// Pass 3 fragment shader
// Output fragment colour based using
//(a) Cel shaded diffuse surface
//(b) wide silhouette in black
#version 300 es
uniform mediump vec3 lightDir; // direction toward the light in the VCS
uniform mediump vec2 texCoordInc;// texture coord difference between adjacent texels
in mediump vec2 texCoords;// texture coordinates at this fragment
// The following four textures are now available and can be sampled
// using texCoords
uniform sampler2D colourSampler;
uniform sampler2D normalSampler;
uniform sampler2D depthSampler;
uniform sampler2D laplacianSampler;
out mediump vec4 outputColour;// the output fragment colour as RGBA with A=1
void main()
mediump vec2 dummy = texCoords;// REMOVE THIS Its just here because MacOS complains otherwise
// [0 marks] Look up values for the depth and Laplacian.Use only
// the R component of the texture as texture2D( ).r
// [1 mark] Discard the fragment if it is a background pixel not
// near the silhouette of the object.
// [0 marks] Look up value for the colour and normal.Use the RGB
// components of the texture as texture2D( ).rgb or texture2D( ).xyz.
// [2 marks] Compute Cel shading, in which the diffusely shaded
// colour is quantized into four possible values.Do not allow the
// diffuse component, N dot L, to be below 0.2.That will provide
// some ambient shading.Your code should use the numQuata below
// to have that many divisions of quanta of colour.Do not use 3
// in your code; use numQuanta.Your code should be very efficient.
const int numQuanta = 3;
// [2 marks] Look at the fragments in the 33 neighbourhood of
// this fragment.Your code should use the kernelRadius
// below and check all fragments in the range
//[-kernelRadius,+kernelRadius] x [-kernelRadius,+kernelRadius]
// around this fragment.
// Find the neighbouring fragments with a Laplacian beyond some
// threshold.Of those fragments, find the distance to the closest
// one.That distance, divided by the maximum possible distance
// inside the kernel, is the blending factor.
// You can use a large kernelRadius here (e.g. 10) to see that
// blending is being done correctly.Do not use 3.0 or -0.1 in
// your code; use kernelRadius and threshold.
const mediump float kernelRadius = 3.0;
const mediump float threshold = -0.1;
// [1 mark] Output the fragment colour.If there is an edge
// fragment in the 33 neighbourhood of this fragment, output a grey
// colour based on the blending factor.The grey should be
// completely black for an edge fragment, and should blend to the
// Phong colour as distance from the edge increases.If these is no
// edge in the neighbourhood, output the cel-shaded colour.
outputColour = vec4( 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
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