[SOLVED] 代写 html Java javascript python database graph software CSE115 Project 2

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CSE115 Project 2
Fall 2019 edition
In this project you will again build a small web application.Unlike project 1 we are giving you more freedom to choose a dataset that is meaningful to you, as well as the visualizations that make sense for your dataset.You are also expected to incorporate more UI components in the front end of the web app, so that the user can interact with the app to affect the visualizations.

The application will be complete with a JavaScript visualization in the front end of the application, and a Pythonbased web server back end that provides cleaned and filtered data to the front end.

Like project 1, this project will involve a fair amount of work. Use your project 1 submission as a starting point for building your project 2.You may use our solution to project 1 as the basis for building your project 2 if you wish.This is not, however, a requirement.

Because each students project is unique to them, there is no autograding available.The project is worth 60 points overall, with weight given as shown below.

Data set
Choose a data set that you can retrieve in JSON format from an approved site; for the purposes of this project we will NOT approve of other data sources.

Open Government Portal Canada
IEXfinancial data
Open Food Facts
Recipe Puppy

Front end visualization
Your web application must produce at least two distinct plot.ly visualizationsneither can be a bar graph, line graph, scatter plot.See https:plot.lyjavascript for options.

Front end user controls
Your web application must incorporate some form of user input in the front end.

One input must be sent to the back end web server where it is used to select, constrain, filter, manipulate the data being visualized in some way.

For example, if your chosen data set spans multiple years, allow a user to select a specific year to focus on.

This must involve at least one POST request to server.

The other input may be sent to the back end web server, or it may be used in the front end, to affect some change in the visualization.

For example, if your visualization has two axes, x and y, clicking a button could interchange the data and titles for the x and y axes.

This need not involve a POST request, though it may.It could be handled entirely within the front end.

Back end data processing
The back end of the web application must be able to download a fresh copy of the data from its original data source, and then cache the data locally in a SQLite database or a CSV file but not bothsee below for point weight of these two options.
All data processing e.g. cleaning of data e.g. removing data elements lacking a relevant property, filtering e.g. selecting data for a specific year, computing derived values from the raw data e.g. computing the number of data entries must happen in the back end.

Submissions are due for all students no later than 8:00 AM on December 2.No extensions will be possible.

Grading Process
Grading will be done via demos to TAs in the first half of each lab that week with the second half of lab devoted to lab exam 4 makeup.Demos will be strictly limited to 4 minutes each.
You will demo the code in your last AutoLab submissionNO EXCEPTIONS.

We reserve the right to also inspect the underlying code of any students submission before assigning a final grade.

All submissions will be screen by software tools for inappropriate collaboration.
Point Breakdown
Front end30 points
HTMLmax 10 points
Basic HTML structure
script tags for codelibrary retrieval
div tags for graphs
body onload…
Input elements
JavaScriptmax 20 points
AJAX requests GET and POST
Callback functions
Back end30 points
Web Server behaviorPythonmax 10 points
Correct bottle routes and request handling10 points
Application codePythonmax 20 points
Data retrieval from JSON source5 points
Local data caching choose exactly one approach
CSV file5 points
SQLite database10 points
Data cleaning and processing for presentation to front end5 points


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[SOLVED] 代写 html Java javascript python database graph software CSE115 Project 2
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