[SOLVED] 代写 math Lab Assignment

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Lab Assignment


Add a user login system to your user interface. (use array)
(Read username from UN.txt, and read passwords from PW.txt)
The user log:

Enter user name: twm123

check to see if the username is in your dictionary. If the user name is incorrect, display the following:

“User not found, reenter username)
Enter password: 123456 (correct password)

If the username and password matches, go to the main menu.
The user interface:

Hello Tom Waits, please select the service:

A: Investment projection
B: Retirement planning
C: Mortgage
D: College fund
E: Exit

If user select A, execute your lab A program.
If the user select E, output “Thank you.”
If the user select anything else, output “Invalid selection.”
Check to make sure that the user is input ONLY ABCDE or abcde
When the user finish transaction, prompt the user for another transaction, if the user enter N, end with “Have a nice day.”
Under (D), Prompt the user to enter:
Please enter the following:
Interest rate:

After the user finish entering, output the following:

Hello Tom Waits:
Interest rate:xxxx
Saving period (in month): X month
Net worth after X years:xxxx
Would you like to go back to Menu? (Y/N)
(both Y or y, N or n are accepted.)

When the user finish transaction, prompt the user for another transaction, if the user enter N, end with “Have a nice day.”
Under College fund (D), read “OptD.txt ” and input information for calculation. Each number represents one month of contribution. Therefore, sum every 12 month together for get yearly savings, and use your numbers you get from option D. Display the calculated results and output to a “College_fund.txt”

Lab Deliverables:
1.upload your source code (.cpp file) onto Angel before the due date.

* 1. Name your project as Coursenumber_Lab#_LastName.cpp. Upload your .cpp file in the drop box.
2.Attach your .cpp file and your output file..

Maximum points can be taken:
User name incorrect: -3
Input validation: -6
User prompt statement missing -6
File input and output: -10
Math calculation -10
Output file format and alignment: -5
Not following submission format -5


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[SOLVED] 代写 math Lab Assignment
30 $