[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 // Workshop 1:

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// Workshop 1:
// Version: 1.0
// fixed bug for deleting the first item.
// this fix did not effect submission results
// Date: 2021/10/16
// Author: Fardad Soleimanloo
// Description:
// w1p1.cpp

// set to false when compling on Linux
const bool APP_OS_WINDOWS = false;

using namespace std;

void flushkeys();
bool ValidYesResponse(char ch);
bool yes();
void readCstr(char cstr[], int len);
int readInt(int min, int max);

const char* const SHOPPING_DATA_FILE = “shoppinglist.csv”;
FILE* sfptr = nullptr;

const int MAX_TITLE_LENGTH = 50;
const int MAX_QUANTITY_VALUE = 50;
struct ShoppingRec {
char m_title[MAX_TITLE_LENGTH + 1];
int m_quantity;
bool m_bought;

const int MAX_NO_OF_RECS = 15;
ShoppingRec recs[MAX_NO_OF_RECS] = {};
int noOfRecs = 0;

ShoppingRec getShoppingRec();
void displayShoppingRec(const ShoppingRec* shp);
void toggleBoughtFlag(ShoppingRec* rec);
bool isShoppingRecEmpty(const ShoppingRec* shp);

bool openFileForRead();
bool openFileForOverwrite();
void closeFile();
bool freadShoppingRec(ShoppingRec* rec);
void fwriteShoppintRec(const ShoppingRec* rec);

bool loadList();
void displayList();
void removeBoughtItems();
void removeItem(int index);
bool saveList();
void clearList();
void toggleBought();
void addItemToList();
void removeItemfromList();
bool listIsEmpty();

int listMenu();

int main() {
bool done = false;
while (!done) {
system(APP_OS_WINDOWS ? “cls” : “clear”);
switch (listMenu()) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
done = true;
return 0;

int listMenu() {
cout << “–>>> My Shopping List <<<–” << endl; displayList(); cout << “—————————-” << endl<< “1- Toggle bought Item” << endl<< “2- Add Shopping Item” << endl<< “3- Remove Shopping Item” << endl<< “4- Remove bought Items” << endl<< “5- Clear List” << endl<< “0- Exit” << endl << “> “;
return readInt(0, 5);

void flushkeys() {
while (cin.get() != ‘

bool ValidYesResponse(char ch) {
return ch == ‘Y’ || ch == ‘y’ || ch == ‘N’ || ch == ‘n’;

bool yes() {
char ch = 0;
do {
cin >> ch;
} while (!ValidYesResponse(ch) && cout << “Only (Y/y) or (N/n) is acceptable: “); return ch == ‘y’ || ch == ‘Y’;}void readCstr(char cstr[], int len) { char buf[1024] = {}; int i; cin.getline(buf, 1024); for (i = 0; i < len && buf[i]; i++) {cstr[i] = buf[i]; } cstr[i] = 0;}int readInt(int min, int max) { int value = 0; bool done = false; while (!done) {cin >> value;
if (!cin) {
cout << “Bad integer, try agian: “;}else { if (value >= min && value <= max) {done = true; } else {cout << “Value out of range (” << min << “<=value<=” << max << “): “; }}flushkeys(); } return value;}ShoppingRec getShoppingRec() { ShoppingRec R = {}; cout << “Item name: “; readCstr(R.m_title, MAX_TITLE_LENGTH); cout << “Quantity: “; R.m_quantity = readInt(1, MAX_QUANTITY_VALUE); return R;}void displayShoppingRec(const ShoppingRec* shp) { cout << “[” << (shp->m_bought ? ‘X’ : ‘ ‘) << “]” << shp->m_title <<” qty:(” << shp->m_quantity << “)” << endl;}void toggleBoughtFlag(ShoppingRec* rec) { rec->m_bought = !rec->m_bought;

bool isShoppingRecEmpty(const ShoppingRec* shp) {
return shp->m_title[0] == 0;

bool loadList() {
ShoppingRec shpr = {};
bool ok = false;
if (openFileForRead()) {
ok = true;
while (noOfRecs < MAX_NO_OF_RECS && freadShoppingRec(&shpr)) { recs[noOfRecs++] = shpr;}closeFile(); } return ok;}bool saveList() { bool ok = false; if (openFileForOverwrite()) {ok = true;for (int i = 0; i < noOfRecs; i++) { fwriteShoppintRec(&recs[i]);}closeFile(); } return ok;}void removeItem(int index) { if (index >= 0 && index < noOfRecs) {noOfRecs–;for (int i = index; i < noOfRecs; i++) { recs[i] = recs[i + 1];} }}void clearList() { cout << “This will remove all the items from the list;” << endl<< “Are you sure? (Y)es/(N)o” << endl; if (yes()) {noOfRecs = 0; } else {cout << “Cancelled!” << endl; }}void toggleBought() { cout << “Item number: “; toggleBoughtFlag(&recs[readInt(1, noOfRecs) – 1]);}void addItemToList() { if (noOfRecs < MAX_NO_OF_RECS) {recs[noOfRecs] = getShoppingRec();noOfRecs += !isShoppingRecEmpty(&recs[noOfRecs]); } else {cout << “Shopping List is full!” << endl; }}void removeItemfromList() { if (!listIsEmpty()) {int value = 0;cout << “Item number to delete: “;value = readInt(1, noOfRecs);cout << “Deleting following item, are you sure?” << endl;displayShoppingRec(&recs[value – 1]);cout << “(Y)es/(N)o: “;if (yes()) { removeItem(value – 1);}else { cout << “Cancelled!” << endl;} } else {cout << “List is empty!” << endl; }}bool listIsEmpty() { return noOfRecs == 0;}void displayList() { for (int i = 0; i < noOfRecs; i++) {cout << (i + 1) << “-“;displayShoppingRec(&recs[i]); }}void removeBoughtItems() { if (!listIsEmpty()) {cout << “Removing bought items, are you sure?” << endl;cout << “(Y)es/(N)o: “;if (yes()) { for (int i = 0; i < noOfRecs; i++) {if (recs[i].m_bought) removeItem(i–); }}else { cout << “Cancelled!” << endl;} } else {cout << “List is empty!” << endl; }}bool openFileForRead() { sfptr = fopen(SHOPPING_DATA_FILE, “r”); return sfptr != NULL;}bool openFileForOverwrite() { sfptr = fopen(SHOPPING_DATA_FILE, “w”); return sfptr != NULL;}void closeFile() { if (sfptr) fclose(sfptr);}bool freadShoppingRec(ShoppingRec* rec) { int flag = 0; bool success = fscanf(sfptr, “%[^,],%d,%d
“,rec->m_title, &rec->m_quantity, &flag) == 3;
rec->m_bought = !!flag;
return success;

void fwriteShoppintRec(const ShoppingRec* rec) {
fprintf(sfptr, “%s,%d,%d
”, rec->m_title, rec->m_quantity, rec->m_bought);


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[SOLVED] CS代考计算机代写 // Workshop 1:
30 $