[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 CIS 252: Introduction to Computer Science Honor Policy

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CIS 252: Introduction to Computer Science Honor Policy

As stated in the course syllabus, I expect all students to abide by Syracuse University’s Academic
Integrity policy. In particular, I expect you to (1) credit your sources, (2) do your own work, (3)
communicate honestly, and (4) support academic integrity. Here are some course-specific guidelines
for CIS 252:

• It is a violation of academic integrity to deliberately misrepresent your work. Such misrep-
resentations include (but are not limited to) altering previously graded work or altering a
transcript to make it appear that code works correctly when it does not.

• If you happen to find a solution to a problem in a written source (e.g., in a textbook
or on the web) and use that solution, you should state the original source.

Even when citing the original source, you should be expressing the result in your own words
(or code): do not simply copy someone else’s work.

• If you get help from someone (either a classmate or someone else) on a problem, you
should state that (and give their full name).

As a special exception: You do not need to cite assistance you received from me or one of the
teaching assistants for this course.

• In this course, it is legitimate to discuss problems with each other at a conceptual level:
for example, it’s okay to figure out how to break a problem up into smaller, easier-to-solve
pieces, or to discuss general approaches to solving a problem.

However, the final solution must be your own: it is not legitimate to share code or other
written solutions with anyone other than members of your group. All participants in
improper sharing are culpable: for example, if person A sends code to person B, both
parties have committed academic-integrity violations.

? For each lab and homework assignment, you will need to complete, sign, and attach a dis-
closure cover sheet. The purpose of this cover sheet is twofold: (1) to remind you of your
academic-integrity responsibilities and (2) to provide you an opportunity to disclose sources
of assistance and to navigate safely the nebulous boundary of what constitutes “legitimate
discussion at a conceptual level”.

If you are unsure whether a certain action constitutes an academic-integrity violation, then
assume that it does until/unless you receive clarification.

Honor Pledge

I have read and understood the course Honor Policy, and I hereby promise to abide by it. I realize
that the penalty for breaking this policy is a reduction in course grade, including the possibility of
receiving a failing grade (F). In addition, I realize that violations of SU’s Academic Integrity Policy will
be reported to the Office of Academic Integrity.

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Date: Email Address:

Spring 2017



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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 CIS 252: Introduction to Computer Science Honor Policy
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