_classifier.html)
2. Implement face detection for the video stream from the web-camera using the `cv::CascadeClassifier` class.
3. Measure the FPS one more time. How FPS changed after incorporating the face detection into the framework?
### Note
Please do not copy-paste the example code from the OpenCV documentation, but try to understand the example code and implement the solution to the problem by yourself.
## Submission
Please submit the assignment by making a pull request.
**Important** : Please make sure that
No _extra files_ are submitted (except those, which were mentioned in the assignment)
The changes were made _only_ in those files where you were asked to write your code
The Continiouse Integration system (appVeyor) can build the submitted code
The rendered images are also submitted in the folder renders
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