[SOLVED] 代写 Java MapReduce 1. Problem statement

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1. Problem statement

A sample input file is given below. Each line corresponds to a point-of-interest (POI), which contains a keyword, coordinate values x and y (separated by white space).

park 3 5
lake 2 3
mall 1 4
park 2 4
lake 9 8
mall 2 7

We measure the distance between two points p1=(x1,y1) and p2=(x2,y2) by:
dist(p1, p2) = (x1 – x2)2 + (y1 – y2)2

Each keyword k is associated with a group G(k) of points.
[Example] The group of “park” contains two points: (3,5) and (2,4).

There are 2 questions in this programming assignment. 
You should write a MapReduce program to solve each of them.

Question Q1: Find the centroid (i.e., the mean position of points) of each group.
Input: the sample input above

Question Q2: Find the diameter (i.e., the maximum distance between any two points inside a group) of each group.
Input: the sample input above

2. Requirements

•Though MapReduce support multiple languages, in this assignment, you should use Java (Java 8) for implementation.

•You submission should be organized as follows

— Q1.java// source file for question 1
— Q1.jar// jar file for question 1, compiled and archived from Q1.java
— Q2.java// source file for question 2
— Q2.jar// jar file for question 2, compiled and archived from Q2.java

•Make sure that you can compile your source file and run with the latest Hadoop version’s (i.e., Hadoop 3.2.1) pseudo-distributed mode.

•Your jar file should be directly runnable on Linux platform with the following call:

bin/hadoop jar Q1.jar Q1
bin/hadoop jar Q2.jar Q2

•Your output result should preserve double precision.

•You should only use one MapReduce round to solve each sub-question.

•[Hint] You may use the Ubuntu image we provided for this assignment.
•Google drive:


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[SOLVED] 代写 Java MapReduce 1. Problem statement
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