[SOLVED] CS作业代写 PROG2002 Assignment 2

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PROG2002 Assignment 2
Weight: 40% of your final mark
Due: Week 6 (Monday, 23:59 AEST)
Please note that this is an individual assignment Specifications

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

Previously, you have develop the client-side of an online book store website, but didn’t involve the server side, didn’t connect to a database, and without an admin site to manipulate the data.
In real practice, a website application needs to reside at a server, connect to a database and is able to handle clients’ requests, and generate a dynamic content to the clients based on their requirest. Therefore, we will use the same case study using AngularJS.
In this assessment, your task is to develop the server-side of an online book store website using AngularJS. The web application is expected to have the following requirements.
• A MySQL database using NodeJS that stores the available books.
• RESTful APIs to fetch the details of the list of available books, including insert, update
and delete actions.
• A simple client-side Angular app to display the list of books
• A simple admin-side Angular app to display the list of books, including insert, update
and delete actions.
Getting Help
This assignment is to be completed individually. It is the opportunity to gain an understanding of the concepts of building a dynamic website. It is important that you master these concepts yourself. You are permitted to work from the examples in the study guide or textbook but you must acknowledge assistance from other textbooks or classmates. In particular, you must not use online material or help from others, as this would prevent you from mastering these concepts.
Who can you get help from? Use this diagram to determine from whom you may seek help with your program.

Attribution Required
Not acceptable
Students outside unit
Online Forums
Hired coders
Private Tutors
Please note that if your marker has any suspicion that you had help with your code or that
your work is not your own, you will be asked to come to a meeting with your marker to
explain your code. Any student who is unable to explain their code will be submitted for
academic misconduct.
Part 1 – Setup MySQL database using NodeJS
You are required to complete the following requirements using MySQL and NodeJS. This part is covered in Module 4.
• Install a MySQL server, connect to the MySQL server, and create a new database called “bookstore_db” by creating a file named “bookstore_db.js”.
• Create two new tables called book and category that store the list of available books and the book categories.
o Inthebooktable,createthefollowingfields:book_ID(PK),title,author,price, description, category_ID (FK). A book can only be classified into a category.
o In the category table, create the following fields: category_ID (PK), name
• For the two tables above, use appropriate data type for each of the fields
• Insert at least 10 records into the book table and at least 5 records into the category
Part 2 – Create a RESTFul API
Create RESTful APIs using NodeJS and ExpressJS to manipulate the book table only in the database. The APIs should have the following requirements. This part is covered in Module 4.
• Using GET method to retrieve all books from the database 2

(see Module 4 > Displaying database results on Client Side > Hosting RESTful API)
• Using GET method with 1 parameter (categoryid) to retrieve a list of book based on
the category id inputed from the database
(see Module 4 > Displaying database results on Client Side > Read: Passing on the
details via the URL)
• Using POST method to insert a new book record to the database
(see Module 4 > Displaying database results on Client Side > Create: Post method)
• Using PUT method to update a book based on the book ID inputed
(see Module 4 > Displaying database results on Client Side > Update: Put method)
• Using DELETE method to delete a book based on the book ID inputed
(see Module 4 > Displaying database results on Client Side > Delete: Deete method) Once you complete this part, you can test your APIs using Postman. (covered in Module 4) Note:
• You are not required to create APIs for the category table.
• You are not required to use Injectable Service for this part.
Part 3 –Angular project for a simple client-side web
You are required to create a simple one-page web application using AngularJS to display a list of books stored in the database by calling the GET API (that you made in Part 2). The store customers will use this web page to see the list of available books. The page should have the following requirements. This part is covered in Module 5.
• Create an Angular project and import all the required modules such as HttpClient etc.
• Using Angular component, add a page in your Angular project to display the details of
book and the categories (see Module 5).
You are free to decide the page layout as long as it shows the required information. Note:
• Don’t spend your time too much on the layout. Hint: You may use the same layout that you made in Assessment 1 Part 1 to save your time.
• Use one page only.
• Notice that this part is similar to Assessment 1 but excluding the Parts 2-4 (i.e. inquiry
page and shopping cart page).

Part 4 –Angular project for a simple admin-side web
You are required to create a simple one-page web application using AngularJS to manipulate the books stored in the database by calling the APIs (that you made in Part 2). The store owner will use this webpage to manipulate the book data. The page should have the following requirements. This part is covered in Module 5.
• Display all the books by calling GET API
• Create a new form to insert a new book. Once the user presses a SAVE button, the
button will call POST method created in Part 2. Validation should be performed to
make sure the user fills in the required fields.
• Create a new form to update a book. Once the user presses a SAVE button, the button
will call PUT method created in Part 2. Validation should be performed to make sure
the user fills in the required fields.
• Create a REMOVE link next to each book to delete the book. Once the user presses
the REMOVE link, the button will call DELETE method created in Part 2. Note:
• You are free to decide the page layout as long as it can perform the required actions.
• You are not required to use multiple components but it doesn’t limit you to use multiple components and Angular route to handle multiple components (see Module
6) if you want to.
• You are not required to manipulate the category table.
• For simpliclty, assume that the admin web doesn’t need the user to log in.
Submission instruction:
– You are required to upload your codes to the SCU server so the website will be fully working. Each student has been sent a cPanel login to access your account (please check your email). There is a video to guide you on how to upload your website to the SCU cPanel server (see Additional videos to support your assessment)
– You are also required to upload your code to the submission link on Blackboard.

程序代写 CS代考加微信: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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[SOLVED] CS作业代写 PROG2002 Assignment 2
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