Concurrency and Parallelism
Understand the concepts of concurrency and parallelism.
Copyright By Assignmentchef assignmentchef
Understand the terms of critical section, mutual exclusion, race condition, deadlock, livelock, starvation
Be aware of tools for enforcing mutual exclusions
Be aware of the strategies for tackling deadlock:
prevention, avoidance and detection
Understand the concept of threads and its benefits.
Understand different thread implementations: user-level and kernel-level threads.
Be aware of Flynns taxonomy and parallel computing
Understand symmetrical multiprocessing (SMP)
Understand Microkernel architecture
Stallings: Ch 4.1 4.3
Stallings: Ch 5.1 to 5.2
Stallings: Ch 6.1 to 6.4
Skim the rest of Ch 4, 5 and 6.
Concurrency means more than one execution flow exists at the same time.
These execution flows often share resources.
In some systems, these execution flows share the same processor, thus they interleave with each other.
In other systems they run on multiple processors, so they can run in parallel.
Benefit of Concurrency
Concurrency allows more efficient use of resources time, processor, memory, input and output devices etc.
All modern operating systems are concurrent systems, as the operating system kernel and multiple processes exist at the same time.
Problems with Concurrency
Race condition two or more processes read and write shared data and the final results depend on the relative timing of the processes.
Deadlock two or more processes wait for each other and none can proceed any further.
Problems with Concurrency
Starvation a runnable process is indefinitely overlooked by the scheduler. Although it is able to proceed, but is never chosen.
Livelock two or more processes continuously change their states in response to changes in other processes without doing any useful work.
Difficulties of Concurrency Sharing of global resources
Operating system managing the allocation of resources optimally
Difficult to locate programming errors
Race Condition A Simple Example
Function echo and the two global variables chin and chout are shared by processes P1 and P2.
void echo() {
chin = getchar();
chout = chin;
Race Condition A Simple Example
Process P1 Process P2 ..
chin = getchar();
chout = chin;
chin = getchar();
chout = chin;
Mutual Exclusion
To avoid race conditions, we must enforce mutual exclusion in the critical sections of the processes
Critical Section a section of code within a process that requires access to shared resources which may not be executed while another process is in a corresponding section of code.
Mutual Exclusion only one process at a time is allowed in its critical section, e.g., only one process at a time is allowed to send command to the printer
Requirements for Mutual Exclusion
Only one process at a time is allowed in the critical section for a resource
A process that halts in its non-critical section must do so without interfering with other processes
No deadlock or starvation
Requirements for Mutual Exclusion
A process must not be delayed access to a critical section when there is no other process using it
No assumptions are made about relative process speeds or number of processes
A process remains inside its critical section for a finite time only
Mutual Exclusion: Hardware Support
So the process is not interrupted by another process while
it is in its critical section
This is dangerous if there is a bug in the code
SpecialMachineInstructions Test and Set instruction
Exchange instruction
Mutual Exclusion: Semaphore
Semaphores, such as binary semaphores, are often used in user processes to enforce mutual exclusions.
Example: use a shared binary semaphore s:
use chin and cout V(s)
use chin and cout V(s)
Permanent blocking of a set of processes that either compete for system resources or communicate with each other
No efficient solution
Involve conflicting needs for resources by two or
more processes
Deadlocks are often the result of enforcing mutual exclusions when accessing shared resources.
Reusable Resources
Used by only one process at a time and not depleted by that use
Processes obtain resources that they later release for reuse by other processes
Processors, I/O channels, main and secondary memory, devices, and data structures such as files, databases, and semaphores
Deadlock occurs if each process holds one resource and requests the other
Example of Deadlock
Another Example of Deadlock
Space is available for allocation of 200Kbytes, and the following sequence of events occur
Request 80 Kbytes; .. .
Request 60 Kbytes;
Request 70 Kbytes; .. .
Request 80 Kbytes;
Deadlock occurs if both processes progress to their second request
Consumable Resources
Created (produced) and destroyed (consumed)
Interrupts, signals, messages, and information in I/O buffers
Deadlock may occur if a Receive message is blocking
May take a rare combination of events to cause deadlock
Example of Deadlock
Deadlock occurs if receive is blocking
Receive(P2) Send(P2, M1)
. Receive(P1) . Send(P1, M2)
Resource Allocation Graphs
Directed graph that depicts a state of the system of resources and processes
Resource Allocation Graphs
Necessary Conditions for Deadlock
For deadlock to occur, the following three conditions must exist:
Mutual exclusion
Only one process may use a resource at a time
A process may hold allocated resources while awaiting
assignment of others No preemption
No resource can be forcibly removed from a process holding it 25
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Deadlock
Circular wait a closed chain of processes exists, such that each process holds at least one resource needed by the next process in the chain
Resource Allocation Graph
Deadlock Prevention Mutual Exclusion
not to enforce mutual exclusion, e.g., reading a shared file
not always achievable Hold and Wait
Require a process request all of its required resources at one time
Deadlock Prevention
No Preemption
Process must release resource and request again
Operating system may preempt a process to require it releases its resources
Circular Wait
Define a linear ordering of resource types
Deadlock Avoidance
A decision is made dynamically on whether the current resource allocation request will, if granted, potentially lead to a deadlock
Requires knowledge of future process request
Two Approaches to Deadlock Avoidance
Do not start a process if its demands might lead to deadlock
Do not grant an incremental resource request to a process if this allocation might lead to deadlock
The Bankers Algorithm
State of the system is the current allocation of resources to processes
Safe state is where there is at least one sequence that does not result in deadlock
Unsafe state is a state that is not safe
Strategies once Deadlock Detected
Abort all deadlocked processes
Back up each deadlocked process to some previously defined checkpoint, and restart all process
Original deadlock may occur
Successively abort deadlocked processes until
deadlock no longer exists
Successively preempt resources until deadlock no longer exists
Starvation Dining Philosophers Problem
UNIX Concurrency Mechanisms
Shared memory Semaphores
Process vs Thread
A traditional process has two functionalities:
Resource ownership process includes a virtual address space to hold the process image
Scheduling/execution follows an execution path that may be interleaved with other processes
These two characteristics are treated independently by the operating system
Process vs Thread
Scheduling and execution is referred to as a thread
Resource ownership is referred to as a process or task
Operating system supports multiple threads of execution within a single process
but only supports one thread per process
Windows, Solaris, Linux, Mach, and OS/2 and Darwin (macOS) support multiple threads
Have a virtual address space which holds the process image
Protected access to processors, other processes, files, and I/O resources
An execution state (running, ready, etc.)
Saved thread context when not running
Has an execution stack
Some per-thread static storage for local variables
Access to the memory and resources of its process
all threads of a process share this
Benefits of Threads
Takes less time to create a new thread than a process
Less time to terminate a thread than a process
Less time to switch between two threads within the same process
Since threads within the same process share memory and files, they can communicate with each other without invoking the kernel
Suspending a process involves suspending all threads of the process since all threads share the same address space
Termination of a process, terminates all threads within the process
Thread States
States associated with a change in thread state
Spawn another thread
Deallocate register context and stacks
Example Remote Procedure Call Using Single Thread
The process has to wait two different servers sequentially, thus taking longer to complete.
Example: Remote Procedure Call Using Threads
User-Level Threads
All thread management is done by the application
The kernel is not aware of the existence of threads
User-Level Threads
Kernel-Level Threads
Windows is an example of this approach
Kernel maintains context information for the process and the threads
Scheduling is done on a thread basis
Kernel-Level Threads
Combined Approaches
Example is Solaris
Thread creation done in the user space
Bulk of scheduling and synchronization of threads within application
Combined Approaches
Relationship Between Threads and Processes
Categories of Computer Systems Flynns taxonomy
Single Instruction Single Data (SISD) stream
Single processor executes a single instruction stream to operate on data stored in a single memory
Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) stream
Each instruction is executed on a different set of data by the different processors
Categories of Computer Systems Flynns Taxonomy
Multiple Instruction Single Data (MISD) stream
A sequence of data is transmitted to a set of processors, each of which executes a different instruction sequence. Never implemented
Multiple Instruction Multiple Data (MIMD)
A set of processors simultaneously execute different instruction sequences on different data sets
Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP)
Kernel can execute on any processor
Typically, each processor does self- scheduling from the pool of available process or threads
Parallel Computing
Parallel Computing Use multiple processors
to solve one task.
Need to split the program into multiple parts that can run on multiple processors in parallel.
The main aim is to shorten the execution time.
Multiprocessor Operating System Design Considerations
Simultaneous concurrent processes or threads
Memory management
Reliability and fault tolerance
Small operating system core
Contains only essential core operating systems functions
Many services traditionally included in the operating system are now external subsystems
Device drivers
File systems
Virtual memory manager Windowing system
Security services
Benefits of a Microkernel Organization
Uniform interface on request made by a process
Dont distinguish between kernel-level and user-level
All services are provided by means of message passing
Allows the addition of new services
New features added
Existing features can be subtracted
Benefits of a Microkernel Organization
Changes needed to port the system to a new processor is changed in the microkernel not in the other services
Modular design
Small microkernel can be rigorously tested
Benefits of Microkernel Organization
Distributed system support
Message are sent without knowing what the
target machine is
Object-oriented operating system
Components are objects with clearly defined interfaces that can be interconnected to form software
Microkernel: Examples
Windows 2000, XP etc
Mac OS X (darwin)
Linux is a notable exception
CS: assignmentchef QQ: 1823890830 Email: [email protected]
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