[SOLVED] 代写 Java Module Name: ObjectOriented Technology

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Module Name: ObjectOriented Technology

Module Number: ITP4909

Assignment Number: TWO

Handin: 17 Jan 2020

Weighting of This Assignment: 50 of the End of Module Assessment

Plagiarism will be treated seriously. Any assignments that are found involved wholly or partly in plagiarism no matter the assignments are from the original authors or from the plagiarists will score Zero mark. Late submission will NOT be accepted.

Section A 40 marks
This section contains THREE questions.

Answer ALL questions.

A1. A clinic considers developing a resource management system to support the daily operation. There are two types of staff in the clinic: the medical staffs and the supporting staffs. The medical staffs are in monthly salary payment while the supporting staffs are in hourly payment. Each staff has a unique ID. There are multiple consultation rooms in the clinic and one medical staff will be assigned to one consultation room. However, one supporting staff may help in one or more consultation room. The consultation rooms are referenced by the room number. The patients are called by their name. The patients need to make a booking before they can have the medical consultations. The consultation booking is referenced by the timeslot. A medical staff cannot have more than twenty bookings for a day.
Draw a class diagram to model the classes and the relationships between classes for the above problem statement. You are required to show the name and multiplicity of each association in your diagram. You need to show all the required attributes in each class based on the given information. You should also structure the classes with inheritance if possible.
Note: You do not need to add association classes for this question. 13 marks

A2. A telecom tycoon selling charging vouchers with different values to their users for the prepaid card service via an online system. Whenever a user enters the system, it lists all charging vouchers with different values for user to select the voucher that is required. After the user has selected a voucher and proceeded to checkout, the system asks the user to enter hisher mobile number. After the user entered the number, the system checks if the mobile number belongs to the company, if not, asks for the mobile number again. If the mobile number is OK, the system continues to ask the user to enter credit card information for the payment. The user then enters the credit card information and the payment will be validated by the payment gateway. If the validation is successful, the system displays a successful message to the user and at the same time, the users mobile phone receives a SMS to notify that the vouchers value is being deposited to hisher prepaid cards total value. If the payment validation failed, the system asks to enter the credit card information again.
Draw an activity diagram to model the procedure for a mobile user to buy prepaid card charging voucher using the system.6 marks
Draw a state machine diagram to model the procedure for a mobile user to buy a prepaid card charging voucher using the system. Show the name of each state, the event and the guard condition if any in each transition in your diagram. Your diagram should include the initial state and final state. 6 marks

A3. Given the following class diagram and the test program CustomerCentre.java:

import java.util.;

public class CustomerCentre
public static void mainString args Customer customersnew Customer2;
customers0new CustomerCUS001,Ms Chan;customers1new CustomerCUS002,Mr Lee;
ElectricalAppliance productsnew ElectricalAppliance3;
products0new TelevisionTV01,AE123,TV:36 inch; TVproducts1new TelevisionTV02,DC789,TV:21 inch; TVproducts2new RefrigeratorFR03,BB71,Refrigerator:2 Doors; Refrigeratorproducts0.setPurchaseDatenew Date;customers0.buyproducts0;
products1.setPurchaseDatenew Date;customers1.buyproducts1, new Date;products2.setPurchaseDatenew Date;customers1.buyproducts2, new Date;
Customer aCustomercustomers1;
Enumeration prdListaCustomer.getProducts; getProducts method in class
Customer is to find and return all Electrical Appliances which a Customer bought
System.out.printlnThe Customer aCustomer.getName
ElectricalAppliance ownedPrdElectricalApplianceprdList.nextElement;
System.out.printlnSerial No.: ownedPrd.getSerialNo, Model:
ownedPrd.getModel, Spec.: ownedPrd.getSpecification;

Based on the given class diagram and the test program CustomerCentre.java, implement the classes Customer, ElectricalAppliance and Television in Java.
Note: Apart from the attributes and methods to classes Customer, ElectricalAppliance and Television, it may be necessary to add attributes and methods to classes Customer, ElectricalAppliance and Television for implementing the onetomany association and the
basic getterssetters.15 marks

Section B 60 marks
This section contains THREE questions.

Answer ALL questions.

The problem statement for the questions in Section B.
Online shopping getting more and more popular because of the low price of the items being sold. However, the transportation fee for a single item is quite expensive normally. To cope with the issue, the consolidated shipment is one of the costeffective way. A consolidate shipping company provides an Online Shipping Management System OSMS for her users to manage the items they bought from various online shops.
Anyone would like to benefit from the system will required to register a member account with hisher email address, mobile phone number and at least one shipping address. After successful registration to the system, an activation code will be sent to the members mobile phone and the member is required to enter the code to the system to activate hisher account. After the activation is done, the member will receive a welcome email.
Whenever the member buying things from different online shops, they should instruct the items to be sent to the consolidate shipping companys collection point. At the time when the items are delivered to the collection point, the member inputs the delivery order number to the system and the system will tracks if the items are delivered to the collection point.
The member can login and check the items statuses at any time. When the items are shipped to the collection point, the items will be weighted, and the staff will input the corresponding items weight in the system and member will get this information when heshe checks the statuses of the items.
When the member logged in to the system and checks that items are delivered to the collection points, the member can then select multiple items to be consolidated and start shipping out by pressing Consolidated Shipment. The system then asks for the recipients name and select the shipping address from the registered list. The member can register a new shipping address before submitting the order. After that, the member clicks Submit button to send out the shipping order. The system then sends a delivery request to the shipping agency and notifies the SMS gateway to send a SMS notification with the delivery order number to members mobile phone. Finally, the system displays the order details. The member can login to the system to check the order status before the items are received.

Answer questions B1 to B3 based on the given problem statement.

B1. Draw a use case diagram for the Online Shipping Management System OSMS. Show all use cases, actors, communication links between actors and use cases, and include
extend relationships between use cases. 20 marks

Perform a textual analysis on the problem statement to identify candidate classes of OSMS. List the candidate classes with the corresponding reasons for the choices of the candidate
classes.8 marks

Draw an initial class diagram to show the classes of OSMS. Show the relationships among classes in your answer. Give appropriate names to associations.
You are NOT required to show multiplicities on associations, attributesmethods of classes,
or any association class.6 marks

Assuming the member has not logged in OSMS, write the flow of events for the Consolidate Shipment use case.
Assuming the sequence starts with the member login.5 marks

Draw a system level sequence diagram to illustrate the scenario that a member places an order successfully through the system. 6 marks

Draw a threetier ModelViewController sequence diagram for the system level sequence diagram that you have for the answer of B3 part b.
For simplicity, only one user interface UI object and one controller object are required for your design.15 marks



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[SOLVED] 代写 Java Module Name: ObjectOriented Technology
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