[SOLVED] graph General Description:


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General Description:
Project 1.3: finish the Scanner
Using either your code for projects 1.1 (Symbol Table) and 1.2 (Scanner: getNextLexeme()), or my code for these, finish the Scanner (scanner.cpp) by implementing the getNextToken() method.
If you use your own code, the minimum requirements are:
your project must compile/execute using the given test.cpp main() program, without changes.
your project must include the public methods of the given scanner class (scanner.h)
your project must include the public methods of the given token class (token.h).
If you implement your own token::getPrintString(), it should use the same values in the same
format as the given method. This is for testing and grading purposes. If you believe you need a variance on this, email the instructor.
getNextToken() is to combine getNextLexeme() and the Symbol Table to finish the Scanner. The method returns a token, made up of an Id and a Symbol Table Reference (ref). In general:
lex = GetNexLexeme()
if the lexeme is a Reserved Word or Symbol
o id = one of TOK_res_wd_or_symbol
o ref = NULL
else (the lexeme is NOT a Reserved Word or Symbol)
o ref = insert lexeme into symbol table
o id = Lit or Ident TOK (after inserting in the Symbol Table, use ref->getCategory() and
translate into the corresponding TOK_ value)
My symbol table implementation: symbol.h, symbol.cpp, symTbl.h, symTbl.cpp
My scanner implementation (through proj 1.2): scanner.h, scanner.cpp, fsa.h
If you use the given code, your project 1.3 is to finish the getNextToken() method. Add private submethods as needed.
My token implementation: token.h, token.cpp
Test Input Files: prw.txt, lexerror.txt
My completed project 1.3 executable: jscan
Compilation: your project should compile on a MULTILAB machine using:
g++ *.cpp o scan (when there is no make file in your submission) or
make (when there is a make file in your submission)
Zip all files needed to compile/execute your program as described in the previous paragraph. Submit the .zip file in Canvas.
Given Files:


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[SOLVED] graph General Description: