[SOLVED] 代写 game GUI python graph Constraints:

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Do not use the input function anywhere in your code. It will break our grading scripts and result in major point penalties.
You must actually use the Pokemon class that you create by instantiating it and accessing it as some point in your code i.e., dont just create the class but then do the whole assignment without using it

Problem A. 60 pointsPokemon Safari GUI
In this assignment, you will be creating a graphical user interface GUI that allows the user to play Pokmon Safari, a simple minigame within Pokmon in which the player has a set number of Safari balls to use to catch as many Pokmon as possible.There are no battles within this minigame, so the user must do one of the following each turn:

Throw a Safari ball at the Pokmon to try and capture it, which has a random chance of success that depends on the Pokmons species.
Run away and find another Pokmon.
Extra Credit: Throw a rock at the Pokmon, which increases the chance of capture but also increases the chance that the Pokmon will run away on its turn.
Extra Credit: Throw bait at the Pokmon, which decreases the chance of capture but also decreases the chance that the Pokmon will run away on its turn.

You only need to worry about the first two options for now; the last two can be implemented for extra credit, as explained below.

The hw12.zip file on Canvas contains everything you need to get started on this assignment, including:
hw12.py, a python file which contains the skeleton of your program, outlining the classes and methods required and providing details and hints for each one.
Note: currently there is a print statement at the top of every method in the SafariSimulator class that just declares that the method was run.You are encouraged to keep the print statements there, and add your own to help debug: we grade based on the GUI and not the printed output, so put in as many print statements as you want.
pokedex.csv, a CSV file which contains the dex number, name, catch rate, and speed of each of the 151 original species of Pokmon.
sprites, a folder which contains GIF images of each Pokmon, ordered by dex number.

Your program should do the following things see hw12.py for additional details:
You should create and use a Pokemon class with instance variables for the species name, dex number, catch rate, and speed. It should have a str method that returns the species name. Other methods and variables are up to you. Hint: you should design and test this class first, before writing any other code.
Read in pokedex.csv to get Pokmon names, dex numbers, catch rates, and speeds.
Keep track of the remaining safari balls, starting at 30, and stop the Safari adventure once that number reaches 0.
Keep track of all captured Pokmon.
Create appropriate buttons and label widgets as shown in the screenshot below.
Create a nextPokemon method that will display the image, catch probability, and name of another Pokmon, with the species chosen at random from the 151 possibilities listed in pokedex.csv. This method should be called immediately after initializing the widgets, if the user runs away from a Pokemon, or if the user caught the previous Pokmon.
Create a throwBall method that will attempt to capture the Pokmon using the probability value. The probability that a Pokemon will be caught can be determined using this formula:
mincatchRate1, 151449.5
where catchRate is this Pokmons catch rate from the csv file.
If the Pokmon is caught, it will store the Pokemon in the list of captured Pokemon, and call nextPokemon method to move onto the next wild Pokemon.
If it is not caught, it will display appropriate status message and let the user keep trying. If the number of balls reaches 0, it should call the endAdventure method.
Create an endAdventure method that will display the caught Pokmon or the message that no Pokmon were caught.

Your standard GUI should look like this:
Your endofadventure screen should look like this:

Checklist the Automated Feedback tests cant do much other than confirm that your file was named correctly and has no syntax errors for this assignment, so consider this a replacement for that system:
Pokemon Class
Has instance variables for species name, dex number, catch rate, and speed
Has an overloaded str method that returns the species name
Has any other instance variablesmethods you think would be useful
SafariSimulator init method
Read in the information from pokedex.csv, and store it in some collection list, dictionary, set, etc of Pokemon objects.
Have some way of keeping track of the number of Safari balls left
Have some way of keeping track of the caught Pokemon
Initialize any other instance variables you might need
Call the nextPokemon method after createWidgets to start the first Pokemon encounter
SafariSimulator createWidgets method
Create a Button for throwing a Safari Ball, and bind it to the throwBall method
Create a Label for the Pokemon sprite image
Create a Label for the Catch Probability
SafariSimulator nextPokemon method
Pick a random Pokemon out of the 151 possibilities
Update the message label to You encounter a wild species name
Update the catch probability label to the correct percentage
Make a PhotoImage object for the sprite of the current Pokemon, and save it to some instance variable
Update the image label to use the given PhotoImage object
SafariSimulator throwBall method
Generate a random number between 0 and 1 using random.random
Use that number to determine whether the Pokemon was caught see comments in throwBall for details
Update the throwButton text to reflect the fact that one Safari ball was used
Change the message label to Aargh! It escaped if the Pokemon was not caught
Call endAdventure if this was the last Safari Ball
Call nextPokemon if the Pokemon was caught
SafariSimulator endAdventure method
Display Youre out of balls, I hope you had fun! in one of the labels
Display the number of Pokmon caught, and the list of their names, in another label
Remove all other buttons and labels so that the user cant keep playing
Available extra credit: up to 10 points Additional Pokmon Safari Features
Note: you may do as many or as few of these as you want, but they have to be done in the order specified below.This does not require a separate submission: all of your code should be submitted as a single hw12.py file, but you must include a comment at the top of the file specifying which Extra Credit parts you have completed.

Part 1: 3 points possible In the real Pokmon Safari, Pokmon had a chance to run away from the trainer. Add this feature to the simulator, by calculating a Pokmons chance of running from the trainer and calling the nextPokemon method if the Pokmon runs this happens after the trainers turn: so if the Pokmon is caught then it doesnt get a chance to run. The method for calculating the likelihood of running is explained on this page http:www.dragonflycave.comsafarizone.aspx, but to summarize, the chance of running is going to be 2pokemons speed256 for this part of the extra credit though Part 2 will change this value.

The .csv includes the actual speed stat that you should use in your calculation basically, I calculated this assuming that each Pokmon is the same level. You should add another text label below the capture probability label specifying the likelihood of the Pokmon running away. You must also have some way to tell the difference within the GUI between moving on to a new Pokmon because the current one was caught, and moving on to a new one because the current one ran away: how to do this is up to you. You may ignore the rock throw or bait if youre only doing part 1 of the extra credit.

Part 2: 5 points possible In the real Pokmon Safari, the trainer has the opportunity to throw bait andor rocks at the Pokmon, affecting its likelihood of running and capture rate. How each probability is affected is explained on this page http:www.dragonflycave.comsafarizone.aspx, but to summarize:
You have infinite rocks and bait to throw, but doing so will take up your turn so the Pokmon gets a chance to run away before the player can throw another ball.Rocks make the Pokmon more likely to be caught but also more likely to run away, and Bait does the opposite.
Throwing a Rock makes the Pokmon angry for a random number of turns between 1 and 5 if it was already angry, then the number of turns that it has left being angry increases by that number
Throwing a Bait makes the Pokmon eating for a random number of turns between 1 and 5 if it was already eating, then the number of turns that it has left eating increases by that number
A Pokmon cant be simultaneously eating and angry, so doing one replaces the other in reality, its a bit more complex than this, but you can ignore that if you want.
If a Pokmon is angry, then:
Their chance to be caught doubles with each rock thrown, up to a maximum of 151449.5, or about 33.
Their chance of running away each turn is set to min255, 4pokemons speed256this does NOT get higher with each additional rock thrown while already angry.
If the Pokmon ever stops being angry because they run out of angry turns left, then the run and catch chances reset to the original values.
If a Pokmon is eating, then:
Their chance to be caught is halved with each bait thrown.
Their chance of running away each turn is set to intpokemons speed2256this does NOT get lower with each additional bait thrown while already eating.
If the Pokmon ever stops eating because they run out of eating turns left, then the run and catch chances reset to the original values.

You should add a Throw Rock and Throw Bait buttons and appropriate callback methods to respond to each action. The new probabilities of capture and running away should be reflected on each appropriate label message.

Part 3: 2 points possible So far, our program uses the simple pack layout manager and everything is laid out toptobottom. It would look nicer if everything could be laid out using the grid layout as sketched out below:

Throw Ball button
Throw Bait button
Throw Rock button
Run Away button
Message label with status text

Pokmon image

Message label with probability of catching
Message label with probability of running

You can modify the screen width in the DO NOT MODIFY area of the code if necessary to fit all of the buttons in neatly.


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[SOLVED] 代写 game GUI python graph Constraints:
30 $