[SOLVED] 计算机代考 module PropSpec

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module PropSpec

import Test.Hspec
import Test.HUnit

Copyright By PowCoder代写加微信 assignmentchef

import qualified Prop
import Prop (Prop (..), (–>), (<->))

import Parser (parse)

isCnf :: Prop a -> Bool
isCnf (p :&: q) = isCnf p && isCnf q
isCnf p = isOr p

isOr :: Prop a -> Bool
isOr (p :|: q) = isOr p && isOr q
isOr p = isLit p

isLit :: Prop a -> Bool
isLit (Lit _) = True
isLit (Neg (Lit _)) = True
isLit _ = False

tests :: Spec
tests = do
describe “–>” $ do
it “is defined in terms of Neg and :|:” $ do
Lit 0 –> Lit 1 @?= Neg (Lit 0) :|: Lit 1
let p = Lit 0 :&: Lit 1
let q = Lit 1 :|: Lit 2
p –> q @?= Neg p :|: q
describe “<->” $ do
it “is defined in terms of –> and :&:” $ do
Lit 0 <-> Lit 1 @?= (Neg (Lit 0) :|: Lit 1) :&: (Neg (Lit 1) :|: Lit 0)
describe “distribute” $ do
it “correctly computes the base case (no :&: in operands)” $ do
Prop.distribute (Lit 0) (Lit 1) @?= Lit 0 :|: Lit 1
let lhs = parse “a | b | c | d”
let rhs = parse “e | f | g | h | j”
Prop.distribute lhs rhs @?= lhs :|: rhs
it “correctly distributes singles” $ do
let lit= parse “a”
let and’ = parse “b & c”
Prop.distribute lit and’ @?= parse “(a | b) & (a | c)”
Prop.distribute and’ lit @?= parse “(b | a) & (c | a)”
it “correctly recursively distributes” $ do
let lhs = parse “a & b”
isCnf (Prop.distribute lhs $ parse “c & d”)@?= True
isCnf (Prop.distribute lhs $ parse “c & d & e”)@?= True

let lhs’ = parse “a & b & c”
isCnf (Prop.distribute lhs’ $ parse “c & d”) @?= True
isCnf (Prop.distribute lhs’ $ parse “c & d & e”) @?= True
describe “cnf” $ do
it “keeps literals (and their negation)” $ do
Prop.cnf (Lit 0) @?= Lit 0
Prop.cnf (Neg (Lit 0)) @?= Neg (Lit 0)
it “removes double negatives” $ do
Prop.cnf (Neg (Neg (Lit 0))) @?= Lit 0
it “distributes disjuncts (and leaves conjuncts)” $ do
let and’ = parse “a & b & c”
Prop.cnf (Lit 0 :&: Lit 1) @?= (Lit 0 :&: Lit 1)
Prop.cnf (and’ :&: and’) @?= (and’ :&: and’)

Prop.cnf (Lit 0 :|: Lit 1) @?= (Lit 0 :|: Lit 1)
isCnf (Prop.cnf $ and’ :|: parse “c & d”) @?= True
isCnf (Prop.cnf $ and’ :|: parse “c & (d & e)”) @?= True
it “applies De-Morgans law” $ do
Prop.cnf (parse “-(p & q)”) @?= parse “-p | -q”
Prop.cnf (parse “-(p | q)”) @?= parse “-p & -q”
it “recursively applies all cases” $ do
isCnf (Prop.cnf $ parse “(a & b) | (c & d) | (e & f)”) @?= True
isCnf (Prop.cnf $ parse “(–a & —–b) | (c & d) | (e & f)”) @?= True
isCnf (Prop.cnf $ parse “-((a & b) | -((c | d) & (e & f)))”) @?= True
isCnf (Prop.cnf $ parse “-(-((c | d) & (e & f)) | (a & b))”) @?= True

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[SOLVED] 计算机代考 module PropSpec
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