[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 Java database data structure COMP284 Scripting Languages – Handouts (8 on 1)

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COMP284 Scripting Languages – Handouts (8 on 1)

COMP284 Scripting Languages
Lecture 3: Perl (Part 2)

Handouts (8 on 1)

Ullrich Hustadt

Department of Computer Science
School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Computer Science

University of Liverpool


1 Control structures
Conditional statements
Switch statements
While- and Until-loops

2 Lists and Arrays
List literals
List and array functions

3 Hashes

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 1

Control structures Conditional statements

Control structures: conditional statements

The general format of conditional statements is very similar to that in

if (condition) {


} elsif (condition) {


} else {



• condition is an arbitrary expression
• the elsif-clauses is optional and there can be more than one
• the else-clause is optional but there can be at most one
• in contrast to Java, the curly brackets must be present

even if statements consist only of a single statement

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 2

Control structures Conditional statements

Control structures: conditional statements

• Perl also offers two shorter conditional statements:

statement if (condition );


statement unless (condition );

• In analogy to conditional statements
Perl offers conditional expressions:

condition ? if_true_expr : if_false_expr


$descr = ($distance < 50) ? “near” : “far”;$size = ($width < 10) ? “small” :($width < 20) ? “medium” :”large”;COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 3Control structures Conditional statementsBlocks• A sequence of statements in curly brackets is a block; an alternative definition of conditional statements isif (condition) blockelsif (condition) blockelse block• Instatement if (condition );statement unless (condition );only a single statement is allowedbut do block counts as a single statement,so we can writedo block if (condition );do block unless (condition );COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 4Control structures Switch statementsControl structures: switch statement/expressionStarting with Perl 5.10 (released Dec 2007), the language includes aswitch statement and corresponding switch expressionBut these are considered experimental and need to be enabled explicitlyExample:use feature “switch”;given ($month) {when ([1,3,5,7,8,10,12]) { $days = 31 }when ([4 ,6 ,9,11]) { $days = 30 }when (2) { $days = 28 }default { $days = 0 }}Note: No explicit break statement is neededCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 5Control structures While- and Until-loopsControl structures: while- and until-loops• Perl offers while-loops and until-loopswhile (condition) {statements}until (condition) {statements}• A ‘proper’ until-loop where the loop is executed at least oncecan be obtained as followsdo { statements } until (condition );The same construct also works for if, unless and whileIn case there is only a single statement it is also possible to writestatement until (condition );Again this also works for if, unless and whileCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 6Control structures For-loopsControl structures: for-loops• for-loops in Perl take the formfor (initialisation; test; increment) {statements}Again, the curly brackets are required even if the body of the loop onlyconsists of a single statement• Such a for-loop is equivalent to the following while-loop:initialisation;while (test) {statements;increment;}COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 7Lists and Arrays IdentifiersLists and Arrays• A list is an ordered collection of scalars• An array (array variable) is a variable that contains a list• Array variables start with @ followed by a Perl identifier@identifierAn array variable denotes the entire list stored in that variable• Perl uses$identifier[index]to denote the element stored at position index in @identifierThe first array element has index 0• Note that$identifier@identifierare two unrelated variables (but this situation should be avoided)COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 8Lists and Arrays List literalsList literals• A list can be specified by a list literal, a comma-separated list of valuesenclosed by parentheses(1, 2, 3)(“adam”, “ben”, “colin”, “david”)(“adam”, 1, “ben”, 3)( )(1..10 , 15, 20..30)($start ..$end)• List literals can be assigned to an array:@numbers = (1..10 , 15, 20..30);@names = (“adam”, “ben”, “colin”, “david”);• Examples of more complex assignments, involving array concatenation:@numbers = (1..10 , undef , @numbers , ( ));@names = (@names ,@numbers );• Note that arrays do not have a pre-defined size/lengthCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 9Lists and Arrays List literalsSize of an array• There are three different ways to determine the size of an array$arraySize = scalar(@array);$arraySize = @array;$arraySize = $#array + 1;• One can access all elements of an array using indicesin the range 0 to $#array• But Perl also allows negative array indices:The expression $array[-index]is equivalent to $array[scalar(@array)-index]Example:$array[-1] is the same as $array[scalar(@array)-1]is the same as $array[$#array]that is the last element in @arrayCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 10Lists and Arrays List literalsArray index out of bound• Perl, in contrast to Java, allows you to access array indices that areout of bounds• The value undef will be returned in such a case@array = (0, undef , 22, 33);print ’$array [1] = ’,$array [1], ’, which ’,(defined($array [1]) ? “IS NOT” : “IS”, “undef
“;print ’$array [5] = ’,$array [5], ’, which ’,(defined($array [5]) ? “IS NOT” : “IS”, “undef
“;$array [1] = , which IS undef$array [5] = , which IS undef• The function exists can be used to determine whether an array indexis within bounds and has a value (including undef) associated with itprint ’$array [1] exists: ’,exists($array [1]) ? “T”:”F”,”
“;print ’$array [5] exists: ’,exists($array [5]) ? “T”:”F”,”
“;$array [1] exists: T$array [5] exists: FCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 11Lists and Arrays ContextsScalar context versus list context• Scalar contextwhen an expression is used as an argument of an operation that requiresa scalar value, the expression will be evaluated in a scalar contextExample:$arraySize = @array;; @array stores a list, but returns the number of elements of @arrayin a scalar context• List contextwhen an expression is used as an argument of an operation that requiresa list value, the expression will be evaluated in a list contextExample:@sorted = sort 5;; A single scalar value is treated as a list with one element in alist contextCOMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 12Lists and Arrays ContextsScalar context versus list contextExpressions behave differently in different contexts following these rules:• Some operators and functions automatically return different values indifferent contexts$line = ; # return one line from IN

@lines = ; # return a list of all lines from IN

• If an expression returns a scalar value in a list context, then by default
Perl will convert it into a list value with the returned scalar value being
the one and only element

• If an expression returns a list value in a scalar context, then by default
Perl will convert it into a scalar value by take the last element of the
returned list value

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 13

Lists and Arrays List and array functions

List functions

Function Semantics

grep(expr,list) in a list context, returns those elements of
list for which expr is true;
in a scalar context, returns the number of
times the expression was true

join(string,list) returns a string that contains the elements
of list connected through a separator

reverse(list) returns a list with elements in reverse order

sort(list) returns a list with elements sorted in
standard string comparison order

split(/regexpr/,string) returns a list obtained by splitting string
into substring using regexpr as separator

(list) x number returns a list composed of number copies
of list

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 14

Lists and Arrays List and array functions

Array functions: push, pop, shift, unshift

Perl has no stack or queue data structures,
but has stack and queue functions for arrays:

Function Semantics



appends an element or an entire list to the
end of an array variable;
returns the number of elements in the
resulting array

pop(@array1) extracts the last element from an array
and returns it

shift(@array1) shift extracts the first element of an array
and returns it



insert an element or an entire list at the
start of an array variable;
returns the number of elements in the
resulting array

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 15

Lists and Arrays List and array functions

Array operators: push, pop, shift, unshift


1 @planets = (“earth”);
2 unshift(@planets ,”mercury”,”venus”);
3 push(@planets ,”mars”,”jupiter”,”saturn”);
4 print “Array@1: “, join(” “,@planets),”
5 $last = pop(@planets );
6 print “Array@2: “, join(” “,@planets),”
7 $first = shift(@planets );
8 print “Array@3: “, join(” “,@planets),”
9 print ” @4: “,$first , ” “,$last , “


Array@1: mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn

Array@2: mercury venus earth mars jupiter

Array@3: venus earth mars jupiter

@4: mercury saturn

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 16

Lists and Arrays List and array functions

Array operators: delete

• It is possible to delete array elements
• delete($array[index])

– removes the value stored at index in @array and returns it
– only if index equals $#array will the array’s size shrink to the

position of the highest element that returns true for exists()

@array = (0, 11, 22, 33);

delete($array [2]);

print ’$array [2] exists: ’,exists($array [2])?”T”:”F”, “

print ’Size of $array: ’ ,$#array+1,”

delete($array [3]);

print ’$array [3] exists: ’,exists($array [3])?”T”:”F”, “

print ’Size of $array: ’ ,$#array+1,”

$array [2] exists: F

Size of $array: 4

$array [3] exists: F

Size of $array: 2

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 17

Lists and Arrays Foreach-loops

Control structures: foreach-loop

Perl provides the foreach-construct to ‘loop’ through the elements of a

foreach $variable (list) {



where $variable, the foreach-variable, stores a different element of the
list in each iteration of the loop


@my_list = (1..5 ,20 ,11..18);

foreach $number (@my_list) {

$max = $number if (! defined($max) || $number > $max);


print(“Maximum number in “,join(’,’,@my_list),” is $max


Maximum number in 1,2,3,4,5,20,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 is 20

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 18

Lists and Arrays Foreach-loops

Control structures: foreach-loop

Changing the value of the foreach-variable changes the element of the list
that it currently stores


@my_list = (1..5 ,20 ,11..18);

print “Before: “.join(“, “,@my_list ).”

foreach $number (@my_list) {

$number ++;


print “After:“.join(“, “,@my_list ).”


Before: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 20, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

After: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 21, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19

Note: If no variable is specified, then the special variable $_ will be
used to store the array elements

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 19

Lists and Arrays Foreach-loops

Control structures: foreach-loop

An alternative way to traverse an array is

foreach $index (0..$#array) {



where an element of the array is then accessed using $array[$index] in


@my_list = (1..5 ,20 ,11..18);

foreach $index (0..$# my_list) {

$max = $my_list[$index] if ($my_list[$index] > $max);


print(“Maximum number in “,join(’,’,@my_list),” is $max

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 20

Lists and Arrays Foreach-loops

Control structures: foreach-loop

• In analogy to while- and until-loops, there are the following variants of

do { statements } foreach list;

statement foreach list;

In the execution of the statements within the loop, the special variable
$_ will be set to consecutive elements of list

• Instead of foreach we can also use for:

do { statements } for list;

statement for list;


print “Hello $_!
” foreach (“Peter”,”Paul”,


COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 21

Lists and Arrays Foreach-loops

Control structures: last and next

• The last command can be used in while-, until-, and foreach-loops
and discontinues the execution of a loop

while ($value = shift($data)) {

$written = print(FILE $value );

if (! $written) { last; }


# Execution of ‘last’ takes us here

• The next command stops the execution of the current iteration
of a loop and moves the execution to the next iteration

foreach $x ( -2..2) {

if ($x == 0) { next; }

printf(“10 / %2d = %3d
”,$x ,(10/ $x));


10 / -2 = -5

10 / -1 = -10

10 / 1 = 10

10 / 2 = 5

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 22

Hashes Identifiers


• A hash is a data structure similar to an array but it associates scalars
with a string instead of a number

• Alternatively, a hash can be seen as a partial function mapping strings
to scalars

• Remember that Perl can auto-magically convert any scalar into a string

• Hash variables start with a percent sign followed by a Perl identifier


A hash variable denotes the entirety of the hash

• Perl uses


where key is a string, to refer to the value associated with key

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 23

Hashes Identifiers


• Note that



are two unrelated variables (but this situation should be avoided)

• An easy way to print all key-value pairs of a hash %hash is the following

use Data:: Dumper;

$Data :: Dumper ::Terse = 1;

print Dumper %hash;

Note the use of %hash instead of %hash
(%hash is a reference to %hash)

Data::Dumper can produce string representations for
arbitrary Perl data structures

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 24

Hashes Basic hash operations

Basic hash operations

• Initialise a hash using a list of key-value pairs

%hash = (key1 , value1 , key2 , value2 , …);

• Initialise a hash using a list in big arrow notation

%hash = (key1 => value1 , key2 => value2 , …);

• Associate a single value with a key

$hash{key} = value;

• Remember that undef is a scalar value

$hash{key} = undef;

extends a hash with another key but unknown value

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 25

Hashes Basic hash operations

Basic hash operations

• One can use the exists or defined function to check
whether a key exists in a hash:

if (exists $hash{key}) { … }

Note that if $hash{key} eq undef, then exists $hash{key} is true

• The delete function removes a given key and its corresponding value
from a hash:


After executing delete($hash{key}), exists $hash{key} will be

• The undef function removes the contents and memory allocated to
a hash:

undef %hash

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 26

Hashes Basic hash operations

Basic hash operations

• It is also possible to assign one hash to another

%hash1 = %hash2;

In contrast to C or Java this operation creates a copy of %hash2
that is then assigned to %hash1


%hash1 = (’a’ => 1, ’b’ => 2);

%hash2 = %hash1;

$hash1{’b’} = 4;

print “$hash1{’b ’} = $hash1{’b ’}

print “$hash2{’b ’} = $hash2{’b ’}


$hash1{’b’} = 4

$hash2{’b’} = 2

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 27

Hashes Foreach

The each, keys, and values functions

each %hash returns a 2-element list consisting of the key and
value for the next element of %hash, so that one can
iterate over it

values %hash returns a list consisting of all the values of %hash,
resets the internal iterator for %hash

keys %hash returns a list consisting of all keys of %hash,
resets the internal iterator for %hash


while ( ($key ,$value) = each %hash ) {



foreach $key (sort keys %hash) {

$value = $hash{$key};


COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 28

Hashes Foreach

Example: Two-dimensional hash as a ‘database’

1 use List::Util “sum”;
2 $name{’200846369 ’} = ’Jan Olsen ’;
3 $marks{’200846369 ’}{’COMP201 ’} = 61;
4 $marks{’200846369 ’}{’COMP207 ’} = 57;
5 $marks{’200846369 ’}{’COMP213 ’} = 43;
6 $marks{’200846369 ’}{’COMP219 ’} = 79;
8 $average = sum(values($marks{’200846369 ’}))/
9 scalar(values($marks{’200846369 ’});

10 print(“avg: $average


avg: 60

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 29

Hashes Foreach

Example: Frequency of words

1 # Establish the frequency of words in a string
2 $string = “peter paul mary paul jim mary paul”;
4 # Split the string into words and use a hash
5 # to accumulate the word count for each word
6 ++ $count{$_} foreach split (/s+/,$string );
8 # Print the frequency of each word found in the
9 # string

10 while ( ($key ,$value) = each %count ) {
11 print(“$key => $value; “);
12 }


jim => 1; peter => 1; mary => 2; paul => 3

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 30

Hashes Foreach



• Chapter 3: Lists and Arrays

• Chapter 6: Hashes


R. L. Schwartz, brian d foy, T. Phoenix:
Learning Perl.
O’Reilly, 2011.
Harold Cohen Library: 518.579.86.S39 or e-book

COMP284 Scripting Languages Lecture 3 Slide L3 – 31

Lecture 3
Control structures
Conditional statements
Switch statements
While- and Until-loops

Lists and Arrays
List literals
List and array functions

Basic hash operations


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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 Java database data structure COMP284 Scripting Languages – Handouts (8 on 1)
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