[SOLVED] 代写 math matlab graph Statement of Work Final Project

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Statement of Work Final Project
Computational Methods in Biomedical Engineering Florida Institute of Technology
20 November 2019

Background …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 Scope of Work ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 Period of Performance ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3 Place of Performance ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 Work Requirements ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4 Deliverables ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Students enrolled in BME3240 will be required to submit a final project no later than the date prescribed in this document. The deliverables in this project will require submitters to demonstrate that they have developed the capability to utilize MATLAB effectively in conjunction with other analytical concepts to solve complex engineering problems commonly found in literature. It is imperative that students can follow a document such as this to ensure all listed project requirements are met in full.
Scope of Work
The scope of the final project will require that students review available literature references to an engineering topic of their choice. Though several supporting articles shall be included to provide a thorough background review of the selected topic, at least one of the cited references must include a system model using a system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). This model must then be solved using techniques in MATLAB to provide the required deliverables outlined in later sections of this document.
Period of Performance
The period of performance for the final project will be 18 days starting on November 22nd, 2019 and ending on December 10th, 2019 at precisely 5:30pm. Due to the nature of the project, no modifications or extensions will be granted.
Place of Performance
Students will be responsible for completing this project at the facilities of their choosing. Submission of deliverables will take place via Canvas online submission.

Work Requirements
In the requirements listed below, those including the ‘shall’ language are to be considered absolutely necessary and those including the ‘should’ language are to be done if possible, but not required. Failure to meet mandatory requirements will result in appropriately proportioned score deductions.
1. Eachstudentshallworkindependently.
2. Studentsshallperformathoroughliteraturereviewinvolvingthetopicof
his/her choice.
2.1. Students shall identify, at minimum, 1 unique peer-reviewed publication
that describes a system of ODEs pertaining to his/her respective topic. 2.1.1. The included peer-reviewed publication describing a system of ODEs
should include at least one plot/figure replicable by the student. 2.2. Students shall compile sufficient peer-reviewed literature sources to
author a thorough review of the topic and associated models.
2.2.1. Students shall include a review of the significance of the ability to
model the given system using ODEs.
2.2.2. Students shall include clear and complete definitions of each
parameter used in the selected system of ODEs.
2.2.3. Students shall describe how modeling the selected system can be
applied to solve real-world problems.
3. StudentsshalldevelopaMATLABprogramthatcanintegratethegivensystem
of ODEs as shown in class.
3.1. Students shall evaluate a minimum of 3 solution techniques in MATLAB
3.1.1. Students shall select the most optimal solution technique of those evaluated.
3.1.2. Students shall provide a description of the stiffness of the system of ODEs under the selected evaluation parameters. The optimal solution shall be selected based on time to compute. Time to compute shall be provided for each solution method in microseconds.
4 Time to compute shall refer only to the time required for the solution method to complete, and not any other code operations.
4. Studentsshallperformaseriesofsimulationtrialstoobservetheeffectsof each parametric value and applicable ODE conditions (boundary values, initial conditions, etc.).
4.1. Students shall run a minimum of 6 trials using the selected optimal
solution method.
4.1.1. A description of parametric changes made shall be included with
each trial.
4.2. Students shall determine the stability of the system of ODEs.
4.2.1. Students shall determine the time (in any appropriate time scale) required for the system to reach its steady state, if applicable.
4.3. Each trial performed shall be represented graphically.
4.3.1. The solution for each trial shall be provided in one figure window per
trial (implement subplots, multi-series, axis selection, etc) regardless of
the number of states present in the system. Within each figure, each plotted series shall be optically unique
(implement different ‘LineSpec’ for each plotted series). Each series shall have a ‘LineWidth’ specification greater
than 1.0.
Each figure shall include a legend.
Each figure shall include an appropriate title
Each figure shall include all applicable labels and units.
All figure text shall be a minimum size 16, non-default font.
All figures shall display a major and minor grid. All figures shall have a solid white background. All figures shall have identical axes scales.
(excluding legend entries)
5. Studentsshallcreateaformatteddocumentwithindependentsectionsfor major requirements 2, 3, and 4.
5.1. Students shall include all scripts used as Appendix A at the end of the

6. StudentsshallsubmitviaCanvasall*.mfilesusedtogeneratereportdata,the peer-reviewed article(s) from which ODEs were taken, and the final report in a single .ZIP folder.
6.1. All *.m files shall include descriptive comments of each major step.
• A single .ZIP folder containing the following:
o Scripts used to generate report data
o Digital copies of peer-reviewed articles from which the system of
ODEs was taken
o A digital copy of the final report satisfying all outlined requirements
in this document.


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[SOLVED] 代写 math matlab graph Statement of Work Final Project
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