[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm python 1 General presentation

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1 General presentation
Assignment 2 COMP9021, Term 3, 2019
You will design and implement a program that will
• analyse the various characteristics of a maze, represented by a particular coding of its basic con- stituents into numbers stored in a file whose contents is read, and
• – either display those characteristics
– or output some Latex code in a file, from which a pictorial representation of the maze can be
The representation of the maze is based on a coding with the four digits 0, 1, 2 and 3 such that
• 0 codes points that are connected to neither their right nor below neighbours
• 1 codes points that are connected to their right neighbours but not to their below ones:
• 2 codes points that are connected to their below neighbours but not to their right ones:
• 3 codes points that are connected to both their right and below neighbours:
A point that is connected to none of their left, right, above and below neighbours represents a pillar: Analysing the maze will allow you to also represent:
• cul-de-sacs:
• certain kinds of paths:
2 Examples
2.1 First example
The file named maze_1.txt has the following contents.

10221230 32212022 30113100 20300120 32201232 10011000
Here is a possible interaction:
$ python3

>>> from maze import *
>>> maze = Maze(‘maze_1.txt’)
>>> maze.analyse()
The maze has 12 gates.
The maze has 8 sets of walls that are all connected.
The maze has 2 inaccessible inner points.
The maze has 4 accessible areas.
The maze has 3 sets of accessible cul-de-sacs that are all connected.
The maze has a unique entry-exit path with no intersection not to cul-de-sacs.
>>> maze.display()
The effect of executing maze.display() is to produce a file named maze_1.tex that can be given as argument to pdflatex to produce a file named maze_1.pdf that views as follows.

2.2 Second example
The file named maze_2.txt has the following contents.
Here is a possible interaction:
$ python3

>>> from maze import *
>>> maze = Maze(‘maze_2.txt’)
>>> maze.analyse()
The maze has 20 gates.
The maze has 4 sets of walls that are all connected.
The maze has 4 inaccessible inner points.
The maze has 13 accessible areas.
The maze has 11 sets of accessible cul-de-sacs that are all connected.
The maze has 5 entry-exit paths with no intersections not to cul-de-sacs.
>>> maze.display()
The effect of executing maze.display() is to produce a file named maze_2.tex that can be given as argument to pdflatex to produce a file named maze_2.pdf that views as follows.

2.3 Third example
The file named labyrinth.txt has the following contents.
Here is a possible interaction:
$ python3

>>> from maze import *
>>> maze = Maze(‘labyrinth.txt’)
>>> maze.analyse()
The maze has 2 gates.
The maze has 2 sets of walls that are all connected.
The maze has no inaccessible inner point.
The maze has a unique accessible area.
The maze has 8 sets of accessible cul-de-sacs that are all connected.
The maze has a unique entry-exit path with no intersection not to cul-de-sacs.
>>> maze.display()
The effect of executing maze.display() is to produce a file named labyrinth.tex that can be given as argument to pdflatex to produce a file named labyrinth.pdf that views as follows.

3 Detailed description 3.1 Input
The input is expected to consist of ydim lines of xdim members of {0, 1, 2, 3}, where xdim and ydim are at least equal to 2 and at most equal to 31 and 41, respectively, with possibly lines consisting of spaces only that will be ignored and with possibly spaces anywhere on the lines with digits. If n is the xth digit of theyth linewithdigits,with0≤x


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[SOLVED] 代写 algorithm python 1 General presentation
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