[SOLVED] 代写 marking criteria

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marking criteria
it is recommended that you study these criteria before completing the assignment.
indicative breakdown of how marks are awarded
• did code1 run and produce the results reported2; was it adequately commented? 8
• were the reported results sufficient and appropriate to determine the quality of the 7 modelling process and the final model and to justify the conclusions?
• was there a critical appraisal?
• were results analysed and discussed in any depth?
• was the modelling process adequately justified (how? & why?) in terms of
-5% -5% -5% variable
• data treatment?
• modelling choices (type / structure / complexity …)? • complexity control & validation?
• were choices adequately defended?
• did the work go beyond the basics of the related lab class? • attempted / succeeded / compared / justified
• code failed
• wrong file type / identification3
• exceeded page limit
• late submission (h”p://www.shef.ac.uk/ssid/exams/policies)
unfair means
Working together is permitted because the objective is for you to develop competence in the use of dmmi techniques but the report must be completed individually. Owing to the use of random numbers within the code, everyone’s solution will differ slightly. References must be provided to additional sources (except the module materials). Suspicions of the use of unfair means will be investigated and lead to penalties if founded. (http:// www.shef.ac.uk/ssid/exams/plagiarism
1 simply reproducing the lab helper file will not earn a pass mark (4) for this part of the assessment – you must add something or do something differently (conceptually, not just re-arranging code or changing variable names)
2 random initialization, ordering etc. means results may vary from run to run 3 required for automated testing/handling


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[SOLVED] 代写 marking criteria
30 $