[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 concurrency database algorithm file system data structure Java ER Privacy-Aware Location-Aided Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

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Privacy-Aware Location-Aided Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks




Database Management Systems

Spring 2018

Gabriel Ghinita

University of Massachusetts at Boston

People & Contact Information

 Instructor:Gabriel Ghinita

 Email: Gabriel.Ghinita AT umb DOT edu (preferred contact)

 Web: http://www.cs.umb.edu/~gghinita

 Phone: (617) 287-6479

 Office: Science Building, 3rd Floor, Room 88 (S-3-88)

 TA:Mohammad Hadianpour

 Email: Mohammad.Hadian001 AT umb DOT edu

 Office: S-3-124A

 Course-related emails (for instructor and for TA)

 Subject line MUST BEGIN with [CS430] or [CS630]


Course Info

 Lecture Hours

 Tue and Thu , 7:00-8:15pm

 Office Hours

 Tue & Thu 5:30-7:00pm

 By appointment (send email)

 Class URL

 http://www.cs.umb.edu/~gghinita/cs430/

 http://www.cs.umb.edu/~gghinita/cs630/


Textbook & Recommended Readings

 Textbook

 Database Management Systems, 3rd Edition

by Ramakrishnan and Gehrke

 Other recommended texts

 Database System Concepts, Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan,

6th Edition

 Database Principles, Programming, and Performance, P. E. O’Neil

and E. J. O’Neil

 Other resources will be posted in the links section of the site



 Data Structures and Algorithms

 CS310

 Programming

 CS240

 Discrete Math

 Familiarity with UNIX OS

 Exercises will be executed on Oracle 12G server running on a

Unix machine in the CS dept (DBS3 Machine)



 Final exam (40%) – open book

 Midterm (30%) – open book (Thu March 22nd)

 Open book does NOT include electronic devices!

 6 homework assignments

 5% each

 Assignments for CS630 will have additional questions

 Assignments are individual – submit your own work only!

 No plagiarism! See student code of conduct

 Lecture attendance is mandatory





Course Materials

 Class URL

 http://www.cs.umb.edu/~gghinita/cs430/

 http://www.cs.umb.edu/~gghinita/cs630/

 Blackboard

 Discussion forums

 Make sure you create Unix course accounts, and that you

enroll these accounts for 630 (“apply” procedure)


University Policies

 Student Conduct: Students are required to adhere to the University

Policy on Academic Standards and Cheating, to the University Statement

on Plagiarism and the Documentation of Written Work, and to the Code

of Student Conduct as delineated in the University Catalog and Student

Handbook.The Code is available online at:


 Accommodations: Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act

of 1990 offers guidelines for curriculum modifications and adaptations

for students with documented disabilities. If applicable, students may

obtain adaptation recommendations from the Ross Center for Disability

Services, CC-UL Room 211, (617-287-7430). The student must present

these recommendations and discuss them with each professor within a

reasonable period, preferably by the end of Drop/Add period.


Course Overview

 Relational Data Model

 Relational Algebra

 Structured Query Language

 The most important part of the course

 Conceptual design – the ER model

 Database application development

 Java, PL/SQL

 Design Theory

 Database Security


What is a DBMS?

 Specialized software that provides:

 Uniform and transparent access to data

 Application-independence

 Application/user is oblivious to internal data organization

 Data organization may change, but applications need not change

 Efficient access to data

 Fast search capabilities, indexing

 Data consistency

 E.g., cannot delete student record if grade records still in DBMS

 Concurrent access to data

 Persistent storage and recovery from failure

 Security


Why study databases?

 Databases are ubiquitous

 Behind all web service providers there is a DBMS

 Most often a very large-scale one

 Corporations use DBMS for business processes, HR, etc

 Scientific computing relies on very large amounts of data

 Humane genome data

 Biochemistry data (protein sequences)

 Astronomy data

 High-energy physics

 DBAs are very well–paid!

 And even in other IT areas, DBMS skills are a must


A bit of history …

 First data stores were file systems

 Does not conform to transparency and uniformity desiderata

 Search (within file) most often linear

 Not portable

 Doesn’t handle concurrency properly

 Sequential access only

 Early DBMS appeared in the 60s

 Driven by banking and airline industry

 Relatively small record size, and many concurrent accesses

 Two prominent models: hierarchical model (tree) and network

model (graph)

 Lack of support for high-level query languages





A bit of history (contd.)

 Relational Databases

 Major breakthrough, paper written by Codd (1970)

 Relations (tables) with rows (records) and columns (fields)

 Relationships and constraints among tables

 Structured Query Language (SQL): high-level, declarative

 Data definition/ manipulation language

 Fast search – use of index structures

 Data access language independent from internal organization

 Newer paradigms

 Object-oriented and multimedia DB

 Data Stream Management Systems (DSMS)

 MapReduce


Levels of Abstraction


Physical Schema

Conceptual Schema

View 1 View 2 View 3

Database Management Systems 3rd ed, Ramakrishnan and Gehrke

Describes files

and indexes used

Defines logical

data structure

Views define how

users see data


The Relational Model

Data Model

 Structure of data

 Relational model uses tables

 Programming languages deal with arrays, collections, etc

 Operations on the data

 Queries: operations that retrieve information

 Modifications: operations that change data

 Constraints

 Domain constraints (the simplest): e.g., age must be numeric

 Other constraints: each student has unique matriculation #

 Prominent Data Models

 Relational model

 Object-relational model, semi-structured model (XML), E-R


Relational Model

 Relational database: a set of relations

 Relation:

 two-dimensional table, with rows and columns

#Rows = cardinality

#Columns= degree (or arity)

 Each row represents an entity

 A student, a course, a movie

 Each column represents a property of the entity

 Student age, student matriculation #, student gpa

 Column values are atomic (e.g., integer or string) within
given domain

 Rows are also called tuples or records; columns are also
called fields or attributes


“Students” Relation or Table

sid name login age gpa

53666 Jones jones@cs 18 3.4

53688 Smith smith@eecs 18 3.2

53650 Smith smith@math 19 3.8

Cardinality = 3, Degree = 5




Relational Schema

 Schema: specifies name of relation, plus name and domain
of each column

Students ( sid: integer,

name: string,

login: string,

age: integer,

gpa: real )

 Each relation must have a schema
 Similar to a data type in programming languages

 Relational database schema = collection of relations’


More about Relations

 Relations are sets of tuples
 Sets are NOT ordered

 Do NOT retrieve by order number, but by content!

 Relation Instance
 Contents of a relation may change over time

 Tuples are added/deleted/modified

 E.g., Students join or leave the university

 Instance represents set of tuples at a certain point in time

 Schemas may change too
 Although this is not frequent in practice

 Changing schema is very expensive


Instance of “Students” Relation

sid name login age gpa

53666 Jones jones@cs 18 3.4

53688 Smith smith@eecs 18 3.2

53650 Smith smith@math 19 3.8

Cardinality = 3, Degree = 5


Another Instance of “Students”

sid name login age gpa

53666 Jones jones@cs 18 3.4

53688 Smith smith@eecs 18 3.2

53650 Smith smith@math 19 3.8

53660 Korth korth@math 22 3.6

Cardinality = 4, Degree = 5



 A key of a relation is a set of fields K such that:

1. No two distinct tuples in ANY relation instance have same

values in all key fields, and

2.No subset of K is a key (otherwise K is a superkey)

 Key may not be unique

 Multiple candidate keys may exist

 One of the keys is chosen (by DBA) to be the primary key

 Keys are shown underlined in schema

 In the relational model, duplicate tuples do not exist!

 But most DBMS implementations do allow duplicates

 Keys constraints must be set by DBA to avoid duplicates


Example of Keys

Students(sid: string, name: string, login: string, age: integer, gpa: real)

 sid is a key;{sid, name} is a superkey

 In practice, it is not easy to know when there exists a

unique attribute combination in the data (e.g., names)

 artificial keys are created: student ID, customer ID, etc.

 SSN is also often used for keys


sid name login age gpa

53666 Jones jones@cs 18 3.4

53688 Smith smith@eecs 18 3.2

53650 Smith smith@math 19 3.8


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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 concurrency database algorithm file system data structure Java ER Privacy-Aware Location-Aided Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
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