(Cascading Style Sheets)
Each element represented as a rectangular box for the rendering
Copyright By Assignmentchef assignmentchef
Start with a new line and stretch to the full width of the container Could contain block and inline elements
Some properties could be applied only to block elements (such as width, height, margin, padding)
stnemele kcolB
Have the size of the content
Could contain only text and other inline elements Dont break the flow
*Inline-block creates a block element (could use all the properties from the block element) which behaves in the flow as inline
stnemele enilnI
Completely removes the element from the flow
enon :yalpsiD
Change visibility of the element, but keep it in the flow
Flexbox defines layout where children could be positioned in any direction and change their size based on the available space
Defines the direction in which flex items will be placed
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noitcerid-xelf :xelF
Defines how items will be positioned inside the flex element
dne-xelf trats-xelf retnec hcterts
smeti-ngila :xelF
Defines how space between items will be processed
tnetnoc-yfitsuj :xelF
Removes an element from the normal flow and puts it to the left/right of the container and allows to other inline elements wrap around it
Positions an element based on the normal flow Offset properties have no effect on it
The default value of the position property
noitisop citatS
Positioned an element based on the normal flow Offset properties will apply on it based on its default position
noitisop evitaleR
Removes an element from the normal flow
It will be positioned by the offset properties based on the closest parent element with not static position
noitisop etulosbA
Removes an element from the normal flow Offset properties will apply on it based on the viewport
noitisop dexiF
Sets how an element will show its content when it overflows the edges
visible content will be rendered outside the edges (default value)
hidden hide the content outside the edges. Doesnt allow to scroll
auto hide the content outside the edges, but allows scrolling to the hidden content
scroll hide the content outside the edges. Always show scrollbars, even when content fits the element
overflow: visible overflow: hidden overflow: auto
https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/ specification
https://caniuse.com checks the browsers support of the css properties https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Reference documentation from Mozilla corporation
https://csstriggers.com checks what property triggers while rendering https://css-tricks.com the portal with bunch of helpful tricks and articles
sknil lufpleH
CS: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]
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