[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 algorithm Java flex data structure cache concurrency ECS 150 – Concurrency and threads

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ECS 150 – Concurrency and threads
Prof. Joël Porquet-Lupine
UC Davis – 2020/2021
Copyright © 2017-2021 Joël Porquet-Lupine – CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License /
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Concurrency is the composition of independently executing tasks
Tasks can start, run, complete in overlapping time periods
Opposite to sequential execution Process concurrency
Decompose complex problems into simple(r) ones
Make each simple one a process Resulting processes run concurrently
By default, gcc runs compilation tools sequentially, using intermediary files With option -pipe, gcc runs cpp | cc1 | as | ld
Tools run concurrently as independent but cooperating processes
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Types of concurrency
Example of sequential execution
CPU and I/O bursts
CPU virtualization
CPU burst
I/O burst
Processes interleaved on same CPU
I/O concurrency
I/O bursts overlapped with CPU bursts
Each task runs almost as fast as if it had its own computer
Total completion time reduced
CPU parallelism
Requires multiple CPUs Processes running simultaneously Speedup
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Parallelism (short digression)
Real-life example
Parallelism is common in real life
A single sales employee sells $1M
Expectation that hiring another sales employee will generate $2M
Ideal speedup of 2
Speedup can be linear More often sublinear
Bottleneck in sharing resources, coordination overhead, etc.
Quite rarely superlinear
Caching effect, different algorithms
8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Number of CPUs
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Process concurrency limitations
Quite heavy for the OS to fork a process
Duplication of resources (address space, environment, execution flow) Slow context switch
E.g., some processor caches not shared between processes Difficulty to communicate between processes
Only IPCs, which all necessitate kernel intervention (syscalls)
Eliminate duplication of the address space and most of the environment Place concurrent computations within the same address space
Process 1 Process 2 Process 3
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Threads: introduction
One or more threads per process (i.e., per memory address space) Single execution sequence that represents a separately schedulable task Familiar programming model (sequential instruction of instructions)
Thread can be run or suspended at any time, independently from another Also known as lightweight process or task
int main(void) { statements;


void threadA(void) { statements;
… }
void threadB(void) { statements;
… }
Context switch
Context switch
Context switch
Context switch
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Threads: introduction
Problem structure
We think linearly
But the world is concurrent
One thread to maintain quick response with user
Other thread(s) to execute longer tasks in the background, or block on I/O
Faster execution
Threads scheduled across different processors in a multi-processor system Achieve true parallelism
Sharing and communication
No need for heavy IPCs Use of shared memory
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Threads: introduction
Example 1: Web server Monothreaded process
Multithreaded process
void webserver(void) { while (1) {
} }
uri = get_uri_from_req();
data = read_from_disk(uri);
resp = create_response(data);
int main(void) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)}thread_create(webserver); while (1) {uri = get_uri_from_req(); data = read_from_disk(uri); resp = create_response(data); send_response(resp);} get_uri_from_req() read_from_disk()disk latencycreate_response() send_reponse()network latencyget_uri_from_req() read_from_disk()disk latencycreate_response() send_reponse()network latencyget_uri_from_req() read_from_disk()get_uri_from_req() read_from_disk()disk latencycreate_response() send_reponse()network latencycreate_response() send_reponse()network latency8 / 33/Request #2Request #1Request #2Request #1 Threads: introductionExample 2: Array computationAssuming a dual-processor system…Monothreaded process int a[n], b[n], c[n];for (i = 0; i < n; i++) a[i] = b[i] * c[i]; CPU #1 a[0] = b[0]*c[0]; a[1] = b[1]*c[1]; … a[n-1] = b[n-1]*c[n-1]; CPU #2Multi-threaded process void do_mult(int p, int m) { for (i = p; i < m; i++)}a[i] = b[i] * c[i];int main(void) { thread_create(do_mult, 0, n/2); thread_create(do_mult, n/2, n); …} CPU #1 a[0] = b[0]*c[0]; a[1] = b[1]*c[1]; … a[n/2-1]= b[n/2-1]*c[n/2-1]; CPU #2 a[n/2] = b[n/2]*c[n/2]; … … a[n-1] = b[n-1]*c[n-1];Parallel computationNot achievable by process forking9 / 33/ Threads: characteristicsExecution contextThreads have the exclusive use of the processor registers while executing Threads each have their own stacksBut no memory protectionWhen a thread is preempted, the registers are saved as part of its stateThe next thread gets to use the processor registersProcess environmentAll threads of a process share the same environmentCurrent working directory User ID, Group IDFile descriptorsEtc. void thread(void) { printf(“hello
“);chdir(“/”);}int main(void) {char dir[PATH_MAX];…dup2(STDOUT_FILENO, fd[1]); thread_create(thread);…printf(“%s”, getcwd(dir, PATH_MAX)); …} 10 / 33/ Threads: characteristicsAddress spaceAll process data can be accessed by any threadParticularly global variablesHeap is also be shared (via pointers) int global, *a;void thread(int arg) {int var = global + arg;*a = var; }int main(void) { global = 42;a = malloc(sizeof(int)); thread_create(thread, 23); thread_create(thread, 42); …}11 / 33/ Threads: characteristicsMetadata structuresProcess Control Block (PCB)Process-specific informationPID, Owner, priority, current working directory, active thread, pointers to thread control blocks, etc.Thread Control Block (TCB)Thread-specific informationStack pointer, PC, thread state, register values, pointer to PCB, etc.[process address space]PCBStack – th 1 Stack – th 2 Heap Data Instructions PIDFile descriptors Address space TCBsTCB thread 1 SPPC State Registers TCB thread 2 SPPC State Registers12 / 33/ Threads: characteristicsDifferences between threads and processes ThreadHas no code or data segment or heap of its own. Only has its own stack and set of registers.Cannot live on its own: must live within a process. There can be more than one thread in a process – the original thread calls main() and retains the process’s initial stack.If it dies, its stack is reclaimed.Depending on implementation, each thread can run on a different physical processor.Communication between threads via implicit shared address space.Inexpensive creation and context switch.ProcessHas code/data/heap and other segments of its own. Also has its own registers.There must be at least one thread in a process. The thread that executes main() and uses the process’s stack.If it dies, its resources are reclaimed and all its internal threads die as well.Each process can run on a different physical processor.Communication between processes through kernel-managed IPCsMore expensive creation and context switch.13 / 33/ ECS 150 – Concurrency and threadsProf. Joël Porquet-LupineUC Davis – 2020/2021Copyright © 2017-2021 Joël Porquet-Lupine – CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License /14 / 33RecapConcurrencyComposition of independently executing tasksOpposite to sequential executionProcesses vs threadsProcess concurrency has limitationsSlow context switch, difficult to communicate Concurrent threads within same processEasier communication, parallel computationProcess 1 Process 2 Process 3 ParallelismSpecific type of concurrency Requires multiple CPUsCPU1 CPU2T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2T1 T2Process KernelKernel15 / 33/ Threads: modelsAPIExact API varies depending on OS/library (e.g., POSIX pthreads)/* Thread function prototype */typedef void (*func_t)(void *arg);/* Create new thread and return its TID */thread_t thread_create(func_t func, void *arg);/* Wait for thread @tid and retrieve exit value */int thread_join(thread_t tid, int *ret); /* Yield to next available thread */void thread_yield(void);/* Exit and return exit value */void thread_exit(int);Implementation modelsKernel-level threads (one-to-one) User-level threads (many-to-one)16 / 33/ Threads: modelsKernel-level threads (one-to-one)Kernel-level threads are threads which the OS knows aboutEvery process is composed of a least one kernel-level thread (main())Kernel manages and schedules threads (along with processes) System calls to create, destroy, synchronize threadsE.g., clone() syscall on LinuxSwitching between threads of same process requires a light context switch Values of CPU registers, PC and SP must be switchedMemory protection remains since threads share the same address spaceProcessKernel17 / 33/ Threads: modelsSingle-threaded processes Multi-threaded processes 18 / 33/ Threads: modelsContext switch procedureThread A stops runningThat is, blocks (I/O), is interrupted (timer), or voluntarily yields (syscall) Mode switch to kernel modeOS chooses new thread B to run OS switches from A to BSaves thread A’s state (save processor registers to A’s TCB)Restore new thread B’s state (restore processor registers from B’s TCB) OS returns to thread B Mode switch to user mode New thread B is runningTATBKernelUser/kernel switchcontext switches time 19 / 33/ Threads: modelsUser-level threads (many-to-one)User-level threads are threads which the OS does not know aboutOS only knows and schedules processes, not threads within processesProgrammer uses a dedicated thread library to manage threads Functions to create, destroy, synchronize threadsUser-level code can define scheduling policySwitching between threads doesn’t involve a (kernel-managed) context switchProcessKernel20 / 33/ Threads: modelsMulti-threaded processes at user-level21 / 33/ Threads: modelsContext switch procedure (sort of)Thread A is runningThread A is interrupted (by a signal), or voluntarily yields (function call) Library picks new thread B to runLibrary saves thread A’s state (to A’s custom TCB)Library restores thread B’s state (from B’s custom TCB)New thread B is runningTALibraryTBcontext switches PitfallWhole process is blocked if one thread blocks on I/Otime 22 / 33/ Threads: modelsDifferences between kernel- vs user-level threads Kernel-level thread ProsBlocking system calls suspend the calling thread only (I/O)Threads can run simultaneously on a multiprocessor systemSignals can usually delivered to specific threadsUsed by existing systems, e.g. LinuxConsCan be heavy, not as flexibleUser-level thread ProsReally fast to create and switch between threads (no system calls or full context switches necessary)May be an order of magnitude faster Customizable schedulerConsAll threads of process are blocked on system callsCan use non-blocking versions, if they existCustomizable scheduler Why you can have millions of Goroutines but only thousands of Java Threads 23 / 33/ Threads: modelsOne abstraction, many flavors 1. Single-threaded processesTraditional application modelMapping 1:1 with kernel-level threads2. Multi-threaded processes with user- level threads3. Multi-threaded processes with kernel-level threads4. In-kernel threads (aka kernel threads) 24 / 33/ Threads: modelsOne abstraction, many flavors 1. Single-threaded processes2. Multi-threaded processes with user-level threadsThreads are managed in user- spaceMapping M:1 with kernel-level threadsThread management through function callsScheduled by user-space library schedulerTCBs in user-space library data structures3. Multi-threaded processes with kernel-level threads4. In-kernel threads (aka kernel threads)25 / 33/ Threads: modelsOne abstraction, many flavors 1. Single-threaded processes2. Multi-threaded processes with user- level threads3. Multi-threaded processes with kernel-level threadsThreads are managed by OSThread management through system callsTCBs and PCBs in kernelScheduled by kernel scheduler4. In-kernel threads (aka kernel threads) 26 / 33/ Threads: modelsOne abstraction, many flavors 1. Single-threaded processes2. Multi-threaded processes with user- level threads3. Multi-threaded processes with kernel-level threads4. In-kernel threads (aka kernel threads)The kernel itself can be multi- threadedE.g., idle thread, thread migration, OOM reaper, disk writeback, etc. 27 / 33/ Threads: modelsOne more flavor: cooperative vs preemptiveCooperativeThreads run until they yield control to another thread (aka fibers) The action of yielding is in the code itselfBetter control of schedulingSimpler reasoning about shared resourcesCan lead to potential starvation on mono-core machines Need to reason further for multi-core machines PreemptiveIndeterministic schedulingCertain guarantee of fairness A Scheduling is not deterministic BThreads are frequently interrupted and forced to yield ABResource sharing needs to be resistant to preemptionA B 28 / 33/ Threads: modelsPOSIX threadsPOSIX 1003.1c (aka pthreads) is an API for multithreaded programming standardized by IEEE as part of the POSIX standardsMultithreaded programs using pthreads are likely to run unchanged on a wide variety of UNIX-based systemsInterfaceOnly defines the interfaceuser-space implementationor kernel space implementation #include int pthread_create(pthread_t * thread, const pthread_attr_t * attr, void * (*start_routine)(void *), void * arg);
void pthread_exit(void * status);
int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void ** status); pthread_t pthread_self(void);
int pthread_equal(pthread_t thread_1, pthread_t thread_2); …
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Threads: issues
void *thread_fcn(void *ptr)
char *msg = (char*)ptr; fork();
”, msg);
int main(void)
pthread_t t1;
char *msg1 = “Thread 1”; pthread_create(&t1, NULL, thread_fcn,
(void*)msg1); pthread_join(t1, NULL);
”); return 0;
$ ./a.out Thread 1 Thread 1 Done!
fork() only clones the calling thread
Mixing multi-threading and forking is not recommended as it can lead to undesirable situations
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Threads: issues
Shared data structures and files
May lead to surprising results…
int a;
void *thread_fcn(void *ptr)
int main(void)
pthread_t t1, t2;
pthread_create(&t1, NULL,
thread_fcn, NULL);
pthread_create(&t2, NULL,
thread_fcn, NULL);
pthread_join(t1, NULL);
pthread_join(t2, NULL);
”, a); return 0;
$ ./a.out a=2
$ ./a.out a=1
Will require use of synchronization mechanisms
Will see that in next topic!
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Threads: issues
Signals can target specific threads (e.g., SIGSEGV)
Or target the entire process
Sent to first thread that doesn’t block them (e.g., SIGINT)
void sigsegv_hdl(int sig,
siginfo_t *siginfo,
void *context) { ucontext_t *c = (ucontext_t*)context;
… }
void *thread_fcn(void *ptr) {
*(NULL) = 42;
int main(void) {
struct sigaction act; pthread_t t1;
/* Install handler for segfaults */
act.sa_sigaction = &sigsegv_hdl;
act.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
sigaction(SIGSEGV, &act, NULL);
pthread_create(&t1, NULL,
thread_fcn, NULL);
pthread_join(t1, NULL); return 0;
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Threads: issues
Global variables and non-reentrant library functions
Functions should be reentrant e.g., strtok_r()
No shared context between threads Global variables: Thread Local Storage
C11 extension
__thread int errno;
Provides one global variable copy per thread
void *thread_fcn(void *ptr)
char *msg = (char*)ptr; char *p = strtok(msg, ” “); while (p) {
if (write(1, p, strlen(p)) == -1) perror(“write”);
p = strtok(NULL, ” “);
int main(void)
pthread_t t1, t2;
char msg1[] = “Thread 1”; char msg2[] = “Thread 2”;
pthread_create(&t1, NULL, thread_fcn, (void*)msg1);
pthread_create(&t2, NULL, thread_fcn, (void*)msg2);
… }
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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 algorithm Java flex data structure cache concurrency ECS 150 – Concurrency and threads
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