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Introduction to AI Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

Introduction to AI
Some applicationsof KRR

Francesca Toni
(thanks to Fariba Sadri)

• Logical agents

• Logic-based Production System

• (Rule-based robotics)

• Ontologies


Section 7.1
Section 12.5

Section 2.4
Section 14.3

Logical agents



Reason and
choose action(s)

Execute action(s)

inference engine

knowledge base Domain-dependent, dynamic – e.g. logic program

Domain-independent/static – e.g. SLDNF/(XSB)Prolog

goal(s) Domain-dependent, dynamic

LPS (Logic-based Production System)

maxTime( ).
fluents ….
actions ….
events … .



Reactive rules

Causal theory



initially ….
observe… .

if …then ….

… if ….
… :- ….

… initiates … if ….
… terminates … if ….
false ….

% Fire example
% Declarations

fluents fire.
actions eliminate, escape.
events deal_with_fire.

% Initial state: Inputs
initially fire.

% Goals: Reactive Rules
if fire at T1 then deal-with-fire from T1 to T2.

% Beliefs: Clauses
deal-with-fire from T1 to T2 if eliminate from T1 to T2.
deal-with-fire from T1 to T2 if escape from T1 to T2.

% Causal theory
eliminate terminates fire.


% Fire example extended with recurrent fires

% Declarations


fluents fire, water.

actions eliminate,escape, ignite(_), refill.

events deal_with_fire.

% Initial state: Inputs

initially water.

% Observations: Inputs

observe ignite(sofa) from 1 to 2.

observe ignite(bed) from 4 to 5.

observe refill from 7 to 8.

% Goals: Reactive Rules

if fire at T1 then deal-with-fire from T2 to T3.


% Beliefs: Clauses

deal-with-fire from T1 to T2

if eliminate from T1 to T2.

deal-with-fire from T1 to T2

if escape from T1 to T2.

% Time-independent information: Clauses



% Causal theory

ignite(Object) initiates fire

if flammable(Object).

eliminate terminates fire.

eliminate terminates water.

refill initiates water.

false eliminate, fire, not water.

% Planning in the blocks’ world

fluents location(_,_).
actions move(_,_).

initially location(f,floor), location(b,f),location(e,b),
location(a,floor), location(d,a),location(c,d).

% Goals
if true
then make_tower([a,b,c,floor]) from T1 to T2.

if true
then make_tower([f,e,d,floor]) from T1 to T2.

clear(Block) at T if Block = floor,
not location(_,Block) at T.

clear(floor) at _.


make_tower([Block,floor]) from T1 to T2 if
make_on(Block,floor) from T1 to T2.

make_tower([Block,Place|Places]) from T1 to T3 if
Place = floor,

make_tower([Place|Places]) from T1 to T2,
make_on(Block,Place) from T2 to T3.

make_on(Block,Place) from T1 to T4 if
not location(Block,Place) at T1,
make_clear(Place) from T1 to T2,
make_clear(Block) from T2 to T3,
move(Block,Place) from T3 to T4.

make_on(Block,Place) from T to T if
location(Block,Place) at T.

make_clear(Place) from T to T if clear(Place) at T.

make_clear(Block) from T1 to T2if
location(Block1,Block) at T1,
make_on(Block1,floor) from T1 to T2.

move(Block,Place)initiates location(Block,Place).
move(Block,_)terminates location(Block,Place).

Rule-based systems for robotics (1)


A Framework for Integrating Symbolic
and Sub-symbolic Representations

a robot building towers of blocks, subject to human interference, using
1) a concurrent multi-tasking teleo-reactive program,
2) a physics simulator to provide spatial knowledge,
3) sensor processing and robot control.


Rule-based systems for robotics (2)


Representations for robot knowledge
in the KnowRob framework


Rule-based systems for robotics (2)
Semantic environment maps


Map of akitchen including trajectories
for opening the different cupboards.

Ontology: representation of composed objects and
kinematic structures with prismatic and rotational joints

• Explicit and formal specification of a conceptualization …“the

kind of things that exist in a given domain”
• Typical Components of Ontologies

– Concepts of the domain
• e.g. classes of objects

– professors, students, courses

– Relationships between these terms:
• e.g. class hierarchies: a class C to be a subclass of another

class C’ if every object in C is also included in C’
– all professors are staff members

• On the web: ontologies provide a shared understanding of a
domain: semantic interoperability
– overcome differences in terminology
– map between ontologies


RDF (Resource Description Framework):

Universal language for describing resources:

• Statements of the form object-attribute-value assert
properties of objects (resources):
– they consist of an object (resource), a property, and a value

• e.g. (http://www.x.y/~ft, http://www.k.z/site-owner, #ft)

• Can be also seen as
– a (piece of a) graph (known in AI as a semantic net)

– a piece of XML code
– an atom: site-owner(http://www.x.y/~ft, #ft)


http://www.x.y/~ft #ft

RDF schema

• Classes (and properties)
– type(a,C) states that a is instance of class C

• Class Hierarchies (and Inheritance)
– subClassOf(C,D) states that class C is a subclass of

class D

• Property Hierarchies
– subPropertyOf(P,Q) states that property Q is true

whenever property P is true


RDF and RDF Schema in positive logic programming
(description logic programming)

• A triple of the form (a,P,b) in RDF can be expressed as a
fact P(a,b)
– E.g. isTaughtBy(introAI,ft).

• An instance declaration of the form type(a,C) (stating a
is instance of class C) can be expressed as C(a)
– E.g. professor(ft)

• The fact that A is a subclass (or subproperty) of B can
be expressed as A(X)  B(X)
– E.g. academicStaffMember(X)<-professor(X)(involves(X,Y) <- isTaughtBy(X,Y) )15Summary• Knowledge representation (and automated reasoning) for – Logical agents (and rule-based robots)– Ontologies in RDF and RDF schema – for robots and the web16


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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 prolog AI Introduction to AI Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
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