[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 gui Java scheme concurrency CM10228 Coursework 1

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CM10228 Coursework 1

Dungeon of Doom – Part 2

February 10, 2017

1 Introduction

Due Date: 17.00 on 3rd March 2017

Overall, your mark in Programming 2 is composed of,

1. 50% coursework,

2. 50% exam.

The coursework component (part 1. above) is made up of three exercises (CW1,
CW2 and CW3) each of which will build upon the last. These are as follows

1. CW1: Dungeon of Doom Part 2:
Extending code from CM102227 CW2 –or the supplied code- to allow
multiple concurrent, networked agents in one dungeon (Java).

2. CW2: Dungeon of Doom Part 3: Adding a GUI (Java).

3. CW3: Dungeon of Doom Part 4: Extending game logic (C).

This document provides requirements for the first coursework (CW1). CW1 is
worth 1/5th of the coursework component (i.e. 10% of your total mark for the
unit). This means that it is worth less than CW2 and CW3 but should take
you less time to complete.


2 Game Specifications

2.1 Core Requirements

This coursework emphasises networking, threading and concurrency. It also
tests your ability to read and extend previous submitted code or other people’s
code. To complete the coursework, you will need to extend the Dungeon of
Doom game to provide the following additional functionality:

1. Your version of Dungeon of Doom should work on a client/server model.

2. Your code allows you to play Dungeon of Doom against one or more of
your bots in the same dungeon. You should also be able to support one
or more of your friends and their bots joining you in the dungeon.

3. No location in the dungeon can be occupied by more than one actor (i.e.
human players or bots) simultaneously.

4. Implement a basic chat system. Clients can send messages to the server for
broadcasting to all other clients using the protocol SHOUT
e.g. SHOUT Hello World

You can choose to add this new functionality to either 1. the code
you submitted for CW2 in CM10227 or 2. to use our example code
available on Moodle.

2.2 Core Requirements – Automated Testing

Important: The client and server code you submit will be tested using a test
suit which will check to see whether your server code can accept connections
from both your, and our, client code and whether your client code can connect
to our server. To allow us to run this test suit your submitted code MUST use
the three classes below which are included in our given code on Moodle.

1. DODServer: – runs your server implementation using the port number
Usage: java DODServer

2. HumanClient – runs your human player client implementation using the
hostname and port number supplied.
Usage: java HumanClient

3. BotClient – runs your bot player client implementation using the host-
name and port number supplied. If you have implemented multiple bots,
choose the one that showcases your programming skill the most!
Usage: java BotClient

Failure to follow the submission specifications, would result a -10
penalty applied to the final mark.


2.3 Advance Features

2.3.1 Advanced Chat

Implement an advanced chat system. Marks will be awarded if every client uses
its own identification system, (e.g. user name and/or messages colouring) such
that clients can send private messages to each other

2.3.2 Chat Log

Implement a chat log. Marks will be awarded if you keep a history log of the
messages sent by clients saving them in a log file named log.txt.

2.4 One Final Suggestion

Note that we are not asking for any documentation of your requirements-
gathering and design for this coursework, but you may find that doing these
properly still helps you perform the tasks, above, regardless of whether anyone
looks at the output. You may also want to show these requirements and/or
design documents to the tutors in lab in the early stages of development, just
to get feedback about whether you are on the right track.


3 Submission

By the date/time specified above, you should upload a zip file. The name of the
zip file should be in the form:

CW1- .zip
e.g. CW1-abc123.zip

The zip file must contain a project folder, titled Project, containing your source
code and any resources files needed. You should not include packages or other
subfolders. No compiled code nor non-needed files, i.e. version control files,
should be included.

4 Marking Scheme

Criteria Max Score Description
Core Specifications

Network 20 Server allows at least one client
to be connected.

Concurrency 20 Server allows more than one
client to be connected and uses
thread safety techniques.

Collision Avoidance 10 Players and bots avoids colliding
with each other and with walls.

Commenting, formatting and clarity 25 Code uses clean code prac-
tices, object-oriented program-
ming techniques, and is consis-
tently commented.

Chat system 10 Server can receive and broadcast
messages from one client to all
other clients. Protocol imple-
mented correctly.

Advance Features
Advance chat system features 10 Clients can send message to

named clients using an identifi-
cation system.

Chat Log 5 Server implements a history log
of the messages sent by clients
saving them to a log file named



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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 gui Java scheme concurrency CM10228 Coursework 1
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