[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 assembly algorithm Hive database Excel data structure chain Academic data set file and field description 2_1

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Academic data set file and field description 2_1

Research & Development

Authored by:

Michael W. Kruger
Daniel Pagni

Analytics Research & Development
*** Confidential Distribution1 ***

1 Distribution limited to those who have signed the appropriate contract for this dataset, agreeing to abide
by the terms of use.

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Table of Contents
1. Preliminary information …………………………………………………………………………………. 4

1.1 Revision History ……………………………………………………………………………………. 4
1.2 Acknowledgments and thanks …………………………………………………………………. 6
1.3 Citation and Update Information: …………………………………………………………….. 8

2. General description of files …………………………………………………………………………….. 9
2.1 Overall organization……………………………………………………………………………….. 9

3. Detailed file descriptions ……………………………………………………………………………… 12
3.1 Store data sets: category_outlet_startweek_endweek ………………………………… 12

3.1.1 Loyalty program pricing ……………………………………………………………………. 14
3.2 Delivery Stores…………………………………………………………………………………….. 14

3.2.1 Multiple records for same key ……………………………………………………………. 15
3.2.2 Stores by market ………………………………………………………………………………. 15

3.3 Panel data sets: Category_PANEL_outlet_startweek_endweek.dat …………….. 17
3.4 Panel trips……………………………………………………………………………………………. 19
3.5 Panel static file (static1_n.csv) ………………………………………………………………. 20

3.5.1 Managing transactions, trips and static ………………………………………………… 21
3.5.2 Some numbers ………………………………………………………………………………….. 21

3.6 Panel stores …………………………………………………………………………………………. 23
3.7 Panel demographics ……………………………………………………………………………… 24
3.8 Product attributes …………………………………………………………………………………. 33

3.8.1 Additional size attributes …………………………………………………………………… 35
3.8.2 VEND and vendor…………………………………………………………………………….. 37

3.9 IRI week translation ……………………………………………………………………………… 38
3.9.1 Weeks in each year …………………………………………………………………………… 38

3.10 Counties (FIPS) in IRI markets………………………………………………………………. 39
4. Appendices …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 40

4.1 Errata ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 40
4.2 Chain cross-reference……………………………………………………………………………. 40
4.3 Pacesetters new product information ………………………………………………………. 42
4.4 IRI contract/nondisclosure agreement …………………………………………………….. 43
4.5 TNS Terms of Use ……………………………………………………………………………….. 49

5. Appendix: How to Update Year 6 and 7, and years 8-11 ………………………………….. 51
5.1 Purpose ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 51
5.2 Do you really want to do this? ……………………………………………………………….. 51
5.3 Copy the zipped data file from the DVD onto the hard drive. …………………….. 51
5.4 Unzip zYear6.zip file[zYear7.zip file, Year8.zip, Year9.zip, Year10.zip,
Year11.zip]…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 52
5.5 Updating demos trips external folder ………………………………………………………. 56
5.6 Updating the stub files (product attributes) for year 7 ……………………………….. 61
5.7 Cleanup ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 61
5.8 That’s it. You’re done. ………………………………………………………………………….. 63

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions ………………………………………………………………………. 64

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1. Preliminary information

1.1 Revision History

Date Version Description Author

September 13, 2006 0.5 First version for Mela, Bronnenberg, Johnson

Dan Pagni, Mike

October 4, 2006 0.51 Minor notes Mike Kruger

March 7, 2007 0.6 Extending to internal files Mike Kruger

July 29, 2007 0.9 Aligning to first 3 years of data pull Mike Kruger

August 28, 2007 1.0Mike Kruger

November 13, 2007 1.0MSci As sent to Mela for Marketing Science Mike Kruger

March 26, 2008 –
April 20, 2008

1.1, 1.11 Minor edits to prepare for distribution Mike Kruger

May 8, 2008 1.12 Added IRI contract/nondisclosure and TNS
Terms of Use as appendices

Mike Kruger

June 10, 2008 1.22 Added consolidated trip file information.
Consolidated panel trip file replaces individual
trip files in 3 different formats across time.

Mike Kruger

July 22, 2008 1.3 Trip files corrected to Jul08 versions,
downloadable from website. Documentation
updated to describe them

Mike Kruger

September 2, 2008 1.311 Updated Marketing Science citation with
specific page numbers. Updated URL’s.

Mike Kruger

October 21, 2008 –
November 11, 2008


Added clarifications on panel type and chain
assignment, Added description of Pacesetters,
distributed with ADS_34 and higher, Added
description of size attributes for carbonated soft
drinks and beer

Mike Kruger

November 26, 2008 –
February 5, 2009

1.4-1.404 Start to add changes for year 6. Note that some
files were extended to year 7 (static file, chain
xref) for convenience, but year 7 will not be
released until 2010.

Mike Kruger

February 22, 2011 1.5 Updated with release of 2007 data. Note stub
section.Note IRI has been renamed
SymphonyIRI Group, but this has not been
changed in this document.

Mike Kruger

1.51 Minor examples added; in process Mike Kruger

October 5, 2011 1.52 FAQ from Google Sites added as appendix Mike Kruger

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November 29, 2012 2.00 Update with 2008-2011 data Mike Kruger

January-April 2013 2.01-2.03 Minor: Panel static information, clarification of
SY, GE and VEND relationship in UPC code.

Mike Kruger

May 8, 2013 2.1 Documentation of issues with year1 Pepsi and
Years 8-11 demographics. (Section 4.1, errata)
Rebranding from SymphonyIRI back to IRI.

Mike Kruger

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1.2 Acknowledgments and thanks

With this update of the data and the documentation in November, 2012, this data set will
have 11 years of data, from January 1, 2001 through the end of December, 2011. We
have added data from 2008 through 2011, although the basic principle of not releasing
data for the most recent two years will continue. This exception is due to my attempt to
complete this update prior to my retirement.

This data set was assembled by Lori DeHerrera working with Dan Pagni. It has been a
great help having the same team do these updates. I’ve appreciated the support of Rob
Holston, who now heads the SymphonyIRI analytics business.

We have kept the basic structure of the data the same, in order facilitate long term
studies. In each section below, we have noted changes in the 2008-2011 data structure
from the previous data structure in 2001-2005 and the 2006 and 2007 updates. This will
be a bit clumsier for new users of the data, but probably clearer for those who are
updating the data set.

Mike Kruger
EVP, R&D, Consumer and Shopper Marketing, SymphonyIRI Group
August 20, 2012

Earlier acknowledgment

Today, June 10, 2008, we received notice that Marketing Science has officially accepted
the paper describing this data set.

There are a lot of people to thank here.The idea originated with Carl Mela (Duke), who
spent years getting IRI interested at all, and who formally proposed this in August, 2005
to the IRI Analytics Advisory Board (AAB).Carl and Bart Bronnenberg (UCLA,
Tilberg) did the high level database design. Carl got the cooperation of TNS for some
advertising data.

The Analytics Advisory Board provided further advice, and the development of this data
set was formally approved by Sunil Garga, president of IRI’s Business and Consumer
Insights Group, February 14, 2006 (Valentine’s Day).

Dan Pagni organized assembly of the dataset and did the early version of this
documentation paper.Much of the work on the dataset itself was done by Michael
Schlemp (years 1,2,3) and Lori Mudrak DeHerrera (years 4 onward), with help from a
variety of others.

During this period, Arvid Johnson headed the AAB and twice headed the Analytics
Research and Development department. Without his support, leadership and nagging the
data set would never have been released.

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We are proud to be the first database paper in Marketing Science. Eric Bradlow wrote in
his editorial: “As Marketing Science publishes its first database paper …. our hope at
Marketing Science is that the IRI marketing database paper … can have similar impact
[to the Dominick’s Finer Foods Data2, which] has led to the empirical validation of many
of our important theories, to the creation of new theories, and it continues to do so almost
20 years later. Furthermore, it has had impact beyond our own field as … used in
economics and other related fields to answer important questions.”3

Mike Kruger
EVP, Strategic Initiatives, IRI
June 10, 2008

2 The Dominicks Finer Foods data can be found on the Kilts Center for Marketing web site,
3 Bradlow, Eric T. (2008). Editorial: Maximizing impact via database submissions. Marketing Science,
27(4), 541.

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1.3 Citation and Update Information:

#1:Publications using this database should include the following reference:

Bronnenberg, Bart J., Michael W. Kruger, Carl F. Mela. 2008. Database paper:
The IRI marketing data set. Marketing Science, 27(4) 745-748.

If you need to cite this document containing database descriptions, the appropriate
reference is:

Kruger, Michael W. and Daniel Pagni, IRI Academic Data Set Description,
version x.x, Chicago: Information Resources Incorporated, 2008.

This document will be updated as needed. The current version of this document can be
found on the Google Sites support group for this data set,

IRI Marketing Data Set web page at IRI:http://us.infores.com/academic

#2: In addition, papers using this data set should include the following footnote:

We would like to thank IRI. for making the data available. All estimates and analysis in
this paper, based on data provided by IRI. are by the authors and not by IRI.

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The purpose of this document is to describe the IRI academic data set in order to enable
valid usage of this data set for academic research.

The usage conditions of this data are described in the legal agreement covering this data
set4.It is important that this agreement be adhered to. These agreements are
enclosed in the appendix.

A description of the purposes of the data set and a broad description of the data scope
can be found in Bronnenberg, Kruger and Mela (2008)5.

Exclusions to the scope of this document:

Daily data, and the description of daily data, is not included here.
Non-US data, and the description of non-US data, is not included here.
TNS advertising data is not described here.
Files which are not part of the academic data set (e.g. files which describe the
conversion of actual chain names to chain aliases) are not included here.

2. General description of files

In this section we describe the files included, and provide descriptive information.

2.1 Overall organization

Originally, each year and each category is a separate folder, or separate DVD. This is to
allow the researcher to combine the data into the form they need for analysis, without the
need to subset very large files.

This distribution method assumed the academic users would want to get a few categories
for a few years, so each DVD would be freestanding. However, it became clear
academics preferred to get the entire dataset, and preparing and shipping 150 DVD’s per
academic user would have been clumsy. We shifted to sending out USB hard drives with
the entire data set, but some vestiges of the original plan remain in the directory

Example: The salty snacks year 1 DVD contained a directory called “saltsnck”, which now
is in the directory structure D:Academic Dataset ExternalYear1Externalsaltsnck
This directory contains the following files:

4 See appendix 3.
5 Bronnenberg, Bart J., Michael W. Kruger, Carl F. Mela. 2008. Database paper: The IRI marketing data
set. Marketing Science, 27(4) 745-748.

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On an external hard drive, the directory structure is likely to be similar to this:

G:Academic Dataset ExternalYear1Externalsaltsnck

Similarly, the salted snacks year 2 DVD contains a directory called “saltsnck” with these

On an external hard drive, the year will be different:

G:Academic Dataset ExternalYear2Externalsaltsnck

Brief descriptions of these files are in the following table.

Example of name General name Description

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Example of name General name Description
ADB Measure Definitions.doc6 Same Definitions for store

Delivery_Stores Same Information about the

stores included in this
year’s files.


• the standardized files for years

2001-2007 are in the directory
“demo trips external”,

• the demo.csv files in the
individual category directories
contain the same data as the
standardized files; either can be

• in year 6 and 7, these files are
ONLY in the directory “demo trips

• The demos were current as of the
data of the update. So, for 2008-
2011 the demographic files
represent panelists active during
that year, but represent the
demographics which were most
current as of August, 2012. They
do NOT allow you to do a time
path of demographic change from
2008-2011. (similar situation for
2001-2005, 2006-2007).

Same Demographics for the

IRI week translation.xls7 Same IRI week numbers
converted to standard

panel_measure_definition.doc8 Same Definitions for panel
measures. Note 2008-
2011 are slightly different
as discussed below.

Saltsnck_drug_1166_1217 and

Category_outlet_startweek_endweek Store data file at store
week upc level



Note: for 2001-2007 the outlet codes

Panel data file at
transaction level9

6 In year 6, this was moved to the “Demos Trips External” folder, so there is one copy overall rather than
one in each category. Since this file is the same for each year, and is unlikely to be part of any data scripts,
this was done to save space on the year 6 update disks. In years 2008-2011 it is in both places.
7 In year 6, this was moved to the “Demos Trips External” folder, so there is one copy overall rather than
one in each category. In years 2008-2011 it is in both places.
8 In year 6, this was moved to the “Demos Trips External” folder, so there is one copy overall rather than
one in each category. In years 2008-2011 it is in both places.
9 If there is no data for a particular outlet (e.g. beer is not sold in drug stores in this market), there will
either be an empty file or no file at all.

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Example of name General name Description

are DR (drug), GR (grocery) and MA
(mass). For 2008-2011 the outlet
codes are DK (drug), GK (grocery)
and MK (mass).

Saltsnck_prod_attr (obsolete in 2001-
2007 because we replaced this with
In 2008-2011 this contains expanded
product information data.

Category_prod_attr Product attributes for upcs
in this category (replaced
by prod_Category.xls)

Prod_saltsnck.xls (found in “parsed
stub files” directory)10

Prod_Category.xls Product attributes for upcs
in this category (improved
See section on “Product
Attributes” for information
about these files.

The store data files are the largest files.
Both the store data and panel data files are keyed to the dimensional information (store,
week, UPC fields, [panelist]).

3. Detailed file descriptions
3.1 Store data sets: category_outlet_startweek_endweek

Naming convention: The naming convention for these is category name then outlet then
start week and then end week, all separated by underscores, with no extension, so salted
snacks drug data for the earliest year would be saltsnck_drug_1114_1165.

Files vary by: category, outlet, and time.
Records within a file represent a store / week / upc.

This file can be read in via a flat file or directly into excel (not, obviously, the entire file).


681530 137301 284004874 2 1.98 NONE 0 0

681530 137301 284004853 7 6.93 NONE 0 0

681530 137301 2840043612040.00 A0 1

681530 137301 284004852 1 0.99 NONE 0 0

681530 137301 284004363 510.00 A0 1

681530 137301 284004854 3 2.97 NONE 0 0

681530 137301 284004855 1 0.99 NONE 0 0
681530 137301 284004365 816.00 A0 1

10 For years 1-6, the same product stub was used. By stub, we mean the hierarchical assignment of UPCs to
brands to vendors to types to categories. This reflects the assignment was current as of early 2007.This
stub information was updated for year 7.The year 7 stubs drop UPCs that have not moved in the past few
years, add UPCs that were introduced in year 7 (2007), and update the hierarchical relationships that may
have changed as of 2008 when this data was pulled (e.g. vendor and parent could change due to merger and
acquisition activity, brand name could have changed from 2006 to 2007, etc. The years 8-11 have the
same stub, but it is different than 2001-2006 and 2007.

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681530 137301 284004861 3 2.97 NONE 0 0

The movement data is not sorted.Field description follows (and is also in the file ADB measure

Header Definition
IRI_KEY Masked Store number, keyed to delivery_stores file.
WEEK IRI Week: see IRI Week Translation.xls file for calendar week translation
SY UPC – System

GE UPC – Generation

VEND UPC – Vendor


UNITS Total Unit sales

DOLLARS Total Dollar sales

F Feature: see table below

D Display: (0=NO, 1=MINOR, 2=MAJOR. MAJOR includes codes lobby and end-

PR Price Reduction flag: (1 if TPR11 is 5% or greater, 0 otherwise)

Possible Values
for Feature (F)


NONE No feature
FS-C FSP C(for frequent shopper program members only)
C C – small ad, usually 1 line of text
B B – medium size ad
A A – large size ad
A+ A+ ad – also known as “Q” or “R” – retailer coupon or rebate


WEEK is the IRI week.
SY, GE, VEND, ITEM are the UPC code fields.
SY is the system code.
VEND is the vendor code.
ITEM is the item code.
The check digit is not supplied.
GE is the generation number of the UPC. All UPC’s begin with generation 1, but as
product attributes change will have higher generation numbers applied. For example, a UPC that
was used for a floor wax in 1984 (generation 1) may be used for a dessert topping in 2006
(generation 2).

DOLLARS reflects the retail price paid, on average. This includes retail features, displays, and
retailer coupons. It does not include manufacturer coupons or any discount that might be applied

11 TPR = temporary price reduction.

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by the retailer that is not applicable to the item. For example, if a retailer gave $5 off if you
purchased more than $200, that discount is not applied. Sales taxes are not included.

3.1.1 Loyalty program pricing

Loyalty programs (also called Frequent Shopper Card programs) are reflected in the following
manner in the dollar data across time.

The following table summarizes the Reported dollars across time.
Store Type Pre-January 2002 January 2002 and beyond
Participating FSP Store LRD MD
Non-Participating FSP Store LRD LRD
Non-FSP Store LRD (=MD by definition) MD (=LRD by definition)


A Non-FSP Store is a store that does not have a frequent shopper program.

An FSP Store is a store that does have a frequent shopper program.

A Non-Participating FSP Store is an FSP store that does not send IRI movement data that reflects frequent shopper discounts.

A Participating FSP Store is an FSP store that does send IRI movement data that reflects frequent shopper discounts.

Movement Dollars (MD) are the movement dollars sent to IRI by the retailer.If a non-FSP feature exists then this field is calculated
as the MINIMUM(non-FSP feature price, movement price) X Unit sales.This calculation is commonly referred to by IRI as the
Feature Price Override (FPO).

Lowest Reported Dollars (LRD) are calculated during the data load process as follows: MINIMUM(available feature prices,
movement price) X Unit sales.

Reported Dollars are the most accurate (or best estimate of) dollar sales used in the calculation of all dollar-based measures and any
other client deliverable application.This field is the result of the UPCSelect data extraction program.

3.2 Delivery Stores

Naming convention: “Delivery Stores”.

Varies by: time. Only stores which are active in the particular year are included in that
year’s file.Does not vary by category.

This is a flat file with information about the stores. The first record is field names. This is a

fixed column width file. This file can be read in as a flat file or directly into excel.The file contains
each store “masked” using the sequence key as it’s identifier across the various tables.This file
also contains outlet, estimated acv, the market name so data can be aggregated by market, an
open and close week, and finally a “chain” number representing a particular retailer. All the stores
belonging to Chain8 are part of the same retailer that year. Note divisions of a large retailer are
likely to have different chain numbers.12

12 Just a reminder: please note that we have masked the retailer identities in this file, and

we have masked the private label information in the product definitions, in order to emphasize
that the purpose of this data set is not retail consulting, and not a comparison of two retailers
(e.g., Albertsons versus American Stores) on a named basis. Retailers are data suppliers to IRI
(and Nielsen and others) IRI has contractual restrictions placed on it by retailers as a result of
retailers providing this data to IRI, which is why this data is provided without retailer identification.
It is not in the best interest of the marketing research industry, consumer packaged goods
manufacturers, or academics seeking data to create a situation in which the retailers feel
vulnerable for having supplied this data. While the letter of this is spelled out in the data contract
signed as part of getting access, we also ask you to respect the spirit of this dataset as well.

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1IRI_KEY OU EST_ACVMarket_NameOpen Clsd MskdName

2 200161 GR 11.16299 DETROIT1366 9998 Chain8

3 200171 GR 23.631 MILWAUKEE 522 9998 Chain87

4 200197 GR 12.27599 PEORIA/SPRINGFLD. 903 9998 Chain51

5 200272 GR 12.256 LOS ANGELES 873 9998 Chain113

6 200287 GR 7.714996 SAN FRANCISCO 795 9998 Chain83

7 200297 GR 21.76999 PORTLAND,OR 999 9998 Chain69

8 200334 GR 18.963 PORTLAND,OR 922 1329 Chain125

9 200341 GR 21.35199 SAN DIEGO1197 9998 Chain113

10 200372 GR 7.810997 HOUSTON1389 9998 Chain16

Open and closed weeks are from the point of view of IRI data, with a value of 9998 meaning the
store is currently open and providing data. Record 8 indicates the store provided data to IRI from
week 922 to week 1329. It cannot not be determined from this file whether this store closed, or
stopped providing data to IRI.

The estimated ACV reflects an estimate of annualized sales in millions for the store (not the
actual). $11.16299 reflects estimated sales in the store of $11,162,990 across all categories
(including bakery, meat, produce, etc.) in grocery and non-prescription sales in drug.

The masked names are different in each year. So, what is chain13 in one year may be called
chain12 in a second year. A cross-reference is provided in appendix 2.(UPDATE TBD)

3.2.1 Multiple records for same key

In some cases of merger and acquisition activity, there may be more than one record for a store
in a year (in other words, more than one IRI_KEY with the same number).

IRI_KEY OU EST_ACV Market_Name Open Clsd MskdName
230501 GR 19.21899 BIRMINGHAM/MONTG. 807 1114 Chain28
230501 GR 10.55099 BIRMINGHAM/MONTG. 1120 9998 Chain20

The merger and acquisition patterns at retail can be complex and do not always occur neatly at
the end of one year and the beginning of the next13. Note that there is a gap in the data. There is
no data for weeks 1115 through 1119. The store may have been closed, may not have been
providing data, or may not have passed QC at IRI due to the circumstances of the change.

3.2.2 Stores by market

A count of stores by market for year 5 is given below. There are 50 IRI markets included: 48
standard markets and 2 BehaviorScan markets with panel data.

Count of IRI_KEY Column Labels

13 This particular store’s activity was part of this larger set of events:

ChainA was purchased by ChainB. Some were closed, some kept the ChainA name, some took the ChainB
name. However, the purchase and ChainB’s takeover by an investment firm proved ill-advised, and 2 years
later the combined chains went into bankruptcy. The next year some stores were sold off to ChainC; most
of those locations have since closed in the wake of ChainC’s own troubles. Some other locations were sold
to ChainD and converted to their brands. At least two locations were later converted to ChainE.

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Row Labels DR GR

ATLANTA 13 42 55
BOSTON 15 47 62
CHICAGO 39 54 93
DALLAS, TX 11 56 67
DETROIT 20 32 52
GREEN BAY 1 10 11
HARTFORD 7 35 42
HOUSTON 12 42 54
LOS ANGELES 45 92 137
PAUL 10 17 27
NEW YORK 55 97 152
OMAHA 3 15 18
PHOENIX, AZ 13 45 58
ROANOKE 6 32 38
SAN DIEGO 15 30 45
SPOKANE 2 10 12
ST. LOUIS 6 27 33
SYRACUSE 5 25 30
TOLEDO 5 15 20

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TULSA,OK 4 11 15
Grand Total 505 1588 2093

Note the stores in the Pittsfield BehaviorScan market are also in the Hartford Infoscan market.

3.3 Panel data sets: Category_PANEL_outlet_startweek_endweek.dat

Panel data is provided for two BehaviorScan markets, Eau Claire, Wisconsin and
Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

The naming convention for these is category name then “panel” then outlet then start
week and then end week, all separated by underscores, with the extension DAT, so
salted snacks drug data for the earliest year would be saltsnck_PANEL_DR_1114_1165.

2001-2007: This file can be read in via a flat file or directly into Excel (the entire file may not fit).
The fields in this file are delimited by one or more spaces. It is not a fixed width file.


1197178 1175 2 DR 1 8003059 11600012250

1197178 1175 6 DR 3 8003059 11600012250

1227785 1174 1 DR 1.99 8000583 11600012530

1137612 1200 1 DR 0.99 642166 11600012606

1137612 1214 2 DR 1.98 642166 11600012606

1401877 1166 2 DR 1.98 8003042 11600012606

1401877 1175 1 DR 0.99 8003042 11600012606

1401877 1182 1 DR 0.99 8003042 11600012606

1401877 1183 2 DR 1.98 8003042 11600012606

2008-11: The file is a comma delimited file, and also includes the transaction minute, which is
useful to matching the trip records.

Definitions of these fields are below (and in panel_measure_definition.doc) for 2001-2007

Measure Definition Calculation
PANIDpanelist number within a market
UNITSTotal number of units

purchased by the
Buying households.

The sum of total units
purchased by the
households buying the

OUTLETChannel to which the store/chain belongs

DOLLARSTotal Paid dollars This is drawn from the store data,
not entered by the panelist, in
cases where IRI has store data. In
cases where IRI does not receive
store data, some panelists do

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record price and this price is
extended to other panelists.

IRI_KEY Masked store number

COLUPC (Collapsed UPC).This is the UPC which

matches the internal form (e.g. private label
collapsed). The information in COLUPC is the
same as in the combination of SY, GE,

This is the combination of a upc’s
system (2 digits), generation (1
digit), vendor (5 digits) and item
(5 digits) fields. See product
description section for an
explanation of these fields. No
leading zeroes are shown.

2008-11: The file is a comma delimited file, and also includes the transaction minute, which is
useful to matching the trip records.

Measure Definition Calculation
PANIDpanelist number within a market
MINUTE Minute of the week the transaction occurred

(or, for key panelist, was scanned). Note for
some key panelists, the equipment can
separate trips, but does NOT provide a true
time stamp; these trips are moved to the
middle of the night. These types of key
panelists should not be in these two markets.

UNITSTotal number of units
purchased by the
Buying households.

The sum of total units
purchased by the
households buying the

OUTLETChannel to which the store/chain belongs

DOLLARSTotal Paid dollars This is drawn from the store data,
not entered by the panelist, in
cases where IRI has store data. In
cases where IRI does not receive
store data, some panelists do
record price and this price is
extended to other panelists.

IRI_KEY Masked store number

COLUPC (Collapsed UPC).This is the UPC which
matches the internal form (e.g. private label
collapsed). The information in COLUPC is the
same as in the combination of SY, GE,

This is the combination of a upc’s
system (2 digits), generation (1
digit), vendor (5 digits) and item
(5 digits) fields. See product
description section for an
explanation of these fields. No
leading zeroes are shown.

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3.4 Panel trips

These files represent the trips made by panelists who purchased at least one item.

These files have been standardized in format from the way they were originally
constructed, and placed in the directory “parsed stub files”. The naming convention is
tripsN jul08.csv, where N is the year14.Fields are listed below. These files contain the
following fields:

PANID (Panelist ID)Panelist ID number
WeekIRI defined week; for an explanation of these

codes see the section on “IRI week

MINUTE Minute within the week the transaction

occurred (or the scankey was used to record
the purchase).
0 – 1439 is Monday, 1440 – 2879 is Tuesday
and so on.For example:
1 is 1201 am Monday
8 is 1208 am Monday
1438 is 1158 pm Monday
1441 is 1201 am Tuesday
And so on.

KRYSCENTS Generally the same as CENTS999, it’s
scrubbed a bit and is probably a better field.

CENTS998 The cents on the overall register tape, as
entered by the panelist.
This is missing for the card panelists because
they do not enter their total register tape.
(Processing procedure changed and this is
present in 2008-2011).

CENTS999 The trip total obtained by adding up the
individual scanned items.For key panelists,
this total will generally be <= the 998 record because of items that were not scanned (non CPG). For card panelists, the 999 record will be similar to the 998 record because the card records all purchases, even ones (such as random weight) that are not used in the panel. For research purposes, the “trip total” might be best considered to be the 999 record for card panelists, and the 998 record for key panelists.2008-2011: The trip files which are in the product directories have the format above BUT they contain only the trips with a product purchase.So the file in the beer directory only has trips that had a purchase of beer.14 Trip files produced earlier than July 2008 have errors and should not be used. Academic Data Set Description Version 2.1 Analytics Research & Development May 8, 2013Confidential IRI Page 20 of 75 The overall trip files (trip8.csv, trip9.csv, trip10.csv, trip11.csv) contain all trips by the panelists and are likely more useful to researchers. Note because of different scan equipment the same store may be indicated in two different ways in some cases, and so on the overall trip records there are TWO values for IRI_Key, the store number. The actual transactions for a panelist will match ONE of these.Example: We have taken the trips for one panelist and merged them with the transaction records. (This is NOT a file you have in the data set). Store 652159 and store 9999879 are the same store; Both keys are on the trip record (the rows without a UPC). Only one key is on the transaction record (the rows with a UPC).Note also that the trip in the first row (week 1479, minute 8217) did not have any items in these categories purchased.3.5 Panel static file (static1_n.csv) This file lists panelists who made the standard IRI static during the year (satisfied minimal requirements for reporting). This evaluation is done for each panelist each year.It was Academic Data Set Description Version 2.1 Analytics Research & Development May 8, 2013Confidential IRI Page 21 of 75IRI’s intention to include only the trip and purchase data for panelists who made static. However, due to trip processing problems there are both trips and transactions for panelists who did not made static, particularly for years 1 and 2.The file static1_5.csv provides static information for years 1 through 5. The file static1_7.csv provides static information for years 1 through 7. The file static1_11.csv provides static information for years 1 through 11.The information for years 1 through 5 is the same in all files.PANID Panelist ID number Trip Count Number of trips made by this panelist in this year Make_static This is always “yes”. Panelist/years which do not satisfy static requirements are omitted from this file. Year Data year.All years are included in a single file.The static is a standard 1 of 4 static. There are 13 four week periods in a 52 week period. The respondent must make at least one transaction in each of these to make static.Note that for years 3-7 panelists who did not make static were generally excluded from the data. In years 1,2,8-11 they are generally included. In order to get consistent results, you should always use the static file. 3.5.1 Managing transactions, trips and static In merging the data to produce a valid analysis, the following tips may be helpful.First of all, determine how long the analysis is to run, and whether you need the same households to report for all of that time.Thus, if you need to have a 3 year analysis and households have to be good reporters for the entire time, you should use households who make the static in 3 successive years (years 1,2,3 or years 2,3,4, for example). Alternatively, you may want to run a long-term analysis, but NOT require the same person to be in the sample the entire time.If you want to filter by particular characteristics of panelists (e.g. card versus key, dog owners) this would be a good spot to merge in the demographic information.Files needed: static1_5.csvor static1_7.csv or static1_11.csv ads demoN.csvSecond, filter out the data for only those households who make the static in the required time period.The should be the transaction data for the category (e.g. the purchases of cereal) for the outlets needed (of grocery, drug, mass). If trips are needed, filter the trips data files as well.Files needed: Category_PANEL_outlet_startweek_endweek.dat tripsN jul08.csv Third, if you need to match purchases to trips you must do so at the panelist – week – store level.The trips are coded by minute within the week, but the transaction data in this data set is not for years 1- Some numbers Academic Data Set Description Version 2.1 Analytics Research & Development May 8, 2013Confidential IRI Page 22 of 75 It may be helpful to provide some numbers here.How many static panelists?This doesn’t reflect change in the panel philosophy; it reflects the fact that the trip and transaction files in year 1,2,8-11 were not adjusted for static and include panelist churn / poor reporters.How many transactions?Let’s look at carbonated soft drinks and cold cereal together. We get the following transaction counts by year across all 3 outlets. In other words, we have combined 6 files each year in the tabulations below.This is before applying any static.Year Count of transactions 1 384363 2 490947 3 399816 4 336652 5 325478How many transactions, among static panelists?Year Count of transactions among static panelists 1 309018 2 405267 3 397666 4 333360 5 322116How many transactions can be matched to trips? Academic Data Set Description Version 2.1 Analytics Research & Development May 8, 2013Confidential IRI Page 23 of 75Note when we are matching to trips, we are first summing trips by unique panelist_store_week combinations. This may include more than one trip in a week.The number of transactions which are not matched to a trip total record in this manner is small (0.07%).This is improved in year 8-11. Year Can be matched Cannot be matched 1 308580 438 2 404693 574 3 397662 4 4 333086 274 5 322029 87How many panelists are in how many years?Panelists keep the same panel ID across years.The static file can enable you to see how many panelists will qualify across more than one year. A count of how many panelists are in how many years is below.There are 1348 panelists who are in all 11 years. There are 873 who are in 3 years. These years may not be consecutive. Years making static Number of panelists 1 1527 2 1216 3 873 4 726 5 684 6 635 7 628 8 703 9 794 10 923 11 1348 Grand Total 10057 3.6 Panel stores Most panel transactions can be referenced using the store information as described in the section on “Delivery Stores”. There are some stores which do not have store data included. An example would be Wal-mart, a small independent drug store, or other case in which the store data is not available.There are other cases in which the panel scankey includes a general retailer (e.g. “CVS”) but we cannot be specific as to the specific store. These instances are referenced in the file manual store entry external.csv.This file applies to earlier years. The file manual store entry external 8_11.csv applied to years 8-11.Academic Data Set Description Version 2.1 Analytics Research & Development May 8, 2013Confidential IRI Page 24 of 75 Field name Description IRI_KEY Store number Outlet GR grocery DR drug MA mass NA or n/a other outlets Year1Chain Chain number in year1. See discussion of masked_chain_xref.csv for explanation Year2Chain Chain number in year2 Year3Chain Chain number in year3 Year4Chain Chain number in year4 Year5Chain Chain number in year53.7 Panel demographicsPanel demographic files have been standardized and are called ads demoN.csv, where N is the year number: ads demo1.csv, ads demo2.csv … ads demo5.csv.The panelists included are those who satisfied IRI’s standard 52 week reporting static. This means that (1) the panelists included reported all year, and (2) the panelists are different between years. For the initial set of data provided, the panelist demos reflect data current at that time.So, for the year 1, 2, and 3 (2001-2003) data, the panelist demos are from early 2007, not 2001. For this reason, there may be panelist records without demographics. For years 4 and 5 (2004-2005) the panelist demos are from later in 2007 and may be slightly different due to the demographic updates. Similarly for years 8-11: the demos reflect information pulled in summer, 2012.The field names and the first two panelist values are shown below. Due to the demographic updates, there are minor differences in the values for the two panelists. For example, the male head in household in 1100180 is now listed as “some college” rather than post-secondary “technical school”, and the male head occupation from laborer to machine operator.In these files, a missing value may appear as an empty field, a blank, a period, or a zero. Panelist ID …032 …180 Panelist Type 0 6 Combined Pre-Tax Income of HH 5 11 Family Size 2 2 HH_RACE 1 1 Type of Residential Possession 2 2 COUNTY C C HH_AGE 5 5 HH_EDU 7 5 HH_OCC 6 1 Age Group Applied to Male HH 7 5 Education Level Reached by Male HH 9 5 Occupation Code of Male HH 11 7 Male Working Hour Code 7 3 MALE_SMOKE . 1 Age Group Applied to Female HH 5 5 Education Level Reached by Female HH 7 5 Occupation Code of Female HH 6 1 Female Working Hour Code 3 3 FEM_SMOKE 0 0 Number of Dogs 0 1 Number of Cats 2 1 Children Group Code 3 8 Marital Status 1 2 Language . . Number of TVs Used by HH 1 2 Number of TVs Hooked to Cable 1 2 HISP_FLAG 0 0 HISP_CAT . . HH Head Race (RACE2) 1 1 HH Head Race (RACE3) 1 1 Microwave Owned by HH 1 1 ZIPCODE 1201 1201 FIPSCODE 25003 25003 market based upon zipcode 1 1 IRI Geography Number 1 1 EXT_FACT 1 1 Panelist ID …032 …180 Panelist Type 0 6 Combined Pre-Tax Income of HH 6 11 Family Size 2 2 HH_RACE 1 1 Type of Residential Possession 2 2 COUNTY C C HH_AGE 5 5 HH_EDU 7 5 HH_OCC 6 1 Age Group Applied to Male HH 7 5 Education Level Reached by Male HH 9 6 Occupation Code of Male HH 11 6 Male Working Hour Code 7 3 MALE_SMOKE . 1 Age Group Applied to Female HH 5 5 Education Level Reached by Female HH 7 5 Occupation Code of Female HH 6 1 Female Working Hour Code 3 3 FEM_SMOKE 0 0 Number of Dogs 0 1 Number of Cats 1 1 Children Group Code 3 8 Marital Status 1 2 Language . . Number of TVs Used by HH 2 2 Number of TVs Hooked to Cable 1 2 HISP_FLAG 0 0 HISP_CAT . . HH Head Race (RACE2) 1 1 HH Head Race (RACE3) 1 1 Microwave Owned by HH 1 1 ZIPCODE 1201 1201 FIPSCODE 25003 25003 market based upon zipcode 1 1 IRI Geography Number 1 1 EXT_FACT 1 1 Field definitions are shown below and are in panel_measure_definition.doc. “Plan to drop” fields should not be used. Zipcode does not have leading zero (01201 is shown as 1201)Panel demographics definitions follow (and are also in the file “panel_measure_definition.doc”)Panelist type:Panelist type determines the data scope for a panelist. A card panelist shows a card, similar to a loyalty card, at participating retailers. Not all retailers participate (notably, Wal-mart does not). A key panelist has a key and wands their purchases at all retailers, but due to the heavier burden has a lower compliance rate.A card+key panelist uses a card in participating retailers, and a key to wand their purchases at non-particpating retailers15. A “card switch from key” is a panelist who was recruited as a key panelist, but is now a card panelist (possibly because they found the key too burdensome).A count of the panelists by type from the demos.csv file is listed below:Panelist Type Count of Panelist Type 0 2793 5 675 6 2439 9 4 Grand Total 5911 Measure Definition Panelist ID panelist number within a market Panelist Type 0=Card Only 5= Card + key 6= Card switch from key 7 = Key only 8= Canceled panelist (only found in a few year 1 and year 2 records; ignore panelist) 9 = Key switch from card Combined Pre-Tax Income of HH combined pre-tax income of the heads of household 0 = ‘N/A’;1 = ‘$00,000 to $ 9,999 per yr’2 = ‘$10,000 to $11,999 per yr’ 3 = ‘$12,000 to $14,999 per yr’ 4 = ‘$15,000 to $19,999 per yr’ 5 = ‘$20,000 to $24,999 per yr’ 6 = ‘$25,000 to $34,999 per yr’ 7 = ‘$35,000 to $44,999 per yr’ 8 = ‘$45,000 to $54,999 per yr’ 9 = ‘$55,000 to $64,999 per yr’ 10 = ‘$65,000 to $74,999 per yr’ 11 = ‘$75,000 to $99,999 per yr’15 On the trip data, a key transaction will have both CENTS98 and CENTS99 values.A card transaction will only have CENTS99.Academic Data Set DescriptionAnalytics Research & Development Confidential IRI Page 27 of 7512 = ‘$100,000 and greater per year’ Family Size family size 0 = ‘N/A’1 = ‘One person’2 = ‘Two people’ 3 = ‘Three people’4 = ‘Four people’5 = ‘Five people’ 6 = ‘Six or more people’HH_RACE 3 = ‘Hispanic’Everything else=’non Hispanic’ Type of Residential Possession The type of residential possession 0 = ‘N/A’ 1 = ‘Renter’ 2 = ‘Owner’ COUNTY County sizesHH_AGE 0 = ‘N/A’ 1 = ’18 – 24′ 2 = ’25 – 34′ 3 = ’35 – 44′ 4 = ’45 – 54’5 = ’55 – 64′ 6 = ’65 + ‘7 = ‘No such person’ HH_EDU 0 = ‘N/A’ 1 = ‘Some grade school or less’2 = ‘Completed grade school’3 = ‘Some high school’ 4 = ‘Graduated high school’ 5 = ‘Technical school’ 6 = ‘Some college’7 = ‘Graduated from college’8 = ‘Post graduate work’ 9 = ‘No such head of household’ HH_OCC 0 = ‘Other’1 = ‘Professional or technical’2 = ‘Manager or administrator’3 = ‘Sales’4 = ‘Clerical’5 = ‘Craftsman’6 = ‘Operative (machine operator)’7 = ‘Laborer’8 = ‘Cleaning, food, health service worker’9 = ‘Private household worker’ Academic Data Set DescriptionAnalytics Research & Development Confidential IRI Page 28 of 7510 = ‘Retired’11 = ‘No such head of household’ 13 = ‘Not employed’ Age Group Applied to Male HH age group applied to the male head of household Education Level Reached by Male HH the education level reached by the male head of household Occupation Code of Male HH the occupation code of the male head of household Male Working Hour Code male work hours 1 = ‘Not employed’ 2 = ‘Part time, < 35 hrs./wk.’3 = ‘Full time, > 35 hrs./wk.’
4 = ‘Retired’
5 = ‘Homemaker’
6 = ‘Student’
7 = ‘N/A’

MALE_SMOKE Plan to drop
Age Group Applied to Female HH age group applied to the female head of HH

Education Level Reached by Female HH the education level reached by the female head of

Occupation Code of Female HH the occupation code of the female head of

Female Working Hour Code female work hours

1 = ‘Not employed’
2 = ‘Part time, < 35 hrs./wk.’3 = ‘Full time, > 35 hrs./wk.’
4 = ‘Retired’
5 = ‘Homemaker’
6 = ‘Student’
7 = ‘N/A’

Number of Dogs number of dogs

0 = ‘None’
1 = ‘One’
2 = ‘Two’
3 = ‘Three’
4 = ‘Four’
5 = ‘Five +’

Number of Cats number of cats

0 = ‘None’
1 = ‘One’
2 = ‘Two’
3 = ‘Three’
4 = ‘Four’

5 = ‘Five +’
Children Group Code children group

0 = ‘N/A’

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1 = ‘Child in [0-5)’
2 = ‘Child in [6-11)’
3 = ‘Child in [12-17)’
4 = ‘Children in [0-5) & [6-11)’
5 = ‘Children in [0-5) & [12-17)’
6 = ‘Children in [6-11) & [1217)’
7 = ‘Children in [0-5),[6-11) & [12-
8 = ‘Family size>0 yet no children’

Marital Status marital status code

0 = ‘N/A’
1 = ‘Single’
2 = ‘Married’
3 = ‘Divorced’
4 = ‘Widowed’
5 = ‘Separated’

Number of TVs Used by HH Actual number
Number of TVs Hooked to Cable Actual number
HISP_FLAGN/A- planning to drop
HISP_CAT N/A- planning to drop
HH Head Race (RACE2) N/A- planning to drop
HH Head Race (RACE3) Ethnicity

0 = ‘N/A’
1 = ‘White’
2 = ‘Black-African American’
3 = ‘Hispanic’
4 = ‘Asian’
5 = ‘Other’
6 = ‘American Indian-Alaska
7 = ‘Native Hawaiian-Pacific

Microwave Owned by HH N/A- planning to drop
market based upon zip code Plan to drop
IRI Geography Number 1=Pittsfield

3=eau Claire
7=grand junction
10=cedar rapids-Iowa

EXT_FACT equal market/demo weight (multi-outlet (4M)
weights)[This has no meaning for this data set.]

The field values for 2008-2011 may be slightly different and some fields are in slightly
different columns. Please check.

Measure 2008-2011 Definition 2008-2011

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Panelist ID panelist number within a market
Panelist Type Plan to drop
Combined Pre-Tax Income of HH combined pre-tax income of the heads of household

0 = ‘N/A’;
1 = ‘$00,000 to $ 9,999 per yr’
2 = ‘$10,000 to $11,999 per yr’
3 = ‘$12,000 to $14,999 per yr’
4 = ‘$15,000 to $19,999 per yr’
5 = ‘$20,000 to $24,999 per yr’
6 = ‘$25,000 to $34,999 per yr’
7 = ‘$35,000 to $44,999 per yr’
8 = ‘$45,000 to $54,999 per yr’
9 = ‘$55,000 to $64,999 per yr’
10 = ‘$65,000 to $74,999 per yr’
11 = ‘$75,000 to $99,999 per yr’
12 = ‘$100,000 and greater per

Family Size family size
0 = ‘N/A’

1 = ‘One person’
2 = ‘Two people’
3 = ‘Three people’
4 = ‘Four people’
5 = ‘Five people’
6 = ‘Six or more people’

HH_RACE 3 = ‘Hispanic’

Everything else=’non Hispanic’

Type of Residential Possession The type of residential possession
0 = ‘N/A’
1 = ‘Renter’

2 = ‘Owner’
COUNTY County sizes

HH_AGE 0 = ‘N/A’

1 = ’18 – 24′
2 = ’25 – 34′
3 = ’35 – 44′
4 = ’45 – 54′
5 = ’55 – 64′
6 = ’65 + ‘

7 = ‘No such person’
HH_EDU 0 = ‘N/A’

1 = ‘Some grade school or less’
2 = ‘Completed grade school’
3 = ‘Some high school’
4 = ‘Graduated high school’
5 = ‘Technical school’
6 = ‘Some college’

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7 = ‘Graduated from college’
8 = ‘Post graduate work’
9 = ‘No such head of household’

HH_OCC 0 = ‘Other’
1 = ‘Professional or technical’
2 = ‘Manager or administrator’
3 = ‘Sales’
4 = ‘Clerical’
5 = ‘Craftsman’
6 = ‘Operative (machine operator)’
7 = ‘Laborer’
8 = ‘Cleaning, food, health service
9 = ‘Private household worker’
10 = ‘Retired’
11 = ‘No such head of household’
13 = ‘Not employed’

Age Group Applied to Male HH age group applied to the male head of household
Education Level Reached by Male HH the education level reached by the male head of

Occupation Code of Male HH the occupation code of the male head of household
Male Working Hour Code male work hours

1 = ‘Not employed’
2 = ‘Part time, < 35 hrs./wk.’3 = ‘Full time, > 35 hrs./wk.’
4 = ‘Retired’
5 = ‘Homemaker’
6 = ‘Student’
7 = ‘N/A’

MALE_SMOKE Plan to drop
Age Group Applied to Female HH age group applied to the female head of HH

Education Level Reached by Female HH the education level reached by the female head of

Occupation Code of Female HH the occupation code of the female head of

Female Working Hour Code female work hours

1 = ‘Not employed’
2 = ‘Part time, < 35 hrs./wk.’3 = ‘Full time, > 35 hrs./wk.’
4 = ‘Retired’
5 = ‘Homemaker’
6 = ‘Student’
7 = ‘N/A’

Number of Dogs number of dogs

0 = ‘None’

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1 = ‘One’
2 = ‘Two’
3 = ‘Three’
4 = ‘Four’
5 = ‘Five +’

Number of Cats number of cats

0 = ‘None’
1 = ‘One’
2 = ‘Two’
3 = ‘Three’
4 = ‘Four’

5 = ‘Five +’
Children Group Code children group

0 = ‘N/A’
1 = ‘Child in [0-5)’
2 = ‘Child in [6-11)’
3 = ‘Child in [12-17)’
4 = ‘Children in [0-5) & [6-11)’
5 = ‘Children in [0-5) & [12-17)’
6 = ‘Children in [6-11) & [1217)’
7 = ‘Children in [0-5),[6-11) & [12-
8 = ‘Family size>0 yet no children’

Marital Status marital status code

0 = ‘N/A’
1 = ‘Single’
2 = ‘Married’
3 = ‘Divorced’
4 = ‘Widowed’
5 = ‘Separated’

Number of T
Vs Used by HH

Actual number

Number of TVs Hooked to Cable Actual number
HISP_FLAGN/A- planning to drop
HISP_CAT N/A- planning to drop
HH Head Race (RACE2) N/A- planning to drop
HH Head Race (RACE3) Ethnicity

0 = ‘N/A’
1 = ‘White’
2 = ‘Black-African American’
3 = ‘Hispanic’
4 = ‘Asian’
5 = ‘Other’
6 = ‘American Indian-Alaska
7 = ‘Native Hawaiian-Pacific

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Microwave Owned by HH N/A- planning to drop
market based upon zip code Plan to drop
IRI Geography Number 1=Pittsfield

3=eau Claire
7=grand junction
10=cedar rapids-Iowa

EXT_FACT equal market/demo weight (multi-outlet (4M)

3.8 Product attributes
The improved file format, which incorporates further information, is prod_category.xls,
for example, prod_saltsnck.xls16.

There are three sets of files.

The first set of files are applicable to years 1-6 and are provided in a directory called
“parsed stub files”.

The second set of files are applicable to year 7 and are provided in a directory called
“parsed stub files 2007”.

The third set of files are applicable to years 8-11 are are provided in a directory called
“parsed stub files 2008-2011”

Why are there multiple sets of stub files?

(a) Roughly every year, IRI reworks the Infoscan Review product stubs which are
the basis for the product definitions used in this database. When that happens,
we restate the Infoscan Reviews and make them available to subscribing clients.
Through careful timing, we were able to get 2001 through 2006 all on the same
stub. So, as you have undoubtedly noticed and appreciated, each UPC maps
upward to the same brand, same vendor, same parent, same type and same
category for the entire 2001-2006 time period.

(b) It’s not a static world. The 2001-2006 stub stopped being maintained in early
2007, which means no new items were added. So, the 2007 data were pulled
with a newer stub. What does this mean?

(b1) It means UPCs may map up the hierarchy differently — most
notably, to a different parent corporation.

(b2) Is means private label UPCs are mapped to different system 88’s.

16 The original file format used the following naming convention: category name then an underscore, then
“prod_attr” with no extension. For example, the salty snack product attributes are in saltsnck_prod_attr.
These files should not be on the dataset, and should be ignored if they are.

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Depending on your research, it may be trivial to link 2001-2006 to 2007, or it may
be very difficult.

Simularly, the 2008-2011 data uses different product stubs.

File structure

This is an excel file. The first line of the file contains the attribute labels. The specific
product attributes 1-7 included will vary by category. For some categories, less than 7
additional attributes are provided.

Column name Description
L1 Level 1 value (Large category)
L2 Level 2 value (Small category)
L3 Level 3 value (Parent Company)
L4 Level 4 value (Vendor)
L5 Level 5 value (Brand)
L9 level 9 value (UPC description)
Level This field is always 9 because these are UPCs

UPC number (2 digit system,2 digit generation17, 5 digit
vendor, 5 digit item, separated by dashes)


UPC system code; note that private label UPCs are
collapsed across retailers and have a system code of
88. See “Delivery Stores” section for more information.


UPC generation code. This is IRI’s version number for
the UPC; not a formal part of the UPC. All UPC’s begin
with generation 1, but as product attributes change will
have higher generation numbers applied. For example,
a UPC that was a floor wax in 1984 (generation 1) may
be a dessert topping in 2006 (generation 2).

VEND UPC vendor code — 5 digits
ITEM UPC item code — 5 digits
00004(name varies by category) UPC recipe description.
VOL_EQ Volume equivalent
PRODUCT TYPE (name varies by
category) Attribute 1 for this category
SUGAR CONTENT (name varies by
category) Attribute 2 for this category
PROCESS (name varies by
category) Attribute 3 for this category
TEXTURE (name varies by
category) Attribute 4 for this category
FORM (name varies by category) Attribute 5 for this category
varies by category) Attribute 6 for this category (if provided)
STYLE (name varies by category) Attribute 7 for this category (if provided)

The check digit is not supplied.

17 Note this is a different format than the COLUPC in the panel data (dashes, and use of a 2 digit generation
code, and explicit “00” for system 0).

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GE is the generation number of the UPC. All UPC’s begin with generation 1, but as
product attributes change will have higher generation numbers applied. For example, a UPC that
was a floor wax in 1984 (generation 1) may be a dessert topping in 2006 (generation 2).
The STUBSPEC column provides an economical description of the item. Each category
has a volume equivalent (VOL_EQ) that provides a way to compare units of different sizes18.
Let’s look at the first few items from the carbonated soft drink stub:

+ATRET BCHR SODA REG CAN72OZ 7 1 2922811 11 0.3750RP 00017 0.375
+ATRET BCHR SODA REG NPB20OZ 7 1 29228 181 11 0.1042RP 00018 0.1042
+ATRET BCHR SODA REG67.6OZ 7 1 29228 150 11 0.3521RP 00019 0.3521
+ATRET BCHR SODA REG CAFFR12OZ27 1 7 678 11 0.0625RP 00020 0.0625

The STUBSPEC uses a recipe that varies. In this case,
Black Cherry Soda
Regular (not diet)
72 ounces in the total package (from the size attribute file we can tell this is 6 12-ounce
7-1-29228-11 is the UPC code in system-generation-vendor-item format.
The next fields “11”are for internal use

The next field indicates this is 0.3750 volume equivalents (see next paragraph) of regular
pack product.

The last field (00017, 00018) is for internal use.

The volume equivalent (VOL_EQ) used in carbonated soft drinks is the 192 ounce case, which
was originally 24 8-ounce bottles.

The first item is 72 ounces, and the VOL_EQ is 72/192 = 0.375
The second item is 20 ounces, and the VOL_EQ is 20/192 = 0.1042
The third item is 67.6 ounces (2 liters), and the VOL_EQ is 67.6/192 = 0.3521
The fourth item is 12 ounces, and the VOL_EQ is 12/192 = 0.0625

3.8.1 Additional size attributes

For beer and carbonated soft drinks, additional size attribute information is provided.
These files are prod_beer_sz.xls, prod_yogurt_sz2001-2006.xls, prod_mustketc.xls
and prod_carbbev_sz.xls19.

The text fields (VALTEXTn) are extremely repetitive. These are included because these
attributes are defined by IRI’s internal categories (keycats) and vary by these keycats.
For example, “total ounces” is a good volume equivalent for beer, but “tablets” is a more
likely one to use for aspirin. The user should check that all these VALTEXTn values are
the same. They are all included for beer (4 size fields, 4 label fields), but for carbonated
beverages there are 5 size fields, so only 3 label fields could be accommodated.

Column name Description

18 Trickiest is the photo supplies category.Tthe volume equivalent in the data should reflect the number of
rolls. The volume equivalent field in the parsed stub files is a compound field: the first number is the
number of rolls and the second one is the total number of exposures (see also the “exposure” field). There
are a few records which follow a more obscure convention.

19 These are applicable for 2001-2006.As of version 1.5, they are not provided for 2007 onward.

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L3 (These fields are defined as in the previous table.)
00004(name varies by category)
The remaining columns are
different. The ones for beer are:


Total ounces. If this is 1200, there are 12 ounces in the
total unit.If this is 72000, there are 72 ounces in the
total unit

Total count. If this is 1000, there is 1 subunit.If this is
6000, there are 6 subunits.


Base ounces. These are ounces in the “base “ product.
This will differ from total ounces if this is a bonus pack
(e.g. 3 extra ounces free).

Per unit ounces. If this is 12000, there are 12 ounces in
each unit.

LOUNTOTAL OUNCES – the name of the measure
above, total ounces in the sales unit

LCOUTOTAL COUNT – the count in the sales unit

OUNSBASE OUNCES – base ounces in the sales unit
(will be different than total ounces for a bonus pack)

TOUNPER UNIT OUNCES – per unit ounces, the
ounces in each can or bottle that makes up a subunit.

So, if VALNUM5,6,8,9 are
12000, 1000, 12000, 12000 this is a
single 12 ounce can/bottle of

So, if VALNUM5,6,8,9 are
72000, 6000, 72000, 12000 this is a six pack of 12
cans/bottles of beer.

The remaining columns are
different. The ones for carbonated
soft drinks are:


Total ounces. If this is 1200, there are 12 ounces in the
total unit.If this is 72000, there are 72 ounces in the
total unit

Total count. If this is 1000, there is 1 subunit.If this is
6000, there are 6 subunits.


Total pack count. This field is seldom used (21 out of
10,000+ records), and these entries may not be of
value. The idea of this field is that if you are selling a
box with 16 packs of 2 aspirins each, this would be “16”
and the total count would be “32”.


Base ounces. These are ounces in the “base “ product.
This will differ from total ounces if this is a bonus pack
(e.g. 3 extra ounces free).

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Per unit ounces. If this is 12000, there are 12 ounces in
each unit.

LOUNTOTAL OUNCES – the name of the measure
above, total ounces in the sales unit

LCOUTOTAL COUNT – the count in the sales unit

So, if VALNUM5,6,7,8,9 are
12000, 1000, 1000, 12000, 12000
this is a single 12 ounce
can/bottle of carbonated

So, if VALNUM5,6,7,8,9 are
72000, 6000, 1000, 72000, 12000 this is a six pack of
12 cans/bottles of carbonated beverage.

3.8.2 VEND and vendor

Question: Could you please tell me why there are more vendor id (VEND) than vendor
names (vendor) in the stub files.After I consolidate the stub file across years, I find that
there are 5723 vendor ids (VEND) but only 4949 vendor names.

This question allows us to address two important points.

#1.It’s normal for there to be more vendor IDs than vendor names for at least two

reasons. The main reason is merger and acquisition activity. This is why, when we look

at milk, we see multiple vendor numbers under one company.

Second, there are sometimes minor brands combined into ‘all other brands’, although

this should not happen much.Looking at milk again, we see

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#2.Note that to get a company, you need the fields System and Vendor.The company

that’s 07-30000 for system and vendor may be a different company than the one that’s

03-30000 or 00-30000.

3.9 IRI week translation

This provides a translation from the IRI week number used in the files to the standard

The following conversion formulas will also work in an excel context, assuming the week
is in cell A9

(equation 1) End date = (A9-400)*7+31900

(equation 2)Start date = (A9-400)*7+31900-6

So, IRI week 1369 evaluates to a start date of 11/21/2005 and an end date of

In reverse, a week can be provided for a date. Assuming the date is in cell E9, The exact
week is given in equation 3, and the fractional week in equation 4.

(equation 3) Exact week = TRUNC(((E9-31894)/7)+400)

(equation 4) Fractional week = ((E9-31894)/7)+400

So, November 27, 2005 evaluates to IRI week 1369 in equation 3 and 1369.857 as the
last day of 1369 in equation 4. These formulas assume Microsoft Excel date logic in
which 1/1/2001 is day 36892. Date logic used in other software may vary.

3.9.1 Weeks in each year

References here to year 1, year 2, and so forth refer to the following weeks. Conveniently
enough, year 1 starts 01/01/01 regardless of whether month/day/year, day/month/year, or
year/month/day ordering is used.

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Academic Data Set
Year Start Week Start day End Week End day

1 1114 January 1, 2001 1165 December 30, 2001
2 1166 December 31, 2001 1217 December 29, 2002
3 1218 December 30, 2002 1269 December 28, 2003
4 1270 December 29, 2003 1321 December 26, 2004
5 1322 December 27, 2004 1373 December 25, 2005
6 1374 December 26, 2005 1426 December 31, 2006
7 1427 January 1, 2007 1478 December 30, 2007
8 1479 December 31, 2007 1530 December 28, 2008
9 1531 December 29, 2008 1582 December 27, 2009

10 1583 December 28, 2009 1634 December 26, 2010
11 1635 December 27, 2010 1686 December 25, 2011

Year 6 has 53 weeks.

3.10 Counties (FIPS) in IRI markets20

The file “fips by IRI market.xls” is in the folder “demos trips external”.This contains
the list of counties in the United States, and the IRI market they belong to. All counties
are listed; those which are not in an IRI standard market are labeled “white space”.

FIPS code (assigned by US Census


This is a combination of the IRI market
name, the state, and the county name,
separated by “|”.

NAME_COUNTY County name
NAME_STATE State name


IRI market name, version 1. Note counties
which are not in an IRI market are called
White Space.

REGION NAME IRI standard region name
MARKET NAME2 IRI market name, version 2

20 This file added April 1, 2009 (drives ADS_80 and higher). It is also available on the Google support site.

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4. Appendices
4.1 Errata

This is a listing of known issues with the data set.

1. Year 1 Pepsi data(May 8, 2013) 1
. The 2001 Pepsi panel data is too low. The corporate level numbers are below. There is
no listed testing activity related to this.The effect is particularly strong in regular Pepsi 8,
12 and 24 pack,suggesting this may be related to missing PLU

With data this old, that’s been off the system for years, there’s not much to do except
recommend you don’t use it.

2. Year 8-11 demographics of single/married (May 8, 2013)

The married/single panelist household demographic information for years 8-11 is
“flipped”. We are seeing whether this is a general problem with the demographic
file that goes beyond this field and plan to re-issue the file at that time.

4.2 Chain cross-reference

Chain information is masked by year.

Chain1 only occurs in year1.

There is a chain which is Chain13 in year1, chain12 in year2, chain 11 in year3, and
chain 10 in years 4 and 5.

The chain “NONE” is listed as “999” here to distinguish it from blank, but in the data this
is just called “NONE”.

This table is contained in the files

o masked_chain_xref.csv for years 1-5 and
o masked_chain_xref1_7.csv for years 1-7
o masked_chain_xref1_11.csv for years 1-11

in the demos trips external folder. Only part of the table is shown here.

Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year5

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2 1
3 2 1 1 1
4 3 2 2 2
5 4 3 3 3
6 5 4 4 4
7 6 5 5 5
8 7 6 6 6
9 8 7 7 7

10 9 8 8 8
11 10 9 9 9
12 11 10
13 12 11 10 10

999 999 999 999 999

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4.3 Pacesetters new product information

In October 2008, the Pacesetter files were added to the Google Groups site. This information has
been added to distribution disks of the IRI Marketing Data Set effective with drive ADS_3421.

The IRI New Product Pacesetter set of reports uses a new product screen in which a brand must
achieve a certain national distribution (30%), and then have 52 week sales by December of
$7,500,000 or more. Top new products from these years are listed.

Because the naming conventions have changed over the years, the index file “_readme
Pacesetters files ADS.xls” is provided for background. An earlier version is listed below – later
files have been added.

File name Scope Notes

IRITTNovDec00NewProducts2.pdf Overall Pacesetters 2000
SepOctCPGNewProducts 2000.pdf Overall Pacesetters 2000
IRIPacesetters1ExSum 2001 part1.pdf Overall Pacesetters 2001
NPP2001ExecBrief_Food.pdf Food and Beverage Pacesetters 2001
NPP2001ExecBrief_NonFood.pdf Nonfood Pacesetters 2001
NPP2002.pdf Overall Pacesetters 2001
npp_benefittrends_foodbev0503.pdf Food and BeveragePacesetters 2002
npp_benefittrends_nonfood0603.pdf Nonfood Pacesetters 2002
nppfoodbevfeb04.ppt Food & Beverages Pacesetters 2003
nppnonfoodmar04.ppt Nonfood Pacesetters 2003
thought_times0504.ppt Food & Beverages benefits Pacesetters 2003
thought_times0604.ppt NonfoodPacesetters 2003
tt_issue032005.pdf Overall Pacesetters 2004
tt_pacesetters_0306.pdf Overall Pacesetters 2005
tt_pacesetters_0307.pdf Overall Pacesetters 2006
TT_March_2008_NPP_Final.pdf Overall Pacesetters 2007

21 Lower numbers, such as ADS_33, do not have this information, and it must be downloaded from the
Google Groups site if desired. The Google Groups site may have updated information.

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4.4 IRI contract/nondisclosure agreement

This version is dated June 5, 2008. The version you signed may be slightly different. The
version you signed is the relevant one; this is included for quick reference.

[Researcher Name]

RE: Proposal and Confidentiality Agreement regarding InfoScan® Services

Dear _______________:

On behalf of Information Resources, Inc. (“IRI”), I am pleased to make the

following proposal to provide the InfoScan Services outlined on Attachment 1 to this

letter (the “InfoScan Services”) to _________________________________(referred to

herein as “Researcher” or “you”)in accordance with the following terms:

1. IRI will provide the InfoScan Services to you as described in Attachment 1 to this letter
agreement.Unless otherwise agreed in writing, additional extra cost InfoScan-related services
subscribed to by you during the term of this Agreement will be subject to the same terms and
conditions as the InfoScan Services provided hereunder.

2. If you accept this proposal, you agree to pay the following price for the InfoScan Services
in accordance with the following payment terms:


An invoice will be generated upon contract signature and the invoiced amount must be paid in
full prior to IRI delivering the data. The prices in this proposal are valid only if you sign and
return this agreement by no later than _________.

The prices quoted herein are exclusive of taxes, if any are applicable. You agree promptly to
reimburse IRI (or pay directly if so requested by IRI) all taxes, charges and fees imposed by any
governmental body or agency upon or in connection with the transaction contemplated by this
Agreement excluding all taxes measured by net income.Upon request, you agree to provide IRI
with proof of such payment.

3. (a)The reports, data and/or related analysis (if any) provided by IRI under this
Agreement (collectively, “IRI Data”) is provided to you solely for your own use as one of many
sources for your academic research for the project(s) described in Exhibit A attached (the
“Research Projects”). You agree to take all reasonable precautions not to disclose or allow to be

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disclosed any of the IRI Data or other IRI proprietary or confidential to which you have been
provided access hereunder to any other person, firm or other entity without the prior written
consent of IRI, except as otherwise explicitly permitted by the provisions in this Paragraph 3.
You may not use the IRI Data for any other purpose, including without limitation, any
commercial purpose.

(b)You may publish results of your academic research relating to the Research Projects
based on the IRI Data in academic publications or academic working papers relating to such
Research Projects or at academic conferences (“Academic Publications”) Academic Publications
provided that:
Any category level, brand level, market or regional level, and/or retailer or store level data
included as part of the deliverable set forth in Exhibit 1 is provided to you solely for your internal
purposes in connection with a Research Project. Unless otherwise expressly permitted in Exhibit
1 with respect to category or sub-category (or type) level data, in no event shall you publish,
report or otherwise disclose (or allow any third party to whom you are permitted to disclose data
hereunder (if any), to publish, report or disclose) IRI Data below the category, sub-category (or
type) level or in any manner that could allow a third party to identify, derive or otherwise infer
the identify of a specific retailer. In publications in which a lower level of detail than category or
type or market totals is required, this should be published in a way that respects the fact that that
this data is provided for the advancement of general marketing science, rather than the evaluation
of the strategies used by particular manufacturers or retailers.Without specific written
permission, retailer names should be obscured by referring to code names such as “retailer X” in
such a manner that third parties could not easily infer the identity of a specific retailer.

i. IRI is referenced substantially as follows: “University of __________ estimate or
analysis based [in part] on Information Resources, Inc. data as analyzed by
University of ___________”. The reference section should contain the following
reference to the dataset:

Bronnenberg, Bart J., Kruger, Michael W, and Mela, Carl F. The IRI
Marketing Dataset. submitted to Marketing Science, 2008. (specific page
reference not yet available)

ii. The scope of the disclosure of IRI Data is limited to the extent necessary to support

the specific results of the Research Project, and without limiting the generality of the
foregoing you may not under any circumstances post IRI Data to the internet or in
any electronic format in any form or manner without IRI’s express prior written

iii. The IRI Data is disclosed in a way that is not misleading, and accurately identifies
the four components of time period, category, geography and measures;

iv. IRI is provided an opportunity to review the final results based on or incorporating
IRI Data prior to any submission for publication, solely to confirm that IRI Data is
being represented in a non-misleading fashion and otherwise in accordance with the
requirements of this Agreement.It is not IRI’s interest or intent to provide any
editorial control of the outcome of the Research Project, rather IRI’s review shall be
limited solely to the presentation of IRI Data. IRI shall use all reasonable efforts to
respond in writing to the Researcher within ten (10) business days of receiving a
copy of the research.IRI’s review may require shorter or longer timeframe
depending on the scope, length and nature of the publication based on IRI Data. To
expedite that necessary review, you agree to send the request to IRI Legal

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Department, Attn: General Counsel, Information Resources, Inc. 150 North Clinton
Street, Chicago, Illinois60661).

v.Publication includes publication in printed or on-line journals, and in media which are
generally available to the public or academic community. This would include
working papers available on an archive, such as a web site (unless restricted to the
research team). This would not include conference presentations or colloquia which
may include publication of a brief abstract, but for which no proceedings are

vi.The final results described in subparagraph (b) above may be distributed internally
within IRI. IRI will make reasonable efforts to avoid external distribution but
assumes no legal liability for unauthorized distribution. IRI may publish references to
academic publications which have used this data set.

(c)Requests for use of IRI Data provided hereunder to Researcher for academic
research projects other than the Research Projects described in Exhibit A will require
IRI’s prior written consent. All such requests describing the research project scope
should be directed to the IRI Legal Department, Attn: General Counsel, Information
Resources, Inc., 150 North Clinton Street, Chicago, IL 60661.IRI shall review such
request and use reasonable efforts to respond in writing within ten (10) business days
from receipt of such request. Any consent granted by IRI shall be in writing
referencing this Agreement and shall be subject to the limited use and nondisclosure
provisions of this Paragraph 3 as well as all other applicable provisions of this
Agreement and any other terms that IRI may specify.In the event that IRI provides
its consent, there will be no additional charge to you for using the IRI Data previously
provided and paid for under this Agreement.

(d)Researcher agrees that neither Researcher nor any third party academic researcher

working with you will use, or attempt to use, or permit or allow the use of, any IRI Data provided
by IRI hereunder, in any legal proceedings (including, but not limited to, any use in litigation
and/or use with any governmental, investigatory, regulatory or other body or authority) except (i)
if and to the extent compelled by service of legal process or in response to an official
governmental demand; and (ii) in those cases only if Researcher (a) gives IRI prompt advance
notice thereof; and (b) make reasonable efforts to obtain appropriate confidentiality agreements
and/or protective orders in form and substance reasonably acceptable to IRI.

(e)You also agree to provide IRI a copy or summary of your research based on the IRI


4.The data to which you are provided access hereunder shall belong to IRI.IRI reserves the
right to resell the data in any form to third parties.You may not resell data, reports or portions of
reports in any form.

BE PROVIDED HEREUNDER.In the event that IRI is unable to perform hereunder for any
reason, IRI’s liability shall be limited to a refund or credit of the amount paid for that portion of
this Agreement that IRI has not fulfilled and in no event shall IRI be liable for lost profits, good
will or other special or consequential damages of any kind.

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6.Neither party shall be liable to the other party for any loss, injury, delay, damages or casualty
suffered by the other party due to strikes, governmental action, unusually severe weather, acts of
God or public enemy, or any other cause which is beyond the reasonable control of either party,
and any failure or delay by either party in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement
due to one or more of the foregoing causes will not be considered a breach of this Agreement.

7. No waiver, alteration or modification of any provision herein shall be binding upon

either party unless made in writing and agreed to by a duly authorized officer of the party sought

to be bound.This Agreement may not be assigned by you.Waiver by either party of any default

hereunder shall not be deemed a waiver by such party of any default by either party which may

thereafter occur.This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State

of Illinois. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between the parties and takes the place

of all prior verbal or written communications concerning the subject of this Agreement.

Please acknowledge your acceptance of these proposal terms and your agreement to the foregoing
by countersigning where indicated below.



By: _______________________________

Title: _____________________________


Signature: ___________________________

Name/Title: ___________________________

Date: ___________________________

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Overview of Projects To Be Undertaken by Researcher Utilizing IRI Data


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(this attachment will contain a list of the database files and the information contained)

This is the dataset called “Academic Dataset External”.This database is described in

Bronnenberg, Bart J., Kruger, Michael W, and Mela, Carl F. The IRI Marketing Dataset.
submitted to Marketing Science, 2008.

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4.5TNS Terms of Use

TNS has generously made available some advertising data sets. These data are described
in a separate document.

Operationally, the terms of use should be signed at the same time that the IRI
contract/nondisclosure agreement is signed and returned to IRI, which will then distribute the
datasets.The agreement on the terms of use of the TNS data is between TNS and the academic
researcher only.

The TNS Attorney would like the Academics using the data to sign the attached Terms Of Use

Gaurav Bhalla
Global Innovation Director
8605 Westwood Center Drive Suite 207
Vienna VA 22182

Marc Levin, Esq.
SVP & General Counsel, North America
100 Park Avenue, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10017

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being licensed and not sold to you and/or your organization; and thus, other than the license, you
and/or your organization shall not receive any right, title or interest in the Data.You and/or your
organization may use the Data only for academic purposes. You and/or your organization may
not use the Data for any other purpose, including, without limitation, for consultative purposes.
Any dissemination of the Data must identify TNS as the source of the Data.You and/or your
organization may not sell, license, sublicense or otherwise commercially transfer the Data. Any
breach or attempted breach by you and/or your organization of the provisions hereof may cause
TNS irreparable injury, for which TNS may seek, in addition to any and all other remedies
available to TNS, temporary and permanent injunctive relief.

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5. Appendix: How to Update Year 6 and 7, and years 8-11

This appendix was written for the year 6 update, and has been edited for the year 7
update.The procedure is the same EXCEPT for the additional product stubs applicable
to year 7.

5.1 Purpose

This document describes how to update the IRI Marketing Data Set for academic use, and
add a 6th year [7th year] [8th through 11th year] to that data set.

.By using additional years, you agree to the same NDA / Terms of Use which applied to
years 1-522

Note that drives which are numbered ADS_55 and higher have year 6 on them already.
Note that drives which are numbered ADS_144 and higher have year 6 and 7 on them
Note that drives numbered ADS_215 and higher have years 8-11 on them already.

The 6th year [7th year] is in the same format as years 1-5, with minor exceptions. These
exceptions are certain definitional files which were identical across all categories.In
order to save space, these were included once, in the “demos trips” folder.

5.2 Do you really want to do this?

The answer is almost certainly yes for year 6.
• This process does not overwrite any files.
• This process makes the data set on disk bigger, but doesn’t otherwise change it.
• You almost certainly aren’t working with the original files, but with a copy of them

formatted for your needs and stored in some other set of folders, so if you are
following this basic hygiene this process shouldn’t interfere with anything you
have done23.

As to whether you want to incorporate this data in any project which is already in
progress – that’s a more difficult question that’s up to you. It does provide a convenient
holdout sample.

For year 7, the answer is less clear due to the stub update. See the product attribute
section for a discussion

5.3 Copy the zipped data file from the DVD onto the hard drive.

The resulting drive is likely to look like this.It may have another drive letter other than F:,
and there may be other files on that drive, but only these two are of interest right now.

22 IRI does not promise to continue this program. Do not make the completion of any project depend on IRI
providing additional data.
23 Nevertheless, note that no warranty is expressed or implied, and neither Michael Kruger nor IRI is
responsible for any problems that may occur.

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5.4 Unzip zYear6.zip file[zYear7.zip file, Year8.zip, Year9.zip, Year10.zip, Year11.zip]
It is most likely that you will be able to right click on the file and indicate that you want to
unzip it, so that’s what I’ve shown here.

If you have some other way to get to WinZip, be sure you extract these files in a way that
preserves the directory structure.

At the end of this process, which will take several minutes, your folder will look like this:

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Select the zYear6 folder or Year6 folder.Inside it you will see another folder called
[OR, you may just see a folder called “External”. If that’s what you see, just rename the
folder from zYear6 to Year6 if necessary and skip the cutting and pasting.]
Cut it.

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Go to the Academic Dataset External folder and paste:

After you do, the folder will look like this:

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If you now open the Year 6 folder, you should see the same familiar structure as was
provided in year 1 through year 5.

[follow the same routine for year 7]

5.5 Updating demos trips external folder

The newer demo files, trip files, and some of the files which were previously duplicated in
all the category folders are in a folder on the CD called add these files to demos trips
external directory in year6. [add these files to demos trips external directory in
year7 – this is a smaller set of files because some were already included with year

Copy this folder from the CD to the drive, in the Academic Dataset External folder.This
folder will look like this:

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Open the add these files to demos trips external directory in year6 folder, and cut all
the files there:

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Go to the Academic Dataset Externaldemos trips external folder and past those files

How it should look at the end:

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This will leave this folder with these files in it:

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5.6 Updating the stub files (product attributes) for year 7

This section is only applicable to year 7.

Unzip the file zParsed stub files 2007.zip and place these files in the directory Parsed
stub files 2007.

Because of the amount of manual handling the file names in 2001-2006 may be different
in 2007, although the fields within the files are the same.

5.7 Cleanup
Now we want to get rid of the folders and files we don’t need any more.

Delete the folder add these files to demos trips external directory in year6.[add
these files to demos trips external directory in year7].

Delete any folders which are now empty.

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Delete the folder zYear6 and the file zYear6.zip. [equivalents in year7].

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5.8 That’s it. You’re done.

Put the DVD with year6 [year7, etc.] in a safe place.

There is no additional New Product Pacesetters data at this time. This will likely be
posted on the Google Groups site when it is available.

There is no update of the TNS advertising data available.

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FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

These are the FAQ accumulated on the Google Groups and Google Sites site. The newest
version is accessible here: https://sites.google.com/site/irimarketingdataset/home/faq .
Because some of these questions have been moved twice on the way to this document,
some links may be broken.

Data Definition Questions

Q.If I have a question for IRI about the data, who should I ask?

A.Send an e-mail to the Google Groups support list
[email protected] .Answers to questions of general
interest may be posted here.

Note: Mike Kruger will be retiring atthe end of 2012.

Q. “I have attached two data files I had from Homescan. The problem I have is I
cannot map the store numbers in ?charstore? data set to the TDLink number in
char_store_detail1 data set.I wonder if you could give me some hints on that?”

A. [testily from MK] Please don’t send me random undocumented data files you have
acquired from IRI at some point in IRI’s existence (or, in this case, from Nielsen’s
Homescan and Nielsen’s TDLinx services) and expect me to figure out what’s in them and
how they relate.When you received the files, you received them from someone and they
had some documentation.

Data Handling Questions

Q.There’s a lot of files here.Are the any utilities to aid in assembling the data I

A.Bart Bronnenberg has posted some SAS scripts here; see

Q.I need something simpler that Bart’s scripts to start — for example, how do I even take
a look at a file this big?

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A. See Starting out hints.zip .

Data Set Policy Questions

Q. Does IRI plan to continue this program?

A. IRI plans to continue this program, although this is not guaranteed. Per
our plan, we added a 6th year of data (2006) in early 2009, and plan to add
more.2007 was delayed, but will be available before the end of 2010. Long term
data sets should be of great value to the field.

Terms of Use Questions

Q. Why are there restrictions on the data?

A. IRI is a commercial business. We have been non-profit in the past, but not

IRI’s aim is to stimulate research in the marketing of consumer packaged goods,
and therefore perhaps expand its market. IRI is in the business of selling data.
Therefore, the data are not to be used for commercial purposes and the most
recent two years are not provided. We also purchase the data we sell from
retailers, and this results in further restrictions. For this reason, the retailers are
not named (e.g. they are identified as “chain 1” or “chain 3”).IRI wants to
“review the final results… solely to confirm that IRI Data is being represented in a
non-misleading fashion and otherwise in accordance with the requirements of
this Agreement.It is not IRI’s interest or intent to provide any editorial control of
the outcome of the Research Project”.

If IRI feels that expanding this data set into future years would hurt, rather than
help, its long-term interests, then release of subsequent years will be less likely.
The restrictions are there to protect IRI’s interest, and to make it more likely that
this project will continue for a long time.

Q. Why is IRI charging for this data?

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A. Note we’re not selling the data, we’re making the data available for a nominal
fee for academic research purposes.We’re also trying not to ship free USB hard
drives to everybody who asks for one. IRI also has certain costs related to the
update of the database and we’d like to recover some of these.

ISMS has a grant program to help.As of October 2010, IRI is not aware that the
costs of this data set have been any impediment. We know of no case in which
ISMS has issued a grant.

Q. What if there are two of us working on a project?

A. Both of you should sign the NDA. We will charge you one fee and ship one

Data Definition Questions and Answers

Q.What counties are in which IRI markets?

A. The file “fips by IRI market.xls” has been added in the “Files” area to provide
this information. It is included in the standard data shipment beginning with

Q. I see unit sales and dollar sales, but I need volume sales!

The detailed data files just have units and dollars. The stub files contain the
equivalent volume which is applicable to each UPC.See VOL_EQ in section 4.8
of the documentation.

A sample from the ready to eat cereal product listing is below.Note Kix 12.75
ounce box has a volume equivalent of .7969 pounds.

L5 L9 Level UPC VOL_EQ

12.75OZ 9

62680 0.7969

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15.3OZ 9

86410 0.9563


18OZ 9

62640 1.125


SWTND 11.5OZ 9

83360 0.7188


72125 0.5625


66310 0.5625


10.8OZ 9

86400 0.675


62570 1.125


31.5OZ 9

67890 1.9688


36OZ 9

88490 2.25



68279 0.5625



71837 0.8125



66370 0.8125


SWTND 15.5OZ 9

86730 0.9688


SWTND 27.5OZ 9

60440 1.7188

Q. Does the IRI Academic Data Set capture information on out-of-stock
brands or stockouts?

A. The data are sales data at store/week/UPC level. There is a record when
there is movement. There is no direct measure of out of stock situations.

Q.is there any chance that you have the information about order quantity
or inventory level?
Could you provide me the name of the companies so that I could check
their financial statement?

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A. IRI has no data on the order quantity (how much the retailer orders from the
manufacturer for replenishment) or inventory level.
The names of the product manufacturers for each product are included in the
product stub files.
Our contracts with retailers do not allow us to name the retailers in the data set.

Q. I’m interested in the issue of multipack. It seems to me that the soda
dataset does not contain information on whether a soda item contains, say,
6 or 24 cans. Did I miss something?

A. The files prod_beer_sz.xls and prod_carbbev_sz.xlsin the parsed stub
files directory contain this additional information. It is described in the
documentation beginning with version 1.314.These files are included in the data
sent out by IRI beginning with drive #39, and are available in zipped form in the
files area for those who have earlier drive numbers.

Similar information for mustard and ketchup and yogurt is now available on
this web site and will be put in the drives beginning with drive #100.

Q. In IRI data set, there are only sales (units & $) data. Can I know the
regular price for products?

A. We receive units and dollars from retailers, which determine the price that
week. The regular price is not sent.

IRI has proprietary algorithms to determine regular price (some versions known
as base price or baseline price), These are IRI’s intellectual property and are not
being shared.

An earlier version of this algorithm was published in Marketing Science in 1993:
“An Implemented System for Improving Promotion Productivity Using Store
Scanner Data”, Magid M. Abraham, Leonard M. Lodishvolume 12, #3, pages

Q. I am curious about the mechanism of “missing” field in the attribute
information for UPCs. Is it missing because for some UPCs there are no value
for that attribute (in the case of beer, where some UPCs have flavor_scent
(lemon, citrus etc) while others by nature don’t) or because there should be a
value, it is just not observed (in case of coffee->form, where the product has to
take a shape of either bean, ground, pod, etc, but it is recorded missing because

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it is not observed)? I guess what would help is to know how IRI identifies SKUs
from a list of UPCs.

A. The value of “missing” means exactly that — that there is no known value.

This most commonly arises as you’ve indicated:

1. The item has the most common value in the category, the one that everyone
assumes when they see the category unless they see something different and
which is therefore not specified on the package.

2. The item did not hang around the market long enough to be fully identified.
Identification is a triage; when I last dealt with this problem about ten years ago
we were getting in 35,000 new UPCs per week (US only).

3. The attribute is fairly new. Missing is the default when an attribute is added.

4. The attribute can’t be observed from outside the package. In these cases, only
leading items are likely to be coded.

There’s no magic bullet on the SKU definition. In general, each UPC active at a
particular time is a different SKU. The problem can then be seen as determining
whether there are products which should be combined — there may be multiple
UPCs due to multiple plants, attempts to track some promotional campaign,
UPCs being changed due to merger and acquisition, etc.

Some of the worst issues arise in packaging: depending on how the product was
identified, we might know that it is a bottle, a glass bottle, a returnable glass
bottle, a nonreturnable glass bottle, a brown glass bottle, and so forth. Obviously,
there’s a hierarchy of information here (“returnable glass bottle” is a subset of
“bottle”), but this may not be known from the information available.

Q. I was just wondering about the figures in cent998 and cent999 fields in
the trips files — many are shown as fraction of cents. I’m not sure why this is,
unless the products are priced in fraction of cents. Could you let me know the
reason for this?

A.There are a couple of reasons, although the net advice is to round to the
nearest cent and ignore this.

First, there will be a bit of this if the price is 3 for a dollar — best description of the
individual unit price is $0.3333333 (as far out as we carry the decimal).

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Second, there’s floating point conversions. We looked at a sample record and in
dollars it shows up as $22.95 but in cents is 2294.64. There is floating point
storage in the IRI system for fields that might turn out to be big under some
circumstances (such as total records). Note you are seeing the panelist totals for
a trip, but this same field is used for the store totals (for a week, across all items
in a store), a number that might be over a million dollars if the store had sales of
$40,000,000 in a single year.

Third, years 1 and 2 will differ slightly from years 3 onward because years 1 and
2 were “too old” to pull using the standard process when we pulled them. There
was an additional SAS step involved. A lot of decimals kept hanging around in
that process (again, due to floating point conversions, but in this case due to
additional conversions across operating systems). This was visually unfortunate,
but doesn’t affect the data.

If you are unfamiliar with “floating point conversion issues” ask the oldest person
in your computer lab.

Q. Two quick questions on stubs.

(1) What is the “PLU SOFT DRINKS” in the L2(small category) field of
carbev category?

(2) What does “all ~ products” in L5 field mean? (for example in carbev there
is “all coke products” on top of just plain Coke.) Is it any different than just plain
Coke? Does it include different type of products in one UPC?

A. Some retailers sell some UPC coded products under PLUs (Product Look-Up

Most produce is sold this way (that’s the number on the little sticker on apples —
a 4015 means these are medium red delicious apples).

In some cases, products that have a UPC code will be sold this way for the
retailer’s convenience. This is particularly common in carbonated soft drinks. The
following two cases illustrate why:

Case 1: Single bottles or cans are sold based on splitting larger sizes, such as 6
packs. In these cases, the single sold at $.75 may have a PLU sticker placed
over the UPC code to distinguish it from the 6 pack, sold

6 cans for $2.29. In the worst case, all 12 oz cans of soda may have the same
PLU, regardless of manufacturer.

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Case 2: 24 packs of cans may be heavy to lift, they may reflect in-and-out
product that’s not in permanent distribution, and all Pepsi products [or all Coke
products] may have the same pricing. In these cases, the retailer may designate
a PLU number to be used for “All Pepsi 24 pack cans” this week at $5.99.

Note in case 2 the PLU made be used for some weeks, and in other weeks the
regular UPC may be used.

Where it is possible to determine what the PLU is, IRI does so. In some cases it
is not. That’s why you see “ALL COKE PRODUCTS” in L5 — this may include
Coke, Diet Coke, Mello Yello, Sprite, etc.

Each retailer will use a different PLU code (and this may vary by week), IRI
converts these to a single arbitrary number.

PLUs are not a plus in this data. PLUs on UPC coded items are a nuisance.
They slow down IRI’s delivery, they are expensive, and they make the data
harder to use.

Q. What’s the relationship between the UPC I see on a package and the
UPC IRI is providing?

A. In the US, most packages will show a 12 digit UPC that is S-VVVVV-IIIII-C
where S is the system, V is the vendor, I is the item and C is a check digit to
verify the code is read properly.

[The vendor is really determined by the combination of S and V; the S field is
really two digits in the international version, the 10 digits of VVVVVIIIII are not
always 5 and 5, the full code has been expanded to 14 digits to include such
things as pallet codes — but what I’m providing here is sufficient.]

The IRI UPC fields provided are System, Vendor and Item. The IRI version
number, called generation, allows for re-use of UPC numbers over time, so what
was a floor wax in 1990 might be a dessert topping now. We do not provide the
check digit, but it can be algorithmically calculated, as shown in
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Product_Code#Check_digit_calculation .

On smaller packages there may be only a 6 digit code, called zero-suppressed
UPC-E. IRI expands this to its 12 digit equivalent. For how this is done, see

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Q. What are the UPC codes not seen in nature in the data, such as those with system
code 27 and system code 88?

A. These are UPCs generated by IRI to replace the actual UPC. There are a variety of
reasons for this. First, PLUs (see question above).Second, to allow reporting of private
label, private label UPCs for the same type of product, are pooled into a single UPC, such
as 2 liter diet cola in a plastic bottle. Third, for some retailers in some cases we are
provided SKU information rather than UPC information. These SKUs are converted to an
IRI generated UPC. Fourth, system 4’s are converted, because they are only unique
within a retailer.

Q. In my analysis, I want to exclude purchases that were wanded. To do this, I need
to identify those stores which card+key panelists have to wand their purchases at
home after the trip. Is it safe to say that all IRI_keys in “manual store entry
external.csv” are nonparticipating stores?

A. Yes. In addition, note that wand transactions will have both a “98” and “99” entry in
the trips file.

Q. The panel data seems to include a number of stores (iri_key) that I can’t find in
the store-level files or the Delivery_Stores files.Here are a few, which all seem to be
7-digit iri_key’s that begin with “99”: 9918685 9979660 9979663 9979673 9979872.
Any suggestions on this?

A. See Section 4.6 of the documentation, describing the file “manual store entry.csv”.

Q. I’m trying to calculate a price per unit, but a number of observations have zeros
as an entry for the units variable.How shoudl I interpret these observations?

A.These are hiconed observations. Hicones can be a problem, particularly in beer and
soft drinks.They arise because multipacks (e.g. 6 packs) can be sold/scanned as 6-12
ounce units for $.50 each ($3 total) or as 1-72 ounce unit for $3.

Usually, multipacks which are broken up as singles carry a PLU code (e.g. a sticker over
the UPC) so they can be scanned as a single.But this does not always occur, which can
result in one-sixth of a unit being sold.The units field in the academic data set is carried
as an integer and these parts were lost.

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An examination of the 10,165,789 store records for the beer category in 2004 showed
4663 records (.00046) with zero units.Over half of there were from 15 stores, which is
as expected because this is a store policy issue.

These packs are called hicones because the plastic rings that link the cans were first
provided by the Hi-Cone Corporation.

Q. In the panel data there are purchase records in which units are non-integer.
Does this happen when customers break the bulk, for example, buy one can of beer out of 6-pack
which is registered as one UPC?

A. Yes, see explanation of hicones in previous question.

Q. I saw somewhere in the documentation that the chain code changes from year to
year and this got me concerned that perhaps the store code (IRI_key) also changes
from year to year.Can you confirm whether or not this is the case?Also, I am
correct that market number does not change from year to year, right?

Store code (IRI_Key) does not change. Market number does not change.
Panelist numbers do not change. The chain code is discussed in section 5.2, on
chain cross-reference.

Q. Chain code=NONE?

I came across a problem when merging the “delivery store” file with the “Y4_panel trip”
file. Specifically, there are some iri_key in the “delivery store” file with “mskdname”
listed as “NONE”. Yet, a large amount of panelist in Eau Claire and Pittsfield visited
those stores with the “NONE” channels. I checked the “manual store entry” file but could
not find the corresponding information. For example,

iri_key ouest_acv market_n~e open clsd mskdname
228037 GR 9.877998 EAU CLAIRE435 9998 NONE

In the BehaviorScan markets of Pittsfield and Marion we have included
independent stores which do not belong to a chain. Store 228037 is an
independent GRocery store.

Q. What’s I found out a store (e.g. 238522) that is in market HARTFORD and
market PITTSFIELD. Is it the same store?

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A. Same store. Not an error. Pittsfield is an original BehaviorScan market from 1979.
The Hartford market was added later as an InfoScan market (1988) and includes this
county. This county is assigned to the Pittsfield market in the BehaviorScan service and
the Hartford market in the InfoScan service.

Q. What’sthe easiest way to work with the UPC code? For example, how do I
compute COLUPC in the panel files from SYstem, GEneration, VENDor and ITEM
fields in the stub file?

A. One trick is to convert the entire set of fields into a number. For example, the
collapsed UPC (COLUPC) can be computed as

LET colupc = sy*100000000000+ge*10000000000+vend*100000+item

This assumes that your software will handle this large of an integer, or a float with this
many significant digits.


sy ge vend item Collapsed_UPC
0 1 12000 230 11200000230
0 1 70470 309 17047000309

Q. The format of 2 of the panel files, margbutr_PANEL_GR_1114_1165.dat and
margbutr_PANEL_GR_1114_1165.dat, changes at the end.

A. This is a glitch that was fixed beginning with drive #87.For drives below this
number, there’s replacement files in the files area, compressed as
margbutr_PANEL_GR_1114_1165.zip and margbutr_PANEL_GR_1166_1217.zip.For
more information see

Q. We can see that during the week 1280-1313, the total number of trips in store
213290 and store648764 were incredibly small. Would this be due to transmission

losses ?

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A.These are two stores of one chain.The card data was not transmitted and
was not recovered later as backdata.

Q. If a product is defined as private label, is the manufacture company masked or
the retailer company masked? For example, a Kroger ketchup is produced by
company A. Does the private label in column parent company and vendor in
file prod_mustketc.xls mean company A or Kroger?

A. The retailer (Kroger in this example) is masked.IRI doesn’t track who manufactures the
private label. I don’t know anyone who does.I’m sure private label manufacturers keep some
track of who has the current contracts for what (in order to aid their sales efforts), but I don’t know
of any regular source for this on a current basis, let alone a back-data basis.If you find one,
please let me know.


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