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1. C Programming House Style

1.1 Correctness

These style rules ensure your code is as-correct-as-can-be with the aid of the compiler.
FLAGS Having no warnings (or errors!) when compiling with the flags:

-Wall -Wextra -Wfloat -equal -pedantic -ansi -O2

You can use more flags than this, obviously, but these will make sure a few of the essentials
warnings that commonly indicate the presence of bugs are checked.

BRACE Always brace all functions, fors, whiles, if/else etc. Somewhat contraversial, this
ensures that ‘extra’ lines tagged onto loops are dealt with correctly. For instance:

while(i < 10)printf(“%d
“, i)i++;looks like it should print out i 10 times, but instead runs infinitely. The programmerprobably meant:while(i < 10){printf(“%d
“, i)i++;}GOTO You do not use any of the keywords continue, goto or break. The one exception isinside switch, where break is allowed because it is essential ! These keywords usuallylead to tangled and complex ‘spaghetti’ coding style.NAMES Meaningful identifiers. Make sure that functions names and variables having meaning-ful, but succinct, names.REPC Repetitive code. If you’ve cut-and-paste large chunks of code, and made minor changesto it, you’ve done it wrong. Make it a function, and pass parameters that make the changesrequired.int inbounds1(int i){if(i >=0 && i < MAX){return 1;}2 Chapter 1. C Programming House Styleelse{return 0;}}int inbounds2(int i){if(i >=0 && i < LEN){return 1;}else{return 0;}}might make more sense as:int inbounds2(int i, int mx){if(i >=0 && i < mx){return 1;}else{return 0;}}GLOB No global variables. Global variables are declared ‘above’ main(), are in scope ofall functions, and can be altered anywhere in the code. This makes it rather unclearwhich functions should be reading or writing them. You can make a case for saying thatoccasionally they could be useful (or better) than the alternatives, but for now, they arebanned !RETV Any functions that returns a value, should have it used:scanf(“%d”, &i);is incorrect. It returns a value that is ignored. Instead do:if(scanf(“%d”, &i) != 1{/* PANIC */The only exceptions are printf and putchar which do return values but which aretypically ignored.MATCH For every fopen there should be a matching fclose. For every malloc there shouldbe a free. This helps avoid memory leaks, when your program or functions are later usedin a larger project.STDERR When exiting your program in an error state, make sure that you fprintf the erroron stderr and not stdout. Use exit, e.g.if(argc != 2){fprintf(stderr, “Usage : %s
”, argv[0]);


1.2 Prettifying

These rules are about making your code easier to read and having a consistent style in a form
that others are expecting to see.

1.3 Readability 3

LLEN Line length. Many people use terminal and editors that are of a fixed-width. Having
excessively long lines may cause the viewer to scroll to off the screen. Keep lines short,
perhaps < 60 characters.INDENT Indentation. Be consistent. Choose a style for indentation and keep to it. I use 3spaces rather than tabs, put opening braces for functions on a new line, but at the end ofif,else, for, while etc, then close them on a new line, underneath the ‘i’ of the if:int smallest(int a, int b){if(a < b){return a;}else{return b;}}MAIN The code should have function prototypes/definitions first, then main(), followed bythe function implementation. This means the reader always know where to find main(),since it will be near the top of the file.CAPS Constants are #defined, and use all CAPITALS. For instance:#define WEEKS 52#define MAX(a,b) (a < b ? b:a)FLEN Short functions. All functions are short. It’s quite difficult to put a maximum numberof lines on this, but use 20 as a starting point. Exceptions include a function that simplyprints a list of instructions. There would be no benefit in splitting it into smaller functions.Short functions are easier to plan, write and test.I find it more useful to think about how hard the function is to understand, rather than itslength. Therefore, a 30 line, simple function is fine, but an extremely complex and dense20 line function might need to be split up, or more self-documentation added.1.3 ReadabilityYour code should be self-documenting. Comments will be used when there is something complexto explain, but in many cases clever use of coding will avoid the need for them.MAGIC No magic numbers. There should be no inexplicable numbers in your code, such as:if(i < 36){It’s probably unclear to the reader where the 36 has come from, or what it means, even if itis obvious to the programmer at the time of writing the code. Instead, #define them witha meaningful name. Array overruns are often cured by being consistent with #defines.BRIEF Comments are brief, and non-trivial. Worthless commenting often looks somethinglike:/* Set the variable i to zero */int i = 0;The programmer extracts no additional information from it. However, for more difficultedge cases, a comment might be useful./* Have we reached the end of the list ? */if(t1�>h == NULL){

TYPE You should use typedefs, enums and structs to increase readability.

4 Chapter 1. C Programming House Style

INFIN No loops should be infinite. I’ll never ask you to write a program that is meant to run
forever. Therefore statements such as




are to be avoided.

Last updated 18th October 2016.

C Programming House Style


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