[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 Excel case study chain Stage 3 25 marks

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Stage 325 marks
A proposed IS

•Refer back to the potentially problematic activity system you identified in stage 2, use the DeLone-McLean Model of Information System Success to describe the areas in which the existing human activity system is potentially not successful.(5)

DeLone-McLean model incorrect/absent

DeLeon-McLean model correctly specified theoretically but not applied correctly or fully to the HAS. Areas requiring attention are not well identified/analysed.
DeLeon-McLean model correctly specified . Application to HAS requires improvement. Some elements are missing.
DeLone-McLean model correctly specified and applied to the HAS. The areasthat need attention are very clearly and correctly described.
4-6 marks
•Refer back to the potentially problematic activity system you identified in stage 2, describe measures of success (efficiency, efficacy, and effectiveness) for the existing human activity system identified and explain using success measures where the HAS falls short.
Absent/incorrectly specified

Some not all measures of success are included and/or poorly described. The areas of failure are not well identified or articulated. May not integrate previously established foundations
All measures of success are mentioned; some minor issues related to explaining shortcomings of HAS. Can improve integration with previously established ideas of prior sections. 2-3
All measures of successidentified and clear explanation of where HAS falls short. Excellent integration with previously established information and ideas.
3-4 marks
•Refer back to the potentially problematic activity system you identified in stage 2 and take into consideration the competition, come up with an information system which will better support the organizational goals.

•Briefly describe what your new information is (100-200 words).

Absent or incomprehensible (0)

Clear description such that the nature of the new information system is partially comprehended and /or description matches or partially matches BPMN (0.5 mark)

Clear description such that the nature of the new information system is fully comprehended and matches BPMN
(1 mark)

•Draw a process model using BMPn notation for the new information system you have identified.
BPMN is absent or is not aligned with the human activity system identified as being problematic for the organisation in the case and/or is hand-drawn

BPMN is produced digitally and assembled mostly using standardized representations and core elements,; some representations may be incorrectly used or absent. BPMN may not cover all reasonably expected aspects of the human activity system correctly. May have messy unclear elements. Gives some idea of the process but not clear

BPMN is produced digitally and assembled well using standardized representations and core elements, making reasonably easy for technical and non-technical people to understand correctly the processes involved. There may be minor errors or structure can be improved or some element of the process may not be reasonable or there may be some minor disconnect with preceding information


BPMN is produced digitally and assembled well using standardized representations and core elements, making it easy for technical and non-technical people to understand correctly the processes involved
The BPMn integrates fully with preceding information about the organisation in the case and Human activity system and new system

Explain in detail how the new information systemyou are proposing will add value to the business and how it supports competitive advantage for the business. In your discussion

•identify primary or secondary activities according to Porter’s value model – no diagram required. (3)

Absent or fails to make any attempt to link to case. Or discussion may not refer correctly or at all to the models.


Porter’s model is correctly specified, and it is evident student knows the model, but linkage to case may require improvement. Discussion may not integrate fully the theory and case. List of stakeholders and roles may be missing/incomplete
Primary /secondary activity not specified.

Porter’s model is integrated with discussion.
All Primary/secondary activities impacted may not be fully specified or fully discussed

Primary/secondary activity specified and there is an integrated discussion of the activities. Activities are well described and there is a level of analysis in regard to the activities and their relevance to competitive advantage and competition, as well as value creation in the new/better system.

2-3 marks
•Make sure to classify the new information system as either: front-end, back-end, customer-facing, or supplier-facing; and explain why (1)

1 mark

•Make reference to competition and competitive strategy to support your argument for the proposed system (5)
Discussion makes no reference or little reference to competitive strategy. Discussion demonstrates little understanding of the concept of competitive strategy and competition.
(for 7610ICT There is no integration of concepts such as value chain, industry structure etc)
Discussion some reference to competitive strategy. Discussion demonstrates borderline understanding of the concept of competitive strategy and competition and links to the case (for 7610ICT discussion demonstrates understanding of the concept of competitive strategy but there is only some or very little if any integration with concepts of value chain and industry structure, or it is not well related to the case. Discussion is mainly a collection of statements or simply theory and does not link well to the case study)

Demonstrates good understanding of competition and competitive strategy and some good linkage with case, particularly of information related to the context of the business from part 1)

(For 7610ICT Discussion is reasonably integrated with the case and brings together the concepts of value, porters value chain and competitive forces into a cohesive argument to support how the system helps create value. Not all relevant elements may be integrated. Some elements of the context of the business may not be covered)

Demonstrates excellent and full understanding of competition and competitive strategy. Full linkage with case but may be some minor inaccuracies or omissions. particularly of information related to the context of the business from part 1 is well integrated
(for 7610ICT – Discussion is well integrated with the case and brings together the concepts of value, porters value chain and competitive forces into a cohesive argument for the context of business to support how the system helps create value. )



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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 Excel case study chain Stage 3 25 marks
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