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COMP284 Scripting Languages – Handouts

COMP284 Scripting Languages
Lecture 1: Overview of COMP284


Ullrich Hustadt

Department of Computer Science
School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Computer Science

University of Liverpool


1 Introduction
Scripting languages

2 COMP284
Learning outcomes

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 1

Introduction Motivation

How many programming languages should you learn?

1 Academic / Educational viewpoint:
Learn programming language concepts and
use programme languages to gain practical experience with them
– imperative / object-oriented — C, Java
– functional — Maude, OCaml, Haskell
– logic/constraint — Prolog, DLV
– concurrent
then all (other) programming languages can be learned easily

2 An employer’s viewpoint:
Learn exactly those programming languages that the specific employer

3 Compromise: Spend most time on 1 but leave some time for 2 to
allow more than one language from a class/paradigm to be learned

4 Problem: Which additional language do you cover?
; Look what is used/demanded by employers

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 2

Introduction Motivation

Programming languages: Job ads

Software Developer
(Digital Repository)
University of Liverpool – University Library

£31,020 – £35,939 pa

To work as part of a small team based in the University Library, working closely

with the University’s Computing Services Department on the institutional digital

repository, recommending and developing technical solutions, tools and

functionality to integrate the repository with other internal systems and to enable

research outputs to be shared externally. You will be an experienced Software

Developer with knowledge of LAMP technologies such as XML, XSLT, Perl and

Javascript. You will hold a degree in Computer Science or a related discipline

and/or have proven industrial experience of software development. The post is

full time, 35 hours per week.

Job Ref: A-576989

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 3

Introduction Motivation

Programming languages: Job ads

Senior Software Development Manager
IMDb Video and Recommendations (Seattle, WA)

IMDb (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amazon) is recruiting for a Senior Software

Development Manager to lead our “What to Watch” team. You’ll be charged

with transforming IMDb from a reference site to a place where hundreds of

millions of people find and discover what to watch across a variety of video

providers, and seamlessly connect them with watching the movies and TV shows

best suited for them, wherever and whenever they may be.

Basic qualifications:
• Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or

related technical discipline
• 10+ years of experience as a software developer
• 5+ years experience managing people
• Software development experience in OOP, Java, Perl, HTML, CSS,

JavaScript, Linux/UNIX, AJAX, MySQL

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 4

Introduction Motivation

Programming languages: Job ads

Full-time Remote Worker
AOL Tech (Engadget, TUAW, Joystiq, Massively)

AOL Tech is looking for a great front-end developer who can help us take
Engadget and our other blogs to new levels.

The ideal candidate is highly proficient in JavaScript/jQuery, comfortable with

PHP / mySQL and experienced in web design, optimization and related

technologies for desktop and mobile. A solid understanding of mobile-first design

is a must.

• High proficiency in JavaScript/jQuery
• Familiar with spriting, lazy loading, and other general

performance-optimized techniques
• Mac access for compatibility with current tools
• Git, SSH

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 5

Introduction Motivation

Websites and Programming Languages

Website Client-Side Server-Side Database

Google JavaScript C, C++, Go, Java,
Python, PHP

BigTable, MariaDB

Facebook JavaScript Hack, PHP, Python,
C++, Java, . . .

MariaDB, MySQL,
HBase Cassandra

YouTube Flash,

C, C++, Python, Java,

BigTable, MariaDB

Yahoo JavaScript PHP MySQL, PostgreSQL

Amazon JavaScript Java, C++, Perl Oracle Database

Wikipedia JavaScript PHP, Hack MySQL, MariaDB

Twitter JavaScript C++, Java, Scala MySQL

Bing JavaScript ASP.NET MS SQL Server
Wikipedia Contributors: Programming languages used in most popular websites. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia,
20 October 2017, at 11:28. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Programming_languages_used_in_most_popular_websites
[accessed 23 October 2017]

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 6


Introduction Scripting languages

Scripting languages


A user-readable and user-modifiable program that performs simple
operations and controls the operation of other programs

Scripting language

A programming language for writing scripts

Classical example: Shell scripts


for file in *; do

wc -l “$file”


Print the number of lines and name for each file in the current directory

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 7

Introduction Scripting languages

Scripting languages: Properties

• Program code is present at run time and starting point of execution
• compilation by programmer/user is not needed
• compilation to bytecode or other low-level representations

may be performed ‘behind the scenes’ as an optimisation

• Presence of a suitable runtime environment is required for the execution
of scripts

• includes an interpreter, or just-in-time compiler, or bytecode compiler plus
virtual machine

• typically also includes a large collection of libraries

• Executation of scripts is typically slower then the execution of code that
has been fully pre-compiled to machine code


for file in *; do

wc -l “$file”


COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 8

Introduction Scripting languages

Scripting languages: Properties

• Rich and easy to use interface to the underlying operating system,
in order to run other programs and communicate with them

• rich input/output capabilities, including pipes, network sockets, file I/O,
and filesystem operations

• Easy integration within larger systems
• often used to glue other systems together
• can be embedded into other applications


for file in *; do

wc -l “$file”


COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 9

Introduction Scripting languages

Scripting languages: Properties

• Variables, functions, and methods
typically do not require type declarations
(automatic conversion between types, e.g. strings and numbers)

• Some built-in data structures
(more than in C, fewer than in Java)

• Ability to generate, load, and interpret source code at run time
through an eval function

var x = 2;

var y = 6;

var str = “if (x > 0) { z = y / x } else { z = -1 }”;

console.log(’z is ’, eval(str )); // Output: z is 3

x = 0;

console.log(’z is ’, eval(str )); // Output: z is -1

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 10

Introduction Scripting languages

Scripting languages: Properties

• The evolution of a scripting language typically starts
with a limited set of language constructs for a specific purpose

Example: PHP started as set of simple ‘functions’
for tracking visits to a web page

• The language then accumulates more and more language constructs
as it is used for a wider range of purposes

• These additional language constructs may or may not fit well together
with the original core and/or may duplicate existing language constructs

• During this evolution of the language, backward compatibility
may or may not be preserved

; Language design of scripting languages is often sub-optimal

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 11

COMP284 Aims


1 To provide students with an understanding of
the nature and role of scripting languages

2 To introduce students to some popular scripting languages
and their applications

3 To enable students to write simple scripts using these languages
for a variety of applications

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 12

COMP284 Learning outcomes

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module students should be able to

1 compare and contrast languages such as JavaScript, Perl and PHP
with other programming languages

2 document and comment applications witten using a scripting language

3 rapidly develop simple applications, both computer and web-based,
using an appropriate scripting language

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 13

COMP284 Delivery

Delivery of the module (1)

1 Lectures

• Structure:
16 to 18 lectures

• Schedule:
1 or 2 lectures per week spread over 9 weeks

See your personal timetable and e-mail announcements for details

• Lecture notes and screencasts are available at

• Revise the lectures before the corresponding practical
• Additional self study using the recommended textbooks

and the on-line material is essential

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 14


COMP284 Delivery

Delivery of the module (1)

2 Practicals

• Structure:
– 7 practicals with worksheets (3 Perl, 2 PHP, 2 JavaScript)

; gain understanding via practice
; get answers to questions about the lecture material

– Up to 3 additional practicals for questions about the assignments

• Schedule:
1 practical per week for about 10 weeks

Practicals start in week 2

• Practicals assume familiarity with Linux and departmental Linux systems
; To recap, use the worksheets available at


• Practicals assume familiarity with the related lecture material

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 15


COMP284 Delivery

How to learn a new programming language

• Once you know how to program in one programming language,
additional programming languages are best learned by a process of
enquiry and practice guided by existing experience

• Typically, the questions that guide you are
• What kind of . . . are there?

Example: What kind of control structures are there?

• What is the syntax for . . . ?
Example: What is the syntax for conditional statements?

• What happens if . . . ?
Example: What happens if 1 is divided by 0?

• How do I . . . ?
Example: How do I catch an exception?

• Talk to other people who are currently trying to learn the same
language or have already learned it
; Ask what has surprised them most

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 16

COMP284 Delivery

How to learn a new programming language

• Once you know how to program in one programming language,
additional programming languages are best learned by a process of
enquiry and practice

• The best kind of learning is learning by doing
; The questions posed on the previous slide are often best explored

by experimenting with small sample programs (‘toy’ programs)

• Work on substantive programs
; You need to convince employers that you have worked on programs

more substantive than ‘toy’ programs

; The assignments are ‘pretend’ substantive programs
but in reality are too small

• Employers value experience, in particular, the experience that you get
from overcoming challenges
; Assignments that are not challenging are of limited value

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 17

COMP284 Delivery

Delivery of the module (3)

3 Office hours

Monday, 16:00 Ashton, Room 1.03

but always arrange a meeting by e-mail first
([email protected])

4 Announcements will be send by e-mail

• You should check you university e-mail account at least every other day
• Always use your university e-mail account

if you want to contact me or any other member of staff

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 18

COMP284 Delivery

Recommended texts

• Core reading
• R. Nixon:

Learning PHP, MySQL, & JavaScript. Learning PHP. . . , 4th edition.
O’Reilly, 2009. O’Reilly, 2014.
Harold Cohen Library: 518.561.N73 or e-book

• R. L. Schwartz, brian d foy, T. Phoenix:
Learning Perl. Learning Perl, 7th edition.
O’Reilly, 2011. O’Reilly, 2016.
Harold Cohen Library: 518.579.86.S39 or e-book

• Further reading
• M. David:

HTML5: designing rich Internet applications.
Focal Press, 2010.
Harold Cohen Library: 518.532.D24 or e-book

• N. C. Zakas:
Professional JavaScript for Web Developers.
Wiley, 2009.
Harold Cohen Library: 518.59.Z21 or e-book

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 19

COMP284 Assessment


• This is a coursework-based module
(no exam)

• Three assessment tasks need to be completed throughout the semester:
– Perl Deadline: Friday, 2 March, 17:00
– PHP Deadline: Monday, 9 April, 12:00
– JavaScript Deadline: Friday, 27 April, 17:00

• Effort required: about 10 hours each
• Available at: http://cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk/~ullrich/COMP284/

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 20


COMP284 Assessment

Attendance and Performance

Average Average Average
Lecture Practical Module

Students Attendance Attendance Mark

2011-12 33 76.0% 70.0% 63.1
2012-13 58 82.0% 69.0% 64.5
2013-14 107 80.0% 60.0% 59.1
2014-15 119 71.3% 65.2% 54.5
2015-16 76 67.4% 46.8% 57.9
2016-17 114 43.8% 38.3% 53.0

• From 2014-15, screencasts of the lectures were available to students
• From 2015-16, the requirement to write a report on each program was dropped
• Hypothesis 1:

Lecture Attendance > 75% and Practical Attendance > 65% ⇔ Module Mark > 62
• Hypothesis 2:

Screencasts Available ⇔ Module Mark < 59COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 21COMP284 AssessmentAcademic Integrity• Plagiarism occurs when a student misrepresents, as his/her own work,the work, written or otherwise, of any other person (including anotherstudent) or of any institution• Collusion occurs where there is unauthorised co-operation between astudent and another person in the preparation and production of workwhich is presented as the student’s own• Fabrication of data occurs when a student enhances, exaggerates, orfabricates data in order to conceal a lack of legitimate dataIf you are found to have plagiarised work, colluded with others, orfabricated data, then you may fail COMP284Serious ‘offenders’ may be excluded from the UniversityDo not try to take a ‘shortcut’You must do the work yourself!COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 22COMP284 AssessmentAcademic Integrity: Lab rules• Do not ask another student to see any part of their code for aCOMP284 assignment; contravention of this leads to collusion• Do not show or make available any part of your code relating for aCOMP284 assignment to any other student; contravention of this leads to collusion• Do not share (links to) on-line material that might help with aCOMP284 assignment; contravention of this leads to collusion• Lock your Lab PC when you leave it alone• Where you use any material/code found on-line for a COMP284assignment, you must add comments to your code indicating its originby a proper academic reference; contravention of this is plagiarism; acknowledged code re-use may still result in a lower markCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 1 Slide L1 – 23COMP284 Scripting LanguagesLecture 2: Perl (Part 1)HandoutsUllrich HustadtDepartment of Computer ScienceSchool of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Computer ScienceUniversity of LiverpoolContents3 Perl: OverviewHistoryApplicationsJava vs Perl4 ScalarsDefinitionIntegers and Floating-point numbersStrings‘Booleans’Comparisons5 Variables, Constants, and AssignmentsVariablesConstantsAssignmentsVariable interpolationCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 1Perl: Overview HistoryPerl• Originally developed by Larry Wall in 1987Perl 6 was released in December 2015• Borrows features from• Cimperative language with variables, expressions, assignment statements,blocks of statements, control structures, and procedures / functions• Lisplists, list operations, functions as first-class citizens• AWK (pattern scanning and processing language)hashes / associative arrays, regular expressions• sed (stream editor for filtering and transforming text)regular expressions and substitution s///• Shelluse of sigils to indicate type ($ – scalar, @ – array, % – hash, & – procedure)• Object-oriented programming languagesclasses/packages, inheritance, methodsCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 2Perl: Overview ApplicationsPerl: Uses and applications• Main application areas of Perl• text processing; easier and more powerful than sed or awk• system administration; easier and more powerful than shell scripts• Other application areas• web programming• code generation• bioinformatics• linguistics• testing and quality assuranceCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 3Perl: Overview ApplicationsPerl: Applications• Applications written in Perl• Movable Type – web publishing platformhttp://www.movabletype.org/• Request Tracker – issue tracking systemhttp://bestpractical.com/rt/• Slash – database-driven web application serverhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/slashcode/COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 4http://www.movabletype.org/http://bestpractical.com/rt/http://sourceforge.net/projects/slashcode/Perl: Overview ApplicationsPerl: Applications• Organisations using Perl• Amazon – online retailerhttp://www.amazon.co.uk• BBC – TV/Radio/Online entertainment and journalismhttp://www.bbc.co.uk• Booking.com – hotel bookingshttp://www.booking.com• craigslist – classified adshttp://www.craigslist.org• IMDb – movie databasehttp://www.imdb.com• Monsanto – agriculture/biotechhttp://www.monsanto.co.uk/• Slashdot – technology related newshttp://slashdot.orgCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 5http://www.amazon.co.ukhttp://www.bbc.co.ukhttp://www.booking.comhttp://www.craigslist.orghttp://www.imdb.comhttp://www.monsanto.co.uk/http://slashdot.orgPerl: Overview Java vs PerlJava versus Perl: Java1 /* Author: Clare Dixon2 * The HelloWorld class implements an application3 * that prints out “Hello World”.4 */5 public class HelloWorld {6 // —————METHODS ————-7 /* Main Method */8 public static void main(String [] args) {9 System.out.println(“Hello World”);10 }11 }Edit-compile-run cycle:1 Edit and save as HelloWorld.java2 Compile using javac HelloWorld.java3 Run using java HelloWorldCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 6Perl: Overview Java vs PerlJava versus Perl: Perl1 #!/usr/bin/perl2 # Author: Ullrich Hustadt3 # The HelloWorld script implements an application4 # that prints out “Hello World”.56 print “Hello World
“;Edit-run cycle:1 Edit and save as HelloWorld2 Run using perl HelloWorld1 Edit and save as HelloWorld2 Make it executable chmod u+x HelloWorldThis only needs to be done once!3 Run using ./HelloWorldCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 7Perl: Overview Java vs PerlPerl• Perl borrows features from a wide range of programming languagesincluding imperative, object-oriented and functional languages• Advantage: Programmers have a choice of programming styles• Disadvantage: Programmers have a choice of programming styles• Perl makes it easy to write completely incomprehensible code; Documenting and commenting Perl code is very importantCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 8Perl: Overview Java vs PerlPerl• Perl makes it easy to write completely incomprehensible code; Documenting and commenting Perl code is very important #!/usr/bin/perl # Authors: Schwartz et al. / Ullrich Hustadt # Text manipulation using regular expressions # # Retrieve the Perl documentation of function ’atan2’ @lines = ‘perldoc -u -f atan2 ‘; # Go through the lines of the documentation , turn all text # between angled brackets to uppercase and remove the # character in front of the opening angled bracket , then # print the result foreach (@lines) { s/w<([^ >]+) >/ U$1/g;
 print;
 }

In the example, there are more lines of comments than there are lines of code
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 9

Perl: Overview Java vs Perl

Perl for Java programmers

• In the following we will consider various constructs of the Perl
programming language

• numbers, strings
• variables, constants
• assignments
• control structures

• These will often be explained with reference to Java
(’like Java’, ’unlike Java’)

• Note that Perl predates Java
; common constructs are almost always inherited by both languages

from the programming language C

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 10

Perl: Overview Java vs Perl

Perl scripts

• A Perl script consists of one or more statements and comments
; there is no need for a main function (or classes)
• Statements end in a semi-colon
• Whitespace before and in between statements is irrelevant

(This does not mean its irrelevant to someone reading your code)

• Comments start with a hash symbol # and run to the end of the line
• Comments should precede the code they are referring to

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 11

Perl: Overview Java vs Perl

Perl scripts

• Perl statements include
• Assignments
• Control structures

Every statement returns a value

• Perl data types include
• Scalars
• Arrays / Lists
• Hashes / Associative arrays

• Perl expressions are constructed from values and variables using
operators and subroutines

• Perl expressions can have side-effects
(evaluation of an expression can change the program state)

Every expression can be turned into a statement by adding a semi-colon

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 12

Scalars Definition

Scalar data

• A scalar is the simplest type of data in Perl
• A scalar is either
• an integer number
0 2012 -40 1_263_978

• a floating-point number
1.25 256.0 -12e19 2.4e-10

• a string
’hello world’ “hello world

• Note:
• There is no ‘integer type’, ‘string type’ etc
• There are no boolean constants (true / false)

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 13

Scalars Integers and Floating-point numbers

Integers and Floating-point numbers

• Perl provides a wide range of pre-defined mathematical functions
abs(number) absolute value
log(number) natural logarithm
random(number) random number between 0 and number
sqrt(number) square root

• Additional functions are available via the POSIX module
ceil(number) round fractions up
floor(number) round fractions down
Note: There is no pre-defined round function

use POSIX;

print ceil (4.3); // prints ’5’

print floor (4.3); // prints ’4’

• Remember: Floating-point arithmetic has its peculiarities
David Goldberg: What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point
Arithmetic. Computing Surveys 23(1):5–48.


COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 14


Scalars Integers and Floating-point numbers

Mathematical functions and Error handling

• Perl, PHP and JavaScript differ in the way they deal with applications
of mathematical functions that do not produce a number

In Perl we have

• log(0) produces an error message: Can’t take log of 0
• sqrt(-1) produces an error message: Can’t take sqrt of -1
• 1/0 produces an error message: Illegal division by zero
• 0/0 produces an error message: Illegal division by zero

and execution of a script terminates when an error occurs

• A possible way to perform error handling in Perl is as follows:
eval { … run the code here …. # try


} or do { … handle the error here using $@… # catch


The special variable $@ contains the Perl syntax or routine
error message from the last eval, do-FILE, or require command

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 15

Scalars Strings


Perl distinguishes between

• single-quoted strings and
• double-quoted strings

single-quoted strings double-quoted strings
(‘taken literally’) (‘interpreted’/‘evaluated’)

’hello’ ; hello
’don’t’ ; don’t
’”hello”’ ; “hello”
’backslash\’ ; backslash
’glass\table’ ; glasstable
’glasstable’ ; glasstable

“hello” ; hello
“don’t” ; don’t
“”hello”” ; “hello”
“backslash\” ; backslash
“glass\table” ; glasstable
“glasstable” ; glass able

In Java, single quotes are used for single characters and
double quotes for strings

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 16

Scalars Strings

Double-quoted string backslash escapes

• In a single-quoted string t is simply a string consisting of and t
• In a double-quoted string t and other backslash escapes have the

following meaning

Construct Meaning
Logical Newline (actual character is platform dependent)
f Formfeed
r Return
t Tab

l Lower case next letter
L Lower case all following letters until E
u Upper case next letter
U Upper case all following letters until E
Q Quote non-word characters by adding a backslash until E
E End L, U, Q

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 17

Scalars Strings


• Perl supports UTF-8 character encodings which give you access to
non-ASCII characters

• The pragma

use utf8;

allows you to use UTF-8 encoded characters in Perl scripts

• The function call

binmode(STDIN , “:encoding(UTF -8)”);

binmode(STDOUT , “:encoding(UTF -8)”);

ensures that UFT-8 characters are read correctly from STDIN and
printed correctly to STDOUT

• The Unicode::Normalize module enables correct decomposition
of strings containing UTF-8 encoded characters

use Unicode :: Normalize;

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 18

Scalars Strings



binmode(STDOUT , “:utf8”);

print “x{4f60}x{597d}x{4e16}x{754c}
”; # chinese

print “x{062d}x{fef0}
”; # arabic

For further details see Schwartz et al., Appendix C

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 19

Scalars Strings

String operators and automatic conversion

• Two basic operations on strings are
• string concatenation.

“hello” . “world” ; “helloworld”
“hello” . ’ ’ . “world” ; ’hello world’
“Uhello” . ’ LWORLD ’ ; ’HELLO LWORLD’

• string repetition x:
“hello ” x 3 ; “hello hello hello ”

• These operations can be combined
“hello ” . “world ” x 2 ; “hello world world ”

• Perl automatically converts between strings and numbers
2 . ” worlds” ; “2 worlds”
“2” * 3 ; 6
2e-1 x 3 ; “” (“0.2” repeated three times)
“hello”* 3 ; 0

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 20

Scalars ‘Booleans’


• Unlike Java, Perl does not have a boolean datatype
• Instead the values

0 # zero

’’ # empty string

’0’ # string consisting of zero

undef # undefined

() # empty list

all represent false while all other values represent true

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 21

Scalars ‘Booleans’

‘Boolean operators’

• Perl offers the same short-circuit boolean operators as Java: &&, ||, !
Alternatively, and, or, not can be used

A B (A && B)

true true B (true)
true false B (false)
false true A (false)
false false A (false)

A B (A || B)

true true A (true)
true false A (true)
false true B (true)
false false B (false)

A (! A)

true ’’ (false)
false 1 (true)

• Note that this means that && and || are not commutative, that is,
(A && B) is not the same as (B && A)

($denom != 0) && ($num / $denom > 10)

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 22

Scalars Comparisons

Comparison operators

Perl distinguishes between numeric comparison and string comparison

Comparison Numeric String
Equal == eq
Not equal != ne
Less than < ltGreater than > gt
Less than or equal to <= leGreater than or equal to >= ge


35 == 35.0 # true

’35’ eq ’35.0’ # false

’35’ == ’35.0’ # true

35 < 35.0 # false’35’ lt ’35.0’ # true’ABC’ eq “Uabc” # trueCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 23Variables, Constants, and Assignments VariablesScalar variables• Scalar variables start with $ followed by a Perl identifier• A Perl identifier consists of letters, digits, and underscores,but cannot start with a digitPerl identifiers are case sensitive• In Perl, a variable does not have to be declared before it can be used• Scalar variables can store any scalar value(there are no ‘integer variables’ versus ‘string variables’)COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 24Variables, Constants, and Assignments VariablesScalar variables• A variable also does not have to be initialised before it can be used,although initialisation is a good idea• Uninitialised variables have the special value undefHowever, undef actslike 0 for numeric variables andlike ’’ for string variablesif an uninitialised variable is used in an arithmetic or string operation• To test whether a variable has value undef use the routine defined$s1 = “”;print ’$s1 eq undef: ’,($s1 eq undef) ? ’TRUE’:’FALSE’,”
“;print ’$s1 defined:’,(defined($s1)) ? ’TRUE’:’FALSE’,”
“;print ’$s2 defined:’,(defined($s2)) ? ’TRUE’:’FALSE’,”
“;$s1 eq undef: TRUE$s1 defined: TRUE$s2 defined: FALSECOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 25Variables, Constants, and Assignments VariablesSpecial Variables• Perl has a lot of ‘pre-defined’ variables that have a particular meaningand serve a particular purposeVariable Explanation$_ The default or implicit variable@_ Subroutine parameters$a, $b sort comparison routine variables$& the string matched by the last successful pattern match$/ input record separator, newline by default$ output record separator, undef by default$] version of Perl used• For a full list seehttps://perldoc.perl.org/perlvar.html#SPECIAL-VARIABLESCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 26https://perldoc.perl.org/perlvar.html#SPECIAL-VARIABLESVariables, Constants, and Assignments ConstantsConstantsPerl offers three different ways to declare constants• Using the constant pragma:use constant PI => 3.14159265359;

(A pragma is a module which influences some aspect of the
compile time or run time behaviour of Perl)

• Using the Readonly module:
use Readonly;

Readonly $PI => 3.14159265359;

• Using the Const::Fast module:
use Const::Fast;

const $PI => 3.14159265359;

With our current Perl installation only constant works
; variable interpolation with constants does not work

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 27

Variables, Constants, and Assignments Assignments


• Just like Java, Perl uses the equality sign = for assignments:

$student_id = 200846369;

$name = “Jan Olsen”;

$student_id = “E00481370”;

But no type declaration is required and the same variable can hold a
number at one point and a string at another

• An assignment also returns a value,
namely (the final value of) the variable on the left
; enables us to use an assignment as an expressions


$b = ($a = 0) + 1;

# $a has value 0

# $b has value 1

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 28

Variables, Constants, and Assignments Assignments

Binary assignments

There are also binary assignment operators that serve as shortcuts for
arithmetic and string operations

Binary assignment Equivalent assignment

$a += $b $a = $a + $b

$a -= $b $a = $a – $b

$a *= $b $a = $a * $b

$a /= $b $a = $a / $b

$a %= $b $a = $a % $b

$a **= $b $a = $a ** $b

$a .= $b $a = $a . $b


# Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius:

# Subtract 32, then multiply by 5, then divide by 9

$temperature = 105; # temperature in Fahrenheit

($temperature -= 32) *= 5/9; # converted to Celsius

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 29

Variables, Constants, and Assignments Assignments

Variable declarations

• In Perl, variables can be declared using the my function
(Remember: This is not a requirement)

• The pragma

use strict;

enforces that all variables must be declared before their use,
otherwise a compile time error is raised


use strict;

$studentsOnCOMP284 = 133;

Global symbol “$studentOnCOMP284” requires explicit

package name at ./ script line 2.

Execution of ./ script aborted due to compilation errors.

use strict;

my $studentsOnCOMP281;

$studentsOnCOMP281 = 154;

my $studentsOnCOMP283 = 53;

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 30

Variables, Constants, and Assignments Variable interpolation

Variable interpolation

Variable interpolation

Any scalar variable name in a double quoted string
is (automatically) replaced by its current value


$actor = “Jeff Bridges”;

$prize = “Academy Award for Best Actor”;

$year = 2010;

print “1: $actor won the $prize in $year

print “2: “,$actor ,” won the “,$prize ,” in “,$year ,”


1: Jeff Bridges won the Academy Award for Best Actor in 2010

2: Jeff Bridges won the Academy Award for Best Actor in 2010

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 31

Variables, Constants, and Assignments Variable interpolation



• Chapter 2: Scalar Data


R. L. Schwartz, brian d foy, T. Phoenix:
Learning Perl.
O’Reilly, 2011.
Harold Cohen Library: 518.579.86.S39 or e-book

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 2 Slide L2 – 32

COMP284 Scripting Languages
Lecture 3: Perl (Part 2)


Ullrich Hustadt

Department of Computer Science
School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Computer Science

University of Liverpool


6 Control structures
Conditional statements
Switch statements
While- and Until-loops

7 Lists and Arrays
List literals
List and array functions

8 Hashes
Basic hash operations

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 1

Control structures Conditional statements

Control structures: conditional statements

The general format of conditional statements is very similar to that in

if (condition) {


} elsif (condition) {


} else {



• condition is an arbitrary expression
• the elsif-clauses is optional and there can be more than one
• the else-clause is optional but there can be at most one
• in contrast to Java, the curly brackets must be present

even if statements consist only of a single statement

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 2

Control structures Conditional statements

Control structures: conditional statements

• Perl also offers two shorter conditional statements:

statement if (condition );


statement unless (condition );

• In analogy to conditional statements
Perl offers conditional expressions:

condition ? if_true_expr : if_false_expr


$descr = ($distance < 50) ? “near” : “far”;$size = ($width < 10) ? “small” :($width < 20) ? “medium” :”large”;COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 3Control structures Conditional statementsBlocks• A sequence of statements in curly brackets is a block; an alternative definition of conditional statements isif (condition) blockelsif (condition) blockelse block• Instatement if (condition );statement unless (condition );only a single statement is allowedbut do block counts as a single statement,so we can writedo block if (condition );do block unless (condition );COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 4Control structures Switch statementsControl structures: switch statement/expressionStarting with Perl 5.10 (released Dec 2007), the language includes aswitch statement and corresponding switch expressionBut these are considered experimental and need to be enabled explicitlyExample:use feature “switch”;given ($month) {when ([1,3,5,7,8,10,12]) { $days = 31 }when ([4 ,6 ,9,11]) { $days = 30 }when (2) { $days = 28 }default { $days = 0 }}Note: No explicit break statement is neededCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 5Control structures While- and Until-loopsControl structures: while- and until-loops• Perl offers while-loops and until-loopswhile (condition) {statements}until (condition) {statements}• A ‘proper’ until-loop where the loop is executed at least oncecan be obtained as followsdo { statements } until (condition );The same construct also works for if, unless and whileIn case there is only a single statement it is also possible to writestatement until (condition );Again this also works for if, unless and whileCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 6Control structures For-loopsControl structures: for-loops• for-loops in Perl take the formfor (initialisation; test; increment) {statements}Again, the curly brackets are required even if the body of the loop onlyconsists of a single statement• Such a for-loop is equivalent to the following while-loop:initialisation;while (test) {statements;increment;}COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 7Lists and Arrays IdentifiersLists and Arrays• A list is an ordered collection of scalars• An array (array variable) is a variable that contains a list• Array variables start with @ followed by a Perl identifier@identifierAn array variable denotes the entire list stored in that variable• Perl uses$identifier[index]to denote the element stored at position index in @identifierThe first array element has index 0• Note that$identifier@identifierare two unrelated variables (but this situation should be avoided)COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 8Lists and Arrays List literalsList literals• A list can be specified by a list literal, a comma-separated list of valuesenclosed by parentheses(1, 2, 3)(“adam”, “ben”, “colin”, “david”)(“adam”, 1, “ben”, 3)( )(1..10 , 15, 20..30)($start ..$end)• List literals can be assigned to an array:@numbers = (1..10 , 15, 20..30);@names = (“adam”, “ben”, “colin”, “david”);• Examples of more complex assignments, involving array concatenation:@numbers = (1..10 , undef , @numbers , ( ));@names = (@names ,@numbers );• Note that arrays do not have a pre-defined size/lengthCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 9Lists and Arrays List literalsSize of an array• There are three different ways to determine the size of an array$arraySize = scalar(@array);$arraySize = @array;$arraySize = $#array + 1;• One can access all elements of an array using indicesin the range 0 to $#array• But Perl also allows negative array indices:The expression $array[-index]is equivalent to $array[scalar(@array)-index]Example:$array[-1] is the same as $array[scalar(@array)-1]is the same as $array[$#array]that is the last element in @arrayCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 10Lists and Arrays List literalsArray index out of bound• Perl, in contrast to Java, allows you to access array indices that areout of bounds• The value undef will be returned in such a case@array = (0, undef , 22, 33);print ’$array [1] = ’,$array [1], ’, which ’,(defined($array [1]) ? “IS NOT” : “IS”, “undef
“;print ’$array [5] = ’,$array [5], ’, which ’,(defined($array [5]) ? “IS NOT” : “IS”, “undef
“;$array [1] = , which IS undef$array [5] = , which IS undef• The function exists can be used to determine whether an array indexis within bounds and has a value (including undef) associated with itprint ’$array [1] exists: ’,exists($array [1]) ? “T”:”F”,”
“;print ’$array [5] exists: ’,exists($array [5]) ? “T”:”F”,”
“;$array [1] exists: T$array [5] exists: FCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 11Lists and Arrays ContextsScalar context versus list context• Scalar contextwhen an expression is used as an argument of an operation that requiresa scalar value, the expression will be evaluated in a scalar contextExample:$arraySize = @array;; @array stores a list, but returns the number of elements of @arrayin a scalar context• List contextwhen an expression is used as an argument of an operation that requiresa list value, the expression will be evaluated in a list contextExample:@sorted = sort 5;; A single scalar value is treated as a list with one element in alist contextCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 12Lists and Arrays ContextsScalar context versus list contextExpressions behave differently in different contexts following these rules:• Some operators and functions automatically return different values indifferent contexts$line = ; # return one line from IN

@lines = ; # return a list of all lines from IN

• If an expression returns a scalar value in a list context, then by default
Perl will convert it into a list value with the returned scalar value being
the one and only element

• If an expression returns a list value in a scalar context, then by default
Perl will convert it into a scalar value by take the last element of the
returned list value

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 13

Lists and Arrays List and array functions

List functions

Function Semantics

grep(expr,list) in a list context, returns those elements of
list for which expr is true;
in a scalar context, returns the number of
times the expression was true

join(string,list) returns a string that contains the elements
of list connected through a separator

reverse(list) returns a list with elements in reverse order

sort(list) returns a list with elements sorted in
standard string comparison order

split(/regexpr/,string) returns a list obtained by splitting string
into substring using regexpr as separator

(list) x number returns a list composed of number copies
of list

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 14

Lists and Arrays List and array functions

Array functions: push, pop, shift, unshift

Perl has no stack or queue data structures,
but has stack and queue functions for arrays:

Function Semantics



appends an element or an entire list to the
end of an array variable;
returns the number of elements in the
resulting array

pop(@array1) extracts the last element from an array
and returns it

shift(@array1) shift extracts the first element of an array
and returns it



insert an element or an entire list at the
start of an array variable;
returns the number of elements in the
resulting array

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 15

Lists and Arrays List and array functions

Array operators: push, pop, shift, unshift


1 @planets = (“earth”);
2 unshift(@planets ,”mercury”,”venus”);
3 push(@planets ,”mars”,”jupiter”,”saturn”);
4 print “Array@1: “, join(” “,@planets),”
5 $last = pop(@planets );
6 print “Array@2: “, join(” “,@planets),”
7 $first = shift(@planets );
8 print “Array@3: “, join(” “,@planets),”
9 print ” @4: “,$first , ” “,$last , “


Array@1: mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn

Array@2: mercury venus earth mars jupiter

Array@3: venus earth mars jupiter

@4: mercury saturn

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 16

Lists and Arrays List and array functions

Array operators: delete

• It is possible to delete array elements
• delete($array[index])

– removes the value stored at index in @array and returns it
– only if index equals $#array will the array’s size shrink to the

position of the highest element that returns true for exists()

@array = (0, 11, 22, 33);

delete($array [2]);

print ’$array [2] exists: ’,exists($array [2])?”T”:”F”, “

print ’Size of $array: ’ ,$#array+1,”

delete($array [3]);

print ’$array [3] exists: ’,exists($array [3])?”T”:”F”, “

print ’Size of $array: ’ ,$#array+1,”

$array [2] exists: F

Size of $array: 4

$array [3] exists: F

Size of $array: 2

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 17

Lists and Arrays Foreach-loops

Control structures: foreach-loop

Perl provides the foreach-construct to ‘loop’ through the elements of a

foreach $variable (list) {



where $variable, the foreach-variable, stores a different element of the
list in each iteration of the loop


@my_list = (1..5 ,20 ,11..18);

foreach $number (@my_list) {

$max = $number if (! defined($max) || $number > $max);


print(“Maximum number in “,join(’,’,@my_list),” is $max


Maximum number in 1,2,3,4,5,20,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 is 20

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 18

Lists and Arrays Foreach-loops

Control structures: foreach-loop

Changing the value of the foreach-variable changes the element of the list
that it currently stores


@my_list = (1..5 ,20 ,11..18);

print “Before: “.join(“, “,@my_list ).”

foreach $number (@my_list) {

$number ++;


print “After:“.join(“, “,@my_list ).”


Before: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 20, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

After: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

Note: If no variable is specified, then the special variable $_ will be
used to store the array elements

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 19

Lists and Arrays Foreach-loops

Control structures: foreach-loop

An alternative way to traverse an array is

foreach $index (0..$#array) {



where an element of the array is then accessed using $array[$index] in


@my_list = (1..5 ,20 ,11..18);

foreach $index (0..$# my_list) {

$max = $my_list[$index] if ($my_list[$index] > $max);


print(“Maximum number in “,join(’,’,@my_list),” is $max

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 20

Lists and Arrays Foreach-loops

Control structures: foreach-loop

• In analogy to while- and until-loops, there are the following variants of

do { statements } foreach list;

statement foreach list;

In the execution of the statements within the loop, the special variable
$_ will be set to consecutive elements of list

• Instead of foreach we can also use for:

do { statements } for list;

statement for list;


print “Hello $_!
” foreach (“Peter”,”Paul”,


COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 21

Lists and Arrays Foreach-loops

Control structures: last and next

• The last command can be used in while-, until-, and foreach-loops
and discontinues the execution of a loop

while ($value = shift($data)) {

$written = print(FILE $value );

if (! $written) { last; }


# Execution of ‘last’ takes us here

• The next command stops the execution of the current iteration
of a loop and moves the execution to the next iteration

foreach $x ( -2..2) {

if ($x == 0) { next; }

printf(“10 / %2d = %3d
”,$x ,(10/ $x));


10 / -2 = -5

10 / -1 = -10

10 / 1 = 10

10 / 2 = 5

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 22

Hashes Identifiers


• A hash is a data structure similar to an array but it associates scalars
with a string instead of a number

• Alternatively, a hash can be seen as a partial function mapping strings
to scalars

• Remember that Perl can auto-magically convert any scalar into a string

• Hash variables start with a percent sign followed by a Perl identifier


A hash variable denotes the entirety of the hash

• Perl uses


where key is a string, to refer to the value associated with key

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 23

Hashes Identifiers


• Note that



are two unrelated variables (but this situation should be avoided)

• An easy way to print all key-value pairs of a hash %hash is the following

use Data:: Dumper;

$Data :: Dumper ::Terse = 1;

print Dumper %hash;

Note the use of %hash instead of %hash
(%hash is a reference to %hash)

Data::Dumper can produce string representations for
arbitrary Perl data structures

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 24

Hashes Basic hash operations

Basic hash operations

• Initialise a hash using a list of key-value pairs

%hash = (key1 , value1 , key2 , value2 , …);

• Initialise a hash using a list in big arrow notation

%hash = (key1 => value1 , key2 => value2 , …);

• Associate a single value with a key

$hash{key} = value;

• Remember that undef is a scalar value

$hash{key} = undef;

extends a hash with another key but unknown value

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 25

Hashes Basic hash operations

Basic hash operations

• One can use the exists or defined function to check
whether a key exists in a hash:

if (exists $hash{key}) { … }

Note that if $hash{key} eq undef, then exists $hash{key} is true

• The delete function removes a given key and its corresponding value
from a hash:


After executing delete($hash{key}), exists $hash{key} will be

• The undef function removes the contents and memory allocated to
a hash:

undef %hash

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 26

Hashes Basic hash operations

Basic hash operations

• It is also possible to assign one hash to another

%hash1 = %hash2;

In contrast to C or Java this operation creates a copy of %hash2
that is then assigned to %hash1


%hash1 = (’a’ => 1, ’b’ => 2);

%hash2 = %hash1;

$hash1{’b’} = 4;

print “$hash1{’b ’} = $hash1{’b ’}

print “$hash2{’b ’} = $hash2{’b ’}


$hash1{’b’} = 4

$hash2{’b’} = 2

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 27

Hashes Foreach

The each, keys, and values functions

each %hash returns a 2-element list consisting of the key and
value for the next element of %hash, so that one can
iterate over it

values %hash returns a list consisting of all the values of %hash,
resets the internal iterator for %hash

keys %hash returns a list consisting of all keys of %hash,
resets the internal iterator for %hash


while ( ($key ,$value) = each %hash ) {



foreach $key (sort keys %hash) {

$value = $hash{$key};


COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 28

Hashes Foreach

Example: Two-dimensional hash as a ‘database’

1 use List::Util “sum”;
2 $name{’200846369 ’} = ’Jan Olsen ’;
3 $marks{’200846369 ’}{’COMP201 ’} = 61;
4 $marks{’200846369 ’}{’COMP207 ’} = 57;
5 $marks{’200846369 ’}{’COMP213 ’} = 43;
6 $marks{’200846369 ’}{’COMP219 ’} = 79;
8 $average = sum(values($marks{’200846369 ’}))/
9 scalar(values($marks{’200846369 ’});

10 print(“avg: $average


avg: 60

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 29

Hashes Foreach

Example: Frequency of words

1 # Establish the frequency of words in a string
2 $string = “peter paul mary paul jim mary paul”;
4 # Split the string into words and use a hash
5 # to accumulate the word count for each word
6 ++ $count{$_} foreach split (/s+/,$string );
8 # Print the frequency of each word found in the
9 # string

10 while ( ($key ,$value) = each %count ) {
11 print(“$key => $value; “);
12 }


jim => 1; peter => 1; mary => 2; paul => 3

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 30

Hashes Foreach



• Chapter 3: Lists and Arrays

• Chapter 6: Hashes


R. L. Schwartz, brian d foy, T. Phoenix:
Learning Perl.
O’Reilly, 2011.
Harold Cohen Library: 518.579.86.S39 or e-book

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 31

COMP284 Scripting Languages
Lecture 4: Perl (Part 3)


Ullrich Hustadt

Department of Computer Science
School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Computer Science

University of Liverpool


9 Regular expressions (1)
Character classes

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 4 Slide L4 – 1

Regular expressions (1) Introduction

Regular expressions: Motivation

Suppose you are testing the performance of a new sorting algorithm by
measuring its runtime on randomly generated arrays of numbers
of a given length:

Generating an unsorted array with 10000 elements took 1.250 seconds

Sorting took 7.220 seconds

Generating an unsorted array with 10000 elements took 1.243 seconds

Sorting took 10.486 seconds

Generating an unsorted array with 10000 elements took 1.216 seconds

Sorting took 8.951 seconds

Your task is to write a program that determines the average runtime of
the sorting algorithm:

Average runtime for 10000 elements is 8.886 seconds

Solution: The regular expression /^Sorting took (d+.d+) seconds/
allows us to get the required information

; Regular expressions are useful for information extraction
COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 4 Slide L4 – 2

Regular expressions (1) Introduction

Regular expressions: Motivation

Suppose you have recently taken over responsibility for a company’s
website. You note that their HTML files contain a large number of
URLs containing superfluous occurrences of ‘..’, e.g.


Your task is to write a program that replaces URLs like these with
equivalent ones without occurrences of ‘..’:


while making sure that relative URLs like


are preserved

Solution: s!/[^/]+/..!!; removes a superfluous dot-segment

; Substitution of regular expressions is useful for text manipulation

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 4 Slide L4 – 3

Regular expressions (1) Introduction

Regular expressions: Introductory example

Ahttps ?://[^/]+/.w./( cat|dog )/1

• A is an assertion or anchor
• h, t, p, s, :, /, c, a, t, d, o, g are characters
• ? and + are quantifiers
• [^/] is a character class
• . is a metacharacter and w is a special escape
• (cat|dog) is alternation within a capture group
• 1 is a backreference to a capture group

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 4 Slide L4 – 4

Regular expressions (1) Introduction

Pattern match operation

• To match a regular expession regexpr against the special variable $_
simply use one of the expressions /regexpr/ or m/regexpr/

• This is called a pattern match
• $_ is the target string of the pattern match

• In a scalar context a pattern match returns true (1) or false (’’)
depending on whether regexpr matches the target string

if (/ Ahttps ?://[^/]+/.w./( cat|dog )/1/) {

… }

if (m/ Ahttps ?://[^/]+/.w./( cat|dog )/1/) {

… }

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 4 Slide L4 – 5

Regular expressions (1) Characters

Regular expressions: Characters

The simplest regular expression just consists of a sequence of

• alphanumberic characters and
• non-alphanumeric characters escaped by a backslash:
that matches exactly this sequence of characters occurring as a substring
in the target string

$_ = “ababcbcdcde”;

if (/cbc/) { print “Match
”} else { print “No match
” }



$_ = “ababcbcdcde”;

if (/dbd/) { print “Match
”} else { print “No match
” }


No match

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 4 Slide L4 – 6

Regular expressions (1) Characters

Regular expressions: Special variables

• Often we do not just want to know whether a regular expession matches
a target string, but retrieve additional information

• The special variable $-[0] can be used to retrieve the start position of
the match

Note that positions in strings are counted starting with 0

• The special variable $+[0] can be used to retrieve the first position
after the match

• The special variable $& returns the match itself

$_ = “ababcbcdcde”;

if (/cbc/) { print “Match found at position $-[0]: $&


Match found at position 4: cbc

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 4 Slide L4 – 7

Regular expressions (1) Characters

Regular expressions: Special escapes

There are various special escapes and metacharacters that match more
then one character:

. Matches any character except

w Matches a ‘word’ character (alphanumeric
plus ‘_’, plus other connector punctuation
characters plus Unicode characters

W Matches a non-‘word’ character

s Match a whitespace character

S Match a non-whitespace character

d Match a decimal digit character

D Match a non-digit character

p{UnicodeProperty} Match UnicodeProperty characters

P{UnicodeProperty} Match non-UnicodeProperty characters

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 4 Slide L4 – 8

Regular expressions (1) Characters

Regular expressions: Unicode properties

• Each unicode character has one or more properties,
for example, which script it belongs it

• p{UnicodeProperty} matches all characters that have a particular

• P{UnicodeProperty} matches those that do not
• Examples of unicode properties are

Arabic Arabic characters

ASCII ASCII characters

Currency_Symbol Currency symbols

Digit Digits in all scripts

Greek Greek characters

Han Chinese kanxi or Japanese kanji characters

Space Whitespace characters

See http://perldoc.perl.org/perluniprops.html for a complete list

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 4 Slide L4 – 9


Regular expressions (1) Character classes

Regular expressions: Character class

• A character class, a list of characters, special escapes, metacharacters
and unicode properties enclosed in square brackets, matches any single
character from within the class,
for example, [adt

• One may specify a range of characters with a hyphen -,
for example, [b-u]

• A caret ^ at the start of a character class negates/complements it,
that is, it matches any single character that is not from within the class,
for example, [^01a-z]

$_ = “ababcbcdcde”;

if (/[bc][b-e][^ bcd ]/) {

print “Match at positions $-[0] to “,$+[0]-1,”: $&


Match at positions 8 to 10: cde

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 4 Slide L4 – 10

Regular expressions (1) Quantifiers


• The constructs for regular expressions that we have so far are not
sufficient to match, for example, natural numbers of arbitrary size

• Also, writing a regular expressions for, say, a nine digit number
would be tedious

This is made possible with the use of quantifiers

regexpr* Match regexpr 0 or more times

regexpr+ Match regexpr 1 or more times

regexpr? Match regexpr 1 or 0 times

regexpr{n} Match regexpr exactly n times

regexpr{n,} Match regexpr at least n times

regexpr{n,m} Match regexpr at least n but not more than m times

Quantifiers are greedy by default and match the longest leftmost sequence
of characters possible

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 4 Slide L4 – 11

Regular expressions (1) Quantifiers


regexpr* Match regexpr 0 or more times

regexpr+ Match regexpr 1 or more times

regexpr? Match regexpr 1 or 0 times

regexpr{n} Match regexpr exactly n times

regexpr{n,} Match regexpr at least n times

regexpr{n,m} Match regexpr at least n but not more than m times


$_ = “Sorting took 10.486 seconds”;

if (/d+.d+/) {

print “Match at positions $-[0] to “,$+[0]-1,”: $&

$_ = “E00481370”;

if (/[A-Z]0{2}(d+)/) {

print “Match at positions $-[1] to “,$+[1]-1,”: $1


Match at positions 13 to 18: 10.486

Match at positions 3 to 8: 481370

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 4 Slide L4 – 12

Regular expressions (1) Quantifiers



$_ = “E00481370”;

if (/d+/) {

print “Match at positions $-[0] to “,$+[0]-1,”: $&


Match at positions 1 to 8: 00481370

• The regular expression d+ matches 1 or more digits
• As the example illustrates, the regular expression d+
• matches as early as possible
• matches as many digits as possible

; quantifiers are greedy by default

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 4 Slide L4 – 13

Regular expressions (1) Quantifiers



• Chapter 7: In the World of Regular Expressions

• Chapter 8: Matching with Regular Expressions


R. L. Schwartz, brian d foy, T. Phoenix:
Learning Perl.
O’Reilly, 2011.

• http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html
• http://perldoc.perl.org/perlretut.html
• http://www.perlfect.com/articles/regextutor.shtml

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 4 Slide L4 – 14


COMP284 Scripting Languages
Lecture 5: Perl (Part 4)


Ullrich Hustadt

Department of Computer Science
School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Computer Science

University of Liverpool


10 Regular expressions (2)
Capture groups
Binding operator

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 5 Slide L5 – 1

Regular expressions (2) Capture groups

Regular expressions: Capture groups and backreferences

• We often encounter situations where we want to identify the repetition
of the same or similar text, for example, in HTML markup:

  • • We might also not just be interested in the repeating text itself,
    but the text between or outside the repetition

    • We can characterise each individual example above
    using regular expressions:

    .* </ strong >

  • .* </li >

    but we cannot characterise both without losing fidelity, for example:


    does not capture the ‘pairing’ of HTML tags

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 5 Slide L5 – 2

    Regular expressions (2) Capture groups

    Regular expressions: Capture groups

    The solution are capture groups and backreferences

    (regexpr) creates a capture group

    (? regexpr) creates a named capture group

    (?:regexpr) creates a non-capturing group

    N, gN, g{N} backreference to capture group N
    (where N is a natural number)

    g{name} backreference to a named capture group


    1 /Sorting took (d+.d+) seconds/
    2 /<(w+)>.*</1 >/
    3 /([A-Z])0{2}(d+)/
    4 /(? w)(? w)g{c2}g{c1}/
    5 /((? w)(? w)g{c2}g{c1})/

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 5 Slide L5 – 3

    Regular expressions (2) Capture groups

    Regular expressions: Capture groups

    Via capture variables the strings matched by a capture group are also
    available outside the pattern in which they are contained

    $N string matched by capture group N
    (where N is a natural number)

    $+{name} string matched by a named capture group

    The matched strings are available until the end of the enclosing
    code block or until the next successful match


    $_ = “Yabba dabba doo”;

    if (/((? w)(? w)g{c2}g{c1})/) {

    print “Match found: $1
    ” }


    Match found: abba

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 5 Slide L5 – 4

    Regular expressions (2) Alternations

    Regular expressions: Alternations

    • The regular expression regexpr1|regexpr2 matches
    if either regexpr1 or regexpr2 matches
    This type of regular expression is called an alternation

    • Within a larger regular expression we need to enclose alternations
    in a capture group or non-capturing group:
    (regexpr1|regexpr2) or (?:regexpr1|regexpr2)


    1 /Mr|Ms|Mrs|Dr/
    2 /cat|dog|bird/
    3 /(?: Bill|Hillary) Clinton/

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 5 Slide L5 – 5

    Regular expressions (2) Alternations

    Regular expressions: Alternations

    • The order of expressions in an alternation only matters
    if one expression matches a sub-expression of another


    1 $_ = “cats and dogs”;
    2 if (/( cat|dog|bird )/) { print “Match 1: $1
    ” }
    3 if (/( dog|cat|bird )/) { print “Match 2: $1
    ” }
    4 if (/( dog|dogs )/) { print “Match 3: $1
    ” }
    5 if (/( dogs|dog )/) { print “Match 4: $1
    ” }


    Match 1: cat

    Match 2: cat

    Match 3: dog

    Match 4: dogs

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 5 Slide L5 – 6

    Regular expressions (2) Anchors

    Regular expressions: Anchors

    Anchors allow us to fix where a match has to start or end

    A Match only at string start

    ^ Match only at string start (default)
    Match only at a line start (in //m)

    Z Match only at string end modulo a preceding

    z Match only at string end

    $ Match only at string end modulo a preceding

    Match only at a line end (in //m)

    b Match word boundary (between w and W)

    B Match except at word boundary


    $_ = “The girl who
    played with fire

    if (/firez/) { print “‘fire’ at string end
    ” }

    if (/fireZ/) { print “‘fire’ at string end modulo \n
    ” }

    ‘fire’ at string end modulo

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 5 Slide L5 – 7

    Regular expressions (2) Modifiers

    Regular expressions: Modifiers

    Modifiers change the interpretation of certain characters in a regular
    expression or the way in which Perl finds a match for a regular expression

    / / Default
    ‘.’ matches any character except ‘

    ‘^’ matches only at string start
    ‘$’ matches only at string end modulo preceding

    / /s Treat string as a single long line
    ‘.’ matches any character including ‘

    ‘^’ matches only at string start
    ‘$’ matches only at string end modulo preceding

    / /m Treat string as a set of multiple lines
    ‘.’ matches any character except ‘

    ‘^’ matches at a line start
    ‘$’ matches at a line end

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 5 Slide L5 – 8

    Regular expressions (2) Modifiers

    Regular expressions: Modifiers

    Modifiers change the interpretation of certain characters in a regular
    expression or the way in which Perl finds a match for a regular expression

    / /sm Treat string as a single long line, but detect multiple lines
    ‘.’ matches any character including ‘

    ‘^’ matches at a line start
    ‘$’ matches at a line end

    / /i perform a case-insensitive match


    $_ = “bill

    if (/( Bill|Hillary ). Clinton )/smi) { print “Match: $1
    ” }


    Match: bill


    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 5 Slide L5 – 9

    Regular expressions (2) Modifiers

    Regular expressions: Modifiers (/ /g and / /c)

    Often we want to process all matches for a regular expression,
    but the following code has not the desired effect

    $_ = “11 22 33”;

    while (/d+/) { print “Match starts at $ -[0]: $&
    ” }

    The code above does not terminate and endlessly prints out the same text:

    Match starts at 0: 11

    To obtain the desired behaviour of the while-loop we have to use
    the / /g modifier:

    / /g In scalar context, successive invocations against a string will
    move from match to match, keeping track of the position in the
    In list context, returns a list of matched capture groups, or
    if there are no capture groups, a list of matches to
    the whole regular expression

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 5 Slide L5 – 10

    Regular expressions (2) Modifiers

    Regular expressions: Modifiers (/ /g and / /c)

    With the / /g modifier our code works as desired:

    $_ = “11 22 33”;

    while (/d+/g) { print “Match starts at $ -[0]: $&
    ” }


    Match starts at 0: 11

    Match starts at 3: 22

    Match starts at 6: 33

    An example in a list context is the following:

    $_ = “ab 11 cd 22 ef 33”;

    @numbers = (/d+/g);

    print “Numbers: “,join(” | “,@numbers),”


    Numbers: 11 | 22 | 33

    Read / /g as: Start to look for a match from the position where the last
    match using / /g ended

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 5 Slide L5 – 11

    Regular expressions (2) Modifiers

    Regular expressions: Modifiers (/ /g and / /c)

    The current position in a string for a regular expression regexpr
    is associated with the string, not regexpr
    ; different regular expressions for the same strings will move forward the

    same position when used with / /g

    ; different strings have different positions and their respective positions
    move forward independently


    $_ = “ab 11 cd 22 ef 33”;

    if (/d+/g) { print “Match starts at $-[0]: $&
    ” }

    if (/[a-z]+/g) { print “Match starts at $-[0]: $&
    ” }

    if (/d+/g) { print “Match starts at $-[0]: $&
    ” }


    Match starts at 3: 11

    Match starts at 6: cd

    Match starts at 9: 22

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 5 Slide L5 – 12

    Regular expressions (2) Modifiers

    Regular expressions: Modifiers (/ /g and / /c)

    A failed match or changing the target string resets the position

    1 $_ = “ab 11 cd 22 ef 33”;
    2 if (/d+/g) { print “2: Match starts at $-[0]: $&
    ” }
    3 if (/ab/g) { print “3: Match starts at $-[0]: $&
    ” }
    4 if (/d+/g) { print “4: Match starts at $-[0]: $&
    ” }


    2: Match starts at 3: 11

    4: Match starts at 3: 11

    To prevent the reset, an additional modifier / /c can be used

    1 $_ = “ab 11 cd 22 ef 33”;
    2 if (/d+/g) { print “2: Match starts at $-[0]: $&
    ” }
    3 if (/ab/gc) { print “3: Match starts at $-[0]: $&
    ” }
    4 if (/d+/g) { print “4: Match starts at $-[0]: $&
    ” }


    2: Match starts at 3: 11

    4: Match starts at 9: 22

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 5 Slide L5 – 13

    Regular expressions (2) Binding operator

    Generating regular expressions on-the-fly

    The Perl parser will expand occurrences of $variable and @variable
    in regular expressions
    ; regular expessions can be constructed at runtime


    $_ = “Bart teases Lisa”;

    @keywords = (“bart”,”lisa”,”marge”,’Lw+’,”t\w+”);

    while ($keyword = shift(@keywords )) {

    print “Match found for $keyword: $&
    ” if /$keyword/i;



    Match found for bart: Bart

    Match found for lisa: Lisa

    Match found for Lw+: Lisa

    Match found for tw+: teases

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 5 Slide L5 – 14

    Regular expressions (2) Binding operator

    Binding operator

    Perl offers two binding operators for regular expressions

    string =∼ /regexpr/ true iff regexpr matches string

    string !∼ /regexpr/ true iff regexpr does not match string

    • Note that these are similar to comparison operators not assignments
    • Most of the time we are not just interested whether these expressions

    return true or false, but in the side effect they have on the special
    variables $N that store the strings matched by capture groups


    $name = “Dr Ullrich Hustadt”;

    if ($name =∼ /(Mr|Ms|Mrs|Dr)?s*(w+)/) {print “Hello $2

    $name = “Dave Shield”;

    if ($name =∼ /(Mr|Ms|Mrs|Dr)?s*(w+)/) {print “Hello $2

    Hello Ullrich

    Hello Dave

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 5 Slide L5 – 15

    Regular expressions (2) Binding operator

    Pattern matching in a list context

    • When a pattern match /regexpr/ is used in a list context,
    then the return value is

    • a list of the strings matched by the capture groups in regexpr
    if the match succeeds and regexpr contains capture groups, or

    • (a list containing) the value 1
    if the match succeeds and regexpr contains no capture groups, or

    • an empty list if the match fails

    $name = “Dr Ullrich Hustadt”;

    ($t ,$f ,$l) = ($name =∼ /(Mr|Ms|Mrs|Dr)?s*(w+)s+(w+)/);

    print “Name: $t, $f , $l

    $name = “Dave Shield”;

    ($t ,$f ,$l) = ($name =∼ /(Mr|Ms|Mrs|Dr)?s*(w+)s+(w+)/);

    print “Name: $t, $f , $l


    Name: Dr, Ullrich , Hustadt

    Name: , Dave , Shield

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 5 Slide L5 – 16

    Regular expressions (2) Binding operator

    Pattern matching in a list context

    • When a pattern match /regexpr/g is used in a list context,
    then the return value is

    • a list of the strings matched by the capture groups in regexpr
    each time regex matches
    provided that regexpr contains capture groups, or

    • a list containing the string matched by regexpr each time regexpr
    matches provided that regexpr contains no capture groups, or

    • an empty list if the match fails

    $string = “firefox: 10.3 seconds; chrome: 9.5 seconds”;

    %performance = ($string =∼ /(w+):s+(d+.d+)/g);

    foreach $system (keys %performance) {

    print “$system -> $performance{$system }
    ” }


    firefox -> 10.3

    chrome -> 9.5

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 5 Slide L5 – 17

    Regular expressions (2) Binding operator



    • Chapter 7: In the World of Regular Expressions

    • Chapter 8: Matching with Regular Expressions


    R. L. Schwartz, brian d foy, T. Phoenix:
    Learning Perl.
    O’Reilly, 2011.

    • http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html
    • http://perldoc.perl.org/perlretut.html
    • http://www.perlfect.com/articles/regextutor.shtml

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 5 Slide L5 – 18


    COMP284 Scripting Languages
    Lecture 6: Perl (Part 5)


    Ullrich Hustadt

    Department of Computer Science
    School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Computer Science

    University of Liverpool


    11 Substitution
    Binding operators
    Capture variables

    12 Subroutines
    Defining a subroutine
    Parameters and Arguments
    Calling a subroutine
    Persistent variables
    Nested subroutine definitions

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 1

    Substitution Binding operators



    • Searches a variable for a match for regexpr, and if found,
    replaces that match with a string specified by replacement

    • In both scalar context and list context returns the number of
    substitutions made (that is, 0 if no substitutions occur)

    • If no variable is specified via one of the binding operators =∼ or !∼,
    the special variable $_ is searched and modified

    • The binding operator !∼ only negates the return value but does not
    affect the manipulation of the text

    The delimiter / can be replaced by some other paired or non-paired
    character, for example:
    s!regexpr!replacement! or s [replacement]

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 2

    Substitution Binding operators



    $text = “http ://www.myorg.co.uk/info/refund /../ vat.html”;

    $text =∼ s!/[^/]+/..!!;

    print “$text


    http :// www.myorg.co.uk/info/vat.html


    $_ = “Yabba dabba doo”;


    print $_,”


    Yadda dabba doo

    Note: Only the first match is replaced

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 3

    Substitution Capture variables

    Substitutions: Capture variables


    • Perl treats replacement like a double-quoted string

    ; backslash escapes work as in a double-quoted string

    t Tab

    l Lower case next letter
    L Lower case all following letters until E
    u Upper case next letter
    U Upper case all following letters until E

    ; variable interpolation is applied, including capture variables

    $N string matched by capture group N
    (where N is a natural number)

    $+{name} string matched by a named capture group

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 4

    Substitution Capture variables

    Substitutions: Capture variables


    $name = “Dr Ullrich Hustadt”;

    $name =∼ s/(Mr|Ms|Mrs|Dr)?s*(w+)s+(w+)/ U$3E, $2/;

    print “$name

    $name = “Dave Shield”;

    $name =∼ s/(Mr|Ms|Mrs|Dr)?s*(w+)s+(w+)/ U$3E, $2/;

    print “$name


    HUSTADT , Ullrich

    SHIELD , Dave

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 5

    Substitution Modifiers

    Substitutions: Modifiers

    Modifiers for substitutions include the following:

    s/ / /g Match and replace globally, that is, all occurrences

    s/ / /i Case-insensitive pattern matching

    s/ / /m Treat string as multiple lines

    s/ / /s Treat string as single line

    s/ / /e Evaluate the right side as an expression

    Combinations of these modifiers are also allowed


    $_ = “Yabba dabba doo”;


    print $_,”


    Yadda dadda doo

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 6

    Substitution Modifiers

    Substitutions: Modifiers

    Modifiers for substitutions include the following:

    s/ / /e Evaluate the right side as an expression


    1 $text = “The temperature is 105 degrees Fahrenheit”;
    2 $text =∼ s!(d+) degrees Fahrenheit!
    3 (($1 -32)*5/9).” degrees Celsius”!e;
    4 print “$text
    5 $text =∼ s!(d+.d+)! sprintf(“%d”,$1 +0.5)!e;
    6 print “$text

    The temperature is 40.5555555555556 degrees Celsius

    The temperature is 41 degrees Celsius


    1 $text = “The temperature is 105 degrees Fahrenheit”;
    2 $text =∼ s!(d+) degrees Fahrenheit!
    3 sprintf(“%d” ,(($1 -32)*5/9)+0.5).
    4 ” degrees Celsius”!e;

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 7

    Substitution Modifiers

    Regular Expressions and the Chomsky Hierarchy

    • In Computer Science, formal
    languages are categorised
    according to the type of grammar
    needed to generate them (or the
    type of automaton needed to
    recognise them)

    • Perl regular expressions can
    at least recognise all context-free
    languages Chomsky Hiearchy of Formal Languages

    • Howerver, this does not mean regular expression should be used for
    parsing context-free languages

    • Instead there are packages specifically for parsing context-free languages
    or dealing with specific languages, e.g. HTML, CSV

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 8

    Subroutines Introduction

    Java methods versus Perl subroutines

    • Java uses methods as a means to encapsulate sequences of instructions
    • In Java you are expected
    • to declare the type of the return value of a method
    • to provide a list of parameters, each with a distinct name,

    and to declare the type of each parameter

    public static int sum2( int f, int s) {

    f = f+s;

    return f;


    public static void main(String [] args) {

    System.out.println(“Sum of 3 and 4 is ” + sum2(3, 4));


    • Instead of methods, Perl uses subroutines

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 9

    Subroutines Defining a subroutine


    Subroutines are defined as follows in Perl:

    sub identifier {



    • Subroutines can be placed anywhere in a Perl script but preferably they
    should all be placed at start of the script (or at the end of the script)

    • All subroutines have a return value (but no declaration of its type)
    • The statement
    return value

    can be used to terminate the execution of a subroutine and
    to make value the return value of the subroutine

    • If the execution of a subroutine terminates without encountering
    a return statement, then the value of the last evaluation of an expression
    in the subroutine is returned

    The return value does not have to be scalar value, but can be a list

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 10

    Subroutines Parameters and Arguments

    Parameters and Arguments

    Subroutines are defined as follows in Perl:

    sub identifier {



    • In Perl there is no need to declare the parameters of a subroutine
    (or their types)
    ; there is no pre-defined fixed number of parameters

    • Arguments are passed to a subroutine via a special array @_
    • Individual arguments are accessed using $_[0], $_[1] etc
    • Is is up to the subroutine to process arguments as is appropriate
    • The array @_ is private to the subroutine

    ; each nested subroutine call gets its own @_ array

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 11

    Subroutines Parameters and Arguments

    Parameters and Arguments: Examples

    • The Java method
    public static int sum2( int f, int s) {

    f = f+s;

    return f;


    could be defined as follows in Perl:

    sub sum2 {

    return $_[0] + $_[1];


    • A more general solution, taking into account that a subroutine can be
    given arbitrarily many arguments, is the following:

    1 sub sum {
    2 return undef if (@_ < 1);3 $sum = shift(@_);4 foreach (@_) { $sum += $_ }5 return $sum;6 }COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 12Subroutines Parameters and ArgumentsPrivate variablessub sum {return undef if (@_ < 1);$sum = shift(@_);foreach (@_) { $sum += $_ }return $sum;}The variable $sum in the example above is global:$sum = 5;print “Value of $sum before call of sum: “,$sum ,”
    “;print “Return value of sum: “,&sum(5,4,3,2,1),”
    “;print “Value of $sum aftercall of sum: “,$sum ,”
    “;produces the outputValue of $sum before call of sum: 5Return value of sum: 15Value of $sum after call of sum: 15This use of global variables in subroutines is often undesirable; we want $sum to be private/local to the subroutineCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 13Subroutines Parameters and ArgumentsPrivate variables• The operator my declares a variable or list of variables to be private:my $variable;my ($variable1 ,$variable2 );my @array;• Such a declaration can be combined with a (list) assignment:my $variable = $_[0];my ($variable1 ,$variable2) = @_;my @array = @_;• Each call of a subroutine will get its own copy of its private variablesExample:sub sum {return undef if (@_ < 1);my $sum = shift(@_);foreach (@_) { $sum += $_ }return $sum;}COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 14Subroutines Calling a subroutineCalling a subroutineA subroutine is called by using the subroutine name with an ampersand &in front possibly followed by a list of argumentsThe ampersand is optional if a list of arguments is presentsub identifier {statements}… &identifier …… &identifier(arguments) …… identifier(arguments) …Examples:print “sum0: ” ,&sum ,”
    “;print “sum0: “,sum(),”
    “;print “sum1: “,sum(5),”
    “;print “sum2: “,sum(5,4),”
    “;print “sum5: ” ,&sum(5,4,3,2,1),”
    “;$total = sum(9,8,7,6)+sum(5,4,3,2,1);sum(1,2,3,4);COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 15Subroutines Persistent variablesPersistent variables• Private variables within a subroutine are forgotten once a call of thesubroutine is completed• In Perl 5.10 and later versions, we can make a variableboth private and persistent using the state operator; the value of a persistent variable will be retained betweenindependent calls of a subroutineExample:use 5.010;sub running_sum {state $sum;foreach (@_) { $sum += $_ }return $sum;}COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 16Subroutines Persistent variablesPersistent variablesExample:1 use 5.010;23 sub running_sum {4 state $sum;5 foreach (@_) { $sum += $_ }6 return $sum;7 }89 print “running_sum ():tt”, running_sum (), ”
    “;10 print “running_sum (5):t”, running_sum (5), ”
    “;11 print “running_sum (5 ,4):t”, running_sum (5,4), ”
    “;12 print “running_sum (3,2 ,1):t”,running_sum (3,2,1),”
    “;Output:running_sum ():running_sum (5): 5running_sum (5 ,4): 14running_sum (3,2,1): 20COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 17Subroutines Nested subroutine definitionsNested subroutine definitions• Perl allows nested subroutine definitions (unlike C or Java)sub outer_sub {sub inner_sub { … }}• Normally, nested subroutines are a means for information hiding; the inner subroutine should only be visible and executable frominside the outer subroutine• However, Perl allows inner subroutines to be called from anywhere(within the package in which they are defined)sub outer_sub {sub inner_sub { … }}inner_sub ();COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 18Subroutines Nested subroutine definitionsNested subroutine definitionsIf an inner subroutine uses a local variable of an outer subroutine,then it refers to the instance of that local variable created the first timethe outer subroutine was calledsub outer {my $x = $_[0];sub inner { return $x }return inner (); # returns $_[0]?}print “1: “,outer (10),”
    “;print “2: “,outer (20),”
    “;1: 102: 10 # not 20!; Do not refer to local variables of an outer subroutine,pass information via arguments insteadCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 19Subroutines Nested subroutine definitionsNested subroutine definitions: Examplesub sqrt2 {my $x = shift(@_);my $precision = 0.001;sub sqrtIter {my ($guess ,$x) = @_;if (isGoodEnough($guess ,$x)) {return int($guess/$precision +0.5)* $precision;} else { sqrtIter(improveGuess($guess , $x), $x) } }sub improveGuess {my ($guess ,$x) = @_;return ($guess + $x / $guess) / 2; }sub isGoodEnough {my ($guess ,$x) = @_;return (abs($guess * $guess – $x) < $precision ); }return sqrtIter (1.0,$x);}COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 20Subroutines Nested subroutine definitionsRevisionRead• Chapter 9: Processing Text with Regular Expressions• Chapter 4: SubroutinesofR. L. Schwartz, brian d foy, T. Phoenix:Learning Perl.O’Reilly, 2011.• http://perldoc.perl.org/perlsub.htmlCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 6 Slide L6 – 21http://perldoc.perl.org/perlsub.htmlCOMP284 Scripting LanguagesLecture 7: Perl (Part 6)HandoutsUllrich HustadtDepartment of Computer ScienceSchool of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Computer ScienceUniversity of LiverpoolContents13 Input/OutputFilehandlesOpenCloseReadSelectPrintHere documents14 Arguments and OptionsInvocation ArgumentsOptionsCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 7 Slide L7 – 1Input/Output FilehandlesI/O Connections• Perl programs interact with their environment via I/O connections• A filehandle is the name in a Perl program for such an I/O connection,given by a Perl identifierBeware: Despite the terminology, no files might be involved• There are six pre-defined filehandlesSTDIN Standard Input, for user input, typically the keyboardSTDOUT Standard Output, for user output, typically the terminalSTDERR Standard Error, for error output,typically defaults to the terminalDATA Input from data stored after __END__ at the end of aPerl programARGV Iterates over command-line filenames in @ARGVARGVOUT Points to the currently open output file when doing edit-in-place processing with -iperl -pi -e ’s/cat/dog/’ fileCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 7 Slide L7 – 2Input/Output FilehandlesI/O ConnectionsExcept for the six predefined I/O connections, all other I/O connections• need to be opened before they can be usedopen filehandle, mode, expr• should be closed once no longer neededclose filehandle• can be used to read from

    • can be used to write to
    print filehandle list

    printf filehandle list

    • can be selected as default output
    select filehandle

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 7 Slide L7 – 3

    Input/Output Filehandles

    I/O Connections


    open INPUT , “<“, “oldtext.txt” or die “Cannot open file”;open OUTPUT , “>“, “newtext.txt”;

    while ( ) {

    s!(d+) degrees Fahrenheit!

    sprintf(“%d” ,(($1 -32)*5/9)+0.5).” degrees Celsius”!e;

    print OUTPUT;


    close(INPUT );

    close(OUTPUT );


    105 degrees Fahrenheit is quite warm


    41 degrees Celcius is quite warm

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 7 Slide L7 – 4

    Input/Output Open

    Opening a filehandle

    open filehandle, expr

    open filehandle, mode, expr

    • Opens an I/O connection specified by mode and expr and associates it
    with filehandle

    • expr specifies a file or command
    • mode is one of the following

    Mode Operation Create Truncate

    < read file> write file yes yes
    >> append file yes

    +< read/write file+> read/write file yes yes
    +>> read/append file yes

    |- write to command yes
    -! read from command yes

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 7 Slide L7 – 5

    Input/Output Close

    Closing a filehandle


    close filehandle

    • Flushes the I/O buffer and closes the I/O connection associated with

    • Returns true if those operations succeed
    • Closes the currently selected filehandle if the argument is omitted

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 7 Slide L7 – 6

    Input/Output Read


    • In a scalar context, returns a string consisting of all characters from
    filehandle up to the next occurrence of $/
    (the input record separator)

    • In a list context, returns a list of strings representing the whole content
    of filehandle separated into string using $/ as a separator
    (Default value of $/: newline

    1 open INPUT , “<“, “oldtext.txt” or die “Cannot open file”;2 $first_line = ;
    3 while ($other_line = ) { … }
    4 close INPUT;
    6 open LS, ” -|”, “ls -1”;
    7 @files = ;
    8 close LS;
    9 foreach $file (@files) { … }

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 7 Slide L7 – 7

    Input/Output Select

    Selecting a filehandle as default output


    select filehandle

    • If filehandle is supplied, sets the new current default filehandle for
    ; write or print without a filehandle default to filehandle
    ; References to variables related to output will refer to filehandle

    • Returns the currently selected filehandle

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 7 Slide L7 – 8

    Input/Output Print


    print filehandle list

    print filehandle

    print list


    • Print a string or a list of strings to filehandle
    • If filehandle is omitted, prints to the last selected filehandle
    • If list is omitted, prints $_
    • The current value of $, (if any) is printed between each list item

    (Default: undef)

    • The current value of $ (if any) is printed after the entire list has
    been printed
    (Default: undef)

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 7 Slide L7 – 9

    Input/Output Print

    Printing: Formatting

    sprintf(format, list)

    • Returns a string formatted by the usual printf conventions of the C
    library function sprintf (but does not by itself print anything)

    sprintf “(%10.3f)” 1234.5678

    format a floating-point number with minimum width 10 and precision 3
    and put the result in parentheses:

    ( 1234.568)

    See http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/sprintf.html for
    further details

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 7 Slide L7 – 10


    Input/Output Print

    Printing: Formatting

    printf filehandle format, list

    printf format, list

    • Equivalent to
    print filehandle sprintf(format, list)

    except that $ (the output record separator) is not appended

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 7 Slide L7 – 11

    Input/Output Print

    Printing: Formatting

    Format strings can be stored in variables and can be constructed

    @list = qw(wilma dino pebbles );

    $format = “The items are:
    ”. (“%10s
    ” x @list );

    printf $format , @list;


    The items are:




    (The code above uses the ‘quote word’ function qw()
    to generate a list of words.
    See http://perlmeme.org/howtos/perlfunc/qw_function.html
    for details)

    COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 7 Slide L7 – 12


    Input/Output Here documents

    Here documents

    • A here document is a way of specifying multi-line strings in a scripting
    or programming language

    • The basic syntax is



    Lots of HTML markup here

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