[SOLVED] 代写代考 PSYB57: Intro Cog Psychology (Winter 2022) Name: __________________________

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PSYB57: Intro Cog Psychology (Winter 2022) Name: ________________________________ University of Toronto,.
Sample Questions: Lecture 02 (Cognitive Methods)
Note: these sample items are designed to give you a sense of the question style. They do not necessarily reflect the exact content or difficulty of the exams. Answers will not be provided over Quercus or email, but you may use the Quercus discussion board to discuss content with other students.
Multiple-choice (2)

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1. Which of the following is FALSE regarding cognitive models?
a. It should be possible to demonstrate that the model does not capture behavior well
b. Cognitive models that have fewer components are preferred, controlling for quality
c. Evidence from neuroscience can help us refine and revise cognitive models
d. Most cognitive models try to model several components of cognition all at the same time
e. None of the above are false
2. Of options A, B, C, and D, which of the following is FALSE regarding cognitive testing?
a. A test with strong discriminant validity fails to measure what it is intended to measure
b. Some cognitive tests have a narrow range of sensitivity, which can be quite useful
c. Inter-rater reliability is most important when the data collected are subjective in nature
d. If a person improves the second time they take a test, it could be due to both practice effects
and actually strengthening the mental skill(s) needed for the test
e. A,B,C,andDarealltrue
Short-answers (2)
1. Prof. K.D. is interested in studying response inhibition and so he chooses to use the Flanker task (learn about it by trying it here: http://cognitivefun.net/test/6).
a) Provide a conceptual definition of response inhibition, and then clarify how response inhibition is being operationalized in this task. (4);
b) Informed by examples in lecture, create a visual framework of the experimental paradigm that shows what participants see in this experiment. Be sure to explicitly clarify the major experimental manipulation in this task. (4);
c) Suppose that you run this study with 70 undergraduates and you find that about half of them demonstrate one form of the speed-accuracy tradeoff, while the other half demonstrates the other form of the tradeoff. Clarify what those two versions of the tradeoff are, and explain how this could happen (4).
…please continue to the next page

2. Prof. A.C. is interested in studying visual working memory (WM) and so he chooses to use the Corsi Block task (learn about it by trying it here: http://cognitivefun.net/test/27).
a) Provide a conceptual definition of visual working memory, and then clarify how visual working memory is being operationalized in this task (3);
b) Informed by examples in lecture, create a visual framework of the experimental paradigm that shows what participants see in this experiment. Show how you could manipulate load (4);
c) Suppose that you run this study with 45 undergraduates with many different loads. Create a line graph to chart how you would expect accuracy to change as a function of load, and explain why you would expect this result using a cognitive explanation (5).
3. Suppose you were taking on an Honours Thesis project here at UTSC where you are asked to design a follow-up study for the study in Short Answer question #2 above. Further suppose you were most interested in studying the effect of an auditory distraction on task performance.
a) Offer three different ways to operationalize this distraction.
b) Pick one (1) of these distractions and make an argument for why it would be a compelling way
to study whether it affects task performance.
Please note:
– The () after a statement indicates how many points it is worth. The point determination is a function
of item difficulty, not necessarily how many things you need to say.
– Bullet points are fine – communicate clearly and connect your ideas together, as appropriate.
– You may lose points if your response is overly wordy, hard to follow, and/or contains incorrect info. – Partial credit may be awarded for all questions

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[SOLVED] 代写代考 PSYB57: Intro Cog Psychology (Winter 2022) Name: __________________________
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