[SOLVED] CS代写 DOT 10 5 (empty-scene 50 50))))

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;; PUT YOUR CS ID HERE ON THIS LINE: ____________________________ ;;
Below are partial designs for 4 functions. You must complete each design with a function definition using one or more built-in abstract functions. You must NOT use the (listof X) or the recursive Natural template. You must use the most appropriate abstract function or functions in each case.
String -> (listof 1String))

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

;; produce a list consisting of the letters of str
(check-expect (xplode “it”) (list (string-ith “it” 0) (string-ith “it” 1)))

Natural (listof Integer) -> (listof Integer))
;; produce only those numbers n in lon for which (remainder n x) produces 0 (check-expect (multiples-of 3 (list 2 3 5 6)) (list 3 6))
Natural (listof Number) -> Number)
;; produce the sum of each element raised to expt p (check-expect (sop 3 (list 5 9)) (+ (expt 5 3) (expt 9 3)))

(listof Posn) Image -> Image)
;; place one DOT at each x,y position on img
(check-expect (plot (list (make-posn 2 3) (make-posn 10 5))
(empty-scene 50 50))
(place-image DOT 2 3 (place-image DOT 10 5 (empty-scene 50 50))))

In this problem you are asked to fixed a bug in a program.
When this program is run, the 2nd and 4th test fail, and the last test gets the following error:
Check failures:
check-expect encountered the following error instead of the expected value,
(list (make-thing “B” ‘()) (make-thing “B” ‘())).
:: append: expects a list, given (make-thing “B” ‘())
Please fix the program so that it no longer gets this error and all of the tests run correctly. Do not rewrite the program substantially, make just the minimal change required so that it no longer gets this error and all of the tests run correctly.
(define-struct thing (nm subs))
;; Thing is (make-thing String (listof Thing))
;; interp. arbitrary-arity tree. Each thing has a name and a list of children. (define T0 (make-thing “X” empty))
(define T1 (make-thing “A”
(list (make-thing “B” empty) (make-thing “C”
(list (make-thing “D” (list
(make-thing “A” empty) (make-thing “B” empty))))))))

Thing String -> (listof Thing)) ;; produce all things in tree with given name
(check-expect (check-expect (check-expect (check-expect (check-expect
Thing (listof Thing) encapsulated) (define (all-with-name t n)
(local [(define (fn-for-t t)
(if (string=? (thing-nm t) n)
(fn-for-lot (thing-subs t)))) (define (fn-for-lot lot)
(cond [(empty? lot) empty] [else
(fn-for-t t)))
(all-with-name T0 “Y”)
(all-with-name T0 “X”)
(all-with-name T1 “Y”)
(all-with-name T1 “A”)
(all-with-name T1 “B”)
(list (make-thing “B” empty) (make-thing “B” empty)))
(list T0))
(list T1 (make-thing “A” empty)))
(append (fn-for-t (first lot)) (fn-for-lot (rest lot)))]))]

The following function uses two accumulators. The function works correctly, but the function purpose, tests, as well as the accumulator types and invariants have deliberately been left out. You must fill in 5 things: function purpose, type and invariant for acc1, and type and invariant for acc2. Your invariants must be specific to the behaviour of this function. Saying something generic like “accumulate the data” will receive zero marks. You do not need to fill in any tests.
(listof Integer) -> Integer) ;; purpose:
(listof Number) accumulator) (define (foo lon0)
;; acc1 is: ;;
;; invariant: ;;
;; acc2 is: ;;
;; invariant:
(local [(define (fn-for-lon lon acc1 acc2)
(cond [(empty? lon) (- acc1 acc2)] [else
(if (odd? (first lon))
(fn-for-lon (rest lon) (+ acc1 (first lon)) acc2) (fn-for-lon (rest lon) acc1 (+ acc2 (first lon))))]))]
(fn-for-lon lon0 0 0)))

Here, with revisions, is part of the Wikipedia for a ternary search tree:
Each node of a ternary search tree stores a single character, references to its three children conventionally named equal kid, lo kid and hi kid. The lo kid must be a node whose character value is less than the current node. The hi kid must be a node whose character is greater than the current node. The equal kid has the next character in the word. The figure below shows a ternary search tree with the strings “cute”, “cup”, “at”, “as”, “he”, “us” and “i”:
tteu //|/| speis
As with other trie data structures, each node in a ternary search tree represents a prefix of the stored strings. All strings in the middle subtree of a node start with that prefix. Note that this means that words only continue along middle branches. In particular:
– cute is in the above tree, because starting at c the word continues to u, then continues to t and so on.
– cat is not in the above tree because starting at c the word does not continue to a. instead a new word can start at a.
Note that when the above says a character is greater or less than we mean using the strings are in the hi branch

one-of atomic-distinct
compound self-ref self-ref self-ref)
(define (fn-for-tstree t) (cond [(false? t) (…)]
(… (node-s t)
(fn-for-tstree (node-lo t)) (fn-for-tstree (node-eq t)) (fn-for-tstree (node-hi t)))]))
;; The following constant represents the tree shown above. ;;
;; “cup”, “at”, “as”, “he”, “us” and “i”. ALSO BE SURE TO UNDERSTAND WHAT
(define WORDS
(make-node “c” (make-node “a”
false (make-node
false) (make-node “u”
false (make-node
false) (make-node “h”
false (make-node (make-node
(make-node “s” false false false) false
(make-node “p” false false false) (make-node “e” false false false) false)
“e” false false false)
(make-node “i” false false false) (make-node “s” false false false) false))))

Complete the function definition below to produce a working version of this function.
TSTree (listof 1String) -> Boolean)
;; produce true if the tree contains the word formed from the characters
(check-expect (contains? WORDS (list “a” “s”)) (check-expect (contains? WORDS (list “a” “t”)) (check-expect (contains? WORDS (list “c” “u” “p”)) (check-expect (contains? WORDS (list “c” “u” “t” “e”)) (check-expect (contains? WORDS (list “h” “e”)) (check-expect (contains? WORDS (list “i”)) (check-expect (contains? WORDS (list “u” “s”)) (check-expect (contains? WORDS (list “c” “u”))
true) true) true) true) true) true) true) false)

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Design a function to produce the following fractal. The function should consume the length of the longest line as an argument. Do not worry about the exact geometry. Just choose reasonable values for cutoff, reduction and rotation. Remember that (rectangle 30 2 “solid” “black”) is a good way to produce a line 2 pixels thick by 30 pixels long. Be sure to include a 3 part termination argument.

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The CS department is so happy to hear about TA scheduling that they have decided to ask 110 to solve another scheduling problem! They think it will be difficult, but you have a systematic way to design search functions that will make it easier for you.
The department wants you to design a function that will consume a list of classes and a list of classroom slots, and assign each class to a slot if possible.
The simplest solution to this problem is a structural recursion. NOT a tail recursion, and we recommend you take that approach.
NOTE that:
– You MUST use the data definitions we provide below.
– We are giving you a helper function that computes the wasted space in a list of pairs. Use it.
– We are representing times as integers. So we have 1000, 1100 etc. We are ignoring days of the week.
– Be sure to include a template tag and termination argument. As well be sure to include type and invariant if you use any accumulators.
(define-struct class (num size))
;; Class is (make-class Natural Natural)
;; A class with course number and number of students.
(define-struct slot (room time size))
;; Slot is (make-slot String Integer Natural)
;; interp. A time slot with the room name, time, and room size
(define-struct assign (class slot))
;; Assign is (make-assign Class Slot)
;; interp. an Assign represents that the class is scheduled for the room slot ;; so a list of assigns is a schedule of classes into rooms
(define C110 (make-class 110 280))
(define C121 (make-class 121 220))
(define C210 (make-class 210 270))
(define C221 (make-class 221 180))
(define C213 (make-class 213 180))

(define SA10 (make-slot “A” 1000 300)) (define SA11 (make-slot “A” 1100 300)) (define SB10 (make-slot “B” 1000 350)) (define SB11 (make-slot “B” 1100 350)) (define SC10 (make-slot “C” 1000 200)) (define SC11 (make-slot “C” 1100 200))
(listof Assign) -> Natural)
;; produce total wasted space in a schedule
;; CONSTRAINT: in every pair the room is big enough to hold the class (check-expect (wasted-space empty) 0)
(check-expect (wasted-space (list (make-assign C110 SB11)
(make-assign C121 SA10))) (+ (- (slot-size SB11) (class-size C110))
(- (slot-size SA10) (class-size C121)))) fn-composition)
(define (wasted-space lop)
(- (foldl + 0 (map slot-size (map assign-slot lop)))
(foldl + 0 (map class-size (map assign-class lop)))))
Here is the beginning of the function design you must complete. |#
(listof Class) (listof Slot) -> (listof Assign)) ;; produce schedule assigning classes to classroom slots
(check-expect (solve-schedule (list C110) empty) false) (check-expect (solve-schedule (list C121 C210 C221 C213 C110)
(list SA10 SB10 SB11 SC10 SC11)) (list (make-assign C110 SB11)
(make-assign C213 SC11) (make-assign C221 SC10) (make-assign C210 SB10) (make-assign C121 SA10)))

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程序代写 CS代考加微信: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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[SOLVED] CS代写 DOT 10 5 (empty-scene 50 50))))
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