class BlockWorldAgent:
def __init__(self):
#If you want to do any initial processing, add it here.
Copyright By Assignmentchef assignmentchef
def solve(self, initial_arrangement, goal_arrangement):
#Add your code here! Your solve method should receive
#as input two arrangements of blocks. The arrangements
#will be given as lists of lists. The first item in each
#list will be the bottom block on a stack, proceeding
#upward. For example, this arrangement:
#[[A, B, C], [D, E]]
#represents two stacks of blocks: one with B on top
#of A and C on top of B, and one with E on top of D.
#Your goal is to return a list of moves that will convert
#the initial arrangement into the goal arrangement.
#Moves should be represented as 2-tuples where the first
#item in the 2-tuple is what block to move, and the
#second item is where to put it: either on top of another
#block or on the table (represented by the string Table).
#For example, these moves would represent moving block B
#from the first stack to the second stack in the example
#(C, Table)
#(B, E)
#(C, A)
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