[SOLVED] 代写 C game graph software security Student Name:

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St Paul’s School
Information & Communication Technology 2019 v1.0 – Applied Syllabus

Mr Fenwick
16 October 2019

Project – 2D Animations

Construct and export 3 separate animations to address the project brief, meeting the technical specifications for the 3 different formats.

Students submit their project documentation outlining their
defining, research and planning along with testing and evaluating of their finished products.
400–700 words

3 weeks

Component 1 and 2: Individual tasks
Continuous class time provided over a 4-week period to develop and demonstrate the product and multimedia components of this project.

Internet access, Lynda.com tutorials, Learn portal.


You are required to explore, develop, generate and evaluate animations that can be used as part of an advertising campaign for a client of your choosing.
The animated ads are to support an advertising campaign for a product/service/event through three different media:
•an animated ad that can be distributed on the web through an ad channel of your choosing. You are responsible for finding and determining the specifications required for this medium.
•an animated ad that can be used in perimeter advertising at a sports stadium such as Suncorp or the Gabba [both during day and night time games]. This will ensure the ad is seen both by those in the stadium and those watching on television. You are responsible for determining the specifications required for this medium.
•an animated ad that can be used on the large format portrait screen at Westfield Chermside. You are responsible for determining the specifications required for this medium.
While you are free to choose whatever client you desire, the client does have some criteria that must be met, in addition to any specified by the specifications above. The client wants the campaign to promote one specific product/service/event, look cohesive, improve brand awareness, and where possible provide tracking of the ads effectiveness.
Keep in mind that these three ads form one campaign, so while the ads do not have to be the same, there should be design elements, a key message and branding that ties them together. In making the various ads, ensure that you demonstrate proficiency in a variety of technical skills and processes to create an efficient and effective solution.

To complete this task, you must:
Explore the task requirements and client needs to define success criteria and plan your goals (eg. Gantt chart) to complete this task before the due date.
Develop ideas into solutions through analysing and synthesising your client needs. Rather than jump to a solution, demonstrate the evolution of ideas into possible solutions.
Generate your possible solutions using Adobe Animate software and refine through testing. While generating your solution, you should collect evidence of testing of your work, against success criteria, for the various media.
Evaluate your problem-solving processes and solutions and make recommendations. Ensure that you use evidence to support your statements where possible and reflect upon any criteria specified to determine how well you have achieved both the technical requirements as well as client objectives. A work journal, while not a formal requirement of the task, might assist you in documenting issues that you encounter along the way.

Ongoing weekly checkpoints in class measuring progress against the Gantt Chart.

This assessment instrument is used to determine student achievement in the following dimensions:
Dimension 1: Knowing and Understanding –
•identify and explain hardware and software requirements related to ICT problems:
•ICT problems will identify a set of criteria for success
•present meaning clearly and provide additional information that demonstrates understanding of application in relation to ICT problems.
•An explanation of software and hardware requirements is enhanced by the use of examples.
•identify and explain the use of ICT in society.
•ICT in society comprises the concepts and ideas of health and safety when working with computers, ethical use, security and safety of the ICT user and how society is affected by the use of past, new and emerging ICT.
•present meaning clearly and provide additional information that demonstrates understanding of application.
•An explanation of ICT in society is enhanced by the use of examples.

Dimension 2: Analysing and Applying –
•analyse ICT problems to identify solutions
•dissect information relating to the criteria, scenario, client brief, issue and/or task criteria to ascertain and examine the constituent parts and/or their relationships.
•consider a number of possible solutions that might solve the ICT problems.
•communicate ICT information to audiences using visual representations and language conventions and features
•convey knowledge and/or understanding to others. When students use visual representations they employ the visual representations of information and ideas used in ICT contexts, (symbols, diagrams, graphs, storyboards and flow charts) suited to purpose (responding to criteria) to convey ideas and information to audiences.
•use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, text types and structures in written, oral and visual communication modes.
•apply software and hardware concepts, ideas and skills to complete tasks in ICT contexts.
•use software, hardware and ICT concepts, ideas and skills to complete tasks in ICT contexts. Examples of tasks could include applying digital information security practices, managing files using cloud-based storage, applying personal security protocols or formatting a document to design specifications.
Dimension 3: Producing and Evaluating –
•synthesise ICT concepts and ideas to plan solutions to given ICT problems
•make decisions about how to assemble the constituent parts to given ICT problems in order to plan solutions.
•develop approaches that meet the problems’ criteria (eg. meeting a client brief, specific needs, identified purpose, product quality or effectiveness of solutions.)
•produce solutions that address ICT problems
•carry out plans for addressing given ICT problems and produce solutions that best fit the problems.
•evaluate problem-solving processes and solutions, and make recommendations.
•test and check for effectiveness, usability, functionality and suitability for the intended purpose and assign merit according to criteria.
•consider and suggest improvements and/or alternatives to improve the methodologies, solutions and outcomes of problem-solving processes and plans.

Authentication strategies:
Your teacher will use ways to check that the work you are assessed on is your own.
•Your teacher will observe you completing work in class.
•Take part in interviews or consultations with your teacher as you develop your response.
•Check you have not plagiarised any material, e.g by using plagiarism-detection software or other school processes.
•Acknowledge all sources used.
•Submit a declaration of authenticity.

Instrument-specific standards matrix
Standard A
Standard B
Standard C
Standard D
Standard E
Knowing and understanding

The student work has the following characteristics:
The student work has the following characteristics:
The student work has the following characteristics:

The student work has the following characteristics:
The student work has the following characteristics:

accurate identification and comprehensive explanation of software and hardware requirements related to ICT problems

accurate identification and detailed explanation of software and hardware requirements related to ICT problems

identification and explanation of software and hardware requirements related to ICT problems

partial identification and simple description of software and hardware requirements related to ICT problems

minimal identification and superficial description of software and hardware requirements

accurate identification and comprehensive explanation of the use of ICT in society.

accurate identification and detailed explanation of the use of ICT in society.

identification and explanation of the use of ICT in society.

partial identification and simple description of the use of ICT in society.

minimal identification and superficial description of the use of ICT in society.

Analysing and applying

The student work has the following characteristics:
The student work has the following characteristics:
The student work has the following characteristics:
The student work has the following characteristics:
The student work has the following characteristics:

logical analysis of ICT problems to identify solutions

considered analysis of ICT problems to identify solutions

analysis of ICT problems to identify solutions

description of aspects of ICT problems

partial description of aspects of ICT problems

coherent communication of ICT information to an audience using a considered selection of visual representations and language conventions and features

clear communication of ICT information to an audience using relevant visual representations and language conventions and features

communication of ICT information to an audience using visual representations and language conventions and features

vague communication of ICT information to an audience using visual representations and language conventions and features inconsistently

unclear statements of ICT information

proficient application of software and hardware concepts, ideas and skills to complete tasks in a range of ICT contexts.

competent application of software and hardware concepts, ideas and skills to complete tasks in a range of ICT contexts.

application of software and hardware concepts, ideas and skills to complete tasks in ICT contexts.

basic application of software and hardware concepts, ideas and skills to partially complete tasks in ICT contexts.

use of software and hardware concepts, ideas and skills in ICT contexts.

Producing and evaluating

The student work has the following characteristics:
The student work has the following characteristics:
The student work has the following characteristics:
The student work has the following characteristics:
The student work has the following characteristics:

logical synthesis of ICT concepts and ideas to proficiently plan solutions to given ICT problems

effective synthesis of ICT concepts and ideas to successfully plan solutions to given ICT problems

synthesis of ICT concepts and ideas to plan solutions to given ICT problems

listing of related ICT concepts and ideas to partially plan solutions to given ICT problems

collection of information related to planning solutions to given ICT problems

production of solutions that systematically address ICT problems

production of solutions that effectively address ICT problems

production of solutions that address ICT problems

production of responses that engage with ICT problems

production of partial responses that engage with aspects of ICT problems

reasoned evaluation of problem-solving processes and solutions, and logical recommendations made.

considered evaluation of problem-solving processes and solutions, and plausible recommendations made.

evaluation of problem-solving processes and solutions, and recommendations made.

description of problem-solving processes and solutions, and basic recommendations made.

fragmented description of problem-solving processes and solutions, and statements of opinion made.

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[SOLVED] 代写 C game graph software security Student Name:
30 $