[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 Java gui data structure ANUC1110 Semester 1 — 2018 Assignment 1

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ANUC1110 Semester 1 — 2018Assignment 1

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ANUC1110-Introduction to Software Systems

Assignment 1- Semester 1 – 2018

Due date: 7:00pm, 03 April 2018

This assignment will count for 10% of the final grade. Below you will find the



• This assignment must be done in groups of two.

• Your report must include Assignment Cover Sheet providing the details
of this assignment including student IDs. The report submission includes
an electronic copy uploaded to Wattle and a hard copy handed in to the
teacher during the lecture time in week 7 (03 / 04 / 2018).

• For the program, you are required to commit and push your works to
your created GitLab repo for each task completion. Details of the tasks
are in the Mark distributions sections.

• Late submission of assessment tasks without an extension are
penalised at the rate of 10% of the possible marks available per working
day or part thereof. Late submission of assessment tasks is not
accepted after 10 working days after the due date, or on or after the date
specified in the course outline for the return of the assessment item.

• Plagiarism will attract academic penalties in accordance with the ANU

Good luck and enjoy the time you will spend on this assignment

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Assignment general specifications:

Shared riding deals with traffic congestion as well as reduces emissions. We

expect you to develop travelling plans for passengers according to their start

points, destinations and travelling time, i.e. if the passenger’s route is covered by

a driver’s (for both x axis and y axis) and passenger’s travelling time is in the

period of the driver’s, then he/she could send requirement to that driver. And

maybe the passenger will meet other sharing-friend whose route and time is also

covered by the drivers.

We provide two json files, saving passengers’ information and drivers’

information respectively. Passengers are recognised by user id, name, start

point, destination, travelling time, while drivers are recognized by driver id, name,

start point, destination, start time and end time. We have provided you with start

code to show how to get data from json file. You should complete the code to

read attributes of each people and construct proper objects to save the

information. (Hint: arraylist may be an efficient data structure for you)

After saving the given information, input a user id in console. The output should

contain: user’s name, start point, destination and travelling time. After searching

for available driver (you can output anyone of them), decide whether there are

other sharing friends with the passenger (assume the car can take all of them),

then print result.

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If there is no available driver, your console should look like:

If there is available driver, your console should look like:

“2” is the driver id of the available driver. “34” and “67” are user id of sharing friends

whose route and travelling time are also covered by the same driver.

Please enter user id:


Passenger’s name: Jack

Start point: ANU

Destination: UCLodge

Travelling time: 2018/1/16 9:00

Sorry, there is no available driver right now.

Please input user id:


Passenger’s name: Jack

Start at: ANU

Destination: UCLodge

Travelling time: 2018/1/16 9:00

Available driver: 2

Sharing friend: 34 67

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You are required to:

• Log in GitLab, fork the assignment repository from the course GitLab

repository in the following link: (1 mark)


• Change the membership of your forked project by adding the teacher and

tutor, Ray Lau (u4561496) and Yujia (u6075459), as Reporter. (1 mark)

• Open eclipse, import the Shareduber project from your forked Shareduber

project. (1 mark)

• Fix the program as following:

1. Read json files and save the information in proper objects. You need

user class and driver class to save information from json. (2 marks)

2. Search passenger information according to user id, input from console.

And output the passenger’s name, start point, destination and travelling

time. (2 marks)

3. Determine whether there is a driver can take this passenger. To simplify,

assume all cars run from left to right, from bottom to top. So, “cover”

means the driver’s start point is on the bottom left of the passenger’s

and destination is on the top right of the passenger’s. Besides,

passenger’s travelling time should in the period of the driver’s start time

and end time. (Hint: there is java api to save and compare time) After

search, print the result like above. (3 marks)

4. Determine whether there are other sharing friends with the passenger,

whose trip is also covered by the same driver. Print the result like above.

(2 marks)

• For each solved problem, test to make sure it runs properly as required (2


• Commit and push the changes to your forked GitLab repository with relevant


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comments. (2 marks)

• Contribute to your team works (if work in pairs). (1 mark)

1. Clearly demonstration of work load distribution and overall contribution

in percentage

• Report quality (3 marks)

Assignment submissions:

Your submission needs to include the program via GitLab and a report that

1) Assignment Cover Sheet (available on the courses Wattle site).
2) The report that details your project including:

a) Structure of your project and its classes.

b) Report of how each part of your project has been done. For
example, how do you search passenger’s information, how to
determine whether there is a driver can take this passenger etc.

c) Screen shots of the running program for each major function fix.

The report is required to be submitted on Wattle by the due date (7:00pm, 3

April 2018) and a hard copy of it needs to be handed in to the teacher on the

due date in the classroom. One report per group.

Note: Failed to submit the report (either the electronic or hard copy) will apply

5 mark deduction out of your possible assignment result.

3) If you have used external resources for your assignment, you have to cite
the source in both GUI and your report.


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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 Java gui data structure ANUC1110 Semester 1 — 2018 Assignment 1
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