[SOLVED] CS代考 Assignment

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Write a program that uses a generic hill-climbing solver, and can solve either N-queens or the
knapsack problem (see homework 1).
out of 100:

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

90 points for correct behavior: 50 for hill-climbing, 20 for each N-queens and knapsack
for problem formulation
10 points for well written solver code: clear data structures, methods, control flow, no
commented code, global variables, etc.
Expect us to run your program against a number of different input graphs.
Libraries: it is acceptable to use an external json reading library (see below), but that is all. It is
not acceptable to copy or use code for hill climbing and/or either of the problems you are asked
Running your program
A program run should look like: (may be slightly different depending on language, note this in
your README)
hill climb -N Squeens
hill climb knapsack-file
Either program run should accept these additional arguments
-verbose is an optional flag for verbose mode (more later)

Either program run should accept these additional arguments
-verbose is an optional flag for verbose mode (more later)
-sideways is followed by an integer >= O for the number of allowed sideways motions (0
or unset means none)
-restarts is followed by an integer >= 0 for the number of allowed random restarts (0 or
unset means none)
Your program should exit gracefully and indicate as best as possible the problem in case of bad
arguments (e.g. -sideways not an int) or a bad file.
If -N is set, then you should assign a start state of Queen 1 in R=1, C=1, Queen 2 in R=2, C=2
… Queen N in R=N, C=N.
State should be represented as an array of the row assignments for each column (see outputs),
with actions as discussed in class of swapping row assignments.
Knapsack File Input
Input should be a json file with the following contents.
T- the integer target
M – the integer max weight
• Start – a string list of items to start in the knapsack
Items – an object array, where each object is a triple of name, V, W (V is value, W is
Missing Tor M is an error, missing Start means start with an empty knapsack.

You are to implement the hill-climbing algorithm discussed in class. This should be coded
generically (once) and allow for an interface input that represents either hill-climbing or
knapsack. The state interface will likely need:
Value() returning the int error function where <=0 is the goalNext) returning the list of states reachable from the current stateRestart() returning a random restart state.Print() either printing or returning a string representation to be printed for regular andverbose mode.Hill climbing, options in the algorithm:By default, there is no sideways motion, but if -sideways is > 0, allow each sideways that
many steps (resets if you go downhill). Also this requires a short-term visited list of
states to avoid sideways cycles
• If there is a failure, exit unless -restarts > 0, in which case do a random restart until
either a solution found or attempts are exhausted
By default you print each selected state, as well as goal reached and random restarts
if -verbose is passed, you also print the ‘Next’ choices at each state being considered
(see also examples)
Files (attached)

Files (attached)
knapsack1.txt : knap.1.out or with -verbose knap1.v.out
knapsack side.txt : (fails unless -sideways 2 or higher) knap.side3.out or -verbose
• N-Queens format nq.16.s5.r5.v.out means 16 queens, with -sideways=5 and -restarts=5
and -verbose; where nq.8.out is just -N 8 no other parameters
• Note: our N-Queens runs may not be the same due to tie-breaking formula – and all of
our runs may differ once a random restart is used due to random seeding
On Brightspace, a zip file containing:
Code for the programs (only, no jars, or other compiled products)
Makefile/BUILD/pom.xml/etc needed to build your code
• README indicating how to compile and run your code
In your README include any classmates you consulted with, or online resources you
used (other than the textbook)
As previously indicated, the code should build and run on department linux machines

程序代写 CS代考加微信: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]


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[SOLVED] CS代考 Assignment
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