[SOLVED] CS // Pass 3 vertex shader


File Name: CS_//_Pass_3_vertex_shader.zip
File Size: 244.92 KB

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// Pass 3 vertex shader
// Generate texture coordinates from raw vertex position.The vertex
// position is in [-1,1]x[-1,1] and is mapped to [0,1]x[0,1].

#version 300 es

layout (location = 0) in mediump vec3 vertPosition;

out mediump vec2 texCoords;

void main()

gl_Position = vec4( vertPosition, 1.0 );

// Calculate the texture coordinates at this vertex.X and Y vertex
// coordinates are in the range [-1,1] in the window.You have to
// map this to the range [0,1] of texture coordinates.

texCoords = vec2( 0.0, 0.0 ); // YOUR CODE HERE (identical to pass2.vert)


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[SOLVED] CS // Pass 3 vertex shader