[SOLVED] 代写 software Instruction

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The Term Project II
SE331 Component Based Software Development
You have already been set as a group of 23 people. As you have registered for the Learning through activity course, so now you will be assigned to do the application for the course. You have to implement on the git repository and deploy the application to your AWS virtual machine.
Brief Requirement
There are two parts of the requirements. The first part is the same requirements as the first project, and the second part is the requirement which is added in this project.
The First part of the requirements is described as followed.
There are three people who use the Learning Through Activity Management System LTAS, the administrator, student and teacher. For the activity management, the administrator has to register the activity details so that the students can attends the activity. The activity details include name of the activity, the location of the activity, the activity description, period of registration, the date and time of the activity, and the teacher who hosts the activity. The student can see all the activities. They can filter by activity name and can find the activity which will be organized between curtained period of time. They can enroll for their activity. After enrolment, they can see enrolled activities in the enrolled page. The activity is in pending mode until the teacher must confirmed the enrollment. After that the enrolled course for the student becomes confirm status. The teacher also can see all of their activity, and a list of students who enrolled their activity, and their status in order to change their status. The students need to register themselves to the system using their name, surname, the students image date of birth, student id, email as the username, and password with its confirmation. The administrator needs to check for the registered information and confirm their registration if the information is correct.
The second part of the requirements is described as followed.
There are 3 types of users, the administrator, student, and teacher. For each of them, when they login to the system. The profile must be on the top right of the screen. The profile includes the image of the user, name, and their role. When click at the image, the system will show 2 menus, the update profile, and logout. In the update profile. They can change their profile including password, and image. They cannot change their username. When the user clicks logout. They will log out to the system. There should be only 1 login page for every type of the users. After login, each user can see only the menu of which they can access. In addition, the students, and teachers can add the comments to the activity. In each comment, there will be the text, they can add the image, and the comment will show the name, and the profile image of the author. The administrator cannot add a new comment, but he can delete the comment.
The automate CD must be setup and you have to present your work from the VM.
The grading criteria

From the requirements, you have to implement using Angular framework with Angular Material, on the frontend, and connected with the backend. The page must be designed, and the service for each component must be designed. The proper entity relationship is also required. The proper page transition and the visualization must be shown.
there is a list of functions you have to implement; you have to implements check list. In each check list, the criteria are
The item in the checklist has been implemented
The item in the checklist has been implemented with a good UX
The item in the checklist has been implemented with a good UI design
The item in the checklist has been provided with the example data if any
The item in the check list shows the proper transition, or animation
If all above criteria are marked, if you can show some special criteria can be surplus
Your score will be divided by the proportion of your distribution in the GitLab repository. So, plan wisely. And do not forget to invite me to your Gitlab repo.
When you create your repository, please start the repository name by the word SE331Project, and update you readme.md to give me your information.
In the readme.md page, please list your name, your id, and your Gitlab id.
Project Presentation
The presentation will be on 5th December at my office
You have to book your presentation time on 2th December on the place which I will announce later.
You will have 20 minutes to present your work, and answer some of my question. If your presentation is over 20 minutes, the presentation after that will not be counted. All negotiation for your score must also in that 20 minutes.


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[SOLVED] 代写 software Instruction
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