[SOLVED] 代写 UML Module Name: ObjectOriented Technology

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Module Name: ObjectOriented Technology

Module Number: ITP4909

Assignment Number: ONE

Handin: 17 Jan 2020

Weighting of This Assignment: 50 of the End of Module Assessment

This assignment must be done by a group of one or two students. Plagiarism will be treatedseriously. Any assignments that are found involved wholly or partly in plagiarism no matter theassignments are from the original authors or from the plagiarists will score Zero mark. Latesubmission will NOT be accepted.

Problem ScenarioA Reservation System for Property Viewing Trip

Homewood Property Group HPG is a property investment company that arranges propertyviewing trip to its clients over the world. To ensure that their clients choose an overseas propertythat is right for them and also to let clients have full confidence in their property purchase, HPGencourages all potential property buyers to visit different overseas properties and to see thecurrent status of each property. HPGs overseas agencies based in that different countries canshow their clients all the properties in which they are interested in.

Property viewing trip is becoming popular as more people consider investment in overseasproperties to spread their risk as well as to gain better return of investment. A HPG client will goto other countries where heshe may undergo property purchases, and along with that heshe willalso enjoy a vacation as a tourist. HPG recently has decided to expand its service to most cities inAsia because of the large demand from the massive population.

To facilitate this business expansion, a Property Viewing Trip Reservation System RVTRS isto be developed for HPG so that clients can make sure that they have reservations with the rightoverseas agencies, as well as the travel packages or hotels, before their departure. The RVTRS isa webbased reservation system with a common login interface for clients, overseas agencies,and HPG officer. RVTRS will show available functions according to the privilege in useraccount.
Nonclient must be registered before heshe become client who can reserve a trip package ofproperty viewing. The registration can be done by filling in an online registration form thatcontains client name, date of birth, sex, credit card information, city, address, and telephone. The HPG officer, at the operation office of HPG, will log in RVTRS and verify all newly filledregistration forms.Membership card, together with login ID and password, will be mailed to theclient after the verification is completed.

When a client wants to make a reservation of trip package, heshe can login to RVTRS byentering the login ID and the password.Upon successful login, the client can select the countryor city that heshe wants to purchase property, RVTRS will then display a list of trip packages ofproperties available for visiting. Each trip package contains details of the properties and travelexpenses. After the client selects a trip package, RVTRS displays a list of agencies withavailable dates.By selecting the agency with a specific date, an agency officer is also selectedbecause each agency will assign one agency officer as contact person in any particular date. Asthe client selects an agency with the desired date, RVTRS displays the available time i.e.morning or afternoon session of the agency for providing property visit.The client selectshisher desired time and the system displays the list of accommodation options.Accommodationoptions can be either tour or hotel. The tour option consists of air or train tickets, hotel, andspecial recreation such as sightseeing tour, golf rounds or spa. The hotel option consists of air ortrain tickets and hotel only. The client selects an accommodation options and RVTRS displaysoverall package details with total price for confirmation. The client then presses Reserve MyPackage button to confirm. RVTRS saves hisher package reservation after successful paymentvia credit card. The validation of credit payment is beyond the scope of RVTRS.
Once a client has reserved a trip package, heshe will talk with the agency officer of the chosenagency over the phone.Agency officer will finalize the property information and visit details,then heshe will login RVTRS to create a new property visit record which includes date and timeof property visit. This is a very important step to prevent any misinformation and avoid hassle ofworthless journey. After finalizing property visit with agency, the agency officer will update thetrip package via RVTRS. The HPG officer will then confirm the trip package via RVTRS oncethe package is finalized by client, and also the tickets will be sent to the client by mail to proceedfor the travel.

On arrival at airport or train station of trip destination, HPG will have a HPG officer to meetwith the client. If the client has chosen the tour option in hisher package, the HPG officer willdeliver the vouchers of recreational activities, such as golf or spa, to the clients who chose touroption in their package. Those clients will go for the recreation afterwards at their convenienttimes. The HPG officer will then take the client to hisher hotel or directly to the agency. Inwhatever way the client chooses, heshe will arrive at the agency with the HPG officer. The HPGofficer will login RVTRS, at any available Internet access, to record the proper handling of theclient to agency officer.The agency officer will then take the client to visit the property asscheduled. After the visiting, the agency officer has to login to RVTRS and browses the clientsvisit record with the clients membership number.The agency officer will update the propertyvisit record by entering a visit note and clients comments using RVTRS.

Having discussed and finalized with agency officer, the client may sign a preliminary propertycontract in the agency if heshe decides to purchase the property. The agency officer will updatethe visit record accordingly whether the contract is signed or not. The HPG officer will thenupdate the trip package as completed.

The final completion of the sale of property or any mortgage process is beyond the scope ofRVTRS.

Task Specification

According to the given problem scenario, perform the following tasks:

Identify all actors of RVTRS and write the actor descriptions for each actors.

Draw a use case diagram of RVTRS.Show all use cases, actors, communication links between actors and use cases, and includeextend relationships between use cases.

Prepare the Base Use Case Descriptions for all use cases related to the process of making reservation of a property viewing trip.Show the include relationships in your use case descriptions if necessary.

Perform textual analysis to identify the candidate classes and give the reasons for the choices of the candidate classes.

Draw a class diagram to show the relationships among the classes found in Task 4. Show names and attributes of classes, inheritances if any between classes, named associations between classes, and multiplicities of the associations between classes.

Draw separate 3tier sequence diagrams for the following scenario:
The scenario in which a client reserves a new trip package only after heshe attempts a second time in selecting date failed the first time in selecting date.
You should have separate UI objects and controller objects for frontend and backend flows such as loggingin and reservation flows.
Draw state machine diagrams for all control objects for the use cases related to the process of making reservation of a property viewing trip.

Refine the class diagram for Task 5 with the information from the sequence diagrams of Task 6 for RVTRS.Show all additional classes, methods and associations identified from the sequence diagrams.

Mark Allocation

Your assignment work will be marked according to the following criteria.
Mark Allocated
Use Case Diagram, Actor Specification, Use Case Description
Class Diagrams and Candidate Class List
Sequence diagrams design level
State Machine Diagrams design level
Consistency between UML Models

Submission of Assignment Work

This assignment should be done by your group only.Plagiarism will be treated seriously. Any assignments that are found involved wholly or partly in plagiarism no matter theassignments are from the original authors or from the plagiarists will score Zero mark.

The total mark of each student for in a group work will be based on 40 of group mark and60 of individual mark.

Submit your work soft copy via Moodle by the defined system deadline.

For group work, you must state and sign in your assignment cover the percentage ofcontribution of each student as follows:

Student Name Work Contribution Signature


Your report should have the following sections:

Actor Descriptions
Use Case Diagram
Base Use Case Descriptions for all use cases specified in Task 3
Candidate Class List
Class Diagram for Task 5
3tiers sequence diagrams for Task 6
State Diagrams for the control objects for Task 7
Refined class diagram for Task 8

You should state any assumptions that you make.




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[SOLVED] 代写 UML Module Name: ObjectOriented Technology
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