[SOLVED] R Data Project Chapter 8/11


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Data Project Chapter 8/11
Open the worksheet that you created for the previous step of the project. Save the following steps in a new tab of the same worksheet. Save the file for the next portion of the project. You will submit the final project at the end of the semester.
Use a random number generator to randomly select 50 of the values for each of the two data sets.

Calculate the mean and standard deviation of each.

Use a two sample hypothesis test to determine if the prime bank rate is 3 percentage points higher on average than the fed funds rate.

Using the same 50 randomly selected values for each of the two data sets, construct a scatter plot with the fed funds rate on the x axis and the prime rate on the y axis.Calculate the R and R squared value.Interpret your results.

Does the fed funds rate do a good job of predicting the prime rate?Why or why not?

Do the dates you used for your analysis matter here? Did you used paired values in your random selection, or did you use 50 randomly selected values, and how would that difference matter when you do regression analysis?


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[SOLVED] R Data Project Chapter 8/11