[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 WORDij Workflow Diagram #1: Analyze a Single Document.

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WORDij Workflow Diagram #1: Analyze a Single Document.

WORDij Workflow Diagram #1: Analyze a Single Document.
Step 1: Text file



See Notes section for step explanations.

WORDij Workflow Diagram #1: Analyze a Single Document.
Purpose:The purpose of a WORDij Workflow Diagram and Steps are to illustrate the path an analyst may wish to take in using WORDij Software to analyze their textual data.
This process assumes you have installed WORDij 3.0
Step 1: Is your File in Text format?
If No, then convert your file to a plain text file.
See How to convert Word documents to Text.doc
If Yes, proceed to Step 2.
Step 2: Start WORDij.
Step: 3: UseWordLinlk to create .net file
Step 4: UseVISij to visualize
Step 5: Option A. Use Utilities: Proper Nouns to create String Replace File.
Step 6: Re-runWordLink with Advanced Options and the String Replace File (.str) to create a 2nd ,net file now with Proper Nouns recoded as unigrams.
Step 7: Re-Run VISij to visualize again.
Step 8: If desired, edit String Replace File to continue to refine nodes and repeat Steps 6 and 7.
Step 9: Option B. Run NodeTric under Conversions: NodeTric and enter a Focal Word.
Step 10: Use VISij to visualize .net file from Step 9.
Step 11: Re-peat Steps 9 and 10 entering a new Focal Word each time.
Step 12: Option C: Export .net file to MultiNet and Run Negopy to determine Groups and Role by using Conversions: NetToCSV to create MultiNet’s Node and Link .csv files.
Step 13: Option D: Import .net file into UCINET or Pajek for drawing and additional analysis.


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[SOLVED] 程序代写代做代考 WORDij Workflow Diagram #1: Analyze a Single Document.
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