2005 Fall CS 351 Grading Sheet:
Students NetID______________Students Name_____________________Graders Name______________________
(netID == 3 letters, 3 digits: e.g. JET861Please write clearly; make it easy to read)
Copyright By Assignmentchef assignmentchef
CompSci 351-1 Grading Sheet:Project C Fall 2022
10% In-Class Interactive Demo.Demonstrates multiple items listed on this page.
5%Filenames, PDF report: All file-naming correct + clear illustrated PDF report including name, netID, title, goals, user-
guide, >= 4 results pictures, + correct sketch of your programs scene-graph (required) showing all its transforms (2pts).
5% Sensible, Complete On-screen User Instructions: Programs on-screen display allows new users to quickly and easily
identify and use all the programs features and options, without any extra help from source code, report, or authors explanations.
5% Ground-Plane Grid: Project shows horizontal floor or terrain of repeated shapes or lines that extend nearly endlessly
to all distant horizons, and thus let us easily assess changes to camera position and aiming direction.
In the world coordinate system where +z is up, the ground plane at z=0 spans x,y coords that appear horizontal on-screen.
10%3 Solid, Separate, Jointed, Continually Flexing Shapes with Diffuse Shading or Better:
3D shapes at separate, different ground-plane locations, with continually-changing joint angles. Wireframe not acceptable!
5% Large, Slowly-spinning Sphere at world-space origin to visually confirm all lighting and shading methods.Sphere is
easily viewable and easily lit from any desired 3D location.Rotation helps reveals faceted/smooth effect of Gouraud/Phong shading.
5% Single-Viewport Display fills top 66% of browser window of any shape.Browser window resizing always keeps it
filled with an undistorted image from a perspective camera with 30-degree vertical field-of-view; no shape distortions, no blank areas
allowed except a fixed-height or fixed-width border & a region to hold HTML buttons, text, edit boxes, etc.; no browser slider bars!
5% Smoothly adjustable 3D View Control: User interaction for unrestricted viewpoint control: be able to aim camera in
any direction without changing position: be able to move forward/backward in the gaze direction, and strafe sideways left/right from
any 3D position; (HINT: glass cylinder method; mouse or arrow-key aiming (tilt,yaw) and WASD to move fwd/rev, strafe left/right).
10% 3 or more obviously different-looking used on different rigid 3D parts.
Phong materials have specified RGB values for ambient, diffuse, specular and emissive terms.
HINT: use materials parameters given in starter code filematerials_Ayerdi04.js
10% One or more user-adjustable, non-directional 3D light source.Users can interactively set world-space position,
switch light on/off, and set separate R,G,B values for each of the ambient, diffuse, and specular light amounts.Surface illumination
from this light must NOT change when camera moves. (note that specular highlight position will appear to shift as the camera moves).
10% Interactive switching between all available lighting/shading methods (requires at least two to earn this credit)
without stopping or disrupting the program or its on-screen display.
20% Four lighting/shading methods: Users can interactively select between Gouraud Shading and; for
each of these, they can also select between Phong lighting and Blinn-Phong lighting; more methods welcome.Gouraud shading gives
crudely-shaped highlights: Phong shading yields rounded highlights that can be smaller than triangles. Blinn-Phong lighting and
Phong lighting yield slightly different specular highlights.(HINT: use different GLSL shaders for Gouraud and Phong shading)
2% extra credit: user-switched materials for one 3D part. (>10 visually distinct matl choices; no effect on other 3D parts),
2% extra credit: 3 or more user-selected distance dependencies (ATT) for your light sources:
(must include choice between NONE, 1/dist, and 1/dist2, with dist calcd at each vertex; must work correctly)
4% extra credit: A second, headlight light-source, co-located at camera eyepoint, that users can switch on/off
(when correct, the specular highlights stay in the middle of any shiny sphere as camera moves)
2% extra credit: geometric shape distortions in shaders, not reproducible by matrix transforms in Vertex Shader (e.g. twist
vs. z; sinusoidal waviness etc. will qualify, but simple scaling or displacement of selected vertices will not suffice)
4% extra credit: Simple Texture Maps on surface of one or more 3D parts (Chap 5-like; emissive-only shading is OK).
TOTAL POINTS/100(30% of final grade)
CS: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]
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