[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 x86 Java assembly data structure Advanced Control Structures

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Advanced Control Structures

8. Instruction set architectures

Instruction and memory cycles
• The fetch and execution of a machine code instruction by a CPU is called an

instruction cycle.

• The reading or writing of one word to one memory location (over the data bus)
is a memory cycle.

• A memory cycle will take a fixed amount of time depending on the speed of
the CPU and its memory.

– In general a memory cycle is much slower than a CPU internal operation like
accessing a register.

• An instruction cycle may involve several memory cycles.
– To fetch a machine code word takes a memory cycle.

– To read or write a data word takes a memory cycle.

• In Sigma16 an RRR instruction uses 1 memory cycle (to fetch the operation

– How many memory cycles does a LOAD take?

– How many memory cycles does a JUMP take?

Systems and Networks 8. Instruction Set Architectures 2

Systems and Networks 8. Instruction Set Architectures 3

Hardware Registers for Instructions

• The computer needs information about the current and next instruction

• This information is maintained automatically by hardware, via several

special registers associated with the Control Unit. All CPUs have

– The IR (Instruction Register) contains the operation word of the instruction that is being


– The PC (Program Counter) contains the address of the next instruction that will be


• There are also machine specific control registers. E.g. in Sigma16:

– The Address Register (ADR) contains the target address specified in an RX or X


– The Data Register (DAT) holds temporary data

• The IR, ADR and DAT are not part of the programmer’s model since they

do not carry information between instruction cycles.

– They are sometimes referred to as temporary registers.

– However, they are exposed in the Sigma16 emulator to help with debugging.

Systems and Networks 8. Instruction Set Architectures 4

Example: executing a JUMP

• When the Sigma16 instruction JUMP x[R1] is executed, the
following events occur:

– First word of instruction is fetched, PC increased by 1
IR:=Memory[PC]; PC:=PC+1;

– CPU discovers this is a JUMP, and fetches second word.

ADR:= Memory[PC]; PC:=PC+1; (The result: ADR:= x)

– Effective address computation: ADR:= ADR+ R1;

– Execution of the instruction:PC:= ADR

• The next instruction will be fetched from the modified PC
value: IR:= Memory[PC]

• Notice how instruction execution can be described by means of
assignment statements to CPU registers.

• Summary:a JUMP is really just an assignment to the PC register.

Instruction types
• Different CPU designs have different approaches to machine code design.

• Examine a machine code (assembly) instruction from any CPU with the following


1. How many memory cycles are needed to fetch the whole instruction?

2. How many memory cycles are needed to fetch or store data?

3. How many independent memory locations can the instruction access?

• Memory cycles are relatively slow so multi-word instructions and instructions

requiring many memory cycles for operands or results will take relatively longer.

• One could design a Sigma16-like machine with an instruction like

– ADD x[R1],y[R2],z[R3].

• This is what is called a 3-address instruction, but:

– How long would such an instruction be?

– How many memory cycles would it need to fetch or store data?

– To perform this operation in Sigma16 how many instructions are needed?

– Which would be faster?

– Is this an argument against Sigma16?

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• Why not have instructions of multiple types in a CPU?

– Problem is that many complex instructions mean a long operation word and a complex
control unit.

– Complex control unit with many instruction types is slower than a simple one with few

– Yet by the 1970s this was the way most CPUs were evolving.

• As a counter to this, in the 1980s to the idea of a reduced instruction set
computer (RISC)

– eliminate complex instructions by preventing most instructions accessing memory.

– All memory access via LOAD and STORE instructions (c.f. Sigma16)

– Sometimes called a LOAD-STORE architecture.

– Use internal registers for all arithmetic and logical operations. Make theseas fast as

– Need lots of internal registers.

– Simple fast control unit

• Conventional machines with complex instructions were called CISC.

• CISC vs RISC was a computing “holy war” in the 1980s and 1990s
(comparable to Mac vs PC?)

• Outcome was a compromise. Most successful architecture, Intel’s x86 (aka
Pentium), started as CISC but was modified to include RISC ideas.

Systems and Networks 8. Instruction Set Architectures 6

Virtual Machines
• A virtual machine (VM) is a model of a machine that does not really exist

– Implemented in software rather than hardware.

– Implementation (guest) is called an emulator and can be run on chosen real hardware


– Examples: Sigma16, Microsoft Hyper V, Java.

• Raw machine code allows a machine to do anything:

– Very dangerous…code can destroy or hijack other code.

– A good HLL will try to spot accidental mistakes by a programmer and an operating

system will block an application program from doing something that looks

dangerous. But maliciously written code may try to circumvent such safety measures.

– On a system like Sigma 16 programming is in machine code directly and there is no

OS protection. Fortunately Sigma 16 is a VM and typically a VM can confine

disasters to itself. The VM may crash but the host is OK.

– At cost of performance a VM can perform checks and generate reports on operations

before they are performed (good for debugging).

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Subroutines and stacks
• A JAL instruction saves return address for subroutine call in an internal reg.

• But one subroutine can call another and so on (nested calls). When there are

many calls, the register file will not have enough space for all return addresses.

• Instead return addresses are usually stored in data memory in a data structure

called a stack

– Stack is setup and maintained by the programmer

– Unlike an array a stack can grow and shrink.

– First address is called the stack bottom and the last one is the stack top.

– In Sigma 16 the stack bottom is set by the programmer via a DATA statement. It must

be placed after all other DATA statements as the stack can grow upwards and

overwrite anything above it.

– The stack top is tracked by a register, the stack pointer (SP), which contains its current

address. In Sigma 16 the programmer uses one of the R registers to do this.

– Initially the stack top and bottom are the same so SP is set to the address of stack

bottom. At this point the stack is empty.

– After a subroutine call, programmer stores return address on stack and increments SP.

– After a return the address at the stack top is retrieved and the SP is decremented

Systems and Networks 8. Instruction Set Architectures 8

Ret addr1

Ret addr 2

Ret addr 3SP



And after first subroutine


Ret addr1

Ret addr 2




Stack after 3 nested

subroutine calls…

More on Stacks
• A stack is a last in first out (LIFO) data structure.

• Storing an item at the stack top is called a PUSH operation (e.g. save return address)

• Retrieving an item from the stack top is called a POP or PULL operation (e.g. retrieve

return address)

• The item popped is always the last one pushed.

• Stack can be used to push and pop items other than return addresses but must be done with

care by any program doing so.

• In Sigma 16 the stack is programmer-maintained and grows upwards.

• Many CPUs help maintain the stack by providing e.g.

– A dedicated register for the SP which auto-increments/decrements when subroutine calls are made

– Special PUSH and POP instructions for manually storing and retrieving data items on the stack

• Note that in many CPU designs the stack grows downwards in memory so the stack top is

at a lower address than the stack bottom.

• Programmer is responsible for making sure maximum stack size does not overwrite other

data or code or require unpopulated addresses. Failure is stack overflow.

Systems and Networks 8. Instruction Set Architectures 9


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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 x86 Java assembly data structure Advanced Control Structures
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