[SOLVED] CS代考 Module : Dragons.ConsecutiveDots.Text

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Module: Dragons.ConsecutiveDots.Text
Description : Text interface for the Consecutive Dots game
Copyright : (c) 2022 The Australian National University
License : AllRightsReserved

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

module Dragons.ConsecutiveDots.Text where

import ConsecutiveDots
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Text.Read
import Dragons.ConsecutiveDots (unwrapColumn)
import Dragons.Game
import Dragons.Game.UI.Text as UI

textUI :: GameConfig GameState Move -> GameUI GameState Move
textUI config = UI.textUI config $ TextUI
{ textRenderState = renderState
, textReadMove = readMove

renderState :: GameState -> String
renderState state = unlines $ catMaybes
[ renderTurn (turn state)
, Just $ renderBoard state

renderTurn :: Turn -> Maybe String
renderTurn t = case t of
Turn Blue -> Just “Blue (O) to move”
Turn Red -> Just “Red (X) to move”
GameOver _ -> Nothing

renderBoard :: GameState -> String
renderBoard state = unlines . transpose $ intersperse walls cols
cols = zipWith (:) [‘0’..’9′] (map (map renderSquare . unwrapColumn) brd)

brd = board state
(_, h) = bounds state

walls = replicate (h + 1) ‘|’

renderSquare :: Maybe Player -> Char
renderSquare sq = case sq of
Nothing -> ‘ ‘
Just Blue -> ‘o’
Just Red -> ‘x’

— | Ask for a move, check that it’s valid.
readMove :: GameState -> Maybe (Player, Move) -> IO Move
readMove state _ = loop
putStrLn $ “Enter a column. Examples: ” ++ intercalate “, ” (map renderMove [0..3])
line <- getLinecase parseMove line ofNothing -> errLoop “Malformed move, try again.”
Just mv -> case applyMove mv state of
Just _ -> pure mv
_ ->errLoop “Not a valid move.”

errLoop s = putStrLn s *> loop

— | Parse a ‘String’ that should describe a ‘Move’, if it makes sense
— for where we are in the current game.
parseMove :: String -> Maybe Move
parseMove = readMaybe

renderMove :: Move -> String
renderMove = show

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[SOLVED] CS代考 Module : Dragons.ConsecutiveDots.Text
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