[SOLVED] 代写 html Java javascript SQL database C# DESCRIPTION

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Your task is to develop a database driven application for use in a pub or a tea-room.Your application must meet the requirements given below.The application is expected to be a simple three tier application having a simple browser-based client, middleware coded in a server-side language of C# and a database contained in a Microsoft SQL Server database.

Source code
•Must be clearly in separate folder on GitHub repository
•Technologies in use must be only SQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript and C#
•No other server-side coding language is acceptable.
•The interface code may contain Razor if required.
•Frameworks such as Bootstrap and JQuery are expected to be in use
•Templates such as W3.css are acceptable
•No extra marks are provided for creating your own CSS stylesheets
•All pages for the application are expected to have the same look and feel.
•Web application operates smoothly without crashing
•Extra marks awarded for innovative approaches in use
•Middleware must be a RESTful API written in the languages mentioned above.
•A minimum of two resources must be exposed using the main HTTP verbs of GET, PUT, POST and DELETE.
•SQL scripts must be contained within a folder labelled SQL
•This should be an exact export from your hosted database.

This is an application that will provide the ability for a customer to order drinks and snacks along with an admin user to enter the details of drinks and snacks for sale. The type of establishment that this application would support is totally your choice, for example you may choose a tea room that sells different types of tea and cake, or you may decide you prefer licensed premises selling alcohol and bar snacks.However, only have drinks and snacks, do not add further items or categories*.

The following user stories provide the basic requirements:

As a customer I wish to order a drink/snack.
As a customer I wish to see what I have ordered.
As a customer I wish to add to my current order for a drink/snack.
As a customer I wish to cancel my order for a drink/snack.
As the admin I wish to enter details of the drinks/snacks I have for sale.
As the admin I wish to read the details of the drinks/snacks I have for sale.
As the admin I wish to view a customer’s order(s).
As the admin I wish to edit the details of the drinks/snacks I have for sale.
As the admin I wish to withdraw a drink/snack from sale.

*This is not a full system, this is a minimum viable product (MVP) whereby only the user stories provided above are implemented.The following aspects are outside of the scope of the system:
•Payments.The customer paying for their order is not required.
•Delivering the order.The customer receiving their order is not required.
•Other users.No other user stories for other users are required.


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[SOLVED] 代写 html Java javascript SQL database C# DESCRIPTION
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