[SOLVED] 代写 C data structure algorithm game MIPS assembly statistic CSE 220: Systems Fundamentals I

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CSE 220: Systems Fundamentals I
Stony Brook University
Programming Project #3
Fall 2019
Assignment Due: Friday, November 15, 2019 by 11:59 pm
Updates to the Document:
• 10/29/2019: Under “Data Structures” I have clarified how the O-piece and I-piece should be represented when rotated.
Learning Outcomes
After completion of this programming project you should be able to:
• Implement non-trivial algorithms that require conditional execution and iteration.
• Design and code functions that implement the MIPS assembly register conventions. • Implement algorithms that process structs and 2D arrays of bytes.
• Read files from disk and build data structures based on their contents.
Getting Started
Visit Piazza and download the file proj3.zip. Decompress the file and then open proj3.zip. Fill in the following information at the top of proj3.asm:
1. your first and last name as they appear in Blackboard 2. your Net ID (e.g., jsmith)
3. your Stony Brook ID # (e.g., 111999999)
Having this information at the top of the file helps us locate your work. If you forget to include this information but don’t remember until after the deadline has passed, don’t worry about it – we will track down your submission.
Inside proj3.asm you will find several function stubs that consist simply of jr $ra instructions. Your job in this assignment is implement all the functions as specified below. Do not change the function names, as the grading scripts will be looking for functions of the given names. However, you may implement additional helper functions of your own, but they must be saved in proj3.asm. Helper functions will not be graded.
If you are having difficulty implementing these functions, write out pseudocode or implement the functions in a higher-level language first. Once you understand the algorithm and what steps to perform, then translate the logic into MIPS assembly code.
Be sure to initialize all of your values (e.g., registers) within your functions. Never assume registers or memory will hold any particular values (e.g., zero). MARS initializes all of the registers and bytes of main memory to
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zeroes. The grading scripts will fill the registers and/or main memory with random values before calling your functions.
Finally, do not define a .data section in your proj3.asm file. A submission that contains a .data section will probably receive a score of zero.
Important Information about CSE 220 Homework Assignments
• Read the entire homework documents twice before starting. Questions posted on Piazza whose answers are clearly stated in the documents will be given lowest priority by the course staff.
• You must use the Stony Brook version of MARS posted on Blackboard. Do not use the version of MARS posted on the official MARS website. The Stony Brook version has a reduced instruction set, added tools, and additional system calls you might need to complete the homework assignments.
• When writing assembly code, try to stay consistent with your formatting and to comment as much as possible. It is much easier for your TAs and the professor to help you if we can quickly figure out what your code does.
• You personally must implement the programming projects in MIPS Assembly language by yourself. You may not write or use a code generator or other tools that write any MIPS code for you. You must manually write all MIPS assembly code you submit as part of the assignments.
• Do not copy or share code. Your submissions will be checked against other submissions from this semester and from previous semesters.
• Do not submit a file with the function/label main defined. You are also not permitted to start your label names with two underscores (__). You will obtain a zero for an assignment if you do this.
• Submit your final .asm file to Blackboard by the due date and time. Late work will not be accepted or graded. Code that crashes and cannot be graded will earn no credit. No changes to your submission will be permitted once the deadline has passed.
How Your CSE 220 Assignments Will Be Graded
With minor exceptions, all aspects of your homework submissions will be graded entirely through automated means. Grading scripts will execute your code with input values (e.g., command-line arguments, function argu- ments) and will check for expected results (e.g., print-outs, return values, etc.) For this homework assignment you will be writing functions in assembly language. The functions will be tested independently of each other. This is very important to note, as you must take care that no function you write ever has side-effects or requires that other functions be called before the function in question is called. Both of these are generally considered bad practice in programming.
Some other items you should be aware of:
• Each test case must execute in 1,000,000 instructions or fewer. Efficiency is an important aspect of program- ming. This maximum instruction count will be increased in cases where a complicated algorithm might be necessary, or a large data structure must be traversed. To find the instruction count of your code in MARS, go to the Tools menu and select Instruction Statistics. Press the button marked Connect to MIPS. Then assemble and run your code as normal.
• Any excess output from your program (debugging notes, etc.) might impact grading. Do not leave erroneous CSE 220 – Fall 2019 Programming Project #3 2

print-outs in your code.
• We will provide you with a small set of test cases for each assignment to give you a sense of how your work will be graded. It is your responsibility to test your code thoroughly by creating your own test cases.
• The testing framework we use for grading your work will not be released, but the test cases and expected results used for testing will be released.
Register Conventions
You must follow the register conventions taught in lecture and reviewed in recitation. Failure to follow them will result in loss of credit when we grade your work. Here is a brief summary of the register conventions and how your use of them will impact grading:
• It is the callee’s responsibility to save any $s registers it overwrites by saving copies of those registers on the stack and restoring them before returning.
• If a function calls a secondary function, the caller must save $ra before calling the callee. In addition, if the caller wants a particular $a, $t or $v register’s value to be preserved across the secondary function call, the best practice would be to place a copy of that register in an $s register before making the function call.
• A function which allocates stack space by adjusting $sp must restore $sp to its original value before returning.
• Registers $fp and $gp are treated as preserved registers for the purposes of this course. If a function modifies one or both, the function must restore them before returning to the caller. There really is no reason for your code to touch the $gp register, so leave it alone.
The following practices will result in loss of credit:
• “Brute-force” saving of all $s registers in a function or otherwise saving $s registers that are not overwrit- ten by a function.
• Callee-saving of $a, $t or $v registers as a means of “helping” the caller.
• “Hiding” values in the $k, $f and $at registers or storing values in main memory by way of offsets to $gp. This is basically cheating or at best, a form of laziness, so don’t do it. We will comment out any such code we find.
How to Test Your Functions
To test your implementated functions, open the provided main files in MARS. Next, assemble the main file and run it. MARS will include the contents of any .asm files referenced with the .include directive(s) at the end of the file and then add the contents of your proj3.asm file before assembling the program.
Each main file calls a single function with one of the sample test cases and prints any return value(s). You will need to change the arguments passed to the functions to test your functions with the other cases. To test each of your functions thoroughly, create your own test cases in those main files. Your submission will not be graded using the examples provided in this document or using the provided main file(s). Do not submit your main files to Blackboard – we will delete them.
Again, any modifications to the main files will not be graded. You will submit only your proj3.asm for CSE 220 – Fall 2019 Programming Project #3 3

grading. Make sure that all code required for implementing your functions is included in the proj3.asm file. To make sure that your code is self-contained, try assembling your proj3.asm file by itself in MARS. If you get any errors (such as a missing label), this means that you need to refactor (reorganize) your code, possibly by moving labels you inadvertently defined in a main file (e.g., a helper function) to proj3.asm.
A Reminder on How Your Work Will be Graded
It is imperative (crucial, essential, necessary, critically important) that you implement the functions below exactly as specified. Do not deviate from the specifications, even if you think you are implementing the program in a better way. Modify the contents of memory only as described in the function specifications!
Welcome to MIPS Tetris!
In this assignment you will be implementing a collection of functions to support the implementation of a version of Tetris, the classic video game from the 1980s. These functions depend on two data structures, described next.
Data Structures
In this assignment, you will familiarize yourself with a feature of the C programming language known as the struct. A struct is a composite data type that is used to group variables under one name in a contiguous block of memory.
struct GameState {
unsigned byte num_rows; // byte #0 of the struct
unsigned byte num_cols; // byte #1 of the struct
char[][] field; // bytes #2, #3, … of the struct
// represents a Tetris game piece — always 8 bytes in size
struct Piece {
unsigned byte num_rows; // byte #0 of the struct
unsigned byte num_cols; // byte #1 of the struct
char[][] blocks;// bytes #2, #3, … , #7 of the struct
The GameState struct represents the state of the game field during a particular snapshot in time. A capital letter ‘O’ represents an occupied “slot” in the game field, whereas a period, ‘.’ represents an empty slot. The attributes num_rows and num_cols record the dimensions of the field. Rows are numbered 0 through num_rows-1, where row #0 is the topmost row in the field. Columns are numbered 0 through num_cols-1, left to right. The characters inside the field attribute are stored in row-major-order. For example, the 6 × 8 game field depicted below
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would be represented by the following 50-byte struct. Quotation marks around the ‘O’ and ‘.’ characters have been omitted for clarity:
A Tetris game piece (“tetromino”) is represented by the Piece data type and uses exactly 6 bytes for the blocks
array. So, for example, the T-shaped piece depicted below
would be stored in the 8-byte struct as 2 3 ’O’ ’O’ ’O’ ’.’ ’O’ ’.’. The blocks that make up the piece are stored in row-major-order inside the attribute called blocks.
There are seven tetromino shapes: O, I, S, Z, L, J, T. Shown below is how each is represented as a small 2D grid (with some rotated 90◦ clockwise one or more times).
Even though the O-piece and I-piece could conceivably be stored using only 6 bytes total per struct, our struct will always use 8 bytes to represent a game piece. Below are examples of how these structs are stored in MIPS:
# T piece
.byte 2
.byte 3
.ascii “OOO.O.”
# O piece
.byte 2
.byte 2
.ascii “OOOO..”
Note that both data types (GameState and Piece) are fundamentally the same: two 1-byte integers followed by an array of characters. This means that for several of the functions below (specifically, initialize, get slot and set slot) you will see two function prototypes for each function, but keep in mind that you will implement only one version of each function that will work properly for both data types.
Added October 29, 2019:
Please note the following. The O-piece is always represented as follows, regardless of how many times it has been rotated:
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2 2 “OOOO..”
and I-piece has only two valid representations:
4 1 “OOOO..”
1 4 “OOOO..”
The following are incorrect representations of the I-piece: 4 1 “..OOOO”
1 4 “..OOOO”
Part I: Initialize the Game State
int, int initialize(GameState* state, int num_rows, int num_cols,
char character)
int, int initialize(Piece* Piece, int num_rows, int num_cols,
char character)
This function takes the address of an uninitialized, but allocated, region of memory and sets the num_rows and num_cols fields of a struct that will be stored in that region of memory. Starting at byte #2 of the struct, it fills the following num_rows*num_cols bytes with the value character. The notation GameState* represents a pointer (i.e., address) to a GameState struct. We are borrowing this syntax from the C language.
The function may assume that sufficient memory has been allocated to store num_rows*num_cols instances of character in memory. In cases where an invalid argument has been provided (specifically, num_rows or num_cols is invalid), the function must make no changes whatsoever to memory.
The function takes the following arguments, in this order:
• state or piece: the address of a uninitialized GameState or Piece struct, respectively
• num_rows: the value to be written in the num_rows attribute of the struct referenced by the first argument
• num_cols: the value to be written in the num_cols attribute of the struct referenced by the first argument
• character: the value to be written in the num_rows*num_cols bytes starting at offset 2 with respect to the starting address of the struct
Returns in $v0:
• num_rows if num_rows > 0, or -1 on error
Returns in $v1:
• num_cols if num_cols > 0, or -1 on error
Additional requirements:
• The function must not write any changes to main memory except as required by the function.
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Example #1 (initializing a GameState struct):
Function call: initialize(pointer, 8, 6, ’x’)
Expectedreturnvalues:8, 6
Expected contents of field: “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”
Example #2 (initializing a Piece struct):
Function call: initialize(pointer, 2, 3, ’.’) Expectedreturnvalues:2, 3
Expected contents of blocks: “……”
Example #3 (invalid arguments):
Function call: initialize(pointer, -4, 7, ’A’)
Expectedreturnvalues:-1, -1
Expected contents of field/blocks: unchanged from initial contents, whatever those happened to be
Part II: Load a Saved Game from Disk
int, int load_game(GameState* state, string filename)
The load_game function attempts to read the contents of the file named filename, formatted as described
below, and uses the contents to initialize the given (uninitialized) GameState struct:
# of rows (always 1 or 2 digits)
# of columns (always 1 or 2 digits)
contents of the game field (O or . characters normally)
The number of rows and the number of columns will always be in the range 2 − 99, given as one-digit or two-digit numbers, as appropriate (e.g., 8, 24). For values in the range 2 − 9 no leading zero is provided. The number of characters for the game field will always be exactly num rows * num cols. The newline characters at the end of each line are not included in this count.
As an example, below is the contents of game1.txt. The game file contains 72 ‘O’ characters and 5 invalid characters.
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The function updates the attributes num_rows and num_cols based on what is given in the file. As the function reads the contents of the game field provided in the file, it should expect to see only ‘O’ and ‘.’ characters. Each such valid character is written directly into the field grid. Whenever the function encounters a character not equal to one of these, it writes a ‘.’ into the corresponding spot instead of the invalid character. So, for example, for the sample file shown above, the 2D state.field would be initialized as follows:
Note how the 5 invalid characters in the file have been replaced with periods in memory. Also, no newline characters are stored in state.field and no memory will be provided to store them. The function may assume thatexactly2 + numrows * numcolsbyteshavebeenallocatedtostoretheGameStatestruct.Thetwo bytes that indicate the number of rows and columns must be stored at bytes 0 and 1 of the struct, respectively.
To assist with reading and writing files, MARS has several system calls:
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Code in $v0
open file
$a0 = address of null-terminated file- name string
$a1 = flags
$a2 = mode
$v0 contains file descriptor (negative if error)
read from file
$a0 = file descriptor
$a1 = address of input buffer
$a2 = maximum # of characters to read
$v0 contains # of characters read (0 if end-of-file, negative if error)
close file
$a0 = file descriptor
Service 13: MARS implements three flag values: 0 for read-only, 1 for write-only with create, and 9 for write- only with create and append. It ignores mode. The returned file descriptor will be negative if the operation failed. MARS maintains file descriptors internally and allocates them starting with 3. File descriptors 0, 1 and 2 are always open for reading from standard input, writing to standard output, and writing to standard error, respectively. An example of how to use these syscalls can be found on the MARS syscall web page.
The function must assume that every line of the file ends only with a ‘
’ character, not the two-character combination “r
” employed in Microsoft Windows. If you create your own files for testing purposes, use MARS to edit the files. If you are developing on a Windows computer, do not use a regular text editor like Notepad. Such an editor will insert both endline characters. In contrast, MARS will insert only a ‘
’ at the end of each line, so only use MARS to create custom game files.
Read the contents of the file one character at a time using system call #14. This system call requires a memory buffer to hold the character read from disk. You should allocate one byte of memory on the stack (by adjusting $sp) to store that byte temporarily. Discard newline characters as you read them and do not store them in the GameState struct. Finally, remember to reset $sp once you have finished reading the file contents and to close the file with system call #16.
MARS can be a little buggy when it comes to opening files. Therefore, either:
• put all your .asm and game files in the same directory as the MARS .jar file, or
• use absolute path names when giving the filename in your testing mains. The function takes the following arguments, in this order:
• state: a pointer to an uninitialized GameState struct that the function will initialize based on the contents of a saved-game file
• filename: the name of the file containing the state of a game of Tetris Returns in $v0:
• the number of O’s read from the file, or -1 if a file of the given name does not exist Returns in $v1:
• the number of invalid characters read from the file , or -1 if a file of the given name does not exist Additional requirements:
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• The function must not write any changes to main memory except as required by the function. Part III: Get the Character in a Particular Slot in the Game Field
char get_slot(GameState* state, int row, int col)
char get_slot(Piece* piece, int row, int col)
This function returns the character at state.field[row][col] or piece.blocks[row][col], de- pending on whether the first argument to the function points to a GameState or Piece struct. Note that because both structs have the same underlying structure, the function doesn’t need to “know” which type of struct it is processing. If row is outside the valid range or col is outside the valid range for the given GameState or Piece struct, the function returns -1. For instance, for a GameState struct, the valid range for the row argument would be [0, state.num_rows).
The function takes the following arguments, in this order:
• state or piece: the address of a GameState or Piece struct, respectively
• row: the row of the field array (for a GameState struct) or blocks array (for a Piece struct) from where we want to read a character
• col: the column of the field array (for a GameState struct) or blocks array (for a Piece struct) from where we want to read a character
Returns in $v0:
• thecharacterlocatedatstate.field[row][col]orpiece.blocks[row][col],asappropriate,
or -1 for the error condition explained above Additional requirements:
• The function must not write any changes to main memory.
Example #1 (getting a value from a GameState struct): Function arguments:
Struct loaded from game2.txt:
row = 3
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col = 4
Return value: 46 (ASCII value of the period character)
Example #2 (invalid arguments: row ≥ num_rows): Function arguments:
Struct loaded from game2.txt:
row = 3 col = 11
Return value: -1
Example #3 (invalid arguments: row ≥ num_rows): Function arguments:
O-piece (visualized in 1-D):
2 OOOO..
row = 0 col = 2
Return value: -1
Part IV: Set the Character in a Particular Slot in the Game Field
char set_slot(GameState* state, int row, int col, char character)
char set_slot(Piece* piece, int row, int col, char character)
This function changes the character at state.field[row][col] or piece.blocks[row][col] to character, depending on whether the first argument to the function is a GameState or Piece struct. Note that because both structs have the same underlying structure, the function doesn’t need to “know” which type of
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struct it is processing. If row is outside the valid range or col is outside the valid range for the given GameState or Piece struct, the function returns -1 and makes no changes to main memory. For instance, for a GameState struct, the valid range for the row argument would be [0, state.num_rows). Otherwise, the function returns character. The function does not validate the value of character (i.e., it should not check if the character is ‘.’ or ‘O’ before writing it).
The function takes the following arguments, in this order:
• state or piece: the address of a GameState or Piece struct, respectively
• row: the row of the field array (for a GameState struct) or blocks array (for a Piece struct) where we want to write a character
• col: the column of the field array (for a GameState struct) or blocks array (for a Piece struct) where we want to write a character
• character: the character to be written Returns in $v0:
• character if row is a valid row number for the given GameState or Piece struct and col is a valid column number for the struct. Otherwise, -1 for the error condition explained above.
Additional requirements:
• The function must not write any changes to main memory except as required by the function.
Example #1 (getting a value from a GameState struct): Function arguments:
Struct loaded from game2.txt:
row = 3
col = 4
character = ’X’
Return value: 88 (ASCII value of the X character) Updated state of the struct:
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Example #2 (invalid arguments: row ≥ num_rows): Function arguments:
Struct loaded from game2.txt:
row = 9
col = 4
character = ’X’
Return value: -1. The contents of the struct remain unchanged.
Part V: Rotate a Game Piece
int rotate(Piece* piece, int rotation, Piece* rotated_piece)
This function rotates a game piece, given in the argument piece, saving the rotated piece in rotated_piece. The original value of piece remains unchanged. The value rotation indicates the number of times that the piece should be rotated 90◦ clockwise. The function returns rotation if the rotation was successful, and returns -1 if rotation is negative. Examples below will help to clarify what the function does.
The function takes the following arguments, in this order:
• piece: the address of a Piece struct
• rotation: the number of 90◦ clockwise turns that should be performed
• rotated_piece: the address of a buffer to write the rotated version of piece
Returns in $v0:
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• rotation if rotation ≥ 0, or -1 on error Additional requirements:
• The function must call initialize, get_slot and set_slot.
• The function must not write any changes to main memory except as required by the function.
Example #1 (rotating a T piece 90◦ clockwise one time):
Function arguments:
piece = 2 3 “OOO.O.”
rotation = 1
rotated_piece = “HUJ2na6x” (8 bytes of uninitialized memory)
piece.blocks visualized as a 2D structure: OOO
Contents of rotated_piece after the function call:
3 2 “.OOO.O”
rotated_piece.blocks visualized as a 2D structure:
.O OO .O
Return value: 1
Example #2 (rotating an I piece 90◦ clockwise three times):
Function arguments:
piece = 1 4 “OOOO..”
rotation = 3
rotated_piece = “LKJmy4h2” (8 bytes of uninitialized memory)
piece.blocks visualized as a “2D” structure: OOOO..
Contents of rotated_piece after the function call: 4 1 “OOOO..”
rotated_piece.blocks visualized as a 2D structure:
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Return value: 3
Example #3 (rotating a J piece 90◦ clockwise 13 times):
Function arguments:
piece = 3 2 “.O.OOO”
rotation = 13
rotated_piece = “97h;12!f” (8 bytes of uninitialized memory)
piece.blocks visualized as a 2D structure:
.O .O OO
Contents of rotated_piece after the function call:
2 3 “O..OOO”
rotated_piece.blocks visualized as a 2D structure: O..
Return value: 13
Example #4 (invalid value for rotation):
Function arguments:
piece = 3 2 “.O.OOO”
rotation = -5
rotated_piece = “GB8uJnHG” (8 bytes of uninitialized memory)
piece.blocks visualized as a 2D structure:
.O .O OO
Contents of rotated_piece after the function call (unchanged):
71 66 “8uJnHG” (71 and 66 are the ASCII codes of G and B)
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Return value: -1
Part VI: Count How Many Blocks Overlap Between a Game Piece and the Game Field
int count_overlaps(GameState* state, int row, int col, Piece* piece)
This function takes a game piece and determines how many of its non-empty blocks overlap with non-empty blocks in state.field. The overall purpose of the function is to help determine whether the game piece is in a valid position within the game field. This function will be used later to help simulate dropping a piece into the game field and to determine when it will stop (i.e., it has collided with pieces already in the game board). The indices row and col provide the the position of the upper-left corner of piece.blocks inside of state.field. If these coordinates place any element of the piece.blocks array outside the bounds of the game field, the function returns -1. Otherwise, the function returns the number of blocks of piece.blocks that overlap with state.field. This number must be in the range 0 − 4. Note that the contents of state and piece must remain unchanged.
The function takes the following arguments, in this order:
• state: the address of a GameState struct
• row: the row of the topmost block of the piece
• col: the column of the leftmost block of the piece • piece: the address of a Piece struct
Returns in $v0:
• The number of blocks of piece.blocks that overlap with state.field, or -1 on error
Additional requirements:
• The function must call get_slot.
• The function must not write any changes to main memory. Examples:
In the figures below, an X is used to visualize those positions where the game piece overlaps with the game field.
Example #1 (no overlapping blocks):
Function arguments (GameState struct loaded from game2.txt):
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row = 1 col = 4
Visualization of the piece placed into the game field:
Return value: 0
Example #2 (some overlapping blocks):
Function arguments (GameState struct loaded from game2.txt):
row = 3 col = 2
Visualization of the piece placed into the game field:
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Return value: 3
Example #3 (some overlapping blocks):
Function arguments (GameState struct loaded from game2.txt):
row = 4 col = 0
Visualization of the piece placed into the game field:
Return value: 4
Example #4 (invalid placement: part of the piece is outside the bounds of the game field):
Function arguments (GameState struct loaded from game2.txt):
row = 5 col = 2
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Return value: -1
Example #5 (invalid placement: part of the piece is outside the bounds of the game field):
Function arguments (GameState struct loaded from game2.txt):
row = 2 col = 8
Return value: -1
Example #6 (invalid row number):
Function arguments (GameState struct loaded from game2.txt):
row = -3 col = 2
Return value: -1
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Example #7 (invalid column number):
Function arguments (GameState struct loaded from game2.txt):
row = 3 col = 19
Return value: -1
Part VII: Drop a Piece into the Game Field
int drop_piece(GameState* state, int col, Piece* piece, int rotation,
Piece* rotated_piece)
This function drops a rotated piece into a game field, updating the game field when the piece stops falling. If the value of rotation is negative, the drop_piece function returns -2. Similarly, if col negative or col ≥ state.num_cols, the function returns -2.
If the arguments pass these validation checks, the function rotates the piece 90◦ clockwise rotation times by calling the rotate function with suitable arguments so that the rotated piece is stored in rotated_piece. The original contents of piece remain unchanged.
The col argument provides the position of the rotated game piece relative to the game field. For example, col = 4 indicates that the leftmost non-empty block of rotated piece is aligned with column #4 of the game field . Below is shown an example.
Original piece, before rotation:
.O OO .O
Supposerotation = 3.Therotatedpiece,storedintherotated_pieceargument,willcontain: OOO
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Suppose that col = 2. The rotated piece will be aligned with the game field (from game2.txt) as shown below:
Now, it is possible that rotation of a piece causes it to “poke out” the right-hand side of the game board, which means that it cannot be dropped into the game field. An example of this is shown below.
Original piece, before rotation (two additional bytes of the blocks attribute omitted for clarity):
Supposerotation = 1.Therotatedpiece,storedintherotated_pieceargument,willcontain: OOOO
Suppose that col = 8. The rotated piece will be aligned with the game field (from game2.txt) as shown below:
The piece cannot be dropped into the game field because it will be partially out of bounds. Note that because col gives the left/right position of the rotated piece, it is not possible for a rotated piece to poke out of the left-hand side of the game field. If a rotated piece cannot be dropped because it is out of bounds of the game field, the function returns -3.
Assuming that the rotated piece is fully within the bounds of the game field, the drop_piece function next attempts to drop the piece into the game field as far as the piece can travel, stopping when a collision occurs. The algorithm proceeds in iterative fashion, starting with an attempt to position the piece at row #0. The function calls count_overlaps to see if the rotated_piece could theoretically be placed into the game field. Remember that the row argument of count_overlaps provides the position of the topmost row of the piece in the game
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field. So, for instance, the O-piece could not be dropped into the game field as shown in the example below:
but a properly rotated and horizontally aligned I-piece could be dropped in: OOOO
The return value of count_overlaps can be interpreted to tell whether or not a piece can be placed at a given row and column. For instance, if count_overlaps returns 0, this indicates that no blocks from the piece overlap with blocks from the game field. That is, the piece is floating down into the game field.
In the event that the rotated piece could not be placed inside the game field at column col and row #0 because there is not enough room (like the example with the O-piece above not fitting), the drop_piece function returns -1. Otherwise, it must be that count_overlaps returned 0, and so the algorithm continues to iterate. Specifically, count_overlaps attempts to place the piece at row #1, then row #2, etc., until the piece finally comes to rest either because (a) it hit the bottom of the game field, or (b) it collided with one or more blocks already in the game field. Once the piece has finally come to rest, the drop_piece function updates the contents of state.field and returns the row # inside of state.field where the rotated game piece came to rest. This row # will be the row # of the topmost block of the rotated game piece.
The function takes the following arguments, in this order:
• state: the address of a GameState struct
• col: the column of the leftmost block of the rotated game piece
• piece: the address of a Piece struct
• rotation: the number of 90◦ clockwise turns that must be performed on the game piece before it is dropped into the game field
• rotated_piece;theaddressofabuffertotemporarilystoretherotatedversionofpiece,whichiswhat will be dropped into the game field (Note: during grading, the contents of this array will not be checked or graded.)
Returns in $v0:
• the row # inside of state.field where the rotated game piece came to rest if the piece was successfully
dropped into the game field; or
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• -2 if col is negative or col ≥ state.num_cols; or
• -3 if the rotated game piece overlaps the rightmost edge of the game field (i.e., the game piece “pokes out”
of the game field); or
• -1iftherotatedgamepiececouldnotbedroppedintothegamefieldatthedesiredcolumnduetoacollision with blocks already in the game field
The error codes are listed above in a peculiar order because they reflect the order in which the error-checks should be performed.
Additional requirements:
• The function must call get_slot, set_slot, rotate and count_overlaps.
• The function must not write any changes to main memory except as required by the function.
Example #1 (piece drops a few rows into the game field):
Function arguments:
col = 4
rotation = 3
After function call:
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Return value: 3
Example #2 (piece fits in the game field but cannot move past the top row):
Function arguments:
col = 1
rotation = 0
After function call:
Return value: 0
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Example #3 (piece cannot enter the game field at the given column because of a collision):
Function arguments:
col = 0
rotation = 1
After function call:
Return value: -1
Example #4 (invalid value for col):
Function arguments:
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col = 26
rotation = 0
After function call:
Return value: -2
Example #5 (rotated piece overlaps right-hand boundary of game field):
Function arguments:
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col = 8
rotation = 2
After function call:
Return value: -3
Part VIII: Check if a Row in the Game Field Can Be Cleared
int check_row_clear(GameState* state, int row)
This function checks whether row #row of state.field is filled entirely with ‘O’ characters and, if so, it shifts all of the rows above row #row down one row and then fills the “top” row (row #0) of the game field with ‘.’ characters. Examples below help to clarify how the function works. If row #row of state.field is not filled entirely with ‘O’ characters, the function makes no changes to the contents of state.field. Return values are specified below.
The function takes the following arguments, in this order: • state: the address of a GameState struct
• row: the row of state.field to check to see if it can be “cleared” Returns in $v0:
• -1 if row is invalid, or
• 1 if row #row of state.field is filled entirely with ‘O’ characters, or • 0 if row #row of state.field is not filled entirely with ‘O’ characters
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Additional requirements:
• The function must call get_slot and set_slot.
• The function must not write any changes to main memory except as required by the function.
Example #1: (specified row is cleared; game field is updated)
Function arguments:
row = 5
After function call:
Return value: 1
Example #2: (specified row is not cleared)
Function arguments:
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row = 3
After function call:
Return value: 0
Example #3: (row argument is invalid)
Function arguments:
row = 19
After function call:
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Return value: -1
Part IX: Simulate a Game of Tetris
int, int simulate_game(GameState* state, string filename, string moves,
Piece* rotated_piece, int num_pieces_to_drop,
Piece[] pieces_array)
This function simulates a game of Tetris according to the algorithm explained below. Do not deviate at all from this algorithm. If you are unclear about what to implement, ask about it on Piazza. Your function’s return values and final game field contents will be tested against what is produced by the algorithm below. Any printed output generated by your code will not be graded.
The function takes the following arguments, in this order:
• state: a pointer to an uninitialized GameState struct that this function will initialize via a call to
• filename: the name of the file containing the state of a game of Tetris that load_game will use to
initialize state
• moves: a non-empty, null-terminated string that encodes a series of game pieces dropped into the game
• rotated_piece:theaddressofabuffertotemporarilystoretherotatedversionofpiece,whichiswhat will be dropped into the game field (Note: during grading the contents of this array will not be checked or graded.)
• num_pieces_to_drop: the number of pieces that are validly dropped into the game field before the simulation must stop. This argument will be available at 0($sp).
• pieces_array: the starting address of an array that encodes the seven tetromino game pieces (see be- low). This argument will be available at 4($sp).
Returns in $v0:
• the number of pieces that were successfully dropped into the game field
Returns in $v1:
• the final score of the game (see below)
The moves string encodes game pieces that the function simulates dropping into the game field. The string’s length is guaranteed to be a multiple of 4. Each group of four characters is formatted as follows:
[1-character piece] [1-character rotation] [2-digit column]
For example, J612 indicates that a J-piece should be rotated 6 times clockwise and then dropped into column 12. The substring T103 indicates that a T-piece should be rotated once and then dropped into column 3. The seven standard game pieces are stored in an array passed as the argument pieces_array. The pieces_array will always have the contents shown below. However, your function has no guarantee whatsoever that the array will
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always by named with the label “pieces_array” in the main file. In fact, during grading, the array will not have this name! Therefore, you should only access the pieces_array via the function argument at 4($sp).
# T piece
.byte 2
.byte 3
.ascii “OOO.O.”
# J piece
.byte 2
.byte 3
.ascii “OOO..O”
# Z piece
.byte 2
.byte 3
.ascii “OO..OO”
# O piece
.byte 2
.byte 2
.ascii “OOOO..”
# S piece
.byte 2
.byte 3
.ascii “.OOOO.”
# L piece
.byte 2
.byte 3
.ascii “OOOO..”
# I piece
.byte 1
.byte 4
.ascii “OOOO..”
It is possible that a four-character substring inside moves represents an invalid move. For instance, suppose the game field has 8 columns and the moves string contains the move I006. This piece cannot be dropped into the game field because it will overlap the right-hand boundary of the field. The function may otherwise assume that the string is well-formatted (i.e., the 0th character of each 4-character substring is one of [T,J,Z,O,S,L,I] and that the 1st, 2nd and 3rd characters are digit characters). The function keeps track of the number of pieces successfully (i.e., validly) dropped into the game field and returns this count in $v0.
Algorithm to implement:
if load_game(state, filename) == (0, -1) then
return 0, 0
num_successful_drops = 0# the number of pieces successfully dropped
move_number = 0# the number of pieces we have attempted to drop so far
moves_length = len(moves) / 4# the number of moves encoded in pieces string
game_over = False
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score = 0
while not game_over and num_successful_drops < num_pieces_to_drop andmove_number < moves_length do# extract the next piece, column and rotation from the stringpiece_type = the game piece’s shape (as a character)rotation = the game piece’s rotationcol = the game piece’s columninvalid = Falseif piece_type == ’T’ thenpiece = pieces_array[0]elif piece_type == ’J’ thenpiece = pieces_array[1]elif piece_type == ’Z’ thenpiece = pieces_array[2]elif piece_type == ’O’ thenpiece = pieces_array[3]elif piece_type == ’S’ thenpiece = pieces_array[4]elif piece_type == ’L’ thenpiece = pieces_array[5]else if piece_type == ’I’ thenpiece = pieces_array[6]# attempt to drop the pieceresult = drop_piece(state, col, piece, rotation, rotated_piece)if result == -2 or result == -3 theninvalid = Trueelse if result == -1 thengame_over = Trueif invalid == True thenmove_number += 1skip the rest of the loop body and continue to next iteration of the loop (i.e., a “continue” statement)# check for line clears by starting at the top of the game field and# working our way downcount = 0# number of lines cleared by dropping this piecer = state.num_rows – 1# row counterwhile r >= 0 do
if check_row_clear(state, r) == 1 then
count += 1
r -= 1
# update the score
if count == 1 then
score += 40
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else is count == 2 then
score += 100
else if count == 3 then
score += 300
else if count == 4 then
score += 1200
# Increment the counters
move_number += 1
num_successful_drops += 1
return num_successful_drops, score
Scoring: in a given round of play, it is possible that one, two, three or even four rows of blocks are cleared when a game piece is successfully dropped into the game field. Points are scored depending on how many rows are cleared in a single round:
• one-line clear: 40 points
• two-line clear: 100 points • three-line clear: 300 points • four-line clear: 1200 points
The total sum of points is returned in $v1. Additional requirements:
• The function must call load_game, drop_piece and check_row_clear.
• The function must not write any changes to main memory except as required by the function.
Example #1: (8 I-pieces (and others) are dropped into an empty board to generate a score of 1200 points)
filename = “empty1.txt”
pieces = “I100I101I102I103J201I106I107I104I105O106”
num_pieces_to_drop = 15
final state.field:
Return values: 10, 1200
Example #2: (several pieces are dropped into an empty game field to generate multiple line clears)
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filename = “empty1.txt”
pieces = “T003O200I102O006L005O000T303”
num_pieces_to_drop = 7
final state.field:
Return values: 7, 140
Example #3: (several invalid moves (empty game field))
filename = “empty1.txt”
pieces = “I005Z005S001I104O605O000I009O202I107”
num_pieces_to_drop = 5
final state.field:
Return values: 5, 0
Example #4: (several invalid moves (non-empty game field))
filename = “game2.txt”
pieces = “I005Z005S001I104O605O000I009O202I107”
num_pieces_to_drop = 9
final state.field:
Return values: 8, 80
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Example #5: (several invalid moves (larger non-empty game field))
filename = “game5.txt”
pieces = “O500I212S916L508L310J607L609Z503S309Z719L418O619O806J511L506I61
num_pieces_to_drop = 20
final state.field:
Return values: 16, 0 Academic Honesty Policy
Academic honesty is taken very seriously in this course. By submitting your work to Blackboard you indicate your understanding of, and agreement with, the following Academic Honesty Statement:
1. I understand that representing another person’s work as my own is academically dishonest.
2. I understand that copying, even with modifications, a solution from another source (such as the web or another person) as a part of my answer constitutes plagiarism.
3. I understand that sharing parts of my homework solutions (text write-up, schematics, code, electronic or hard-copy) is academic dishonesty and helps others plagiarize my work.
4. I understand that protecting my work from possible plagiarism is my responsibility. I understand the im- portance of saving my work such that it is visible only to me.
5. I understand that passing information that is relevant to a homework/exam to others in the course (either lecture or even in the future!) for their private use constitutes academic dishonesty. I will only discuss
CSE 220 – Fall 2019 Programming Project #3 35

material that I am willing to openly post on the discussion board.
6. I understand that academic dishonesty is treated very seriously in this course. I understand that the instructor will report any incident of academic dishonesty to the College of Engineering and Applied Sciences.
7. I understand that the penalty for academic dishonesty might not be immediately administered. For instance, cheating in a homework may be discovered and penalized after the grades for that homework have been recorded.
8. I understand that buying or paying another entity for any code, partial or in its entirety, and submitting it as my own work is considered academic dishonesty.
9. I understand that there are no extenuating circumstances for academic dishonesty.
How to Submit Your Work for Grading
To submit your proj3.asm file for grading:
1. Login to Blackboard and locate the course account for CSE 220.
2. Click on “Assignments” in the left-hand menu and click the link for this assignment.
3. Click the “Browse My Computer” button and locate the proj3.asm file. Submit only that one .asm file. 4. Click the “Submit” button to submit your work for grading.
Oops, I messed up and I need to resubmit a file!
No worries! Just follow the steps again. We will grade only your last submission.
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