[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 compiler algorithm concurrency ECS 150 – Synchronization

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ECS 150 – Synchronization
Prof. Joël Porquet-Lupine
UC Davis – 2020/2021
Copyright © 2017-2021 Joël Porquet-Lupine – CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License /
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Threads (recap)
Memory sharing
Private processor registers Private stack
Shared global memory
Type of sharing Independent
Threads work on same areas of shared data
Threads work on distinct areas of shared data
int a[N], b[N], c[N], d[N], e[N];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)a[i] += b[i] * c[i];} do_mult2(){for (i = 0; i < n; i++)a[i] += d[i] * e[i];}int main(void){…thread_create(do_mult1);thread_create(do_mult2);…} int a[N], b[N], c[N], d[N], e[N];do_mult(p, m){for (i = p; i < m; i++)a[i] += b[i] * c[i] + d[i] * e[i];}int main(void){…thread_create(do_mult, 0, N/2);thread_create(do_mult, N/2, N);…}2 / 36/ Concurrency issuesExample ExecutionTypical output:Also possible (yet probably very rare)… int x = 0;void thread_a(void){x = x + 1;}void thread_b(void){x = x + 2;}int main(void){thread_create(thread_a); thread_create(thread_b); thread_join(thread_a); thread_join(thread_b); printf(“%d
“, x); return 0;}$ ./a.out 3$ ./a.out 2$ ./a.out 13 / 36/ Concurrency issuesIndeterministic interleavings Thread schedulingIndeterministic schedulingA BA B Sequential execution, concurrent Aexecution, parallelism, etc.Instruction reorderingCompiler instruction reordering Hardware instruction reorderingBvoid thread1(void) { …p = init();init = true;…}void thread2(void) { …while (init == false); q = docomputation(p); …}Multi-word operationsMulti-word operations are not atomic uint64_t num = 2; struct {char c;short int b; } s = { ‘j’, 23 }; 4 / 36/ Concurrency issuesRace conditions DefinitionRace condition when the output of a concurrent program depends on the order of operations between threads.DifficultiesNumber of possible “interleavings” can be huge Some interleavings are goodVast majority of them usually are Some interleavings are badThey may even be extremely rare…Solution?Synchronization! void thread_a(void){x = x + 1;} void thread_b(void){x = x + 2;}5 / 36/ Too Much Milk!ExampleRoommate 1 Roommate 2Arrive home Look in fridge, out of milkLeave for store Arrive home Arrive at storeLook in fridge, out of milk Buy milkLeave for store Arrive home, put milk awayBuy milk Arrive home, put milk awayOh, no! Required correctness propertiesSafety: at most one person buys milk at a time Liveness: someone buys milk if needed6 / 36/ Too Much Milk!1. Leaving a noteRoommate 1 (thread 1) Roommate 2 (thread 2)if (note == 0) {if (milk == 0) {note = 1;milk++;note = 0;} } if (note == 0) {if (milk == 0) {note = 1;milk++;note = 0;} }Safety and livenessNot safe if threads are descheduled right after the two testsThey would both put a note and get milk, resulting in two bottles of milk!7 / 36/ Too Much Milk!2. Using two notesRoommate 1 (thread 1) Roommate 2 (thread 2)note1 = 1;if (note2 == 0) {if (milk == 0) { milk++;} }note1 = 0; note2 = 1;if (note1 == 0) {if (milk == 0) { milk++;} }note2 = 0;Safety and livenessNot live if threads are descheduled right after setting their personal notesThey both think the other is on their way getting milk but no does eventually does8 / 36/ Too Much Milk!3. Using asymmetric notes Roommate 1 (thread 1)Roommate 2 (thread 2)note1 = 1;while (note2 == 1);if (milk == 0) {milk++; }note1 = 0; note2 = 1;if (note1 == 0) {if (milk == 0) { milk++;} }note2 = 0;Safety and livenessYes, safe and live! 9 / 36/ Too Much Milk!3. Using asymmetric notes: explained Roommate 1 (thread 1)Roommate 2 (thread 2) note1 = 1;if (milk == 0) { milk++;}note1 = 0; while (note2 == 1) ; note2 = 1;if (note1 == 0) {if (milk == 0) { milk++;} }note2 = 0; Issues1. Way too over-engineered! 2. Asymmetrical, non-scalable 3. Involves busy-waitingPeterson’s algorithmShare a single resource using only shared memorySymmetric and scalable But still quite complex… More here 10 / 36/ Critical sectionDefinitionPiece of code where the shared resource is accessed Needs to be properly protected to avoid race conditions Cannot be executed by more than one thread at a timeThread 1Thread 2 …CS_enter();Critical sectionCS_exit();… …CS_enter();Critical sectionCS_exit();…Correctness properties1. Safety2. Liveness3. Bounded waiting 4. Failure atomicityMutual exclusionProperty of concurrency controlRequirement that only one thread can enter critical section at a timeActive thread excludes its peers 11 / 36/ Critical sectionFormalizing “Too Much Milk!”Shared variable Safety property Liveness propertyRoommate 1 (thread 1)Roommate 2 (thread 2) note1 = 1;/*while (note2 == 1) * CS_enter(); */ if (milk == 0) { /*milk++;* CS}*/note1 = 0;/* CS_exit() */ note2 = 1;/* CS_enter()if (note1 == 0) { */if(milk==0){ /* milk++; * CS} */ }note2 = 0;/* CS_exit() */12 / 36/ ECS 150 – SynchronizationProf. Joël Porquet-LupineUC Davis – 2020/2021Copyright © 2017-2021 Joël Porquet-Lupine – CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License /13 / 36RecapRace conditionOutput of concurrent program depends on order of operations between threadsCritical sectionvoid thread_1(void) {note1 = 1; // vwhile (note2 == 1) // CS_enter();if (milk == 0) {milk++; }note1 = 0;}void thread_2(void) {// ^// v// CS// ^// CS_exit()}milk++; }}note2 = 0;// CS // ^// CS_exit()note2 = 1; if(note1==0){ //^// CS_enter() if(milk==0){ //vvoid thread_a(void) void thread_b(void) {{x = x + 1; x = x + 2; }} $ ./a.out $ ./a.out 32$ ./a.out 1Indeterministic concurrent executionThread schedulingA BA BA BInstruction reordering Multi-word operationsShared variable Safety property Liveness property Mutual exclusion 14 / 36/ LocksDefinitionA lock is a synchronization variable that provides mutual exclusion Two states: locked and free (initial state is generally free)API lock() or acquire()Wait until lock is free, then grab itunlock() or release()Unlock, and allow one of the threads waiting in acquire to proceed int milk;int main(void){thread_create(roommate_fcn);thread_create(roommate_fcn);…} void roommate_fcn(void){…lock();/* Critical section */if (!milk) milk++;unlock();… }15 / 36/ LocksSimple uniprocessor implementationRace conditions are coming from indeterministic schedulingBreaks atomicity of instruction sequenceCaused by preemption (i.e. timer interrupt) Solution: disable the interrupts!void lock() {disable_interrupts();} void unlock() {enable_interrupts();}IssuesOnly works on uniprocessor systems Dangerous to have unpreemptable code Cannot be used by user applications 16 / 36/ Multiprocessor spinlocksHardware supportTest-and-set hardware primitive to provide mutual exclusion a.k.a Read-modify-write operationTypically relies on a multi-cycle bus operation that atomically reads and updates a memory locationMultiprocessor support/* Equivalent of a test&set hardware tion in software */ATOMIC int test_and_set(int *mem){int oldval = *mem; *mem = 1;return oldval;}instruc CPU CPUMemImplementation void spinlock_lock(int *lock){while (test_and_set(lock) == 1);} void spinlock_unlock(int *lock){*lock = 0;}17 / 36/ Multiprocessor spinlocks Revisiting “Too Much Milk!”int lock = 0; Thread 1Thread 2spinlock_lock(&lock); if (milk == 0) {milk++; }spinlock_unlock(&lock); spinlock_lock(&lock); if (milk == 0) {milk++; }spinlock_unlock(&lock);Thread 3Thread 4 spinlock_lock(&lock); if (milk == 0) {milk++; }spinlock_unlock(&lock); spinlock_lock(&lock); if (milk == 0) {milk++; }spinlock_unlock(&lock);18 / 36/ Multiprocessor spinlocks IssueBusy-waiting wastes cpu cyclesOnly to reduce latencySolution”Cheap” busy-waitingYield/sleep when unable to get the lock, instead of loopingBetter primitivesBlock waiting threads until they can proceed void spinlock_lock(int *lock){while (test_and_set(lock) == 1);} void lock(int *lock){while (test_and_set(lock) == 1)}yield(); //or, sleep(N); void lock(int *lock){while (test_and_set(lock) == 1)block(lock);}ConsYielding still wastes cpu cycles Sleeping impacts latency as wellExamplesSemaphoresMutexes (equivalent to binary semaphore with the notion of ownership)19 / 36/ SemaphoresDefinitionInvented by Dijkstra in the 60’sA semaphore is a generalized lockUsed for different types of synchronization (including mutual exclusion) Keeps track an arbitrary resource count Queue of threads waiting to access resource One resource to shareMultiple resources to share20 / 36/ SemaphoresAPIInitial count value (but not a maximum value) sem = sem_create(count);down() or P()Decrement by one, or block if already 0up() or V()Increment by one, and wake up one of the waiting threads if anyPossible implementation:void sem_down(sem){spinlock_lock(sem->lock); while (sem->count == 0) {
/* Block self */
… }
sem->count -= 1;
void sem_up(sem)
sem->count += 1;
/* Wake up first in line */
/* (if any)*/

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Binary semaphore
Semaphore which count value is either 0 or 1 Can be used similarly as a lock
But no busy waiting, waiting thread are blocked until they can get the lock Guarantees mutually exclusive access to a shared resource
Initial value is generally 1 (ie free)
sem = sem_create(1);
Thread 1 Thread 2

Critical section

Critical section

Mutexes are a similar concept except that they also have the notion of ownership /
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Counted semaphore
Semaphore which count value can be any positive integer Represents a resource with many “units” available
Initial count is often the number of initial resources (if any)
Allows a thread to continue as long as enough resources are available Used for synchronization
sem_packet = sem_create(0); Thread 1
Thread 2
while (1) {
x = get_network_packet(); enqueue(packetq, x); up(sem_packet);
while (1) { down(sem_packet);
x = dequeue(packetq); process_contents(x);
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ECS 150 – Synchronization
Prof. Joël Porquet-Lupine
UC Davis – 2020/2021
Copyright © 2017-2021 Joël Porquet-Lupine – CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License /
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Internal count
down() decrements count by one, or blocks if count is 0
up() increments count by one, and wakes up first blocked thread if any
Binary semaphore
void thread(void) { lock();
/* Critical section */

Atomic spinlocks
Based on atomic test-and-set instruction
Compatible with multiprocessor systems
Accessible to user processes
sem = sem_create(1); void thread(void) {
/* Critical section */

void spinlock_lock(int *lock) {
while (test_and_set(lock) == 1); }
Counted semaphore
sem = sem_create(0); void thread1(void) {
x = get_packet();
enqueue(q, x);
void thread2(void) { down(sem);
x = dequeue(q);
void spinlock_unlock(int *lock) {
*lock = 0; }
But based on busy-waiting
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Producer-consumer problem
Two or more threads communicate through a circular data buffer: some threads produce data that others consume.
P0 C0
P1 C1
Bounded buffer of size N Producers write data to buffer
Write at in and moves rightwards
Don’t write more than the amount of available space Consumers read data from buffer
Read at out and moves rightwards
Don’t consume if there is no data
Allow for multiple producers and consumers
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Producer-consumer problem
Solution 1: no protection
int buf[N], in, out;
void produce(int item) {
buf[in] = item;
in = (in + 1) % N;
int consume(void) {
int item = buf[out]; out = (out + 1) % N; return item;
Unprotected shared state
Race conditions on all shared variables
No synchronization between consumers and producers
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Producer-consumer problem
Solution 2: Lock semaphores
Add protection of share state
Mutual exclusion around critical sections
Guarantees one producer and one consumer at a time
int buf[N], in, out;
sem_t lock_prod = sem_create(1), lock_cons = sem_create(1);
void produce(int item) {
buf[in] = item;
in = (in + 1) % N;
int consume(void) {
int item = buf[out]; out = (out + 1) % N; sem_up(lock_cons); return item
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Producer-consumer problem
Solution 3: Communication semaphores
Add synchronization between producers and consumers
Producers wait if buffer is full Consumers wait if buffer is empty
int buf[N], in, out;
sem_t lock_prod = sem_create(1), lock_cons = sem_create(1); sem_t empty = sem_create(N), full = sem_create(0);
void produce(int item)
sem_up(full); //new item avail
sem_down(empty); //need empty spot
buf[in] = item;
in = (in + 1) % N;
int consume(void)
sem_down(full); //need new item sem_down(lock_cons);
int item = buf[out];
out = (out + 1) % N; sem_up(lock_cons); sem_up(empty); //empty slot avail return item
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Readers-writers problem
Multiple threads access the same shared resource, but differently
Many threads only read from it Few threads only write to it
Readers vs writers
Multiple concurrent readers at a time Or single writer at a time
Airline ticket reservation File manipulation
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Airline booking
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Airline booking
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42 seats avail
Airline booking
SFO -> Paris 42 seats available
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Readers-writers problem
Solution 1: Protect resource
sem_t rw_lock = sem_create(1);
void writer(void) {

/* perform write */

int reader(void) {

/* perform read */

Mutual exclusion between readers and writers: Yes
Only one writer can access the critical section: Yes
Multiple readers can access the critical section at the same time: No!
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Readers-writers problem
Solution 2: Enable multiple readers
int rcount = 0;
sem_t rw_lock = sem_create(1);
void writer(void) {

/* perform write */

int reader(void) {

/* perform read */

if (rcount == 1)
if (rcount == 0)
Race condition between readers on variable rcount!
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Readers-writers problem
Solution 3: Protect multiple readers
int rcount = 0;
sem_t rw_lock = sem_create(1), count_mutex = sem_create(1);
void writer(void) {

/* perform write */

int reader(void) {
if (rcount == 1)

/* perform read */

if (rcount == 0)
Correct solution
But suffers from potential starvation of writers
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Concluding notes
Semaphores considered harmful (Dijkstra, 1968)
Simple algorithms can require more than one semaphore
Increase of complexity to manage them all Semaphores are low-level primitives
Easy to make programming mistakes (e.g. down() followed by down()) Programmer must keep track of the order of all semaphores operations
Avoid deadlocks
Semaphores are used for both mutual exclusion and synchronization between threads
Difficult to determine which meaning a given semaphore has
Need for another abstraction
Clear distinction between mutual exclusion and synchronization aspects Concept of monitor developed in early 70’s
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Synchronization barriers
Enables multiple threads to wait until all threads have reached a particular point of execution before being able to proceed further
void main(void)
barrier_t b = barrier_create(3); thread_create(thread_func, b); thread_create(thread_func, b); thread_create(thread_func, b);
void thread_func(barrier_t b)
while (/* condition */) {
/* … do some computation … */

/* Wait for the other threads */
T3 T2 T1
Using semaphores
Using condition variables and the broadcast() feature
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Synchronization: the big picture
Concurrent applications
Shared Objects
Synchronization Variables
Atomic Instructions
Bounded buffer
Condition variables
Interrupt disabling
Hardware interrupts Multiprocessors
Basic Threads Programming:Standards and Strategy
The 12th Commandments of Synchronization (Cornell University, 2011)
Test-and-set instructions
Best practices
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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 compiler algorithm concurrency ECS 150 – Synchronization
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