[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 ; P5 Assignment

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; P5 Assignment
; Author:
; Date:
; Email:
; Class:CS270
; Description: Implements the arithmetic, bitwise, and shift operations

; Begin reserved section: do not change ANYTHING in reserved section!

.ORIG x3000
BR Main

Functions .FILL IntAdd ; Address of IntAdd routine (option 0)
.FILL IntSub ; Address of IntSub routine (option 1)
.FILL IntMul ; Address of IntMul routine (option 2)
.FILL BinaryOr ; Address of BinaryOr routine (option 3)
.FILL LeftShift; Address of LeftShift routine(option 4)
.FILL RightShift ; Address of RightShift routine (option 5)

MainLEA R0,Functions ; The main routine calls one of the
LDR1,Option; subroutines below based on the value of
ADD R0,R0,R1 ; the Option parameter.
LDR R0,R0,0;
EndProg HALT ;

; Parameters and return values for all functions
Option.FILL #0 ; Which function to call
Param1.BLKW 1; Space to specify first parameter
Param2.BLKW 1; Space to specify second parameter
Result.BLKW 1; Space to store result

; End reserved section: do not change ANYTHING in reserved section!

; You may add variables and functions after here as you see fit.

IntAdd ; Result is Param1 + Param2
; Your code goes here (~4 lines)
IntSub ; Result is Param1 – Param2
; Your code goes here (~6 lines)
IntMul ; Result is Param1 * Param2
; Your code goes here (~9 lines)
BinaryOr ; Result is Param1 | Param2
; Your code goes here (~7 lines)
LeftShift; Result is Param1 << Param2 ; (Fill vacant positions with 0’s) ; Your code goes here (~7 lines)RET;——————————————————————————RightShift ; Result is Param1 >> Param2
; (Fill vacant positions with 0’s)
; Your code goes here (~16 lines)


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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 ; P5 Assignment
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