[SOLVED] 代写 C html SAS graph School of Informatics & IT

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School of Informatics & IT
Diploma in Business Intelligence & Analytics AY 2019 / 2020 Oct Semester
Business Intelligence Applications (CIA2C06)
Business Intelligence Applications (CIA2C06)

Table of Contents
1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 1
2. Learning Objectives ……………………………………………………………………………………. 1
3. Case Study Scenario …………………………………………………………………………………… 1
4. Deliverables ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
5. Group Learning Contract & Declaration of Work of Originality ………………………. 6
6. Presentation ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
7. Assessment………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
Appendix A – Standard Marking Criteria for Individual Work ………………………………… 8 Appendix B – Standard Marking Criteria for Group Work………………………………………. 10 Appendix C – Group Learning Contract………………………………………………………………… 11 Appendix D – Declaration of Work of Originality………………………………………………….. 13
Business Intelligence Applications (CIA2C06)

1. Introduction
You are given a case scenario in this assignment which consists of both individual and group components.
For the group component, you are required to form a team of 4 to 6 members to illustrate the concepts and techniques of Business Intelligence (BI).
2. Learning Objectives
At the end of the assignment, you should be able to:
 
   
demonstrate understanding of BI concepts and techniques
provide recommendations on how BI can allow decision makers to make better, informed decisions
use SAS programming to generate analytical reports
use SAS EG to plot graph
practice teamwork skills
present your findings and recommendations
Case Study Scenario
Being one of the highly populated metropolis in India, the mayor of Bengaluru is considering of giving the city a green makeover. The successful bike sharing initiatives in other countries (France, Unites States, China and Hong Kong) inspired him.
Reference: (https://www.bengalurufc.com/2018/features/bengaluru-can-cycling-capital-india/) XYZ Company has recently won the tender for bike sharing project development. Similarity in terms of population, urban landscape and municipality, XYZ is taking CitiBike from New York City (United States) as a reference for their business blue print. Reference: (https://www.citibikenyc.com/system-data)
Business Intelligence Applications (CIA2C06) 1

As a team leader of the Business Intelligence department in XYZ, you have been tasked to work on business analytical report of CitiBike to provide the senior management better understanding on
1. Utilization Overview
2. Route Planning
3. Allocation for Docking Stations
4. Bike Ridership and
5. Membership Subscription
Management also suggested your team on using of additional resources (such as traffic, street construction, NYC cycling map and weather) if possible. These environmental factors could help them in preparing for business strategies.
Reference: (https://www1.nyc.gov/html/dot/html/about/datafeeds.shtml#Bikes)
The data warehouse tables comprise of these data: BikerMembership, BikerPersonal, TripBiker, TripDate and TripStation. The Biker details are stored separately in Microsoft Excel format. The Trip related tables are collected and loaded as SAS datasets.
Data are stored in monthly basis, and for the report, your team is working on the range of data from Jan 2018 to Aug 2019.
The description of the various data is as follows:
Dataset/ File Name
File Format
Contains the membership type of the bikers.
Contains the biker’s date of birth and gender.
SAS dataset
Contains the trip information of the biker.
SAS dataset
Contains the rental start date time and end date time as well as the duration of the trips.
SAS dataset
Contains the docking stations information where the biker started from and ended at.
Business Intelligence Applications (CIA2C06) 2

Please refer to the Excel file uploaded to LMS for detailed descriptions of the data variables. The SAS datasets are available to download from LMS.
Note: Datasets for the additional resources (such as traffic, street construction, NYC cycling map and weather) are optional and NOT provided in this assignment. For those students who try out using the additional resources will be awarded the additional marks.
Figure 1: Schema of the Biker and Trip datasets
Business Intelligence Applications (CIA2C06) 3

4. Deliverables
This project comprises of both individual and group reports and presentations. Each group will submit one set of project submission comprises of the following.
Group Report
The group report should include the following:
 BI Analytical Process
o Define the business goal
o Understand the business context
o Evaluate the pieces
o Analyze the data and context
o Present and communicate the findings
 Suggestion on the approach (Decision Making Level, Different Levels of Analytics) as a group
Please provide a cover page indicating your Group Number, Team Member Names with Admission Number and Practical Group. And submit together with Appendix C and Appendix D.
Individual Report
The individual report should include the following:
 Screenshot of your SAS project, SAS code and SAS output (Additional marks will be given for additional features like Custom formatting, use of Function call, Label of rows, Total/SubTotal, Title/Footnote etc.)
 Screenshot of analytical report. Based on 20 months of data, your report should provide insightful findings to senior management about CitiBike program including below topics, but not limited to:
 Utilization Overview
 Route / Path Planning
Business Intelligence Applications (CIA2C06) 4

 Docking Station Allocation
 Bike Ridership
 Membership Subscription
 Written explanation of how your analytical report could support the management team from crystalizing the blue print until the actual implementation
Please provide a cover page indicating your Name, Admission Number and Practical Group. You are required to submit your SAS codes separately. All your SAS outputs should be left-aligned.
For both the individual and group components, use Times New Roman, font size 12 and 1.5 lines spacing. For individual submission, please include your Name and Admission Number on the header of every page of your report.
Submission Deadline
The Group Report assignment report is due on 1 Nov 2019, 23:59. For the group component, only one representative from the group will need to submit it via LMS.
The Individual Video presentation is due on 6 Dec 2019, 23.59.
The Individual Report assignment is due on 13 Dec 2019, 23.59.
For the Individual component, every student shall upload reports, SAS codes and video presentation link to LMS.
Please refer to Appendix A on the standard marking criteria of individual work.
Please refer to Appendix B on the standard marking criteria of group work.
Guidelines on late submissions
late and < 1 day: 10% deduction from absolute mark given for the assignment e.g 75 marks (100 marks max) becomes 65 marks (deduct 10% of 100 marks)late >=1 and <2 days: 20% deduction from absolute mark. late >=2 days: No marks awarded.
Business Intelligence Applications (CIA2C06) 5

5. Group Learning Contract & Declaration of Work of Originality
Each team has to complete, sign and submit Group Learning Contract and Declaration of Work of Originality (i.e. please refer to Appendix C and D).
6. Presentation
Individual Presentation
Students are supposed to present their individual work and explain their reasons. There is no need to run any SAS program during the presentation. You may include screenshots of your SAS output instead. Individual presentations should not exceed 5 minutes.
Group Presentation
Students would need to present their group findings. Tutors can ask you question with regards to what have been presented. Group presentations should not exceed 15 minutes, including the Q&A portion.
7. Assessment
This assignment contributes 75% of the overall assessment for this subject. The breakdown
is as follows:
In your assessment, tutor will determine the extent to which you have:
1. understood the concepts and principles of business intelligence;
2. fulfilled the requirements of the assigned task;
Individual %
Group %
Assignment Report
Assignment Presentation
Business Intelligence Applications (CIA2C06) 6

3. acknowledged sources of evidence – especially quoted extracts – in a consistent manner and according to appropriate scholarly conventions, and have avoided plagiarism;
4. presented clear, consistent, soundly structured and well-supported arguments;
5. displayed a facility in respect of data and ideas, where appropriate, such as
 description, analysis, explanation and classification  originality and creativity
 the drawing of inferences
 the anticipation of alternative arguments
 the ability to draw out implications
Please refer to the assessment rubrics in Appendices for more information.
*****End of Assignment*****
Business Intelligence Applications (CIA2C06) 7

Appendix A – Standard Marking Criteria for Individual Work
Individual Work
Reports on
 Utilization
 Route / Path
 Docking
 Bike
 Membership Subscription
 Provideverystrong justifications for the choice of answers
 Correct SAS codes to answer the questions correctly
 Correct values/answers to the questions
 Providemoderately strong justifications to the choice of answers
 Correct SAS codes with minor errors.
 Correct values/answers to the questions
 Providereasonable justifications to the choice of answers
 SAS codes with syntax error or with logical errors
 Some values/answers to the questions are wrong
 Poor justifications to the choice of answers
 Unable to run most of the SAS codes at all.
 Most values/answers to the questions are wrong
Business Intelligence Applications (CIA2C06) 8

Individual Work
 Presentation was well delivered, organized and kept to the time allocated.
 Presentation materials were excellent.
 Able to address almost all of the business questions in group proposal with detailed analysis.
 Presentation was well delivered, organized but has time management issues.
 Presentation materials were of good quality.
 Able to address most of the business questions raised in group proposal.
 Presentation was adequately delivered.
 Presentation materials were adequate.
 Able to cover some of the business questions raised in group proposal
 Presentation was poorly delivered.
 Presentation materials were inadequate.
 Unable to cover most of the business questions raised in group proposal
Business Intelligence Applications (CIA2C06) 9

Appendix B – Standard Marking Criteria for Group Work
Group Work
Written Report
 Able to provide a detailed documentation of
the Analytical Process and show detailed analysis of the case study
 Provided excellent insights to address the main goals and concerns.
 Able to justify with good documentation of the analytical process
 Able to show good analysis of the case study
 Able to give a reasonable justification of the approach
 Able to justify
with documentation of the analytical process
 Able to show analysis of the case study
 Able
to give justification of the approach
 Unable to
provide documentation of the analytical process
 Unable to show analysis of the case study
 Unable to give a reasonable justification of the approach
 Presentation was well delivered, organized and kept to the time allocated. Materials were excellent.
 For Q&A session, group was able to provide well-thought out answers specific to the context of the question.
 Presentation was well delivered, organized but has time management issues. Materials were of good quality.
 For Q&A session, group was able to answer questions but lack in relevance sometimes.
 Presentation was adequately
delivered. Materials were adequate.
 For Q&A session, group had
difficulty in answering questions in context.
 Presentation was poorly delivered. Materials were inadequate.
 For Q&A session, group was unable to answer questions in context.
Business Intelligence Applications (CIA2C06) 10

Appendix C – Group Learning Contract
We, the undersigned, agree to participate in all aspects of the group-learning contract.
1. To attend all group meetings and weekly lab sessions, and to arrive on time.
2. To explain my absence from group meetings by contacting other members of
the team, and to follow up on discussions at a later date and before the next
3. To actively participate and contribute towards group discussions and
brainstorming sessions.
4. To be non-judgemental and respect the ideas and opinions put forth by my team
5. To endeavour to complete the assignment to the best of my ability, and to come
up with a well thought out solution.
6. To practise good time management and planning in order to ensure the
completion of the assignment in a timely manner.
7. To exercise self-discipline, avoid procrastination and avoid doing last minute
8. To keep the team focused on the task at hand.
9. To be accountable for the learning of my team members, and to offer support
to those who need more assistance.
10. To be conscious and sensitive to the needs and requirements of my team
11. To maintain a harmonious working relationship with my team members i.e. be
polite, courteous, co-operative and be a good team player.
Business Intelligence Applications (CIA2C06) 11

Practical Class: P______ Group : G______ Team Leader:
___________________________ Name:
Matric No. :
Team Members:
___________________________ Name:
Matric No.:
___________________________ Name:
Matric No.:
____________________________ Name:
Matric No.:
____________________________ Name:
Matric No.:
Business Intelligence Applications (CIA2C06)

Appendix D – Declaration of Work of Originality
Diploma in Business Intelligence & Analytics Business Intelligence Applications (CIA2C06) AY2019/2020 Oct Semester
Practical Class: Group : Submitted by:

“By submitting this work, I am / we are declaring that I am / we are the originator(s) of this work and that all other original sources used in this work has been appropriately acknowledged.
I / We understand that plagiarism is the act of taking and using the whole or any part of another person’s work and presenting it as my/ our own without proper acknowledgement.
I / We also understand that plagiarism is an academic offence and that disciplinary action will be taken for plagiarism.”
Name and Signature of student: …………………………………… Name and Signature of student: …………………………………… Name and Signature of student: …………………………………… Name and Signature of student: …………………………………… Name and Signature of student: ……………………………………
Business Intelligence Applications (CIA2C06) 13


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[SOLVED] 代写 C html SAS graph School of Informatics & IT
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