[SOLVED] 代写 statistic Presentation Project Instructions

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Presentation Project Instructions
You will create a professional presentation.The instructions are designed to take you through the steps to make a professional presentation with data and regression results.You will not have to make a presentation.
Create the presentation in power point.Except perhaps in a table, do not use a font smaller than 24.You can choose a background, but do not make it distracting to the reader.
•Your first slide should be your name and the title of your presentation.
•Your second slide should briefly describe the economic problem that you are addressing.It should include the regression equation in descriptive terms, and briefly explain the expected sign on the coefficient of your wb variable using economic reasoning.
•Your third slide should be describe your data and your data source for your variable, and it should include your summary statistics table.
•Your fourth slide should present a professional scatter diagram of your variable plotted against y2016.
•Your fifth slide should contain a professional table of your regression results.Your table should include results for regression the natural log of y2016 as the dependent variable and with the independent or x variable(s):

•The education variable
•Your wb variable
•Your wb variable and the education variable
•Your wb variable and the education variable and the regional dummies
All regressions should include a constant. The education variable should be in the level, but you may decide the specification of your wb variable (level or natural log).The table should include the F-stat for each regression, and the adjusted R2, and any appropriate footnotes. Your fifth slide should contain a “pretty” table of your Breusch-Pagan and White’s heteroscedasticity test results; and a sentence or two motivating the use of these statistics and summarizing the results of the tests.You may use the version of the White test that conserves on degrees of freedom if you like.In either case, make sure the reader knows which version of White’s test you report.

•Your sixth fifth slide should report the magnitude of the effect of your wb variable.Report it for the 2nd regression (b) and for the 3rd and 4th regressions (c and d).How you report it will depend on if your wb variable is measured in levels or log levels.
•Your seventh slide should report the p-values from your heteroskedastisity test results.
•Your eight slide should report a table that is exactly likely your fifth slide except with robust standard errors.You should omit the R2, F-stat, and notes from this slide.
•Your ninth slide contains your conclusions:
•Was the sign on the estimate of the coefficient of your wb variable what you expected?
•Was it statistically significant?
•Was it economically significant?
•Does your regression possibly suffer from reverse causation or joint determination?
•Should a policy maker take your variable into consideration when thinking about growth policy?


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[SOLVED] 代写 statistic Presentation Project Instructions
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