[SOLVED] 代写 GUI Java javaFx Fall 2019, SCCC

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Fall 2019, SCCC
Course CSE148 Final Project
Design and implement a GUI based application to manage Student accounts and Courses
1. Requirement
Design and implement a GUI based application to simulate the management of student accounts and courses. Through the GUI interface, user administrator or student can manage account register, loginlogoff, update profile, generate report; access course information browse, search, update course information; register course student. Administrator and student user have different authority to access courses and student accounts, therefore different way to access these information.
2. Functionalities
The student account and course management system called system thereafter will provide the following functionalities:
2.1 User management
There are 2 types of users, administer user and student user. They have different authority to access course information and student account data. The system maintains a user file. After system is started, all user data will be loaded into the system, accessed and updated by admin user or student user. The user data will be saved to a file before the application is terminated.
Administrator user:
There is only one administrator user which has already generated. The username is admin,
the password is cse148;
admin can access all courses data: browse course list; addremove a course; search for a
course; update course information;
admin can access all student accounts data: browse student account; search for an account; update student course information;
Student user:

student account is generated by student register;
student must login to the system first then has the access to course data and student
information. student can only access himher account information;
student can access course data to browse courses, search for a course, register a course.
admin can access all student accounts data: browse student account; search for an account; update student course information;
2.2 Course management

The system maintains a course file. After system is started, the course data will be loaded from the file into the system, and further be accessedupdated by users. Before the system will be terminated, the course data will be saved to the file.
admin user can addremove course, update course; generate course report;
admin and student can browse course; search for a course;
student user can register a course;
3. Design and Implementation
Design classes to manage data of all courses and all student accounts.Classes:
Courses: container of all courses;Course: an individual course
Users: container of all users;
User: an individual user
o Admin: a user with administrator authority
o Student:astudentuser
Misc MyCourse: the course taken by a student
All data courses, user accounts will be presented through GUI using JavaFX
GUI will provide interfaces to: o Register student account;
o Loginlogoff
o Check user profile;
o Search for a student and update student account information o Generatestudentreport
o Browsecourses;
o Search course and retrieve detailed course information;
o Addremovecourse;Updateacourse; o Quitthesystem
admin user and student user have the different authority therefor have partial or full access to above functional interfaces
4. Submission and grading
The complete project will include 1 a design report which outlines the design of the system, a brief description of the functionality and implementation; 2 runnable program. Both document and source code must submit to the blackboard before due.
Grading: The project will be graded based on the design and the implementation of the system, as well as the quality and efficiency of the program.
5. Due: Dec 11, 2019


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[SOLVED] 代写 GUI Java javaFx Fall 2019, SCCC
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