[SOLVED] 代写 software theory CS498 Final Project phase 1

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CS498 Final Projectphase 1
The goal of this assignment is to get practice with constructing a simplified requirements document given a project. The motivation for this project came from Dr. Jaromczyk but I ask that you direct any questions to me I will contact him if necessary. You should treat me as the client for this project.
The project description below is intentionally vague in some places, so be sure to ask questions for clarification. The goal of this assignment is for you all to get used to performing the different parts of requirements engineering elicitation, analysis, representation, validation. So be sure to practice the processes discussed in class be to communicate with your group mates.
You will deliver a document containing the following elements
1. 25 pts Business requirements
2. 25 pts Functional requirements
3. 25 pts Nonfunctional requirements
4. 15 pts Links between requirements
5. 5 pts User assumptions
6. 5 pts Consistent formatting
The requirements will be graded by checking if they meet the qualities discussed in class unambiguous, complete, consistent, verifiable, and traceable.
most business requirements have at least one functional or nonfunctional requirement linked to it
be sure to look up any terms that you dont already know

start with business requirements or by asking yourself what does the client really want? why do they want it?
the requirements process is a back and forth between you and the client so feel free to get direct feedback on your work in progress requirements
its okay to make assumptions about the underlying system it should use mysql, or be written in node, or be hosted on AWS, etc just be sure to document these assumptions
its okay to make an educated guess at what the client wants and verify it with them later this is advised since it can help speed up the process
Project Description
Project Narrative
As the Director of Undergraduate Studies, DUS, Dr. Jaromczyk would like you to create a website for instructors to upload student learning outcome, SLO, information. This website should streamline the process of preparing course portfolios and assist in the accreditation renewal process with ABET. By providing professors an easy to use online interface, there should be an increase in the number of professors reporting SLO evaluations. To assist our users, guides and information documents should be readily available so that every professor can find answers to their questions. In addition there should be an emphasis that the professor is entering SLO evaluations not assignment grades. The difference being that assignment grades can be curved but an evaluation is supposed to show the ground truth. Meaning that a class which accomplished the task of teaching their assigned SLO would have students primarily meeting the expectations, not exceeding. In addition the website should emphasize that these reports are important to understand how well a course is preparing students and is not an evaluation of the professor. All of this should ensure that data entered by the professor is accurate and that expectations from the department on the professor are consistent.
Of course, since this is educational information all federal rules and regulations must be taken to keep the data secure and to keep the identities of each student anonymous.
Process Narrative
To satisfy ABET requirements each professor will first be assigned specific student learning outcomes from the DUS. Then throughout the semester the professor will evaluate their students on each outcome at least three times. Each of the three evaluations per outcome are called artifacts. An important note is that artifacts can be shared across different student learning objects. When the professor goes into the system to upload these evaluated student learning objectives, they must randomly select a group of students. The size of these groups must be the minimum of 10 of the class or 10 students. Then for each student in the group their artifact and evaluation score must be uploaded. The professor is done when the correct

number of artifacts have been uploaded for each student learning objective. After a predefined period has ended all course portfolios for that associated semester are marked as read only.
Process Outputs
One zip file per class
a class score computed as the average of the student learning outcome scores
For each student learning outcome
nameless student submissions with rubric and evaluation
number of students in each category exceeds, meets, partially, not
an artifact score computed as theof students who meet or exceeded the
expectations for that artifact
a student learning outcome score computed as the average of the three artifact
Additional Notes
While creating a streamlined tool for the entire university would be immensely beneficial, the scope of this project will only include the Computer Science department.
Login for this system should be handled through linkblue.
The student learning outcomes for CS students are…
SO1. Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other
relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
SO2. Design, implement, and evaluate a computingbased solution to meet a given set of
computing requirements in the context of the program?s discipline.
SO3. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
SO4. Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing
practice based on legal and ethical principles.
SO5. Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to
the program?s discipline.
SO6. Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce
computingbased solutions.


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[SOLVED] 代写 software theory CS498 Final Project phase 1
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